A Song in Major - MartyWill - Twilight Series (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Chapter Text Chapter 2: Take A Bow Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Mystery Repeats Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: That's How She Goes Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Sweet Dreams (are made of This) Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Are You Crazy? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Water of Love Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Hell is Coming with Me Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Sinnerman Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Shots & Squats Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Désolé Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Give and Take Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: I've Been Thinking About You Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Natural Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Volar Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: All That She Wants Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Morning After Dark Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Dernière Danse Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Go Your Own Way Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Playing with Fire Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: One Way or Another Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Getting Over You Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Multicolor Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Feed the Machine Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: If It Hadn't Been for Love Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Little Talks Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Come With Me Now Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Ride the Lightning Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: 99 Problems Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Hold the Line Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: I Won’t Back Down Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: You Get What You Give Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Angel of Small Death & The Codeine Scene Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Are You Gonna Go My Way? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Ain't Got Time Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

Rosalie's POV

She exhaled. Breathing out the cold mountain air that filled her lungs. She had been holding on to this unnecessary breath for too long, and now finally allowed herself to slump down. Her back rested against the tree, letting the few rays of sunshine that breached the canopy touch her skin.

“Damn. What a cluster f*ck.” Rose mumbled to herself. She took the blond strand of hair that dangled in front of her eyes between her fingers and tucked it behind her ear. It had been an evening that they would remember for decennia to come.

She had known from the start that having a human around seven vampires was not a Nobel-prize-winning idea. She had campaigned against it. Intensely. And today she was finally proven right. Again. Yee-f*cking-haw.

The timid girl, that Eddie had dubbed as his girlfriend, had cut herself on her birthday present. Which had set off a chain reaction.

Rose shook her head, while her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. All of them could to a certain extent resist human blood. Not as great as Carlisle. But then again, he had had a lot of training. But they were good enough. Good enough that they could extract themselves from it if the situation arose. At least, if one particular over-protective vampire had not pushed the girl so hard that she ended up in the glass cabinet meters away.

That amount of blood? Even the smell of it was overwhelming. That they could not resist. Playing it back in slow motion, she could see the facial expressions of her family change. Hard lines of want and need contouring their features. It was Jasper who made the first move. Typical and unsurprising.

Loverboy’s feelings alone must have been enough for him to lose it. Multiply that by six other vampires on a restrictive animal diet, it was no surprise that it was the empath that took the first step..

In a split second, Emmett and Alice held back Jasper and moved him outside. Esme followed, leaving Rose to pull Edward out of there. Idiot. As if he could resist this. She rolled her eyes. Bella was his singer for god sake. He had to get it together, at this point, he was her biggest threat.

After a few seconds, she felt Eddie relent, and they sprinted through the door. The cold night air enveloped them. Looking around her family, there was an understanding of relief at what disaster they just had scarcely avoided. But as her eyes crossed that of Jasper, having a hushed conversation just out of range from them, all she could see was guilt rushing from her so-called twin, while the lines that contoured Alice's face only showed anger. Typical, and unsurprising.

Slowly but surely the family had moved to hunt. Away from the house, away from the blood. Rose had stood there a while, looking at the familiar scene of the pair discussing in front of her. In the end, she had passed by Alice and Jasper, and gave him a small squeeze. Then she had disappeared into the night, following Emmett’s trail.

They had a good hunt. And now, sitting together against the trees while watching the mid-morning sun clear the clouds, Rose was feeling eerie. Something had shifted tonight. But what exactly this entailed, she was still unsure.

“Hey Beautiful,” Emmett said while looking at her, breaking the silence with his low voice, as he had done many times before. The sun caressed his strong jawline

“You know, it will be all right. In the last few months we have been through much more than just a little paper cut” he smiled. The enchanting smile lifted some of the weight of her shoulders, and she could not help but return the sentiment. He was right. The bite scar on Bella's wrist had proven it. In this family constellation, they had seen worse.

“I know Em. I know.” She answered, but still, she could not help it as the unfamiliar feeling stuck to her. Rippling softly down her spine.


Running through the forest, moving towards their house in Forks, she let her thoughts wander one more time.

It was not that she didn’t like Isabella, or Bella as she had called herself, it was the logistics. How. What. And most of all why?

Why would Loverboy bring a human into their circle? For the past century, the only new people to know of their existence had been vampires. Vampires. Not the weak humans. Bella had a life ahead of her. A life Rose wished she could have had.

At first, she had attributed the distance between them to the vampire ways, humans were intimidated by her and never dared to get closer to her than they had to be. But she knew it was more. She envied Bella. Whenever she saw the girl, the gnawing feeling covered her from head to toe. It surrounded Rosalie and made her thought processes blur. She could not help but wonder how Isabella Swan could value her humanity as so little that she spent time with her by nature murderous inclined family. But as time passed, so did Rose's response, and in return had spent quite some time analyzing the situation, and the girl.

Bella was apprehensive. Shy. And somehow all over Edward.

Edward, or Eddie, as she mostly called him - with the sole goal to just annoy the sh*t out of him - was never really someone she had got along with that well. His martyr vibes were not her thing. They both had the most difficulties getting to terms with their life as vampires, and the way Eddie had handled her newborn stages had left a sour taste in Rose's mouth.

But where Rose got over most of it, or at least found a way to deal, Edward had not. The melancholy, the hatred, the distance he put between his family and himself. It had always taken a toll on the Cullens. Rose her solution was to take a few steps back herself as well. She had been mostly successful, with a bit of help of the Pixie. Having someone to tell her the future, even if the person in question was a bitch, was quite helpful at times. Easy avoidance. Sometimes Emmett and her took off on months of holidays, where the two of them just traveled around. However, they always ended back up at the Cullens. Back to Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper, who they had missed dearly.

She smiled to herself while swinging from tree to tree. It was clear as day that her family was a dysfunctional sh*t show. So why did Bella gravitate so much to them? And even more to Edward? To Alice? Rose did not know and, uptil now, had never really cared. However, after today, something had shifted. She decided it was time to reign in her bitterness and talk to her.

Because something was set in motion, and Rose was smart enough to realize that her intuition is not something to be messed with - and her gut told her, that Bella was some sort of key.

Chapter 2: Take A Bow


// Titel: Take a Bow, Rihanna

Chapter Text

Bella's POV

Tears were streaming down her face. Her vision was blurry, and she tasted salt on her tongue. Here she was, standing in the middle of a forest clearing Edward had rushed her off to. One that she had not been to before.

Her Edward. She flinched at the memories of the party. He had touched her and the next thing she knew she was flying across the room. Painful stinging ran through her body. She had been dazed. Wondering where the red came from that was covering both her hands. Her left eyebrow ached, and a warm thick liquid was quickly seeping into her vision.

She had felt nothing. She was numb, watching the chaos in front of her unfold. She could not even track the movement of the vampires, nausea taking over as she tried.

Bella had closed her eyes in response. Suddenly, the air curled around her, and cold hard hands handled her delicately. Before she had finished even processing the thought of how she was flying, she felt something soft below her. The smell of cedar wood and antiseptic filled her nostrils. She willed her eyes to open. Looking up, she gazed into the golden eyes of Carlisle as he examined her. He murmured some words of encouragement as he treated her. He had patched up the deep gash on her leg, as well as the cut on her right elbow, and carefully stitched her left eyebrow.

Bella had not really said anything while Carlisle was working on her. She had stared into the distance, asking every so often about Edward's whereabouts. Carlisle had not answered. Her fingers tingled. Her head was pounding. The numb feeling had disappeared, and her body started to ache. But she was here. She was alive. Without him here, to support her during her injuries. Without him. The thought was stuck on repeat. A knife twisted in her chest.

“Don’t you understand?!” Edward almost yelled at her. His voice cut straight through her train of thought. His eyes were dark and dull. Focusing somewhere in the distance.

“What is there to understand?” Bella countered. “This was a risk. A risk I willingly took.” She did not know where she had mustered the strength to keep her voice level.

Edward’s eyebrows shot up, and his eyes hardened. “This was never a risk that you should have taken.”

Bella opened her mouth to reply. She needed to. But Edward cut in.

“It. Was. Not. Yours. To. Take” he bit towards her. For a split second, his face showed a myriad of emotions. Too many to identify. And then all his features relaxed. A blank canvas.

She looked at him. Her eyes were burning. Her head felt like it was splitting open. She tried her hardest to find any words, but her efforts went unanswered. Edward continued

“My dear Bella, in the end, you are nothing more than a mere distraction. A way to pass the time. And that time has run out. Your mind, your human mind, is like a sieve. We will leave. You will forget. In the end, your life will be as simple as that.”

Bella just stood there, the words not setting in, “B-but.. how? Why?”

“It was never meant to be.”

“Edward. It has been a year.. a year?!” she cried out. The cold September wind hit her face. The turmoil in her head was taking over. A thousand questions ran through her.

“A great year, but nothing more than that." He quickly glanced at her, before continuing, "I love you, Bella. I love how you blush at every compliment. I love how you bite your lip when you are nervous. I love the way you immerse yourself in books. I love the way your heart beats faster when you are with me. I love your humanity. I love you, the you that you are now.”

She sniffled quietly. A solemn tear fell down her cheek. Her body stood still, but her mind was racing a 100 miles per hour. The one thought, that she kept coming back to, left her lips. She spoke clearly, mustering all of the courage she had left.

“But I will not always be like this. I am human. I age. I will change.”

The corners of Edward’s mouth curled up in a way she had not seen before. His eyes got an unfamiliar glint, as he spoke

“and that, dear Bella, is why you are just. Not. Worth. It.”

And with that crushing sentence, he turned around, and before Bella could even open her mouth to utter any response, he disappeared. The rustling of the forest leaves and the muddy footprints in front of her were the only evidence he had been there.

For a while she just stood there. Devoid of all feelings. The small hole that started in her chest was slowly burning through her body. Pulling her in. Consuming her. There was nothing. There had been nothing, and there would be nothing.

At some point, she dropped to her knees and let out a primal scream. And with that, she let the feeling of nothingness rush over her as she shut her eyes.

Chapter 3: Mystery Repeats


//Titel: Mystery Repeats, Pete Philly & Perquisite

Chapter Text

Rosalie's POV

The throbbing feeling behind Rose’s eyes had subsided substantially after the little escapades in the forest. Fresh air was always a winner. Emmett had gone ahead, heading home as soon as possible. Rosalie on the other hand had wanted to take her time. She had to calm down before she did something she would regret.

She tied her blond hair behind her head and let out a small sigh. Nature was astounding.

Back when she was human, she had never had cared that much. A shame really. None of the forest critters were now brave enough to come even close to her. She hummed to herself. It was just another part of life that Carlisle had taken away from her.

But she did not mind it. At least, not anymore. She smelled the fresh crisp cold autumn water running through the small creek in the distance. A constant. Somehow ever-changing. Ever flowing with a new source of water. But also always staying the same.

Since she had turned, the Cullens had been her constant. Her everything. They had been the rock she was craving for. The ones that she had returned to. But they also did not understand her. Not really.

Before she had found Emmett, she had been judged. Her shoulders shrugged in response to the memory.

She had killed Royce and his friends in cold blood. A hunt. A chase. A f*cking thrill. But she had never drank their blood. She killed for revenge. Vengeance. And a tiny part of her had killed for fun. Smelling the sweat. Tasting the fear. The air thick with adrenaline, laced with hints of terror. It had been her high.

The fact that Royce had locked himself up in a random hotel room, drinking himself stupid, days before she even got to him, made it even better. He had been terrified of the thought of what was coming.

She smiled. He should have been. She had waited for a few days. She had let her ex-fiance surround himself with the self-destructive tendencies of fear. She had been close enough to hear and smell everything that was going on. And it had fuelled her. She had relished in it.

It was a part of her personality that the Cullens did not find as endearing, or even tolerable. But the part of her existed, and Edward had seen it.

Shielding her thoughts in the early days of her life had been difficult. Especially with the whiplash of emotions that came from being a newborn. She saw the judgment. Felt it. And tried to escape it as much as possible – something the Cullen patriarch and his golden son did not appreciate. They had reprimanded her. Talked to her as if she was just a child. They just wanted to fulfill the one reason why Carlisle had turned her: She was supposed to be Edward's mate. His f*cking Mate.

A shudder went through her spine as she put her hands in the cold creek.

Mating was the most special bond a vampire could have. Forever. Together. But it was not immediate, or uninfluenceable. A vampire’s nature was part human, part animalistic – and a mating bond perfectly combined these two.

It needed words. Just like a human marriage and its vows. Words tying each other together. And then the bond needed to be sealed. Physically, both through an exchange of venom as well as an exchange of other bodily fluids. That much she had figured out over the years. Not that the Cullens ever elaborated on the topic - or on any vampire-related issue at all for that matter. She had just observed the relationships around her and made her own deductions. Rosalie Hale was anything but stupid.

She crinkled her nose, thinking back on how Edward had tried to push for a mating bond with her, as she had come out of her first few weeks as a newborn. But she had not known him. She only had known mistrust. She just almost died at the hands of the one person in the world she was sure she loved, and that he loved her. Why would she, being forever 23, tie herself to someone she didn’t know at all?

This human response, which still lingered in her, had been entirely unexpected by the Cullen clan. She had felt anger and rage spreading from her stomach, as Edward had uttered his proposition. She remembered it vividly. The smell of roses in the air. His mother's ring in the red velvet box. Edward down on one knee. And worst of all, Carlisle and Esme on the couch, happily smiling to themselves, feeling the joy in anticipation of their happy family.

She couldn't think. She couldn't move. The lack of thoughts in Rose’s head at that moment had provided Eddie with a false sense of assurance. But as the red-hot mix of dismay, hurt, and hostility raged through her venom-laced veins, her eyes had said it all. Without wasting any words, as if on instinct, she turned around and left. She had to hunt. She had to get out. She had to let them pay for what they did to her.

While she was away those few months, she had surprised herself by sticking to the Cullen diet. It had been difficult. The ache and pain in her throat were barely softened by the musty animal liquid. But she did not want to hurt innocents. She did not want to hurt anyone at all, except those who deserved it.

The cold movement of water along her wrists broke her thoughts, as she took her hands out of the creek and continued her stroll. The soft moss let her feet bounce as she stepped. Fresh fallen leaves, and pine, combined with clear air filled her lungs. The corners of her mouth curled up. In all this chaos, it was either in Emmett’s arms or here, where she found peace. Embracing the calm, her thoughts drifted off again.

After she had returned to the Cullens from her little escapades in 1933, the welcome had been eerie. They had seemed grateful for her golden eyes, but her thoughts had betrayed her. The judgemental comments had followed suit. Although, all in all, she had branded this a blessing in disguise. Little moral superior Eddie had been disgusted with her thought. The emotion dripped off his face every time he looked at her. He had not spoken a word of the proposal since.

Good riddance. But still, the Cullens functioned as her stabilizer. After all, where else should she go? Every few months, she took a break. Running through the country, traveling, experiencing. But in the end, everyone moved on. She had to move on. And, in the end, she always returned to the house in Montana which the Cullens called home at the time.

It was only two years later that she decided to explore the south of the United States. And while traveling through Tennessee, she somehow had felt the need to stay. To investigate. There was a humming in her head, a feeling, that something here was important.

As she stumbled upon a hunting cabin on the outskirts of Gatlinburg, near the Baskin Creek Falls, the humming in her head had stopped. The little hut looked unoccupied, as she took her residence. At least, it should have been. She had enjoyed her time with the local wildlife and taking in the sight of the waterfalls. A month after her arrival, a tall handsome hunter had come by. She had evacuated the cabin, and from the treetops, she had observed him. She was mesmerized by the way he moved. Enchanted. He had not sensed her, and for a few days, he went about his normal hunting routine, none the wiser that he was being followed.

He had plenty of chances to shoot bucks or even a wolf. But it seemed that the handsome stranger was looking out for a bigger challenge. And on the third day, he set out for a hike that turned out to be his last.

Rosalie had not been thinking about the effect that she had on the wildlife, and as in a trance had followed the dark-haired hunter as he started his hike. She had not been listening. She had shut off her awareness. Lost in the scent of bourbon and pine. It was the growl of the grizzly and the piercing scream of the hunter that snapped her back to reality. And at that point, she had been too late. Fury had overtaken her.

She had killed the grizzly within 5 seconds and then put her attention on the stranger below her. He had looked at her, his eyes glassy with pain, but there was something else swirling in his eyes. With what seemed to be his last words he asked her

“Are you an angel?”

It was that sentence that tipped Rose over the edge, falling head first into her decision. He is mine. She looked at the man with determination, a small smile playing on her lips. Then, she had bitten his neck and pushed the venom. It was easy. It was the way this was supposed to go. At least, that is what she told her conscience afterward.

She took him back to the hunting cabin, hoping it would be secluded enough for the change. And if by a miracle, they both came through the following few months unscathed. Unfortunately, 3 hunters did not.

During that time spent together at the cabin, she discovered that her handsome stranger was called Emmett. Emmet McCarthy. A renowned trapper and marksman in his human time, he now took to vampirism surprisingly well. The happiness that he brought with him, warmed Rose’s core. It was like someone had turned up the dials of life, and suddenly everything was extra. As long as they were together, life was perfect. They had hunted. They had kissed. They had made love. And one summer eve, 2 months after Emmett’s change, she had mumbled her love for him.

She had been scared. Scared to open up her heart again. But the peace he gave her, and the way his cute dimples showed up as his face broke out in a radiant smile, were just magnificent. He quelled her insecurities. He was home.

He had taken her hands in his. Kissing them softly. The smell of bourbon and pine surrounded her. He had promised that he would take care of her forever, as he winked at his last word.

Their lips had met, and what started as a slow kiss quickly turned into heated passion. Their limbs intertwined and trembled. And as they came together, both had bit down on instinct. Both of them were overwhelmed with the need to protect, to love, to care. And thus, under the summer stars, they had unknowingly completed the mating ritual.


The Cullens had accepted Emmett as one of their own. Happiness had flooded Esme’s face when they first met, she had hugged him so tightly and with so much love that Rose had some trouble suppressing the jealousy she was feeling – but the way that Emmett sank into her embrace made it all worth it.

Carlisle had been hesitant but accepted him nonetheless. They had talked about hunting, and Carlisle had been impressed by the strength that Emmett was showing. He was way stronger than any regular newborn.

Eddie had not been talking to Rose for the past year but somehow, he did not mind Emmett that much. They had started up a brotherly bond. Rose had felt relief wash over her once the realization hit. At least he did not fault him for her actions. A sentiment that Rose had respected. And thus they stayed with the Cullens. Moving every few years to not raise attention. Restarting, performing, and perfecting their human formula.

Carlisle worked as a doctor. How he got that much self-control, Rose had never found out, but she respected the man immensely for it. Esme was his stay-at-home wife. Both were turned in their mid-twenties, but due to the hard lives they had led, they could easily pass for being a bit older in the current social climate. Edward posed as Esme’s younger brother, who they had taken in after his parents died.

Due to his age, Eddie either worked or was doomed to repeat high school. Emmett and Rose were both in their early twenties and thus pretended to be the married neighboring couple that they actually were, while taking up odd jobs here and there.

They lived in houses next to each other, and over the next years, they led a good but relatively nomadic life.

Every few years they moved. Sometimes the intervals were closer together. But they never outstayed their five years.

Once it had been Emmett who slipped up, prompting a sudden move, but more often than not it had been Edward. His teenage mood swings influenced him greatly, and the aftermath of his actions only increased his martyr position and did nothing to improve the atmosphere in the household.

Hence, with every move, Emmett and Rosalie took a good while to travel. To get away. See the world, to experience it. But they always came back. Emmett missed his family, but most of all Esme, the mother that he did not have in his human life. Rose, on the other hand, followed her trusted gut feeling. Something pulled her back to the Cullens, time and time again.

Rose pulled back into the present, as she smiled and looked at the Cullen house in Forks. She could smell that her family was inside, except for the newest addition. She could almost taste the tension that was building, but decided to keep her leisure pace. She needed to get her emotions under control.

Walking the last few hundred meters before she came into hearing range, she let the tranquility of mother nature wash over her, as she fell into her thoughts once again.


They had been living this way for so long, that they all had become familiar with their routine. A routine which they had to start over more often than Rose would have liked, due to the times when Edward alternated starkly between ruby and topaz colored eyes. She remembered all the conversations they had vividly. Eddie clearly did not stumble during these periods, like he sporadically did. No this was different. There were no 'incidents' at his school or any of the other places he frequented or interacted with.

He went hunting on the normal intervals. But he didn’t hunt their normal prey. Rose had not really cared. In all honesty, she had found it quite hilarious. Mister better-than-every-f*cking-one was not so superior at all. Which was a feeling she secretly relished in.

It was during one of his ruby periods that Edward encountered two nomads, and had decided to bring them home. To the Cullens. Why the f*ck.

It was so that Rose was introduced to a small dark-haired woman with a pixie cut spotting deep orange eyes, and a tall muscular man with scars draped over his body with clear red eyes. Alice and Jasper. The pixie bitch and her future fake twin.

They learned quickly, without any prompting, that she was a seer, and had picked Jasper up through one of her visions. Another vision had subsequently led them to the Cullens. The first few hours of their encounter were strained. The pixie had been too upbeat. Too open, but simultaneously too closed off. And Edward's eyes had been too bright.

The way Alice had added inconsequential details, but circumvented more difficult topics, irked Rose. They quickly learned that she could see decision-based visions of the future, and that he was an empath - and received a quick one-liner on how Jasper got his copious amount of scars, being a major of some sort. Super. f*cking. Helpful.

It was halfway through a very long monologue of their wedding, that Rose had mentally logged off. They were married and mated. Noted. Although surprising. Somehow she didn’t think they were that much of a happy pair, but who was she to judge?

The hairs on her back stood up while observed Jasper. His scars were deeply intimidating. It was evident that he was accustomed to pain. And the fact that he was still standing, showed that he knew how to deal it out as well. The scars were a clear testament to that. He was to be feared.

Yet, it was the look on the face of the small vampire that made Rose think the most. The interaction had tickled her brain. The vibe of the intimidating blond did not match that of the pixie.

The rest of the family had reservations as well. Mostly about their diet. About Jasper. About their safety. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into years, they settled into a comfortable routine. Her family's reservations towards the newcomers had fallen away, and were slowly and surely replaced by acceptance. Yet, a myriad of questions always were in the back of Rose's mind. But the Cullen coven did not care about the answers. Carlisle had put a quick stop to any probing, and as the patriarch of the family, Rose had complied with the order.

Jasper’s blond hair, good looks, and age had been great for their cover story. Rose and Jasper were now passing as twins, although Jasper was physically a bit older than Rose. And over the next few years whenever they moved, Carlisle and Esme would have their normal routine, with Alice joining Eddie in high school.

Although the Pixie had wined and complained at every turn. Apparently, she would love to be a fashion designer, relaying at every point that her visions confirmed this, but the fact that she was physically stuck at 19 but looked more like 16 was a tad problematic.

In return, Rosalie and Jasper, or Jazz as the pixie bitch called him, started their very own auto repair shop, and Emmett either went to uni or joined them, if not a mix of the two. Rose smiled at the memories. Her mate was a smart cookie, although he would never say so himself.

As the years passed, Rose started to like Alice less and less. She was used to being alone with Emmett, as judgment in the family still reigned supreme. Alice helped her out by creating moments where Rose could avoid Eddie. But Alice provided the little things that irked her. It was the looks, the comments, mostly directed to her mate. Her Jazz.

A shudder went through Rose’s spine at the thought. She loved Emmett, and cared for him so deeply. Jasper seemed to have the same feelings for Alice. Love and affection dripped off the blond vampire with every interaction. But somehow, she doubted if she would return them to him. A sentiment Rose could not understand. Hence, her nickname the pixie bitch was born.

In the fifty years they had spent together, Jasper barely talked about his past. The time they spent alone at the shop was of no help. And it seemed that Alice had told everything that she knew already to the family, five f*cking minutes after they met for the first time.

He was an enigma, but Rose loved her brother. In the years they had found their comfortable silence. She did not pry, and in return neither did he. Now and then he returned with red eyes, but she never asked, and he never told.

These episodes of red eyes deepened the bond between Rose and Jasper like nothing else. Who knew that family judgment could be such a glue? Somehow Eddie was met with mercy at every turn. Met with understanding. But the twins? They were outcasts. Judged. And Rose had always wondered to which extent their feelings affected him more than her.

He never wanted to talk about it. Never wanted to explain. After each slip-up, Jasper just moved back to his animal diet. As if nothing had happened.

The more time went by, the more the pixie bitch started to hover over him. Warn him for the future. Mentioning his slip-ups. The family only cheered her on, and welcomed her warnings, so they could all be the epitome of morally correct vampires. Rose laughed at the implication. As if. She had fought tooth and nail to keep him in the shop because, apparently on account of the pixie bitch, there were too many humans or human smells lingering. Rose gritted her teeth even thinking back to that one conversation.

“But Jazzy…” Alice had said with that sick sweet voice of hers

“… You know you can't control yourself. You are not strong enough to withstand the pull”

Rose's eyes saw red, feeling like a taunted bull, as she took a few steps closer, towering over Alice's petite frame.

“Now listen here you little bitch”, she lowered her face, leveling with the smaller vampire. She punctuated the last word through her gritted teeth, some venom landing on the Pixie's nose.

“You better shut the f*ck up and sit down.” Rose dismissively moved her hands. She was still standing between Alice and Jasper.

“Jasper is a godsend in this f*cking shop. In the last decades I have never seen him act in any, and with that I mean in ANY f*ckING WAY, that shows me he is not in control. So why don’t you take your defective visions and get the f*ck out”.

Rose's fury coursed through her body, and the Pixie was obviously a little bit overwhelmed. She took some unnecessary breaths before she looked over Rose's shoulder.

As Rose followed Alice's line of sight, her eyes ended up on the defeated face of Jasper Hale. He just sighed and caught Rose’s eye.

“I will keep on working on the cars..” he stated while glancing in the eyes of his mate.

“..But only during nighttime." he paused, seeming to gather his thoughts. "My love and Edward have both told me that I can't be trusted. And it seems that you are the only one in the family whose feelings disagree, my dear blondie..” His southern accent seeped through his voice, clearly laced with misery.

He looked at Rosalie, his eyes hardening. “I am sorry, but, it is better this way”, his southern drawl strongly coming through.

Rosalie’s eyebrows shot up. She had looked at his face, and seen his defeat. It was always uncanny how the Pixie could have such an effect on her favorite brother. With Rose, Jasper had been distant yes. But he stood straight, made jokes, and he could smile - albeit very sparingly. With Alice, he just seemed like a distant acquaintance.


It was then that Rosalie had been finally pulled out of her trip down memory lane. A large crashing sound pierced her ears, as she saw the living room couch flying through the window. Her eyebrows shot up. Throwing furniture through the window was one thing, but seeing Edward and Jasper moving through the newly created gap, fighting their way onto the clearing behind their house, was another.

What the f*ck. They never fought. It was one of Carlisle’s cardinal rules. No fighting within the coven. Or outside, if he could help it.

It was clear that Jasper was on the evasive track. Moving quickly and gracefully to the side whenever Edward lunged at him.

Eddie did really not seem to appreciate this technique, Rosalie mused to herself. Idiot. There was a reason the golden boy did not have any battle scars. If he thought he could win this fight, he was clearly delusional.

“It is because of you we have to leave." his voice dripping with anger. "I want to stay. I want her to grow old, with me” Edward's fury-laced voice boomed over the grass.

Jasper just looked at him, his eyes questioning. While elegantly ducking another punch, he said

“I do not apologize lightly, but as said before..” he took a deep breath, “I am sorry”

A low growl escaped from Edward's throat, as he lunged at Rose's twin again. This time with more force. Jasper easily moved to the side, circling back to the house.

Emmett finally got out of the backdoor, standing now in between the two fighting vampires, a crying Esme on his side. The entire family was scattered through the field, watching the situation unfold.

Her mate’s eyes searched for hers. When they met, both Rose and Emmett nodded simultaneously. Emmett moved to contain Edward, while Rose sprinted towards Jasper.

However, Edward had lunged again, and while Jasper was in his evasive maneuver, moving behind Carlisle, he suddenly lost his balance. Emmett hesitated in his movement, distracted by his other brother. A mistake. Within a split second Jasper ended up in Edward's headlock. Edward clearly getting ready to rip his head off.

And that was a bigger mistake.

Jasper’s spine straightened, while an unintelligible scream from Alice pierced Rose's ears. So high-pitched, Rose for a second was afraid the windows would break. Jasper's eyes hardened. They were empty but full at the same time. And the entire Cullen family froze in fear.

With one swift movement, Edward's arms landed across the field. His bronze-haired head was removed from his torso. And with one final kick, Eddie was in pieces.

Rose was the first to move. She tried to close the fifteen meters that stood between her and Jasper. His eyes were set dangerously. Unwillingly, a whimper escaped her lips.

He looked her in the eyes, his authoritative voice speaking clearly, "Don’t”.

And with that the blond vampire turned on his heel and disappeared into the forest. Rosalie was frozen in place. It was then that she heard Carlisle whisper, his voice laced with admiration and worry.

“The Major. He is back”

Chapter 4: That's How She Goes


//Title: That's How She Goes - Waylon

Chapter Text

Rosalie's POV

“What the actually f*ck.” It was the only sentence Rosalie's brain could seem to string together, the words slipping past her lips without any consideration.

She swiftly turned her neck, her blond hair sweeping around her head.

“What the hell was that? And who the hell is the f*cking major?” She almost growled the last question, as the anger seeped through her.

Emmett moved in. Quickly closing the distance between them. He could probably feel the frustration and perplexedness as he draped his large muscular arms around her shoulder. Part of her relaxed into his touch. The edge of Rose's anger floated away into the loving embrace of her mate.

He held her, but his gaze was fixed on Carlisle. Next to the dirty blond patriarch of the family, Esme was still uttering sobs. As much as that was possible with only a limited amount of venom in her eyes. Rose had to control her eye roll. Always so f*cking emotional.

She growled again. What is going on? Why were their facial expressions almost blank? Why did her best friend just up and leave? Her eyes scanned the clearing. Eddie's arms were still lying around, and Alice was further away, picking up his head that Jasper had so eloquently kicked away.

More anger welled up in her core.

“let me go, Emmett.” She almost growled the statement. It was not a request. She could feel the hesitation in his body.

“Let me go. I need to have a word with my sister.” The words rolled over her tongue as if it were poison. But it worked, and she felt Emmett’s arms around her relax. He always tended to see the good in people. Her loving teddybear.

Within a second she was standing next to the pixie, who was still carrying Eddie's head. She felt the presence of the rest of the Cullens burning in her back. It seemed that they had followed suit.

“Where the f*ck is Jasper” she glared at the smaller vampire.

Behind her, Esme uttered a small sound that sounded a lot like “language”, before she fell back in her tearless sobs.

Rose openly rolled her eyes this time and leveled herself with Alice. Their faces were mere inches apart.

“And tell me what the f*ck happened just now, pretty please” the last words were laced with venom.

As Alice looked to the ground, Rose's thoughts roamed freely. Such a shame the girl did not have long hair. She would love to rip it out right about now. And use Eddie's head as a football. That would teach him right.

Edward focussed on Rose.

“Can you please keep your thoughts to yourself? Nothing just happened!” his voice had some hints of fear in it, and sounded definitely not as calm as he probably wanted it to.

Rose's mouth curled up, about to utter a reply, when Carlisle moved in. His authoritative voice boomed over her shoulder

“Alice. Put your brother together again. Rose, Emmett. Inside. Now. Family meeting. No discussions.”

Then his eyes caught the golden eyes of Rose, speaking to her directly “Next time, return with your mate.." he almost spat. "..We, your family, your coven, could have needed you. I am your sire after all”.

He then swiftly turned on his heel, embracing Esme while walking to the house. His mate whispered some words of reprimand for swearing. Rose co*cked an eyebrow at the scene. Strange. She glared once more at the Pixie, suppressing a laugh at Eddie's lost facial expressions. Then she turned around and followed the others inside the house.


It took a few minutes before all were seated around the wooden kitchen table. During the course of her walk home and the chaos she returned to, the sky had turned pink. Twilight had settled. The newly steel-decorated lights provided an ambient atmosphere. However, it was clear that the Cullens felt anything but. The air was tense with anticipation, as they moved into the kitchen.

Rose sat in the middle, between Emmett and Esme. Emmett’s hand was resting on the back of her navy blue chair, and it was the only thing that was keeping her from flipping the table right now. Carlisle calmly took a seat next to Esme, at the head of the table. A put-back-together Eddie and the pixie bitch took their places solemnly, setting themselves across from Emmett and Rose.

When all had taken their seats, and a rueful quietness returned to the room, it was Carlisle who scraped his throat.

His voice spoke, with the authority that a coven leader demanded, slashing through the tense atmosphere as a warm knife going through butter.

“Well, it has been a provocative 24 hours.” His eyes glanced across the table and rested on Edward as he continued

“The birthday present for your human did not go as planned..” Rose eyed Carlisle in confusion, until now he had only ever referred to Bella by her name.

“.. and as we spoke before you decided to throw the couch through the window in anger, I agree that it is for the best that we leave Forks. Immediately.” His hands dismissively pointed over his shoulder, towards the gaping hole in the wall.

Rose eyes slid over the table, taking in her coven members, trying to puzzle together the meaning and context behind his words. The impulse to lash out was hard to control, but she felt that this was not the time to speak yet. Carlisle’s presence was demanding, and now was not a time for interruptions.

“We will leave tonight. We will stay with the Denali’s, as proposed by Edward.”

The corner of Edwards's lip turned up somewhat at that suggestion before Carlisle continued

“Afterwards, we will move again. Start anew. And it seems, based on the latest events of today..” Carlisle paused shortly, letting a thick quietness settle in the room, before his voice spoke again

“..that we will move on with just the family that is currently present.” No one at the table spoke a word, as the words entered Rose's brain.

A scratching sound soared through the silence. It took a split second for Rose to figure out that it was her chair that was connected to the disruption, and that she had stood up. She turned her head away from her fretting hands, towards the head of the table as she pierced Carlisle’s gaze

“What about Bella?” she said calmly, but her voice was clear and confident

“Edward explained the situation this afternoon to her. She understood, and wishes us the best” he answered

Rose eyes turned to the other side of the table. “is that so Eddie?” she glared at him

“Y-Yes” he stuttered. Clearly not used to her speaking with this much authority.

He continued "We cannot stay. We cannot guarantee her safety. With us gone, she will at least have that"

Rosalie dismissively shook her head. The thoughts running through her brain. Not the time, not the place, she mused to herself as she quickly shut her brain down. Then she focused on Carlisle again.

“What about Jasper?” she glared

“The Major has returned. I do not think Jasper will be back” He held her gaze as if to challenge her. To ask more. To ask for details. But she knows his tone. Recognized the infliction seeping through. She should know better, as even god knew that Carlisle does not like his power to be challenged.

But this was her brother. Her best friend. And so Rosalie did not back down. “who the f*ck is this Major?”

If looks could kill, Rosalie would now be double-dead she thought to herself. Carlisle stood up, straightening himself as he smashed his hands on the table. "Enough!", his voice filled the kitchen, rattling the windows.

He was angry alright. He was done. Every other sane vampire would not stand up against a coven patriarch. Not against a leader with a coven of such size. They would sit down, lick their wounds, and hope there was no punishment. But the humming in Rose's body spread, and she knew there was no backing down.

She was still holding on to Carlisle's piercing golden gaze, as her voice spoke "Explain". It was not a request. Not a question. It was an order. The reason for her insubordination was escaping Rosalie, she could not catch the fleeting thought that was bouncing in her head. But she knew the feeling. This was not okay. She needed the answers.

They stood there, for what felt like an eternity. A stalemate. No giving, no taking. It was then that Esme looked up to her mate, and with pleading venom-filled eyes begged "Please Carlisle".

It was as if the spell had been broken, and Rose knew she had won this round. Carlisle's voice broke the silence, as he spoke calmly and concisely.

“The Major is Jasper. Jasper is the Major. A killing machine. One that Alice helped to tame once they met. However, it seems that the bloodlust of yesterday was too much for him.” Carlisle slowly shook his head, as his eyes landed on Alice.

“Alice had a vision yesterday..” he continued.

Rose rolled her eyes " of course she f*cking did" she muttered under her breath.

"AND THIS IS IT" Carlisle screamed at Rosalie. Rose flinched. The vibrations were so intense the window behind Rose cracked, and the glass vase on the counter shattered. He took a deep breath "You are part of my coven. Mine. You will sit down and obey, and not interrupt me again".

The fury dripped from his words. He pinched the bridge of his nose, before continuing in a somewhat more calm matter.

“… it is clear that the Major will be in charge from now on. And a vampire killing machine is not something that I would want our family to get involved with. He knows where we live. Hence, we are moving on”

He looked away from Rose, refocusing on the table in front of him. He took in a breath. And without wanting to, Rosalie found herself in a staring contest with Carlisle again.

“All of you” his voice boomed “have one hour to pack. Then we will leave, and we will not be back”. He looked at Rose once more. Harsh lines contoured his face. "No discussions."

Slowly, Edward Alice, Emmett, and Esme got up from the table. Emmett tried to nudge Rose.

“Come on honey, you know we have to move. We are part of this family.”

She sighed in response. And as if Emmett knew what she was thinking, he kissed her ear.

“I will follow you to the ends of the world, babe” he whispered lowly in her ear. He then walked to their bedroom and started to pack.

Rosalie made no move. Nor did Carlisle, their standoff was still ongoing.

“Why” she questioned, her voice low and steady.

Carlisle looked at her, co*cking one eyebrow up. “Nothing that concerns you. Our time with the Major was a decision that was not made lightly. That is all I will say on the topic.” His voice and intention were clear. There was no wiggle room here.

They held each other’s gaze, piercing one another with their golden eyes.

“Now, move” he boomed, his voice low and threatening

Rose just stood there. Watching. Wagering the odds.

As if on instinct, courage washed over her. One of the corners of her mouth popped up, a smirk crossing her face

“Or what?” she asked tauntingly

And with that, she walked upstairs to Emmett. He took their brown leather bags. Their moves confident, no hesitation to be seen, and they walked towards the restored Corvette in the garage.

And without a single thought spoken out loud, they sped into the night.

Chapter 5: Sweet Dreams (are made of This)


//Title: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics (Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart)

Chapter Text

Bella's POV

She could have laid there in the woods for 2 minutes, 60 hours, a century, or even millennia. Looking back on it, there was no way to know how long she had been there. But it had felt like forever.

She had just bathed in blackness. Floating in an infinite space. There was nothing. And at the same time, there was everything.

This space. This bubble. It was comfort. It kept her warm. Secure. It gave her everything that Edward had just so selfishly ripped away from her. She quickly cast the thought of Edward out of her mind. It hurt too much.

The sea of blackness brought a familiar comfort. Nothing could touch her in this void. Although, she had a far-off feeling that she was getting colder. But as fast as that thought penetrated her bubble, it floated away again.

Darkness. Floating. Ultimate peace.

She heard some faint noises. A metallic smell and sound cloaked her. But the darkness soon encompassed everything. Hovering between the nothingness, dreams, hopes, and memories came together.

Renee and Phil visited her. They were so close she could almost reach out to them. Her mom kneeled beside her and kissed her forehead.

“I am so proud of you my little Swan” she whispered softly into Bella's ear.

A bright light blinded Bella, and Phil and Renee disappeared as the honking teetered in her ears. She screamed. Bella's arms trashed around her to find the stability she so craved. To no avail, the dark returned. Instead of her mom, she now saw two graves in front of her.

Phil and Renee Dwyer. 1976 – 2011.

As if a dam had opened in her bubble, all the pain came rushing back. The throbbing. The surgeries. The rehab. And most of all, the solitude. It all ended with her transfer to Forks, she had not been able to find her footing, neither with her aunt nor in her old school. It was all just too much. Her whole body ached. Pounded. Then she heard her own quivering voice starting to beg "Please, please please please take the pain away.

And then, the blackness returned. She was numb again.

Floating. Levitating over the forest, over the ocean. Across time and space. And then she returned to Forks.

She was outside of her father's house. Her house now, she mentally corrected herself. But not yet. She saw little Bella, running towards the front door. Charlie picked her up, her tiny nose scrunching and calling out in glee, as in one swift movement spun her around and kissed her chubby little head.

“Bells, I love you so much”

Bella wanted to run to him. To cry. She needed to get away. To get to Charlie. Just once, to be held by him once again. But her feet felt like they were cemented in concrete. There was nowhere to run. And as fast as the memory came, it disappeared again into smoke.

Black. Everything was black. No beginning. No end.

She saw snippets passing by above her. Angela. Jessica. Mike. Ben.

The laughter of Jake.

And then she saw him. Edward. She did not shake the thought away this time.

She walked towards him in the cafeteria. Edward stood up and looked at her. Taking her in from head to toe, with that half-crooked smile that she just loved so much.

Then, his face changed. His expression hardened, his eyebrows pressed together, and with a piercing gaze he whispered

“not worth it.”


Everywhere blackness

No sounds. The commotion had died down. She sighed, as she let the darkness take her.

Had it been eons? Had it been seconds?

Bella wavered


And wondered

Should she just give up?

Before she could answer her thoughts, one sentence pierced through the bubble, causing the black liquid to splatter apart around her.

“You are worth it.”

Chapter 6: Are You Crazy?


//Title: R U Crazy - Conor Maynard (Labs Swing Version)

Chapter Text

Bella's POV

With a gasp, Bella set up. She could still taste the adrenaline on her tongue. She looked around and released the breath she didn't know she was holding. The familiar sight of her bedroom greeted her. She sighed contently. A nightmare. Typical. It had all been a dream.

Her lips curved into a short smile. Finally understanding what the flight, fright, or fight response was about that they had learned about in biology last year. She swallowed a few times, trying to get rid of the lingering evidence of her nightmare that tainted her mouth, as she let her eyes get used to the dark.

Hmpf. She mentally went over her options. Currently, she was too awake to fall asleep again. She slowly rubbed her eyes, eliminating the last traces of sleep. Okay, that is it, she nodded, as she made her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs. The snores of Charlie filled the air, and the smell of hours-old pizza penetrated the living room. Take out. Obviously. She should really teach Charlie the basics of cooking in the coming months, she mentally noted to herself. Otherwise, there was no way he was ever going to survive without her.

As she approached the sink, something was scratching her brain. Did she have pizza last night? Where had she been? The only thing she remembered clear as day was her nightmare. The darkness surrounding her. She felt a shudder passing through her spine at the thought of it. Bella shook her head as if to will the thought away, but it did not completely work.

She took a big glass from the cabinet and filled it with the cold mountain water that ran from the kitchen tab. As she took a few gulps, it seemed to clear her mind.

Her eyes scanned the room, and as she did, her eyes fell on a small piece of paper on the kitchen island, nicely illuminated by the light of the full moon. She hopped over, and let her eyes scan the white document


I will be staying at the Cullens for the next few days. Thank you so much for the small birthday present. Please don’t eat too much pizza while I’m away.


She read the piece of paper again. When had she written that? Was it yesterday? The day before? She tried to will herself to remember, and then as if the floodgates opened all her memories came back. The hurt. The pain. The betrayal.


With a loud crash, the glass she was holding splintered on the floor, leaving a puddle of water and more than a hundred little pieces. She looked at her hand. Dazed. She did not even notice she was not holding the glass anymore.

Suddenly, her thoughts shifted back to the present. More memories flooded her mind. She had indeed written this letter, in what felt like ages ago. She was supposed to spend the weekend at the Cullens. Having her 18th birthday party. Then she would finish the school year, and then… what came after was undecided.

Bella quickly looked at her phone. 3 AM on Sunday. It was Sunday. Her birthday party was on Friday... where had her Saturday gone?

She crushed the stupid little paper in her hand, trying to will her mind to remember. But all she could recall was the birthday party and her talk with Edward. Her foolish clumsiness had taken over, and chaos had rained down. Despair started to overwhelm Bella, crashing in on her like the waves of a storm beating against the shore. She was standing there, as the waves hit her again and again. Her back slumped against the kitchen cabinet, her butt just next to the broken glass, the water touching her jeans. The same jeans that she had worn when Edward had so confidently left her. Her head was spinning. Pulling her down. The waves beat down on her. Why couldn't she remember? How did she get back? Slowly, she felt the familiar feeling of her nightmare take over. The bubble surrounded her, but the storm did not stop.

And then she remembered. The words. They vibrated deep into her core. The waves stopped. Instead, she let the light summer breeze of an early summer morning wash over her, as she bathed in the words. Repeating them. You are worth it.

Remembering everything and nothing at the same time, she shook her head in confusion. It was as if somebody had taken off the rose-colored glasses, and she saw everything in a new light.

The light breeze chased the cold away. The despair seeped out of her body, floating away into the night. The freezing grip of dread was replaced with a warm feeling, a sort of purr, that instilled itself in her core. It filled her. Fueled there. And there, standing in the moonlight of Charlie's kitchen, she reevaluated.

Edward was gone, and by the looks of it, he wasn't coming back. Her lower lip trembled at the thought, and she hit the kitchen floor in response. Water splashed up, wetting her t-shirt. A tiny bit of glass cutting her hand. The pain cleansed, it helped pull out the purring feeling that suited her mind. It cleared her thought processes, and that is when her epiphany hit. She was allowed to feel sad, to go through the motions. She had to let herself feel this. But this was not the end. It was everything but. A new layer of determination filled her from head to toe. Her strength was renewed.

Bella smiled. Her head turned towards the full moon that hovered above the tree tops. She nodded once, using the tranquility of the night to make a vow to herself.

“I am worth it”


The next few months flew by quickly. It had seemed that the Cullens had left immediately after her talk with Edward. It had taken a while to completely come to terms with it. But it seemed that Edward had predicted some things right, and her mind did start to heal - although she had to work for it.

She missed Edward. In the beginning, she actually really missed Edward. Every little part of her daily routine somehow reminded her of him. The cafeteria at school. The window in her bedroom. Even her truck was not safe from some sort of connection.

It had surprised her a lot, realizing he so easily had slipped himself into every corner of her being. Her mind protested. She knew that it was better this way. She knew she deserved better. Yet, the rational clarity that was in her head somehow did not align with her heart. How much she wanted to deny it, the bronze-haired vampire had left a large hole on his way out. He had taken part of her with her.

He had left. Just as Renee and Phil had, when the truck had hit them. The latter had taken her childhood. Her innocence to life. Edward, well Edward had seemed to rob her of her shyness. But he hadn't stopped there. No, he had shattered the perfect picture of a first love that she had clung to as well. The last realization had actually driven her mad. She knew from her parents that love not always worked that way, yet, she had crafted it perfectly in her mind. Edward had given her hope. A taste of what love could be. But he had shattered it as well. And that, she concluded, she could live with. Because she was worth more.

She missed Alice. Bella wrote to her, using the email address that they were so used to corresponding on, but never received an answer. It irked her a little, but as time ticked by, she thought more and more about that night in the kitchen. After one and a half months without a reply or an explanation from her best friend, she had just stopped writing. Because she was worth more. Because she was worth it.

Charlie had reacted well to the breakup. He reluctantly told Bella that he never really had been a fan of Edward.

The news had not surprised her, but had saddened her nonetheless. As she prodded for the reason behind Charlie's reservations, she found some merit to his thinking. The Chief had taken his time over their Sunday dinner to explain to her that she deserved better. Someone that listened to her, that gave her a choice. Someone who asked for input on her decisions, and did not just ask her to live with the ones he, or she, took. Bella had chuckled at that last part. She knew for sure that she was as straight as they come, but Charlie always left room for all the options. His love and acceptance surrounded her at every turn.

Although she had agreed with Charlie's reasoning, being a teenager is not easy. She had ups and downs, and had days in those first few weeks where she would come home from school and cry in her pillow into her pillow until deep into the night. It exasperated Charlie. But instead of hounding her over her choices and their results, he just made a hot chocolate and went up to her room. They sat together in a comfortable silence that made Bella feel better, while she slowly nipped from her mug.

But as time passed, these moments of despair and grief became less and less, and Bella became more and more confident and independent.

Soon after the Cullens left, she had taken self-defense classes, encouraged by Charlie due to the large number of disappearances that had occured in the area over the previous months. She had laughed at the idea and argued that her clumsiness might be an issue. She diligently went to her classes, and quickly revisited her statement, as it turned out she had a hidden skill for this. Although the disappearances had faded away from Forks around the same time the Cullens had left, she kept up with her classes. After the course of self-defense had ended, she took up muay thai and kickboxing in response. A hobby that Charlie wholeheartedly encouraged.

Bella loved every minute of it. She could vent all of her feelings and frustrations during the training. And once she had enough skill to try sparring, she could not contain her glee. The physical outlet was heaven, and i her mind, she held on to the philosophy that through sweat, she expelled all traces of Edward.

It worked, and as the months went on, vampires moved more and more to the back of her mind.

Jake picked up on her new adrenaline-fuelled hobbies and joy. In response, their old friendship that had been watered down due to the leeches, as he endearingly called the Cullens, came back to life. They worked on some motors together during the spring, and he taught her how to ride once they were done in May.

Bella loved every part of it and even dared Jacob to teach her how to jump with the motors one afternoon. Jake had been hesitant, but on Bella's insistence agreed to show her the ropes. It all seemed fine in theory, but as she neared the ramp, suddenly the silhouette of Edward Cullen appeared in front of her. Bella lost all control of the motor. Jake produced a scrambled sound, as he rushed towards the bike that covered Bellas body.

She later heard from Jake, the only person witnessing the event, that it was an insane crash, and due to her lack of helmet she should have broken at least her neck as the motor had landed on top of her. But all Bella remembered was the black film enveloping her. And somehow, she only got away with a few bruises and one broken rib.

After that, the Quileutes had lovingly dubbed her lucky charm. They had not believed Jake's recounting of the story, based on the injuries that Bella spotted. But, Billy had informed Charlie of the little mishap, mentioning something with a motor and a little crash. The chief of police had not been happy with this little escape, and had in return grounded her for the rest of the school year. She was still allowed to see Jake, as long as he came around her house with Charlie as supervision.

In the summer, she finished high school with a 4.0 GPA. Charlie treated her to an amazing dinner at the diner, with a berry cobbler as dessert. She had licked her fingers after eating every last crumb of the delicious dessert. Happiness filled her from head to toe. She felt the same joy as she had when she was a kid. As the big arms of Charlie wrapped around her in a solid hug, she could not help but think to herself, that she was indeed worth it.

Charlie helped her move to Maryland, where she would start at the local university. She had received several linguistic offers, including MIT and Cambridge. Even one random offer from Brown University, a university that she had not even applied to. It mentioned a literature degree, and while reading the letter Bella could do little else than to shake her head. f*cking Edward. Still trying to influence her future. She just took out a lighter and burned the letter in a trashcan.

Linguistics intrigued her, and doing research over the past few months she knew this was her way to go. MIT and Cambridge would be the top of the top choices. But, as she mulled the idea over and over in her mind, it was clear that this was not the right decision. And thus, she chose the school that she had applied to on a Saturday, after spotting it in a catalog at her hairdresser, the University of Maryland.


Bella let the August sun rays warm her face, as she stood outside on the deck waiting for Charlie.

“Dad!” She called out with a glimmer in her eyes. After that nightmare in the woods, she called him Dad more and more often. The smile that curled on Charlie's lips afterward was always worth it. She quickly glanced at her watch. “We will be late! The flight leaves in a couple of hours already”

She heard Charlie rumble through the house, taking the last of her bags with her to the car. A quick smile crossed her face as she spotted the old Converse backpack he carried over his shoulder. It was one of the few things that she had taken with her from Phoenix. And she was happy it would now move with her from Forks to Maryland.

Charlie just looked at her, his face beaming with pride. He moved into the driver's seat, while his calloused hand ruffled through her hair.

“Well kiddo, let's go” he mused, as he put the car in reverse.

The radio played softly, as they drove out of Forks, towards Seattle. After a peaceful quietness between them, it was Charlie who was the first to break the silence

“Well Bells, the past two years with you have been an absolute blast” his voice was filled with pride, and a genuine smile played on his lips

Bella nodded in reply. “I only wish it could have been a bit longer,” Charlie added, a hint of remorse slipping through in his words.

Bella knew what he meant. She had not spent that much time in Forks during the past 18 years, and that was in hindsight something that she regretted, at least partially. At the same time, there was no chance for her to spend any more time with her mom. And thus, she had made peace with it. As she had done with most of her life choices, and would not change them even if she had the chance.

“And, I know that after… Edward” Charlie paused for a while, to see Bellas's reaction to the name. After gauging no reaction, he continued

“You have not really been spending time with any boys. Not that I mind” He hastily added the last part and flashed an awkward grin.

“But what I do what you to know is that I expect you to have the full college experience…” the awkwardness really seeping through in his words.

Bella felt her head taking on the color of a beet, as she bit her lower lip.

“Charlie,” she replied, leaving an indicative pause. She needed the time to gather what she was about to say, just as much as Charlie needed the little respite.

“Renee gave me this talk ages ago. You are definitely a few years too late” laughter came through in her voice, but the joyful sound faltered as soon as she continued

“I know I don’t need to worry about pregnancy anymore, ever since the accident…” her hand made a dismissive wave, as it softly collided with the passenger seat window.

“… and I know that I should still protect myself from STDs, so thanks for the condoms”

Bella turned her face towards Charlie. She had anticipated where he was going and turned the tables. Now, it was the chief's time to get as red as a beet. She flashed him a big smile.

“Yeah, you’re welcome” he answered stoically. His face pulled together into an expression of disgust and fear, which for Bella signaled exactly what the big man was thinking about currently.

A small laugh bubbled from her chest, and before she knew it, a full rumble filled the car. The chief looked at her and co*cked an eyebrow, but Bella did not mind and was rolling in laughter for the next ten minutes.

As they arrived at the airport, they gave each other a big hug goodbye. She took in Charlie's scent and the way his arms felt wrapped around her, trying to memorize this moment forever.

“See you at Christmas, Bells” Charlie said with a grin.

Bella just looked at him, “Love you to Charlie” as she turned around and walked through security. She used up quite some mental strength to not look back. She did not want to give way to the tears burning behind her eyes. Today was a new day. At that thought, a little spring came into her step as she qued in line. Today she was starting the next chapter of her life.

Chapter 7: Water of Love


//Title: Water of Love - Dire Straits

Chapter Text

Rosalie's POV

Rosalie sighed into Emmett’s throat. They were standing in the middle of the forest, surrounded by the two deer that they had just fed on. The metallic taste lingered in the air as contentment was washed over her. It enveloped her, spreading across her marble body from head to toe.

It had been almost five years since they had left the Cullens. Five blissful years, they spend together. They had bought a house that they renovated, and as time passed they had truly made it into their home. She was at peace. At least, that was what Rose felt like most of the time. In times like these, with her mate’s hands around her.

Her lips licked the small trail of blood that trickled down Emmett’s throat. Depending on his hunting style, he could make quite the mass. She grinned against his throat and felt him shudder in response. Excitement trickled from her core, anticipating her mate's next move.

Emmett never disappointed.

Within a split second he swept her off her feet, and just as fast pushed her to the ground. He held her hands firmly above her, restricting her movement to almost none, as he ducked down to kiss her lips lightly. Rose had to smile. This was Emmett. Firm. Strong. But tentative. Loving. Waiting for her consent. He slowed his tempo expectantly, until Rose deepened the kiss, sweeping his bottom lip with her tongue. He panted against her, opening his mouth slightly, an opportunity Rose loved to take advantage off.

As they kissed passionately, one hand of Emmett trailed a path down from her neck to her collarbone. His fingers ducked lower, lightly caressing her cotton white t-shirt as they arrived at her breasts. With a small movement of his hand, the white fabric landed next to her, with her red lace bra not far behind. An encouraging groan escaped her lips.

Emmett now had free access to her breasts. He softly broke the kiss and traced the same path with his mouth until he arrived at her nipple. He slowly took it between his lips, sucking lightly. Rose could not help letting out another groan.

“Oh f*ck babe, you know I love those sounds that you make” Emmett huskily said while his tong was caressing her nipple.

The feeling was intense. It was lovely. A fire started to race through her, a need that she could not control. His chiseled arms kept her close. His hips grounded into hers, hitting just the right spots. Her thoughts went blank. Why did they both still have jeans on? Why on earth had Emmett not taken off his shirt yet? But all thoughts disappeared as he slowly nipped at her other breast. The fire spread. And soon, his electrifying touches and kisses were all she could feel. The scent of bourbon and pine took over her senses. Her hips started grinding uncontrollably.

Emmett kissed her throat. Scraping his teeth along. The feeling was exquisite, and she wanted more, letting out a small whimper, trying to communicate her feelings on the matter. She felt his breath on her ear.

“what would you like me to do to you” his voice was low. Menacing. And oh so attractive

“you are one wicked man” Rosalie breathed out. A ravishing kiss was pressed to her lips.

“Tell me” he answered, his voice even lower, lust dripping off each word, their noses touching.

As she looked into his dark eyes, she knew there was only one answer. The fire had taken over. She needed him.

“f*ck me” she replied, her voice soft.

Emmett co*cked an eyebrow, grinding into the right spots just a bit more. "Sorry, I didn't hear that"

She kept his gaze. "f*ck me, Emmett" she looked him in the eye. The want evident from the both of them, as she added, "Now"

A mischievous grin spread on his face, as he quickly got rid of their jeans and underwear. His hands wandered, feeling the heat and wetness between her legs.

He released her hands and cupped her butt as he pulled her up in the air. Without a second thought, she felt a tree supporting her back and two fingers in her, and one on her cl*t.

Her hands scratched his back. “Please” she whimpered. Want and need dripping of the word.

Emmett’s lust filled eyes looked at her, checking once more if she was okay. As she dragged her nails across his spine, he took it as consent and slammed into her. It was fast, it was hard. It was exactly as they both liked it..

“Oh f*ck” she whimpered

“You feel so amazing” Emmett whispered, as he pushed deeper into her while ravishing her neck

“Oh fuuuuuuuck” was the only thing that she was able to respond

“you are stunning” Emmett panted in her ear

She could that they were both tethering on the edge.

And as he touched her cl*t, Rose rolled right over it. Everything seemed to be on fire and it consumed her from head to toe.

Emmett was not far behind, and as he pushed into her one final time, she felt him come deep inside her.

They slumped together on the floor, slowly kissing each other.

They sat like that for a while. Emmett was the first to pull away, to a slight annoyance of Rose. But as she looked into his dreamy topaz eyes, he smiled at her. There was not much else that she could do than smile back. This was heaven.

Emmett scraped his throat. She knew what was coming. They had postponed it for too long. They had things to talk about. Things to discuss.

Rose leaned towards him. Pressing a quick kiss on his lips. She knew they had to broach the topic soon. But it could wait. At least for the next hour.

“Let's shower first” she smiled. “We can and will discuss everything after”


She put on her Guns and Roses t-shirt and ripped jeans, as she walked out of the bedroom towards the couch, where Emmett sat in a t-shirt and a hoodie. She eyed her mate from top to bottom.

Emmett co*cked up an eyebrow. “You know, as much as I love this, we really have to talk babe”

Rosalie nodded, and sat down next to him, popping up her feet into his lap. They had to talk. It was their routine.

“So” she broke the silence

“It's time for our yearly talk isn’t it” as she gave Emmett an apprehensive half smile. She wanted to know what he had found out, but a the same time knew it had the potential to alter their daily lives. Every year, it was the same apprehensiveness that filled her. They both were looking into things. Gathering their info. But they had settled to only share it once a year unless the situation was dire. She looked over the stuff in their living room. The green couch they had spent their time watching every die-hard known to man. The bookcase was filled with her romantic novels, the ones she loved so much. This was their home. Their place. Their little paradise, right here in Maryland. They had bought the place once they discovered that Bella had moved here. Bella. Or more like Isabella, as that is what she went by now.

Rose's half-smile turned into a full smile as she thought of her friend.

Isabella had grown in the past years. She had seen it firsthand. After Emmett and she left the Cullens, they traveled for a while. Moving their scent from place to place. They had not left under the best conditions, and both agreed that it would be best to disappear for a while. They tried their hardest to avoid traceability. Once they had set up a false trail, they started following their own. After all, they had to hunt a certain red-headed vampire.

Victoria was still at the forefront of Rose’s mind, as it had been consistently during that first year. But as hard as she tried, she was nowhere to be found. Through the grapevine, they had caught rumors that Edward tracked her as well. Even as far down as Rio. Rose remembers the days she had spent puzzling on his move, while Emmett was hunting down his own leads. It didn’t make any sense, Victoria scent was distributed around the west coast. But then again, Eddie was a f*cking sh*t tracker, so was it really a surprise? He always had relied too much on his gift. On reading people. And people, as Rose knew all too well, are not to be trusted.

For her, tracking was an instinct to follow. A feeling. A trace. It was one of the few skills that Rose over the years had perfected. She was quite good, saying so herself. One time, after a nomad attack even Jasper had complimented her on it, as she found the vampire that had run off, all by herself. She had taken the compliment with pride and smiled at the memory. But even with her skills, Victoria remained an illustrious shadow.

For the past years, it had just been Emmett and her. The two of them. Their own little family. They had come back to Forks in July of the next year and kept their distance from little miss Swan. Observing from afar. But what they discovered, made Rosalie as proud as a big sister could be.

Isabella had grown up. The girl had a f*cking backbone, and an unfortunate addiction to adrenaline. That much was clear.

The decision for her to go to Maryland made Rose grin. It would definitely not have been the University that her dear ex-boyfriend would have chosen for her. Yes, girl. Stick it to him. But it seems she was following something. An intuition. A purpose. And Rose and Emmett, they were all for it. Emmett had organized a little party in her honor, with just Rose and himself in attendance, as they had celebrated her success. Bella at that point had not known they were in Forks. She had bloomed without them, and thus they kept their distance.

They had moved to Maryland just before Bella did. Emmett started his environmental sciences master's degree, and Rose started up her own automobile repair shop. Rosie Road Motors. They wanted to keep her close, in case a certain red-haired vampire decided to make her return.

As they both did not identify with the image of being a creepy stalker - Edward had done that enough during the time they were together, thank you very much - they had sent Bella a handwritten letter when she was halfway through her first semester, explaining the situation as best as she could. No strings attached.


Emmett's voice pierced her thoughts

“Yes Em, I am here” she smiled at him, locking in on his eyes

“Good good. So let's start”

Rose took a breath “So the Cullens moved permanently to Alaska last month. It seemed that our Eddie had a little slip again.” She grimaced. For the past few years, it seemed that Eddie had walked around with permanent red eyes. At least, that is the news the nomads brought her as they visited her shop.

Emmett nodded. “I heard something similar” he put his hand on her ankle as he added

“I also have finally located Peter and Charlotte, and paid them a little visit last week. They were somewhere in Texas, but as you know they keep moving. Took me f*cking three years to find them.”

Rosie nodded. Her mate had been absent for the past years, taking off for weeks at the time. Trying to find more information about the elusive Peter and Charlotte, while she stayed in College Park, keeping up the shop and stream of information from that side.

Emmett’s face hardened, his hand moving to pinch the bridge of his nose.

“It's not good Rosie, Jasper is not there. They have not heard from him in a decade. They still assumed he was with the Cullens, as they purposely had not encountered other nomads in the past few years.”

Rose just looked at him. Worry swirled in her golden eyes. There was only one response that she could muster under these circ*mstances

“Oh f*ck.”

He returned her gaze

“It's a mess indeed, babe”

Chapter 8: Hell is Coming with Me


//Title: Hell's Comin' with Me - Poor Man's Poison

Chapter Text

Peter's POV

The sound of Peter's hand hitting the plastered wall echoed through their small room. The force was enough to leave a hole the size of his hand. Emmett, the big bear the Cullen's were so fond of, had just returned home. The time he had stayed with them had been enlightening but had brought trepidation as well. The Major loose in the wild? Staying with the big guy’s words, this was a clusterf*ck indeed.

He combed his right hand through his dark curls, as he looked towards his mate. Charlotte. Her delicate features matched perfectly with her heart-shaped face. Her long blond hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her eyebrows had furrowed together as she looked at him intently. Worry was swirling in her big bambi-like eyes. Peter was sure, that if he looked into a mirror right now, he would see the same worry reflected in his own.

“That f*cking pixie” Charlotte grumbled.

Peter could do nothing more than agree with the sentiment. He and the Major had been brothers, no were brothers, he corrected himself. They had saved each other many times over the years - until the other man had met a certain short-haired vampire. It had been no secret that Peter, Charlotte, and Alice had not been best friends. But sometimes Peter wondered if the Major had been aware of how skewed the relationship between them and his mate had been.

Peter took a deep breath, as he slowly moved towards Charlotte. His muscled arms wrapped tightly around her. He needed her. She exhaled slowly and put her head on his chest. They just stood there, leaning against each other. Peacefulness swirled around them. They knew this feeling all too well, it was the calm before the storm. Something was brewing. They had been avoiding it for years now, but sooner or later they would have to face it.

Peter quickly waved away the thought. They would discuss all this later. Right now, Peter had to sift through his memories. What had he missed?

The first recollections Peter had of his vampire life gravitated around snapshots of the Major, and it hadn't been pretty. He had woken up disoriented as hell, his body aching for what he later recognized to be a thirst for blood. As he opened his eyes, he had stared into a pair of bloody red eyes. He could still clearly picture that moment as if it happened yesterday. The longer he had known the Major, the more he had been able to label the emotions he had seen in that moment. Despair. Terror. Hate. It had all been twisting and turning in his eyes. As foggy as most of his recollections were from his first newborn year – a blurred combination of hate, anger, fighting, and blood lust that knew no bounds – his memories that involved the major had been crystal clear.

A bit more than a century ago, a few years after they had started their lives as a family, they had had a good heart-to-heart on the topic. The Major’s theory had been, that as he had been his sire, this would be the reason for his apparent clarity. Peter had just shrugged his shoulders. He still was not sure about the right answer. Jasper had been Charlotte's sire as well, and her memories were far less vivid. Peter had dropped the topic anyway, as it was not that it mattered all that much.

But those red eyes. Those bloody red eyes. If he were able to sleep, he was sure they would haunt his nightmares. Their stare had been grifted into his skull.

As Peter had woken up, their faces had just been mere inches apart. It had been intimidating, and as Peter thought back on it, definitely out of protocol. Newborns were flimsy. Uncontrollable. Frenzied. In those first few hours, they had to be subdued and fed first, before anyone could come close enough to observe them in so much detail. But Peter had a track record of not being a typical newborn.

Instead, he had glared at the Major, weighing his odds. After a few minutes, he had recognized the authority that oozed out of his commander's body, and as the good soldier he was, he had fallen in line. It had been an army instinct. A response that, as he only later connected the dots, was why the Major enjoyed army newborns way more than civilians. They tended to be less unpredictable after the change, assimilating better into the Coven's structure and outperforming their counterparts during their battles by a landslide. And boy, had they seen some.

Soldiers did not outlive their first year. Most did not even outlive their first three battles. A feat Peter picked up relatively quickly, as he learned his way around the camp. The fact that his thought processes around the Major were less hazy, helped him tremendously in seeing what most newborns could not. His mind found some spots of clarity between the moments of frenzied bloodlust, where he realized he never saw some of the vampires he battled with again. His short bursts of visions of the future, well, they helped as well. But they had done nothing to prepare him for his first real fight.

Their first battle, a mere month after being turned, was incidentally also the first time he met Maria. Their leader. A short and beautiful vampire, who held the fire of hell right in her eyes. As she had taken her battle position, standing behind her troops, with the Major prominently taking his place next to her. If during his human times, he would have believed in the paranormal, specifically in the devil, he was now sure his imagination would not have dared to conjure something as scary as his commander at that moment. El Diablo. Ready for war.

The battle itself had been hell. Peter lost his arm, and damn, that sh*t hurts. But he was able to fight through the pain and actually saved it - preventing his precious extension from being thrown into the pyre by the asshole in front of him. As he looked around the battlefield, it was clear that Maria had suffered many losses. Fires were raging around him, blowing a thick smoke that engulfed the strewn ligaments, which covered the grounds all around him, in a grey haze. But she had not yet moved a muscle. Still standing in her initial position, observing from the back of the battlefield. Making sure nobody ran. The Major was still by her side. He followed every move, every kill.

Peter's eyes had snapped back to the battle in front of him. His battalion was almost eliminated, but the fight was not slowing down. They were moving more and more towards a small village. Peter quickly glanced back to his commanders in charge. A distinct feeling crept over him. Maria was waiting for something.

As twilight gave way to the night, the Major stepped into the battlefield. This can't be good news. Peter mentally reprimanded himself for his previous thoughts. Why was he always right?

The moonlight illuminated the many scars on the, now shirtless, Major's body. And damn, the guy was intimidating. The soft light danced over the Major's marble skin, providing him with an eerie glow. Most newborns instinctively stepped back from the menacing presence. Frozen in place. Being in the vicinity of a vampire that had seen this much violence, automatically instilled terror.

Peter took quick advantage of the moment, beheading the stilted brunette newborn he was fighting, and threw her head into the pyres. Just in time. A second later he fell to the ground in agony, a piercing pain moving through his body. Like a rabid snake trying to bite his way out.

He took a big bite of dust, while the grey haze around them filled his lungs. How he hated smoke. He felt like he was suffocating, while the agony sped through him. The pain was intolerable, and in response, it seemed like his body just shut down. His eyes were forced closed. He could not move. But being the self-preserving curious bastard he is, Peter fought frantically with his body. Trying to fight the inevitable the pain. He had to see what was going on. He could not defend himself blind, he had to see. He tried to bite through the pain, mentally seeking distraction in all the f*cking happy thoughts he could find, and, after a short while, managed to pry open his eyes.

And then he saw it. Destruction. The Devil. The Major

He had moved across the incapacitated battlefield, ripping off heads and ligaments. He was cleaning up. His posture was rigid. Authoritative. Calm. An air of serenity surrounded his body, as if this intimidating vampire was at ultimate peace just raging through the ranks.

As the Major moved out of sight, Peter’s curiosity peaked. He had to follow, but his neck did not obey his commands. Trying to run, a debilitating pain shot through him, and slowly the happy thoughts faded out of his mind, and everything went black.

When Peter woke up, the first sunrays illuminated the battlefield. The sky was painted a beautiful orange-red, and if Peter had still been human, he would have poetically stated that it was the bloodshed that had colored the sky. f*cking hell, what a mess.

There were only a handful of his battalion that survived, and the other battalion that supported them did not do much better. But, they had defeated the enemy. As he looked towards the sky, his lips formed a straight line. The Major encompassed war.

And that is where his memories of that night ended. The sweet scent of humans had wafted onto the battlefield, and Peter's bloodlust had taken over. A buffet of rampage and carnage.

In the next half year, he participated in countless battles, each of them worse than the last. He had surprised himself by surviving beyond the third one, and as a result, had started dubbing them the slaughters. It did not take long for him to understand the strategy. If they all were not so starved and tortured through bloodlust, it would have been plain as day for even the dumbest vampire to see. Send in the starved newborns, let them fight off the majority of soldiers, and then let the Major finish it off. Easy, peasy. f*cking lemon squeezy.

From his memories, he gathered that he had plenty of conversations with other newborns that survived the battles, but none of them stuck along long enough to become a lasting presence. At the end of every slaughter, the pain would take over and all of them were knocked out. It was not until he had left the southern wars, and left the bloodshed behind, that Peter connected the dots: knocking out a vampire is not a light feat.

Every time, Peter tried his best to open his eyes and watch the devil take over the battlefield. But more often than not he was not able to, and the next thing he would remember was a feeding frenzy. The metallic taste of blood hanging in the air, and the sweet taste of humans suited the burn in his throat.

It was not until the eight-month mark that he seemed to get his newborn temper more under control. His thought processes cleared, and it felt like a sort of calm had dawned on him. Between battles, practice, torture, and being starved for blood, he tried to occupy his mind. Find something to focus on. Everything to get away from what his body was going through, as short-lived as these moments might have been. He only had a limited amount of memories of his human life, and he could only run through them so many times before they got tainted with the taste of battle. He desperately wanted to cling to some of his memories and had to find another way to keep himself occupied. To keep himself sane. Thus, he had moved on to figuring out the way of the camp and their battles.

Peter was aware that he was missing a critical piece of information. He never had been able to be mentally present through an entire battle. Although he would willingly give his left arm and leg to be able to avoid the pain, another part of him wanted to see what was happening. He needed to. It took a short while for that curiosity, which had started as a small spark, to turn into a flame on a sunny autumn afternoon.

Peter had been fighting a newborn. A farmer that smelled like a combination of hay and manure, whom the Major, together with some others, had picked up a week ago after their battle to the east. The guy had more brawn than brains, which with the right fighting technique worked in his favor. He just had to make sure to not be in the vicinity of the newborn, to avoid being crushed by the farmer's newly found strength. A feat that was easier said than done. He evaded the attacks smoothly, but both Peter and the farmer had been starved for blood for a good while now, and the thirst, combined with the sickening smell of manure, had clouded his senses. The winner of this brawl would get a tablespoon worth. Three drops of blood. Not enough. By far not enough. But it would sate the burn. And that relief was all they lived for.

Peter swiftly moved to the newborn's side, tearing out his arm with ease. The metallic screeching was still not a pleasant sound, but he was oh so used to it by now. It signified a win. Venom welled up in his mouth in anticipation. Most early newborns would collapse in the pain, not being able to focus. He would then rip their heads of their bodies. An easy victory. But not this newborn.

The farmer's face had winced, and in response, he tore off his pinkie finger and put it in his pocket. Peter co*cked up an eyebrow, losing his focus, while the newborn suddenly stood upright and bit through the pain. He attacked Peter and got him in a good grip. But the lack of arm was an issue, and with a swift turn, Peter moved him on his back.

The Major stood in the corner of the stall, nodding approvingly to the scene playing out in front of him. And as Peter looked up into his eyes, the flame took a full form.

He remembered, that back in his human days, his mother had told him that pain is an emotion. A simple emotion. So simple, that it can be easily overridden by another source of pain. As a kid, he quickly used the trick in his real life. If Peter stumped his toe, he would quickly hit himself after. The release was imminent, as it would take the edge of the unexpected pain, replacing it with a known one.

And that is what he did in the next slaughter, during the ninth month of his newborn tenure.

As all newborns went to the ground, overthrown by agony and pain, Peter took all his concentration and ripped his pinky finger off with his last strength. And true to his previous experiences, the pain was indeed less. It was still there, but he finally had space to think. To breath. A painful feeling, but the agony that the Major had somehow thrown their way was manageable.

This time, he was easily able to use his eyes, seeing the familiar sight of the Major without a shirt, scars on full display, walking through the moonlight, bringing havoc and destruction.

Peter looked back at Maria, but she was gone. His eyebrows furrowed in response, quickly making a mental note that sending in the Major apparently equaled a won battle in her mind. Fascinating. He followed the slaughter with his eyes, for the first time being able to take the entire scene in. He drank it up like it were those three drops of blood he had been fighting for.

The Major moved swiftly and purposefully through the ranks. He first took out the biggest threads and slowly worked his way through. No enemy was left alive.

But it was then that Peter noticed the Major did not just stop at the enemy. As no one was left standing, He turned on his heel, quickly moving through his own newborns, and tore part of them apart. A shudder went through his spine. f*ck. The Major is Death and Destruction.

Peter inwardly sighed when the Major had just stepped over him. Moving on to dismember two more of his company, before he moved on to the edge of the battlefield. Swiftly closing the distance between him and the village. The village. Humans. A light bulb went off in his head. They always planned their battles on the outskirts of a village. Time and time again. But as the first humans were coming from the village into the battlefield, bloodlust took over, and his memories became hazy. Halfway through his feed, he looked up and saw the Major. He could have sworn that he was not wearing any clothes. But then his prey moved, the scent of copper piercing the air, and Peter had to fully surrender to his bloodlust.

And that is how the slaughters continued. Peter looked around, observed, and drank his fill of blood. The precious blood. The red elixir that they took away immediately after the battle. And it colored his days.

Keeping track of anything really comes naturally to a vampire. Time is no exception. This is exactly how Peter knew his final month was approaching. His body had accumulated quite some scars, with his legs and arms showing the largest tally. His left pinky finger had a scarred ring just above the last knuckle bone, which had been expanding rapidly as each battle progressed. It had been ripped off now numerous times. As Peter slowly caressed his precious pinky with his other hand, waiting for Maria to give the attack sign, he wondered if today would be the last day he would ever dismember himself.

As Maria's hand moved down, the Major voice moved through the air, commanding the troops. His dark eyes were set to wreak havoc. In the next few hours, the newborns moved through the ranks and did their job. They killed. They got killed. As the moon and stars lit the sky, and the grey smoke of the pyres filled their nostrils, a familiar pain pierced Peter's body. As a knee-jerk reaction, he immediately ripped off his pinky finger.

As he was on the floor, he saw Maria retreat. As the Major moved away from his view, he rolled to view the other side of the battlefield. He followed his commander diligently until he spotted trouble.

There was a young boy, who could not be more than thirteen, who was unaffected by pain. Peters's eyes widened and a small gasp of surprise left his lips, as he took in the unfamiliar scene. Within a few seconds, all hell broke loose. Somehow there was an entire newborn company behind the boy, and they were all unaffected.

With a big cry, the boy jumped and climbed a big rock, while the company moved in for the Major. It was a sh*t show. The Major was an intimidating bastard, but 150 newborn vampires against one guy. Well, that is just plain unfair. Being newborns, their strategy was lacking. They attacked in random order. Good. Peter had thought to himself. It would give him more time. Without thinking. Peter got up and moved stealthily towards the Major, positioning himself behind the rock that the boy had just scaled.

The Major had his hands full and was now fighting with one arm against a whole army. As Peter ascended the rock, he tried to make no sound. A normal vampire would have smelled him coming and would have, at the least, noticed sound of crumbling rock. But he had some hope that this kid was a very young newborn, and thus, would be too preoccupied with all other stimuli and surviving the fight that happened below him, not noticing that others were propping up behind him. Hope. A poor man's liquor. But it was all Peter had at that moment. He wanted to live.

As he came up behind the boy, he quickly shot thanks at whoever the f*ck was looking out for him. He had gone unnoticed. As quiet as possible, he approached the kid and beheaded him.

Peter just stood there. Waiting.

He was not sure what he expected, but this was a certainly bit underwhelming. The company was still charging at the major, who seemed to be in real trouble. One newborn was biting his back, while another one had a hold of his leg with his teeth. f*cking hell.

Deciding that there was no other way to get the Major’s attention, Peter put his fingers on his lips and dog whistled as if his life depended on it. The sound carried through the company, and the Major’s eyes snapped up. The second their gaze met, Peter aimed the head of the kid towards the pyre, scoring a perfect touchdown.

As the boy took to the flame, the newborns fell down in anguish, and the Major did not let the opportunity go to waste.

Peter stood on the rock, observing the Death Machine working himself through the crowd. He shrugged his shoulders. What else could he do? And with a graceful jump landed in the middle of the dismembering party.

As they worked in tandem through the enemy ranks, Peter noticed that the agony that had haunted him before had disappeared. Instead, it was just his left pinky finger that was burning like a motherf*cker.

Slowly but surely, he logged away the information he had gathered that evening. Mindlessly going through the movements. Killing newborns, that is what he did after all. As they got to the end of their circle, the Major’s red eyes snapped to his unknown companion.


His voice bellowed authoratively.

“Yes Sir” Peter answered, his army voice in place

“What is your name? And what was your occupation” the Major asked, taking him in from head to toe

“Peter, Sir. Captain in the Army, Sir” Peter would have loved to name his battalion and company, but truth be told, for the undead life of him he could not remember.

The Major smiled. A glint quickly slid over his calm but haunted crimson eyes.

“Well Captain, welcome aboard”

Peter co*cked his head, taking in this new alliance he was making.

The two shook hands, and without any prompting, Peter turned on his heel. Closing the distance between him and the village.

“Captain” the Major co*cked his head in a questioning way

“What do you think you are doing?”

Peter caught the Major's eye

“Getting the civilians, Sir, thought I could take that off your hands, the sun will soon rise”

And just with that sentence, Peter had known that he gave a lot more away than he wanted to. But this was a game of survival. And he knew he would do anything to get out on top. He kept looking the Major in the eye, gauging any ill intent.

A small smile crept on the Major lips.

“Very observant, Captain” he spoke

After a small pause he added

“Please take two girls for me and one for yourself. Or a man. Whatever you prefer. I will be waiting up there” as his hand dismissively pointed towards the rock where Peter had defeated the recently beheaded boy.

And with that turned towards the hazy battlefield, inspecting his own newborn army. A ritual Peter knew all too well.

Chapter 9: Sinnerman


//Title: Sinnerman - Nina Simone

Chapter Text

Peter's POV

War. Violence. Destruction.

Blood and sex. Sex and blood.

That is what the next decennia held in store for Peter. The Major had quickly taken to him as a second in command, and together they fought. Together they demolished. Together they f*cked.

Although regarding the latter, they both had their distinct types. Peter preferred young blondes with 0 negative coursing through their veins. The Major had never shown a specific fondness, he f*cked and sucked all blood types and all genders. The habits of the Major had quickly rubbed off on Peter. He now often looked forward to the intercourse after the battle. Satiating his thirst while also indulging on his deeper desires. He clung to every bit of happiness he could get his hands on, and this had quickly become one of the few highlights of his vampire life.

As his newborn stage wore out, the Major had convinced Maria to let Peter stay. Wariness had stayed with him until far into his second year. No one was ever really safe from the culling. However, as time passed, Peter became more and more glad he survived. Between a life of destruction or no life at all, the choice for Peter was easily made.

In between battles, the Major kept mostly away from him. He delegated some of his training tasks to Peter and spent his time between Maria discussing strategies and whatnot. Any time that was left, the commander spent hunting and turning more newborns.

The experience with the shield, as the Major had called the vampire boy, had awakened something in Maria. A thirst for knowledge, but more so a thirst for power. Before long, officially the hunt for their own shield had started. The Major headed the search, moving from town to town, observing and turning, while Peter held down the ford.

The calmness that came with being an adult vampire had a way of surprising and at the same time grounding Peter. With this newfound footing, his own noticed his own gift had started to develop. It started with flashes. Just a few seconds long. It wasn't until he had seen the first flash play out in real life, that he realized just what it was.

He could see a snapshot of the future. Just small glances of, just a mere five seconds at most, but he could. The feeling was eerie. The only way he could describe it was like some kind of force, pulling and pushing. As the decades passed by, he could only describe it in one way: he had faith in fate.

As he discovered his own tendencies towards the extra-supernatural, he also started cataloging the others in the camp. Most of the newborns did not show any proclivities for a gift. They were too volatile. Too unruly. Never able to really get a grip on themselves. So, unless the gift was some insane form of strength or other physical disposition, it tended to go unnoticed.

The more years passed by, the more Peter's understanding of the Major's ability grew. He knew he had some kind of capability for dealing out pain, but his battle assessments had both started and stopped there. He had branded the Major as an enigma, and as the puzzle pieces to figure his commander out came to Peter over the years, it was always by accident.

The first time something clicked, it had happened on a random afternoon in the camp. The sun stood low, and Peter was finishing the last training for a new set of newborns. A nasty batch, which would see action sooner than later. They were moving into the northern part of Texas, and they still had a lot to prepare for.

As Peter reprimanded two of the newborns, mainly for incoherent moves and mindless actions while fighting, he noticed the Major coming out of his meeting with Maria.

The tall man had spent the last 36 hours or so with her, and Peter was curious. He reeked of sex, but he did not seem happy. His eyes appeared empty, and his usually rigid posture spotted a small slump. Intriguing. Very intriguing.

It was then out of nowhere that Peter got a short burst of vision. Peter and a blond vampire, hand in hand. The waves of a bright blue lake rippled in the distancee. The smell of freshly fallen snow was all around them. Bouts of electricity rushed where his hand touched hers, and a deep love and admiration cocooned them.

As quick as the vision had appeared, it had stopped. Peter exhaled, his stoic face bathing in the positivity that he had just been allowed to experience. And as he accidentally caught the Major's gaze, he could have sworn that the Major's lips had been curled up.

A genuine f*cking smile.

Replaying it over and over during the next few days, Peter was positive it had not been him who had not dropped his guard. His face had remained apathetic. His body had been rigid. But his mind had been affected. It had been reeling in the love that his future self would be allowed to experience.

And that is how it clicked.

During these years, Peter tried to create more of these moments. It was difficult for him to remember positive thoughts during his time as a vampire and not let them be tainted by the foul that surrounded him. But Peter did not give up. Instead of calling on his memories, he switched to feelings. Out of the depths of his heart, he could almost taste the emotions of his human life. Love, happiness, joy, contentment, and with his vampiric memory he could summon them up at will.

And that he did.

In the next years, he and the Major crossed paths less and less, but at random intervals, he would try out his theory. Sometimes joy. Sometimes sorrow. But he mostly focussed on emotions that were worthwhile. Pride, affection, relief, and most of all love. And sure as hell, the Major had sucked on his positive emotions as a leech on a deer. He could mask it well, since that first time, he never had openly mirrored anything the captain had thrown at him. But Peter had learned to read the man. His dark eyes and their haunting depths were usually filled to the brim with anger and destruction. But they would change. Become softer. His eyes would glaze with a layer of positivity, a feeling Peter felt like the Major had long forgotten.

Only a few months passed after that final trial before Peter decided he needed no more of them. He was sure of it. The Major could feel his emotions, and based on what Peter had experienced during the slaughters, he had a hunch that the man could probably also influence the emotions of others as well.

And that realization hit as a motherf*cking sledgehammer that was filled with a thousand questions

The pain. The agony. The anger. That dreaded feeling they were so often filled with. Where did the Major pull it from? Did he feel like that? Did he have to experience that to be able to influence others? The wheels of Peters's brain went rampant. He pictured the eyes of the Major, the unforgettable eyes he had seen that first day of his new life.

As much as he did not want to admit the thought, Peter realized it probably had merit.

The Major had to be miserable. Absolutely f*cking miserable.


During the decades Peter had spent with the Major, they had built up a familiar bond. They did not trust one another. It was like an unspoken rule. These feelings had no place in this hell of a life. But they did rely on each other, and had confidence in each other skills and personalities - and Peter often mused that such a bond was not that far off from trust. They just both put themselves first. And both realized, that if they would ever have to choose between the other man or himself, the choice would be clear.

Peter’s visions had focussed more and more on his life after the camp. He had seen his wife. His mate. Charlotte. The blonde woman he had met that afternoon, holding his hand while everything smelled of freshly fallen snow. He had seen snapshots of their lives together, and it had given him something that he had been afraid he had almost given up. Hope.

The Major, on the other hand, was still the same. A constant in a world that for Peter had felt like to be ever-changing. With every vision, his universe expanded. It grew. Full of love, full of potential. It did not just end with him and her. His brother had been there. The Major. They had been together, the three of them. Their own little family. They would joke around, and spend nights chatting and playing games. and it revealed secrets. In one vision, Charlotte had called the Major by his first and last name, Jasper. Jasper Whitlock.

Peter had sat on that piece of information for a long time, and he did not know how to use it. Their current bond was newly woven. It was fragile. But the vision had seeped into his DNA. This new yet so familiar bond that they had - he knew it would grow. That in the future, it would become the strongest of all. A bond of chosen family. And even though he fought the process with tooth and nail, he could not help but start seeing the Major more and more as a brother.

He had kept those feelings hidden. Deep down. And the most precious piece of information of all, he never dared to share. He never spoke of the Majors's true name. Had never even thought about going that far. It was off-limits.Not even one hair on his head thought of sharing that.

That was, until one day the Major had turned Charlotte.

Charlotte was a petite woman, who had a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Carrying this pattern into her new life did not lead to a great start, as she ended up in a f*cking newborn army.

That is exactly what Peter mused to himself when they saw each other for the first time. He had foreseen it. He had had years to prepare himself for it. But somehow, he did not anticipate the impact that the sight of her small marble frame enveloped in bloodlust would do to him. He realized right there and then his time in the southern wars had come to an end.

He had spent a bit over thirty years with the Major, and this would be his last. Their last showdown was coming soon.

Those thoughts roamed in his mind, and with that, he slowly started saying goodbye to the Mexican coven. He was still in charge of training the newborns. He trained Charlotte, trained her well. There was a fine line he tried to walk between not hurting her, and preparing her. Especially with his commander keeping once again a close eye on his every move. Charlotte despised Peter. He saw it written on her face, and it hat cut him deeply. But all is fair in love and war, and thus he did what he could, whenever he could. And it had been effective.

Slowly but surely, they started falling in love. He had urged her to bury the feelings, to not let them show. But the Major was a f*cking empath, and every so often he did wonder who they were fooling more, him or themselves. But the Major stayed out of their way. Always observing, never stepping in. To suit his guilty conscious of leaving his commander with whom he spent all this time, Peter tried to provide him with as many of his happy moments and feelings without it being suspicious. Every so often he would unlock the vault that held his love and happiness that Charlotte had graced him with, and shared it with his brother.

Towards the eighth of her newborn year, Peter had a feeling she would not get through the next culling. Even if Charlotte made it through the battle, she would die before the night was up. The next slaughter would be his last and only chance, but he had to plan it right.

They rode out for battle only 10 days later. Charlotte was up front, readying herself with the other newborns in the first company. Peter stayed in the middle, commanding his own set of troops, and as always, the Major stayed at the back. Peter had tried to provide Charlotte with as many tips and tricks to get through her last battle unscathed. He had pulled out all the stops and knew there was nothing left to do but hope. Although he had given up on a higher being the moment he turned into a vampire, he prayed anyway. He prayed to god that his plan worked. He prayed to believe that he had been right to place his faith in fate.

They fought. They killed. And as always, Peter was left standing after the Major had unleashed his attack of terror. They moved seamlessly through the enemy line, cleaning the ranks in one last charge they executed together. Maria had left the battlefield a while ago. When the culling of their own troops started, and Peter arrived at Charlotte, he knew he had made his choice. In his first and final act of defiance, he picked her up.

Just like the other newborns, she was totally out of it. A ragdoll lying in his arms. He carried her, walking slowly but deliberately to the Major. There was around 50 feet between them, while dawn made itself known - the sky slowly coloring a dark purple.

The Major's red haunting eyes moved from Peter to the newborn in his arms. The Major did not speak, but his eyes said enough. The Captain saw the familiar anger and rage bubbling to the surface. Destruction was imminent. El Diablo was here.

Without thinking, the words left his lips. His biggest secret was finally shared with the world.

“Jasper Whitlock... please”

Peter threw all the emotion he felt into his words. His love, joy, courage, but also the sadness, the guilt. All he had known since he had woken up in this life was his commander. He had brought him clarity. A purpose. He did not want to leave, but he had to. Charlotte was worth more, meant more to Peter, than he could ever hope to convey with words.

The Major’s eyes went out of focus, and for a moment, the emotions seemed to shift. His hands clenched, and the newborn arm he was holding cracked and splintered into tiny pieces. A low growl erupted from the man's chest. A warning. A message.

Peter waited. Waited for the death that he knew would come at any point now. He just hoped that his brother would be swift about it. He could not dare to look away, his eyes holding the Major's gaze. He did not let his hold slip under any circ*mstances. This was his last stance.

The Major opened his mouth to speak. “You have until sun up, more than that I cannot promise” he gritted through his teeth, as he gave a curt nod. He then turned on his heel and continued the culling.

Peter let out a breath he did not realize he had been holding and sped the hell out of there.

Later, Peter would thank god, and most of all, thank Jasper f*cking Whitlock, who had somehow survived within that raging Warmachine.


Charlotte softly squeezed his bicep, reminding him of the here and now. She knew everything. Every little detail of his horrifying past. The three of them had often discussed it, spending days trying to give it a place, to move forward. It was a secret they had kept well, maybe too well. And Peter knew it would soon be the time to finally let other people in.

His lips brushed the shell of Charlotte's ear. "Let us pack" he softly murmured. She nodded in agreement. Their embrace broke off, as Charlotte quickly scooped up the few belongings they had unpacked since they had arrived. Being a nomad does have it perks. No need to spend hours packing, within a few minutes, they were ready to go.

They put on their gloves and helmets, straddled their bikes, and with a short nod towards their home of the last few weeks they started their motors, as they rode out towards the open road.

Chapter 10: Shots & Squats


//Title: Shots & Squats - Vigiland, Tham Sway

Chapter Text

Isabella’s POV

Bella traced the soft red fabric of the sweater hanging over her desk chair. Taking in the big white letters. Class of 2019. It was only her first semester, but the idea of starting to work towards her degree already filled her with a sense of contentment. Now all that was left was to get started.

Her eyes darted around her small room. The wooden bed and matching wardrobe had already been here, left over from one of the previous tenants. Her Converse backpack lay discarded on top of the suitcase that she had brought. She really had to find a place to store all this stuff. A few of the photos that she had brought with her from Forks hung on her walls, Renee, Phil, Charlie, and Jake's smiles gave her some sense of comfort.

“Isa!” the shrill voice of her roommate pierced her thoughts

“Isa! Come on, show me your outfit! The mixer is tonight, and we still have to do our makeup.”

Bella’s mouth curled into a grin. Isa. It was still a nickname that she was getting used to. But since she had started college, she had decided it was time to grow out of her gentle disposition. Her dad was the chief of police, her mom had been a free spirit - and Bella, well she aspired to be more like that. She could do this. She could move on. And thus, Isabella was born.

The doorknob of her room rattled, and Yolanda burst into her room. Her red hair was braided and tied behind her head. She wore a simple black dress, which hugged her in all the right places. Her blue eyes scanned Isabella, resting on her lower half.

“So you’re coming in sweatpants?” the redhaid asked.

She had to laugh at her roommate’s tone, it was friendly, gauging where Isabella’s head was at.

“Absolutely no problem. Makes it way easier for me to impress some boys tonight” Yolanda joked.

Bella let out a small laugh as se rolled her eyes. She pushed herself from her chair, gesturing her hand towards the closet.

“Okay little Miss Fashion, what would you like me to wear instead?”

“I thought you would never ask”, Yolanda grinned at her.

With one swift movement, her roommate had moved over to her the wooden wardrobe. She rummaged through her clothes, throwing a selection messily out on the bed. Bella co*cked her head. On her white duvet now laid a pair of black ripped jeans that she had bought on impulse the other day, as well as several crop-tops.

Yolanda held out a white top in front of her. It was made of thin oversized silk, with short wide sleeves. She eyed the shoes that were strewn in the other corner of the room.

“Wear the jeans, this top, and the white sneakers” she stated. Isabella arched an eyebrow, ready to argue playing dress up doll. But as she glanced once more at the selection, her mouth snapped shut. The outfit was actually very Bella, in a more sophisticated kind of way.

Yolanda stared at her roommate’s face for a while, ignoring the hesitation she had just seen on Isa's face, before continuing

“I will do your makeup, very light, just adding a small eyeliner and some mascara. You have amazing eyes, we should really accentuate them.” The enthusiasm almost spat of off her, and as much as the old Bella would like to argue some more, she didn’t.
Her own clothes and a small amount of makeup, she could do that.

She took a quick shower and then changed into the outfit Yolanda had left out on the bed. Walking out into their living room, she saw her red haired roommate sitting at the kitchen table. Two glasses of white wine with ice in front of her. Having her older sister at the same campus was, in Yo's words, a true asset.

“Sit down,” Yolanda said happily, barily able to contain her glee. Her hands gave her the other glass of wine.

“Cheers, to a good night” she said with a wink as she raised her glass to Bella's.

“Cheers, to my very first glass of wine, and hopefully an amazing night” Isabella smiled in response.

They sipped their wine and chatted about what their life had been like before they had moved in together just over two weeks ago. As the ice cubes started to melt, Yolanda moved from her chair towards her.

“I will just quickly do your eyeliner, after which you can put on your own mascara,” she said while pulling out what seemed like a black pen.

“Just relax. Close your eyes, and please don’t move, unless you want to immediately venture into smoky eyes” she said with a small wink.

Bella had to laugh at the ease with which her roommate introduced her to such things. It was comfortable, and to her surprise actually felt relaxing. It took less than a minute before Yo moved on to the other eye, and before she had realized it, it had already been done.

“So, a night of firsts” Yolanda grinned.

Bella felt a blush creeping up, and quickly took a big gulp of her wine.

Yolanda refilled their glass and held up the glass to cheers again

“To your first eyeliner!” her roommate smiled, and as their glasses clinked, she added another quick wink.


The club was packed and roared with optimism. All the freshmen had gathered in the city to celebrate the official start of the semester. Bella recognized a handful of people that she had met throughout the introduction week. She looked over at the bar, where she spotted a familiar head of red hair. Her roommate's excitement for the evening was palpable, and it eased some of the nerves Bella had felt.

Yolanda pushed a yellow-looking long drink glass in her hand. Bella co*cked up an eyebrow.

“Vodka Red Bull” she smiled, trying to be heard over the smooth tunes of Uptown Funk that was tearing through the speakers.

Bella must have shown some confusion on her face, as she quickly added

“That’s Kevin. He’s one of my sister's best friends.”

Isabella shrugged her shoulders, as she took a sip. Hmm, it tasted mostly like the red bulls she had with Jake on the reservation to refuel for the next adrenaline high. Perfect, she mused, as a small smile curled on her lips.

Yolanda broke out in a grin, “come!”, she mouthed as the speakers began to play a familiar tune.

And before Bella could protest, she was pulled towards the dance floor.

The alcohol quickly washed away any awkwardness that she had felt in her body. The DJ was definitely going through all the singalongs of the past years, a setlist that Bella tremendously appreciated. As a remix of Ex’s and Oh’s boomed over the speakers, she felt her hips sway in response. Her voice joined the myriad of others that were already singing along on the dance floor. She could get used to this.

Song after song faded away, and Yolanda and Isabella danced as if their lives depended on it. The joy was dripping off their faces, and delight was evident in their bolder and bolder dance moves. Soon they were joined by a few others that they had met during the course of their introduction week. They went to the bar in turns, hydrating with rounds of water, co*ke, and tequila shots whenever Yolanda could get a spot with Kevin.

After some time, Bella had moved away to the side, lounging against the wall of the club. She observed the dancefloor, while sipping from her cup of water. The starting notes of Bailando floated throw the venue, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a tall blonde approach her. As he closed the distance between them, she took some time to take him in.

His short blonde hair was smoothed over to the back. His jaw spotted a 3-day beard, and his muscular body was wrapped into a plain white t-shirt. Damn, he looked good. He stopped just in front of her, catching her gaze. He slowly looked towards his hands, and with one short movement, threw a bunch of ice on the floor.

Bella popped up an eyebrow in surprise. Where the hell did he get so many ice cubes?

anticipating her confusion, the handsome guy showed her a half-crooked smile, and asked, “So, as the ice has already been broken, would you mind having a dance with me?”, as he stretched out his hand

A small laugh bubbled up from her chest. What a terrible pickup line.

“A for effort.. but an E for execution,” she returned in the same sentiment

He grinned fully, as he took her hand and moved his face closer to her ear.

“Let me make it up to you. I am sure after one dance I can persuade you to change your grade” he whispered, his voice sounding a lot clearer.

Bella held his gaze, one corner of her mouth turning up. She would have to thank Yolanda for the liquid courage that was coursing through her veins.

“Try your best. You get one dance, then we will reevaluate” she said.

The stranger did not need to hear that twice, as he pulled her with him towards the dance floor.

Standing there, between all of the other freshers, Bella felt oddly comfortable. He took her other hand in his and moved closer. “Don’t worry, just follow my lead” he whispered again. Worry? Should she be worried? Well, now he mentioned it.. But before she could sink in a spiral of thoughts, the beat picked up, and they started to move.

She had a blast. He was a leader, and as a result, they moved as if they were one, he stepped in, and she stepped back. Whatever dance it was that they were doing – it worked. She intuitively twirled, and not before long, the people around them had moved a few steps back, providing them with the necessary room to sway across. They moved and moved, and when the last notes of the song fazed out over the speakers, they came to a halt.

She couldn’t help but smile at the big grin he sent her way. He co*cked his head.

“Definitely a B+. Perhaps even an A” she joked.

He just smiled at her, softly letting go of her hands. Bella was a bit displeased with the loss of contact. But before she could dwell on the thought, he stretched out his right hand.

“David” he smiled at her. Ah. A firm handshake.

“Isabella” she returned, shaking his hand firmly as Charlie had always insisted on.

He leaned forward, and he lowly whispered into her ear

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Isabella”

She felt a tingle rush through her spine. With a small soft kiss on her cheek, his stubble providing a strange but welcome feeling, he smiled once more, before he left the dance floor.

Bella just stood frozen in her place, while a new song boomed over the speakers, watching the stranger – no, David – disappear into the crowd. As she turned her head, she looked straight into the big smile of Yolanda who enthusiastically wiggled her eyebrows. Bella shook her head, while a small smile crept on her lips.


“I am never drinking again” Bella uttered over the toilet bowl. She had been stuck to the porcelain seat for the past hour, and she was sure that her stomach could not possibly contain any more contents. Her head throbbed, her throat stung and all she could taste was bile. She leaned her head on the cold sea-blue tiles that covered the walls. Ugh. There was no way she would accept drinks from Yolanda again. Not in a million years.

Later that day, after munching on some scrambled eggs containing a generous amount of salt, a refreshing Gatorade, and two Advil, Bella was feeling more and more like herself again. It was only near the end of the afternoon, that Yo finally left her own cave. Her hair was wild and she looked groggy while she adjusted her oversized Nirvana t-shirt that doubled as a nightgown, as she entered the kitchen to refill her water bottle.

“Good morning sunshine” Bella smiled, amused by the rough state of her roomie. Luckily she wasn't the only one that had some trouble today.

“Oh just shut up.” Yolanda shot her a death stare.

Bella couldn’t contain her laughter at the sight of her russled roommate.

“You know” Yolanda continued while her lips curled in a small smile, “I could have been up a lot earlier if a specific person could at least hold her liquor, and not wake everyone in the early hours.”

“Touché” Bella retorted. She eyed Yolanda, wondering if she would go back to sleep again.

"Do you want something from the kitchen, Isa? A coffee or something?" Yo's voice chimed

Her stomach made a happy noise at the thought of the black gold. "A coffee would be lovely, thanks so much!"

A few minutes later, Yo walked towards the coach with a water bottle and a steaming coffee in hand. “Well, scootch up! Let's watch some Grey's anatomy – and afterward, you are going to tell me all about that handsome dancer that you met yesterday!”

Bella rolled her eyes, but moved to the corner of the couch, taking her soft blanket with her. Yolanda propped up her legs next to hers and fiddled with the remote to start the episode. This is going to be a great time she mused to herself.

Chapter 11: Désolé


// Title: Désolé - Sexion d'Assaut

Chapter Text

Isabella’s POV

The next few weeks passed by quickly. Yolanda studied psychology, and had signed up for all the afternoon classes she could get her hands on. Which meant that all of her classes started after 1 PM. It took Bella a while before she grasped the benefits of this approach, or as she had later called it herself, a hard-earned wisdom.

After the third week of consistently waking up at 7.30 in the morning, Bella had bitterly complained about her schedule to Yolanda. While they were consuming their lunch - or better said Bella's lunch and Yolanda's breakfast - at the Italian restaurant near the campus, her roommate had just laughed in her face, almost choking on her mushroom ravioli.

“You did what now?” she had managed to get out between her coughs

“How was I supposed to know? School always used to be this early, I thought it would be easy” Bella replied innocently.

“Oh you poor puppy” Yolanda replied with a devilish grin,

“You know if you wouldn’t spend half of your time at Dave’s…” she winked, taking another bite of her ravioli.

Bella stook out her tongue. “Yeah yeah” she acknowledged, continuing her thought while she swirled her fork in the air, “It is just comfortable, you know. We come over, chill, watch some Netflix-“

“Netflix and chill you say?” Yolanda interrupted her thoughts, amusem*nt dripping from her voice. She wiggled her perfectly scaped red eyebrows.

They sat in silence for a while, before Yolanda caught Bella’s eyes again “But Isa, just to double check - and please, I know when you're deflecting, don't even try - is it going somewhere?”

This time it was Bella who had to hold back a chocking sound

“Say what now?”

Yolanda grinned. “You have been seeing the guy every other night for the past weeks! It's quite a lot of time you know” She paused, and for a moment Bella thought that she wanted to add something, but her lips remained sealed.

Bella played with her straw. “Hm, when you put it like this” she mused

“Just be careful,” Yolanda said, “He asked you out at your workplace – I mean, that definitely signals he has some sort of interest in you.”

Bella opened her mouth, ready to disagree, but her roommate continued in a nonchalant tone “I never had a guy - that I did not even kiss - put so much effort into seeing me again. Just saying” She took a small sip of her co*ke while casually waving her other hand dismissively.

The wheels in Bella’s head started turning. She had accidentally met David again at Beans & Co, Bella’s new employer on campus. She had called out for the mocha cappuccino for a certain Dave and was momentarily left speechless as she looked into his light blue eyes. They were the most mesmerizing pair of eyes she had ever seen. He had returned her gaze, and without hesitation had asked her out to dinner. Bella had happily accepted.

“Heeeeeeeeeeello. Anybody home?” Yolanda waved her hand in front of Bella’s face. Bella felt a blush creeping in from her neck.

“Yes, just thinking” she muttered.

“I certainly got that” Yolanda laughed. She politely signaled the waiter for the check. While her roommate paid, Bella tried to get her mind under control.

As she put on her jacket, she felt Yolanda’s soft hands resting on her shoulders. “Hey girl, lets go for a walk, and lets talk about it – after all, that is what friends are for”.

Bella smiled in response, taking her backpack with her and walking out the door.

They crossed the road, heading towards campus, following the path next to the river. The sound of the water rushing alongside them was pleasant. It sounded like Forks, and the thought of home eased Bella's mind. Yolanda fell in a comfortable step next to her. Bella looked to her side, taking in her roommate. She was tiny but feisty. She was two years older, having traveled across the US for a while, before deciding on where she wanted to settle for her college experience. Yolanda had mentioned some of her experiences, and well, the girl had lived.

Bella had to admit, the redhead definitely had more experience on the entire relationship topic. Way more experience.

“So tell me, have you ever been in a serious relationship?” Yolanda finally broke the silence.

Bella nodded. Mulling over her response.

“Yeah, I had a boyfriend during my junior and the start of my senior year. His name was Edward.” She paused.

She had actually not spoken about Edward in a while. Charlie had dropped the topic after he realized she was doing okay, and Jake avoided it like the plague.

She involuntarily moved her hand across her chest. There was still a small hole there. She still felt quite a pinch, as she thought about her time in Forks with the Cullens – in some wicked unexplainable way, they had felt like home. Even now, more than a year since seeing any of them, she could not shake the feeling that she left a tiny part of herself there. A part that she needed to get back. She quickly shook her head at the notion. No woman, no cry. They were gone. Vanished. And, she was over it.

Bella took a deep breath as she continued

“You know, this is actually the first time in ages I have thought about him. I was so in love with the guy. Every time I would see him, I thought my heart was about to burst into a thousand little pieces and fly all over the place”, a small smile played on Bella's lips at the memories of Edward that temporarily danced in her brain.

Yolanda just nodded, encouraging her to go on,

“We dated for a while, and then some things happened..” Her hand quickly stroked over the scar that James had left. The physical reminder that her time with the Cullens had been real, and not all just a bed of roses.

“… long story short, he broke up with me in the middle of a f*cking forest. Babbling about me not being worth it. To be honest, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I do remember clearly that he took me hiking, and then just took off, leaving me in the middle of nowhere..” her voice hardened, as she closed her eyes trying to will away the feelings that she had just involuntarily let in.

“.. I do not remember how I got home that night. I think I was just dazed and eventually found my way back. I was most likely totally exhausted because the next thing I remember is waking up in my own bed wearing the same clothes as that afternoon.”

Bella paused, trying to find the right words, “It took me a while, to get over him. But since the summer, I think I can finally say that I am." she paused again, as she tried to reevaluate that statement. Was she over him?

She took in a deep breath and felt resolve wash over her, while she continued. "But it took quite some work. It was my first heartbreak. He was my first love… and he just up and left. His dad actually moved jobs shortly after, so I have never seen him again...”

Bella took another breath, suddenly very aware of how her nails dug into her palms. She looked to her left, meeting Yolanda’s blue eyes which were filled with contempt and a hint of worry. She was not sure what to expect, but this wasn’t it.

“What a muppet. That guy must have been thicker than pig sh*t, because what the hell.” Yolanda's voice was clear and calm, and it brought an external reassurance that Bella had not known she needed.

“You know, I have only lived with you for a short while, but even I can confidently state that you are worth more than that.” She almost spat the last word.

Yolanda quickly moved towards Bella, wrapping her in a big hug. Bella smiled and relaxed into the embrace. They stood there for a while, as the river rushed on.

"Don't worry about the sitch with Dave. With this experience, it is totally fair that you want to have some non-serious fun" she smiled.

“Also, “ Yolanda peeped up, getting Bella to look down at her, “I have been meaning to ask, exactly what kind of giant are you? You are like insanely tall”

A laugh rumbled through Bella's chest. “I am 5’9’’, a gentle giant at your service”, she squeezed Yolanda's arm, and they both fell into a full fit of laughter.


Over the next few months, Bella developed a very comfortable routine – although she promised her future self that she would abstain from more than one morning class per semester from now on.

Still, she attended her morning classes diligently, developing a small caffeine addiction in the process. She took up three to four shifts a week at Beans & Co, and quickly joined the local kickboxing classes. Unfortunately, the university did not offer muay thai, but they did provide Taekwondo classes once a week, which Bella happily signed up for, and dragged a protesting Yolanda with her.

She spent quite some evenings with David. For now, they had labeled themselves friends with benefits, a term that she had pushed for. She had a feeling he might want something more, but Bella was sure that she did not want to go there. Yet. David did not mind, and they continued seeing each other. They laughed, held movie marathons, and helped each other study for exams. The latter pushed Bella to learn quickly, as David was a Junior who majored in art history - not a topic she was very versed in. They met whenever they had time, and often he popped by their apartment after practice or work – except on certain ‘holy’ days.

Tuesday and Friday nights were dubbed girl nights. And they were sacred. Bella would spend them with Yolanda. On Tuesdays, they stayed in, ate Ben & Jerry’s, and binge-watched Grey's Anatomy or Supernatural. On Fridays, Yolanda would drag Isabella outside of the house. Mostly, they went out – crashed some house parties, or used Yolanda’s connections to get into bars and clubs. It was a blast.

Yolanda helped Bella get ready, trying to make her feel comfortable, while elevating her look from the oversized hoodies and the washed-out jeans she normally wore. And against all odds, Bella enjoyed it. There was no pushing, no nagging. Bella’s no was final, which felt like a breath of fresh air. Slowly but surely, Bella started to get more comfortable. She learned more about her body shape – what kind of clothes suited her larger hips and her smaller bust, and how to get the best out of her female form – without it being labeled sexy.

Yolanda also helped Bella to extend her limits, but in a competitive way that both of them actually took pleasure in.

Their current project? Wearing high heels. Not because Isabella had to wear them in public. No, not at all. It had started after they hungoverly had watched a movie. Bella had half-jokingly critiqued some of the techniques that Catwoman had used to fight and run. Yolanda had seen her opportunity and asked Bella if she had ever tried to run and fight in heels. Bella had not.

And thus, she had received a long lecture from her roommate, for so easily critiquing such a powerful woman in heels, without having the skills herself. As a form of atonement, they had agreed Bella should first learn how to walk, and afterward how to fight. Bella had accepted that challenge with open hands.

That is how during this early Saturday afternoon Bella had tried to walk in 4-inch baby pink heels to the mailbox. They were Yo’s, she had lent them to her for training purposes. Bella had scowled at their height, but Yolanda had just said "Go big or go home", while handing her the pair.Today, she had fallen only two times so far, a feat she was quite proud of.

Yolanda had left early in the morning to visit her parents, as she did every other week. This meant that Bella had the apartment to herself, free to practice without being laughed at. She ducked down to the mailbox. Instead of bills, she found a cream-coloured envelope. She picked it up, glossing over her name, written in a beautiful but unfamiliar script. Hm. That looks expensive.

She walked back into her building entrée hall, turning the envelope around in her hand. As her gaze recognized the name of the sender, she rapidly lost her balance and fell face forward onto the yellow tiles. Great.

She managed to save the letter, but not her jaw. It had hit the floor, and, luckily, together with her other hand had broken much of a fall. She tried to stand up, her ankles waddling like a little duck. As she found her balance, her free hand softly touched her cheek. sh*t, that might become a bruise. They had not returned for five f*cking seconds, or she had hurt herself again. She laughed, a mix of irony and worry. As she gathered her thoughts and made her way back into her apartment, she glanced once more at the back of the envelope. There, in the same beautiful handwriting, it stated:

Rosalie and Emmett Hale-McCarthy

Chapter 12: Give and Take


//Title: Poor Mans Poison - Give and Take

Chapter Text

Jasper’s POV

The rain came down. Hard. Straight. As if god had decided to piss down on earth.

It clattered on the roofs and ran down the metal chain-linked fences around him. The water rushed around the empty liquor bottles, making its way down the gutter. The fresh smell of the rain mixed with the stench of human waste and motor oil. It was cold and wet, and Jasper's white t-shirt and muddy jeans stuck to his marble frame.

A flash of lightning lit up the back alley, illuminating the man he held in front of him. The man's brown eyes held his gaze, but steadily lost focus as his eyelids slowly closed. Good.

The deafening sound of thunder split open the sky. Roaring down from above, the sound rippled through the streets and alleys of Seattle. A murmur of approval escaped Jasper's lips. Cover. Exactly what he needed. With a swift movement, he bent over and bit the man’s neck. The taste of copper and whisky flooded his senses.

If anyone would have been around, it would have looked like an innocent romantic embrace. Two lovers, making out during a storm. But he knew better.

Jasper slowly backed the man into the wall, The little roof above them provided shelter for the worst of the weather. He drank his fill before the pockets of his jeans started buzzing. With a sigh, he quickly lapped up the last drips of blood from his skin. His venom sealed the wound, as he put the man down.

He took out his iPhone, and without looking, answered the call.


The wind rattled the windows and drainpipes around him, the voice on the other end barely audible. As a second lightning strike lit the sky, Jasper turned around. His feet quickly maneuvered through the puddles, and water dripped down his nose as the wind hunkered down.

“It has been 36 hours. Where do you think I have been?” he answered with a hint of frustration.

The thunder followed swiftly. Less time passed this time between the sound and light waves. The storm was moving closer. He raised his voice, so it could be heard above the howling wind.

“No, I am not leaving. Yet. You were quite clear.” He paused, listening intently before he spoke again. “How long?”

He crisscrossed the streets. Smoothly avoiding some loose trashcans that were blowing across the pavement. He rolled his eyes. Humans. Why could they never contain their own messes? Always littering wherever they went.

One corner of his mouth turned up as he saw his motel. Quickly, he moved inside his room. He kicked off his dirty shoes. He put the phone down and swiftly moved his drenched t-shirt over his head. The cracks that covered his body seemed to be healing quickly. The lightning traces that had been newly caressing his frame faded more and more with every second that passed. He was on the mend.

As he took off his jeans, he put the phone on speaker. The dampened voice on the other side of the line became clear-cut and audible.

“Oh and Jazzy” a familiar voice with hints of windchimes echoed through the room,

“Next time, please kill your prey. You know how to hide it, and we both know that this soft look truly doesn’t suit you.”

And with that, the line went dead.

The blond vampire threw his phone on the bed as he moved to the shower. Walking into the scolding hot stream, he let his thoughts roam freely. Well. Not being around her anymore is clearly a silver lining.

Chapter 13: I've Been Thinking About You


//Title: I've been thinking about you - Londonbeat

Chapter Text

Isabella’s POV

As Isabella walked out of the exam hall for the last time this school year, she could not contain a little dance. She had hit that sociolinguistics exam out of the park. She was sure of it. She had not spent the past week studying for nothing.

As she came out of her twirl, the constraints posed by her denim skirt making the movement not as elegant as Bella would have liked, she looked straight into Yolanda’s eyes. She was holding three plastic glasses and what appeared to be a non-alcoholic bottle of champagne.

“Time to celebrate!” she smiled, her blue eyes glimmering.

Bella broke out in a grin as she hugged her best friend. “Yeeees, lets go”.

As they walked through the revolving doors towards the courtyard, she looked towards her roommate.

“Where are we going exactly?”

“You will see.”

They walked across the campus, nearing the river. The early summer sun warmed their faces, and the sweet air of blooming flowers swirled around them. They walked down the steps towards the banks of the river, a familiar blond vampire was waiting for them in the sand. As Rosalie turned around and caught them, she waved happily. Bella broke out in a grin. Rosalie was good at acting surprised, she mused to herself. She must have heard and smelled them a while ago.

Bella was ready to relax with her friends. Ready to celebrate the end of their first year at university. They deserved it. And they had all the time in the world, it was the summer break after all.

>It had been a bit over six months since Bella had read the letter. She had been so tempted to burn the entire thing. To see it dissolve in flames. She had even held it above the candle, the flame so close that it illuminated the envelope. But somehow, she has not been able to go through with it. Instead, she had put it neatly away, putting it under her keyboard. Out of sight out of mind. At least, that is what she had hoped.

After two weeks, the urge to open the creamy envelope had not subsided. Rather, it had only grown. Anticipation and nerves flooded her stomach whenever she thought about the vanilla paper. And so, Bella had decided to cancel her date with David that Saturday evening.

Instead of going bowling and watching Netflix, she had poured herself a bit of Yolanda’s Pinot Grigio. Hoping her roommate’s favorite wine and her fluffiest pajamas would calm some of the nerves that were crawling through her body. As she settled on the couch, her fingers smoothly opened the envelope. Ha. At least some things have changed.

She extracted just one page from its protective cover. Her eyes scanned the first line. Dear Isabella, it started. Isabella. They used her full name. An amused cloud flocked through Bella’s brain, as she continued to read the rest of the text.

The letter was sweet, concise, and somehow exactly what Bella needed. Partly written by Rosalie’s beautiful script, party drafted by Emmett’s less than elegant penmanship, the letter painted a clear but high-level picture of what happened to them in the past year.

There was no pressure within any of the words that painted the paper. It was a simple outreach, with no strings attached.

Rosalie explained how she and Emmett had left the Cullen’s the night Edward had informed them of his decision, and that they had just moved to Maryland. She apologized for her behavior, acknowledging her aloofness. Afterward, Emmett's writing had taken over, asking her to not be too hard on Rose, or him for that matter. But they would understand and respect whatever decision she would come to. He missed her dearly; he had signed with a big hug and provided his mobile phone number. Rose had just scribbled her name.

Bewildered Bella stared at the paper for the rest of the evening. She sipped her white wine while contemplating her next move. What should she do? Why were they here? The thoughts kept running through her head in circles.

When the clock signaled it was already after midnight, she noticed her wine had disappeared. She put the letter on the coffee table and moved towards her bedroom. She snuggled with her pillow under her duvet, letting sleep take her. She would deal with this in the morning.

It was after eleven o’clock the next day when she returned to the land of the living. The dreamless night had left her feeling refreshed. She took her water bottle from her nightstand and rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand. Her brown waves were tangled and tousled. Bella tried to run her hand through her hair, encountering several knots. She would have to take care of these later today.

As she crossed the threshold to the living room, the fresh aroma of coffee pierced her nostrils. Her eyes scanned the room, resting on a grinning Yolanda sitting on their olive-green couch. A steaming cup of coffee was in front of her, and in her hands, she held the letter. Bella rolled her eyes inwardly. She should have known better. They both had no privacy in this house.

She walked past her friend, heading straight to the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge and cupboards while making herself one of her signature cappuccinos. The familiar moves of her hand brought her some peace. Once the drink was ready, she brought the cup to her lips to take a sip. Nice. the warm milk soothed her insides. She silently moved back to her roommate, placing herself next to her.

There was a short pause between them.

“So” Yolanda started, “Who are these two?”

Bella sighed. There was no way around this now.

She quickly provided Yo with a summary, taking some small liberties with the cover story that the Cullens had told her – She had to make Emmett and Rosalie had to be more than just a neighboring couple, otherwise, them leaving the Cullens would have made no sense whatsoever. Luckily, she had a knack for thinking on her feet. Family. Rosalie would be a visiting niece and Emmett her boyfriend, they visited her uncle Carlisle during their gap year and decided to stay around. Until they didn’t anymore. Yes. That could work.

Bella embellished the story with real details. How Rose had been distant, and Emmett had felt like the big brother whom she never had. As she told Yolanda everything, sorrow churned away in her chest.

As she neared the end of her monologue, her cappuccino had gone cold. Yolanda was sitting next to her, sipping her cooled coffee in stages, not interrupting her once. They like that for a while. Bathing in silence.

“Well, it sounds like you miss them Isa” she said breaking the quiet.

Bella nodded her head. “I miss Emmett. I miss his jokes.” She paused. Did she miss Rosalie?

“Rose.. I am not sure. We were never close, but this letter makes me wonder…” her voice trailed off.

Yolanda just held Bella's hand. Her thumb slowly circled the soft spot between her thumb and index finger.

“No need to make any hasty decisions. Just let it sit for a while. If you ever want to talk about it, I am here”

Bella smiled at her friend. She took a sip of her coffee, and quickly spit it out again. Ugh. It was cold.

Yolanda looked at her with amusem*nt. Her red-haired flatmate stood up, folded the letter, and put it in their bookcase. She turned to Bella,

“So, ready for some supernatural? We have quite a few seasons to catch up on!”

A smile played on Bella’s lips. “You know, I might think I am”


Bella had called Emmett near the end of the week. She had been nervous, but as soon as she heard the voice on the other end of the line, she knew it had been for nothing. She had never heard his low voice drip with this much excitement. Yeah. She had missed this. Sincerely.

They had met up for a coffee a few days later. Their conversation had started out a bit rough. Emmett had skipped from one topic to another, wanting to talk about anything and everything at the same time. It had been overwhelming. Bella had focused on her coffee, not wanting to look up. But Emmett’s happiness did not fade. And hearing how she had been missed, warmed Bella at her core.

While Emmett rambled on, she slowly weeded through her emotions. It took a while, but in the end, their familiar laughter filled the café. It felt like he had never really left.

Emmett and Bella swiftly fell into a comfortable rhythm. Every other weekend, they went on a little adventure. Hiking the woods, discovering the local flora and fauna. Bella had been glad for the company and the time they were outside. The fresh air seeping out of the trees brought a well-needed clarity to her brain. Exams were closing in, and she had to focus. While hiking, they frequently altered between a comfortable silence, with Emmett analyzing and following whatever wildlife tracks he had found that day, and a pleasant banter that they were so used to.

As Bella lay in bed after their third outing, she watched the ceiling. The scent of her Chinese take-out dinner lingered in the air. As she stared into the darkness, Emmett’s question rolled back and forward through her head.

“Would you maybe like to see Rose?” he had asked spontaneously while tapping his fingers together.

Bella had not replied.

The big vampire had not minded Bella’s immediate lack of an answer. As they returned to College Park, Bella had circled back to the topic, and she had added she would think about it. He could not contain a small grin at that sentiment - it was more than he had expected. And his joy had secretly rubbed off on Bella.

Now, laying in her bed surrounded by quietness, she wondered. Did she want to see Rose? Did she really?

She could not help but admit that she was curious. The letter had shown a side of Rose that she had not seen before – and she kept on musing if she wanted to see the beautiful vampire once again. After all, her other half had brightened her life.

Emmett had been a star. They had had a lot of fun, and he understood her apprehension when it came to extending her current vampire circle. As such, he put absolutely no pressure on her whatsoever to start seeing his other half. He had mentioned Rose here and there, but always as a part of a bigger story. They did share a life after all. A small smile formed on Bella’s lips. From the small snapshots that she saw, it was clear the big teddy bear was absolutely besotted with his mate.

Hm. Maybe she should speak to Rose. Once. Just to see how it would play out. She weighed the thought in her head, moving between the pro's and con's. After a while, she closed her eyes and slowly dozed off.

The decision had come quicker than expected. She had called Emmett the next morning, and had asked if Rose maybe would have time for a quick walk along the river after her shift that day. His voice sounded thrilled, as they agreed they would meet up at four o’clock.

A steaming cup of black coffee warmed Bella’s hand as she made her way across campus. The skies were bare, and the cold eastern wind pierced her skin. Winter was finally settling in, and she knew that it wouldn’t leave for the next months. The joy of living on the east coast. As she rounded the last corner, she saw the familiar posture of Rosalie. She was wearing a black leather jacket and a thick wool scarf.

Bella stopped in her tracks, as she took in the other woman. She was absolutely breathtaking. And dressed on the limits of acceptability in this weather. She co*cked her head, looking her over from had to toe, as she mused to herself. Hm, maybe Edward had been right. Because she could swear that she did not remember Rose to be that beautiful.

Rose smiled towards Bella, breaking her line of thought.


“Hi” Bella answered awkwardly.

“So… do you want to go for a walk?” her golden eyes looked uncertain and her hands were occupied with the end of her scarf.

“Yup”, Bella kept her answers short.

Rosalie took a moment to watch her. As they exchanged looks, it seemed that some of the tension was flowing away. Bella let a small sigh escape her lips. There was no needed to be nervous. She was not the same person she had been in Forks, and Isabella and Rose should have a chance for a fresh start. Bella gave a small acknowledging nod, as she started putting one foot in front of the other. Rose followed suit.

“Thank you” Rosalie said softly

“No worries.”

They walked in silence. Bella applauded herself for the foresight of taking a coffee with her. The cold was quickly taking over her body, and she needed all the warmth she could get her hands on.

She should have put on her winter jacket this morning. Well. Foresight only could go so far. The rough sound of the dark water surging beside her filled her ears as she took a sip of her coffee. The soothing liquid warmed her from the inside out.

Rosalie co*cked her head, a small grin playing on her lips. Bella just raised an eyebrow in response. Daring the other girl to elaborate.

“It is amazing how much you have grown” she finally said

It was a statement, and Bella wasn’t sure how to interpret it. She stopped mid-stride and met Rose’s golden eyes.


There was no please, no subtlety. Rose had not bothered with those before, and Bella sure as hell would not bother with them now. They were currently in a balancing act. A stalemate of not-so-niceties. And whatever Rose said next, would tip the scales one way or another.

A corner of Rose's mouth turned up. “Well this for one”, she replied as her hands gestured around her.

“The old Bella would have never been so bold, asking a vampire to explain herself.” Rosalie smiled, as she continued

“And it doesn’t stop there. You have grown. Not only physically, but mentally as well…”

Bella had to smile at that statement. She had grown a bit during her senior year in high school. She had thought it had been weird. Most of the time girls do not grow that much anymore after their first period. But well, stranger things had happened. She inwardly chuckled at the thought. You know, like vampires.

“… You are here now. Fully. You stand straighter. Exude confidence." Rose briefly paused

"You are not the girl you were one and a half years ago”

Bella co*cked up an eyebrow. Rose's words circled in her mind.

“And, “ Rose added with a small grin, “The Bella I know would never have been able to walk and drink at the same time, at least not without spilling on herself”, as a laugh escaped from her full lips.

Bella joined the blond vampire with her smile. A small chuckle escaped her lips. The skills had tipped. Rosalie was speaking the truth, and Bella knew it. She had grown. Lived. Experienced more of life. At least, experienced as much as one could during their senior year and start of university. She was ready to start a new friendship. One based on mutual understanding and equality. And it seemed that Rose was ready too.

“So, tell me” Bella countered

“What have you been up to?”

Rosalie happily talked for the next 20 minutes. Filling in the gaps of knowledge that Emmett had left open. Bella observed her closely. The blond vampire was gorgeous and direct. She said what she needed to, and used no unnecessary words. But there was no hostility, no negativity - it was nothing like the side of her that Bella had seen before. It seemed that time had changed things. Their characters had changed. Grown. Evolved. They had moved closer to each other.

As Rose started started to give voice to their life before, in Forks, Isabella quickly stopped her. She did not want to hear it. No. It was the deal she made with Emmett, and would now make with her.

She would love to get to know them as acquaintances. Maybe even as friends. Someday. But she did not want to hear about the Cullens. That was a hard stop.

As they finished their walk, they agreed to meet up in a few weeks again. And that is how they continued.

If the weather allowed, she hiked with Emmett or strolled around the town with Rosalie. As the dark and cold of winter set in fully, the activities moved indoors; She got very proficient at Mario Kart - beating Emmett every once in a while, even on tournaments that included rainbow road. In between classes, she would join Rose in her shop. Learning the basics of fixing up cars - apparently a skill every young lady should have according to Rosalie herself - and she often left the Hale-McCarthy house content and with an oil streaked face.

As time went on, they saw each other more often, and Bella was happy to say that they became friends.

Rosalie and Emmett's presence soothed Isabella. It patched up a small part of the hole that the Cullens had left in her chest.

But as much as she did not try to think about it, she could still feel void that Edward had left behind. It was covered now. Scabbed over by time and the creation of new friendships. What once had been a deep excavation in her heart, had now been mended with a soft net. It was enough to take the edge off. But the deep cave underneath, that still remained.

Chapter 14: Natural


//Title: Natural - Imagine Dragons

Chapter Text

Peter’s POV

As the first touches of dawn graced the vast expanse of Nevada’s desert, Peter took in the symphony of color that surrounded him. The horizon stretched out in front of them, seemingly endless. All they could see was illuminated by the sun that emerged from its slumber, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

The roaring of their engines was the only sound to be heard for miles. They had driven through the night, only stopping to get gas in the middle of f*cking nowhere. The Joshua trees slowly came to life, caressed by the rays of light. The fresh cold air moved against them as they raced through the sandy world.

As the sun rose in the sky, they finally saw their destination, a little hut just over 60 miles away from the neon pulse of Las Vegas. As they put their bikes away at a safe distance, they slowly approached the old mining house, it looked like a true relic of old.

There was silence in the air, save for the soft sigh of the wind as it danced around the broken windows, carrying the distant howl of a coyote. The house’s walls peeled with paint, and the front door hung on its hinges. A distinct creeping sound escaping from its hinges. The air tasted of dust and the past – a flavor that lingered on Peter’s tongue like the memory of the gold rush that must have once breathed life in this now almost forgotten place.

Once they got within 50 feet of the house, the front door opened. The crimson eyes of Garrett stared solemnly at his new visitors. He was wearing long scruffy jeans paired with an oversized black t-shirt. His bare toes dug into the scolding sand. His face looked just as Peter remembered, his dark beard and curls framing his face, which was observing Charlotte intently as he took her in from head to toe. When he finished his assessment of the petite blond vampire, he moved on to Peter. The corners of his mouth moved upwards. They seemed to have passed whatever their old friend had been looking for.

“Well, that took you f*cking long enough” Garrett rumbled

That was all Charlotte needed. She sped towards the tall vampire, enveloping him in a big hug.

“How long has it been? 30 years?” Garrett managed to get out while getting almost squeezed to bits.

“forty-one” Peter corrected his friend.

The small battle at Little Rock had been more than four decades ago. It felt like yesterday.

As Charlotte finally let go of Garrett’s broad shoulders, Peter moved in and shook his hand. It was good to see him again.

“Let’s sit,” Garret said while gesturing to the little seating area behind the house.

Charlotte and Peter both took their place on the old discarded sofa, with Garrett lounging back on the ground directly across from them. With one hand, he smoothed his hair backward.

“I thought you would have come sooner”

Peter co*cked up an eyebrow, while his hand tapped on his thigh. “Were you expecting us?”

“For some time”

Peter inwardly rolled his eyes. He and Garrett were good friends. They had met as nomads and kept in touch. Whenever one of them was in need, they came to each other’s aid. The last time they met, Garrett had turned the beloved human sister of another nomad. Accidentally. At least that is what he kept saying. The battle they fought afterward, had definitely not been an accident.

As much as Garrett was a casanova in heart and soul, he was an even better tracker. He knew his way around actual as well as traces of people and vampires. Being able to handle the latter was a feat in itself, as vampires were solitary creatures that did not open up easily. Like clams. The small mollusks were always his favorite comparison to the social tendencies of their own species.

But to Garrett, vampires were an open book. It was a game to him, to win everyone over. And he often succeeded. That is, unless he turned someone's sister during the process. Charm was his middle name, at least, as long as he wanted it to be. Garrett dealt in only four currencies: blood, sex, information, and loyalty. And Peter and Char counted their lucky stars that they belonged in that final category.

“Still a man of not that many words, I see” Charlotte's warm voice broke through Peter’s thoughts

A smirk played on Garrett’s lips. He tipped his head back, letting the sun momentarily warm his face.

“Let me put it this way” his low voice spoke, “I just assumed you would appear when the Major broke away from his adoptive family..” he left a small pause,

“.. as, you know, you guys share the same last name and all”.

Garrett waved his hand, as if to make his point. His face was still soaking up the sun, his posutre was relaxed, as if this was the most logical thing to say at this moment.

Charlotte’s face hardened. Oh oh. Peter knew that face.

“You knew?” she spat.

She sat a bit straighter and narrowed her eyes as she added “Well, that’s just f*cking fantastic”

She held Garrett’s gaze, her mouth contracting into a straight line, while steadily pushing herself up from the washed-out blue sofa. Her eyes were menacing, and Peter knew better than to intervene at this point. God help Garrett's poor soul.

“Why” she grumbled.

Garrett was still lounging back as he co*cked his head. “Why what?”

Charlotte took a few steps closer to him, her body blocking some of the sun that touched his face. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

Garrett now had to angle his head up, not breaking out of his relaxing position as he looked upon Charlotte’s fury-laced eyes. Without missing a beat he answered

“I thought you guys knew”

Wrong answer. In a flash, Charlotte has closed the space between them. Long strands of blond hair dangled along her face. She leaned over Garrett, who either had a death wish, or had to have a damn good reason to pretend to be so oblivious to the storm that was coating the atmosphere around him.

“You” Charlotte growled. The air was thick with the scent of brewing conflict.

Garrett looked deep into her eyes, holding Charlotte's gaze. Both vampires stayed completely still. After eighty-two seconds, Garrett tilted his head to the side and archen an eyebrow.

Charlotte took a deep breath. Peter could swear he saw his mate mentally count to ten. Once she reached the end of her mental calculus, she threw her hands in the air in exasperation, as she grumbled

“You are just as f*cking useful as a goddamn chocolate teapot!”

Ah. This was good. A gentle insult, no physical altercation. They could work with this. Peter visibly relaxed into the velvet ribbed pillows. Garrett was still holding Charlotte’s gaze.

“Are you done?”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. She turned around, kicking Garrett’s leg as she made her way back to the couch. They sat for a while, surrounded by the dry and dusty smell of the desert around them.

Peter’s thoughts drifted towards his brother. He had only seen the Major once in the past decade when he and the Pixie came over to visit. But even in the past century, he could not say he had seen him that much at all. He wondered what Garrett knew.

A few years after Charlotte and Peter had escaped the Mexican Coven, they had bumped into Garrett. They had been skittish of other vampires, but the man had shown them that there was more to the world than just war. They had spent a year traveling with him, where he showed them the ropes of vampirism. Why exactly, Peter had never cared to find out.

Their bond grew over that year, and although they did not see themselves as immediate family, they damn well saw themselves as cousins of sorts. A once-removed-family of odd military ducks, with an unconventional sense of loyalty to one another. Over time, Garrett had introduced them to his four pillars, and how they had the ability to save their assess in the intricacies of vampire society.

It was here, that both Peter and Charlotte figured out that the world was way more intricate than they knew it to be. At the same time though, all vampire life circled the one same staple: Blood.

The red elixir of life. The foundation that they needed to survive as well as thrive - and it was the first Pillar of Garrett's list. Peter remembers his shock clearly when the man had mentioned that vampires did not necessarily have to kill. It was certainly the easiest, the cleanest. But a bite did not necessarily equate to either death or a doomed life as a creature of the night. Peter had been astonished.

As Garrett continued, he had wiggled his dark bushy eyebrows, apparently non-lethal biting was a favorite of his during certain intimate moments with humans.

This led them to the second pillar. Sex. Quite an unnecessary one at that for a mated pair like Peter and Charlotte, but they had had a good laugh at Garrett’s passionate opinions on the topic.

The third cornerstone of information had merged with the fourth one, loyalty. This combination had been the most informative, by a landslide - and had installed them with a sense of worry that had not left their bones since then.


Garrett’s POV

They had covered the basics of vampire law a few days ago. Garrett had taken no amusem*nt in their worried faces. The Mexican coven was clearly laced with severe insolences, and that, well, that was a problem.

He sighed. Over the past months, he had to come to like the two experienced warriors before him. He was not sure what had pushed him to take them under his wing, but over time, he was glad he did. But with his actions, came responsibility.

Vampire society. A f*cking mess if you asked him. But an important cornerstone. They had to understand just how thin the ice was that they were treading on.

“Vampires are ruled by a large Coven. The Volturi.” Garrett had explained, “The Volturi have three alpha vampires, or as we politely call them, kings. The Volturi coven is like a royal family. You have the kings, their queens, and the royal guard – akin to the extended family.”

He had watched the reaction of Peter and Charlotte intently. Grasping this concept was of utmost importance.

“They are the most powerful family. On the one hand, due to the sheer number of coven members, and on the other hand due to their large share of gifted coven members.”

Peter and Charlotte had nodded, they had received their lessons on vampire gifts a few weeks previously, where they had touched very shortly on the various gifts of the kings as well as Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri.

“Simultaneously, the Volturi name also refers to the rulers of our vampire society. They are the leading Coven, and just have the honor of being our governing body – making sure we all abide by vampire laws. But that, they do not alone.”

Garrett had paused briefly, overthinking his choice of words.

“They function as judge, jury, and executioner. Aro will know the backstory of any person who dares to walk into his court and can spot any lie miles away. There are varying degrees of transgressions, and punishment is often as harsh as it is fair.” His voice was as serious as it could be.

“The most severe defiances of the law are punishable by death. In most other cases, the accused is punished through servitude.”

Peter had co*cked an eyebrow up to that statement.

“A logical solution. Vampires are strong creatures, who – strictly – only need blood to survive. Hence, vampires have a limited amount of resources, but an abundance of time. Instead of sticking them in a cell, like human civilization, the Volturi just decided that they should serve the vampire society. And that is how the punishment of servitude was born”.

Garrett stopped for a few minutes. Letting the two vampires in front of him digest all the information. When he felt enough time had passed, he continued,

“That is just our governing body. But let us look at loyalty. What are vampires loyal to?”

Charlotte had given up trying to answer his rhetorical questions. Peter tried, mustering a “Themselves?” as an answer. Garrett laughed in response.

“Yes. In essence, vampires are loyal to themselves, and by extension their family members. Otherwise called coven members. If you have any questions on the specifics, please save them for tomorrow. Currently, I want to dive into the different covens and their bonds.

As discussed before, the Volturi are the largest coven. But there are more. A group of vampires from three people or more can be dubbed a coven, and depending on size and gifts, they have different influences.

In essence, the world we live in is inherently political. There are some families that have a larger influence than others, and they try to one-up each other all the time.”

Charlotte had looked at him questioningly. “People are trying to one-up the Volturi?” she asked incredulously

Garrett had just smiled. “Yes. All the time.”

"Do they just attack the Volturi?"

Garrett mused at the response. Their experience with Maria had presented them with a perspective that greatly diverged from the typical reality encountered by most vampires.

"No, no. They try to achieve their advantages through a far more lethal tool. Diplomacy. It is the only true weapon in court."

He left a pause again, giving the other two a moment to let the information sink in.

“Which, leads me to the last pillar, information. It is one of the main currencies I deal in, and it has saved my ass more than once.”

Charlotte and Peter looked at him, urging him to continue.

“Always have your eyes open in our civilization. Save the details you normally would deem unimportant. When you speak to nomads, try to connect the unsaid dots. In this life, you have to weave your own spider web of information, to catch any threats that might have to potential to harm you.”

Garrett's eyes darted to the house while letting out a small sigh. "Do not let the fact that you left Maria lull you into a false sense of security. If my experience has taught me one thing, it is that being safe is an illusion."

And with that statement, he had stood up and ended his lesson for the day.


Peter’s POV

The desert wind rushed past their motorcycles, slowly swirling the sand and dust around Peter's ankles. They had sat in silence long enough. The sun had passed its peak and was working towards the horizon again. Peter looked at his old friend, as he broke the silence.

“Garrett, please explain what the hell is going on".

The nomad set up, making himself comfortable.

“You remember that shadow dance of power we discussed decades ago?” He asked while watching vultures circling in the distance.

Peter acknowledged Garrett with a subtle nod.

“Well. From what I have heard, your brother is mixed up in it”.

Peter arched his eyebrow, “but he hates politics” he murmured.

“Maybe he does. But that does not mean he cannot play the game. My sources have all converged on that consensus. Although their reasoning differs.” He paused. His face hardened.

“You should leave. Nightfall is coming soon. This is not the place you should currently be.”

They knew Garrett long enough to know that they had overstayed their welcome. Reluctantly, they got up, moving towards their motorcycles. Perfect. If confusion had been the goal of their visit, they had won the f*cking jackpot.

As they were about to ride into the sunset, they heard Garrett’s voice once more.

“In all those years, have you never wondered why Demetri has not found you yet?”

Chapter 15: Volar


//Title: Volar - Alvaro Soler

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rosalie’s POV

Rosalie and Emmett had just finished their talk. It had been intense. As a result, Emmett had left their house to hunt, trying to get his mind off things. Rose had a similar plan, but it involved a warm bath and some nice exfoliation. She needed the comfort.

The bathroom was full of steam, the pleasant smell of lavender covering every inch of the room. She lowered herself into the bathtub, emerging herself within a sea of bubbles. She threw her head back on the little blue pillow that Emmett had gifted her once after a fight, and stretched her ligaments fully. Peace. She closed her eyes, as she thought about the past few years, and how Bella had grown into her own woman.

The first time Rose had truly realized how much Isabella had changed, had been halfway through the girl's time at University, on a warm summer evening.

The summer sun dipped lower and lower on the horizon, casting a warm golden hue on the bustling terrace of the bar. Rose had leaned back in her chair, adjusting her sunglasses. The clinking of ice in glasses mingled with the soft murmur of conversations around her. Bella should appear for their date any second now.

As if on command, Isabella strode onto the terrace with effortless grace. Rose had to contain her smile. Each step was a study in poise and confidence and was accentuated by the clicking of her heels against the stone floor. Bella was magnetic, and the patrons' heads turned to watch her walk by as she moved through the crowd toward Rose. Rosalie grinned at the scene. Not that Bella noticed any of the attention – in that regard, some things had stayed the same. The beautiful brunette was totally unaware of her allure.

As Bella closed the last few meters, Rose stood up and embraced her in a tight hug.

“Oh my god, it is so good to see you. It feels like it has been ages!” Bella exclaimed

“Tell me about it. You were booked!”

Bella grinned. “Exam season can be stressful - ask Emmett. He has just finished right?”

Rose nodded happily and explained in detail about the last exams Emmett had passed. He was finally ready to graduate and spent some more time with his wife. The waiter politely interrupted Rose's story. Bella ordered a gin and tonic, and Rose asked for some water. In reality, they both knew that the drinks were for the human at the table, but Rose enjoyed the façade. It was nice to sporadically feel a bit more human.

They quickly received their drinks, the scent of citrus mingled with the botanical aroma of the gin. As Bella took a small sip of the cold drink, Rose kicked up the conversation again.

“So, how is your life?”

“Steady.” Came the monotone response

Rose arched an eyebrow, urging the girl to elaborate.

“You know, the usual. The exams actually went very well. I made it to the Dean's list again. So that is good”

Rosalie inwardly rolled her eyes. Always minimizing her own accomplishments. Determined to celebrate her achievements, her perfectly manicured nails raised her glass towards Bella.

“That is absolutely amazing! Cheers to that!”

Bella grinned and clinked Rose’s glass, as she continued,

“And, Yolanda has finally found her other half! They are so insanely cute together. They have been dating for a few months now, but she only just introduced him. His name is Ako, and an absolute sweetheart.”

The blond vampire had to smile at that news. She did not know Bella’s roommate that well, but the few times that they had hung out together, the three of them always had a good time. It was clear the small redhead needed someone to keep her grounded. Yolanda needed a ying to her yang. Someone to take care of her extroverted self, tempering the energy that bubbled over in that girl.

“So, has this little development given you any ideas?” she teased

Isabella almost choked on her co*cktail. “Ha. Very funny”.

Rose smirked. “It wasn’t kidding.” She said in a seemingly jokey manner, but with some serious intent,

“Tell me, how is the love life coming along?”

She knew that Bella did not mind talking about the topic. She had provided Rose with more than enough updates throughout her not-so-serious relationship – as Bella had called it herself – with David. They had ended things at the start of the year. The handsome blonde man had wished for more. A next step of commitment that had Bella almost jumping out of the window. Luckily, she just decided to call it quits instead.

After that, Rose had left the topic open, waiting for Bella to elaborate during their biweekly dates – but since then, the brunette had been awfully quiet on the topic. It was time to probe her a bit.

Bella looked down at her glass, her skin blooming with a soft rosy hue. “uhm well.. it has been going”.

Rose tilted her head,

“You know, you make it sound like it's either going really well, or it’s a total car wreck”

Bella looked up to Rosalie, giving her the time to analyze her deep brown eyes. A small grin appeared on the Isabella's lips.

“Well... I might be dating around. A bit.”

Rose gasped


The grin on Bella’s face spread.

“Tell. Me. More.” Rose urged, her eagerness drawing her closer until she was almost bending over the small round table.

“I have been seeing Gian-Luca relatively frequently – he is an Italian exchange student my Syntax 200 class. We’re working on my Italian skills. And his English skills of course. But I must admit… it is a very romantic language…”

Bella’s gaze drifted to her fingernails, a faraway dreamy expression softening her features.

Rose chuckled. “Questo è un aspetto che posso assolutamente accettare” she said with a smile.

Bella narrowed her eyes, “You speak Italian?”

“un po', you know, the years are long if you do not challenge yourself a bit”

“Hm. It must be hard to always find new things to do” Bella mused while stirring her drink with her straw.

Then she returned to the topic.

“I have been trying to pick up some languages. I felt that it would be interesting to see how I could apply everything I learn currently to a different language as well. I've discovered that I have a knack for it, especially when I fully immerse myself in the process.”

She paused briefly, her blush deepened

“It has been really fun to discover my brain in this way…. which is why I might also be seeing Antonio and Ferdinand..”

Rose could not contain her laughter anymore. “Bella!” was all she could exclaim at this moment. Oh how different this girl was from the one they had left in Forks.

Without prompting, Bella continued,

“I mean, seeing and dating might be a bit of a liberal interpretation. They are also exchange students, and I just hang out with each of them - seperately. I help them with their English, and in return, they teach me Italian, Spanish, and German. It actually is going quite well”

Rose arched her eyebrow, silently questioning if that was all there was to it.

“Okay, okay – there might be some other perks as well. But its not the main part of the relationship” Bella muttered

Rose looked at her friend with astonishment. What an amazing creature.

They sat on the terrace for a while. It seemed that Bella harbored a hope that the more she explained, the bigger the chance was that she could pave her way out of this dialogue. Yet, the more she spoke, the further she seemed to entrench herself in the discussion.

It was clear she was having fun. Thoroughly enjoying the student life. It was all that Rosalie and Emmett ever wished for her. She seemed so much more free and confident - growing into becoming the most wonderful woman.

As the waiter came around again, Bella ordered a focaccia and another gin & tonic.

“I also found a life hack” she happily told Rose

“Apparently, we can do like paid studies for the university. The reimbursem*nts are shockingly high. I might quit being a barista” she chuckled

“What kind of studies are you participating in? Not those new drug-related ones right?” Rose scowled

Bella shook her head. “No, I love my current activity way too much for that,” she told her. She took a bite of her beet and goat cheese focaccia, as she continued

“No, it are these psychological and intelligence exams. I have one per week, and they cover several topics. Yesterday I had one on facial expressions. It was quite fun.”

Rose expression twisted into one of bewilderment.

“Yes! Exactly like that!” Bella laughed, “We had to label that emotion. Confusion.” She proudly stated.

“Well, you don’t have to be a genius to recognize that”, a laugh rippling through Rosalie

“Ha, luckily not. Otherwise, I would not be allowed to participate” Bella winked.

She took another sip of her drink.

“I am actually wondering if I can continue. There are different people in the room for every test, and we need to wait every week for a re-invitation. It is a bit weird. But apparently, it is an interesting double-blind study, so, let’s see where this is going.”

“Let's see indeed” Rose agreed.

They sat in silence for a while, listening to the conversations around them. Rosalie then broke the silence, updating her friend on her current life with Emmett, and their plans after graduation. He was joining her in the shop for a while, but their bigger ideas for the future were still unknown. The blond vampire had elaborated on some of their potential arrangements and holidays that they could choose from. But in the end, they just were not sure yet.

Rose had eventually successfully gone through her monologue, as she returned the sentiment.

“What are your long-term plans?”

Isabella had shrugged her shoulders.

“You would have to define long term, I barely know what I will be doing by the end of this week – let alone in the next five years”

“Fair”, Rose conceded

“No more vampire wishes in that case?” she grinned

Bella narrowed her eyes and flicked an olive from her focaccia towards Rose. It landed perfectly on her forehead, leaving a little oil patch. The corners of Bella’s mouth moved up in response.

“No. None at all. That chapter of my life is officially over”

After a brief pause she added, “and I am glad. I would not have traded the past three years for anything”.

Rose pulled herself from the memory, and led her body slide down further in the porcelain slope of the tub. The water surrounded her like a warm blanket. Her head gently dipped below the surface.

The world above became a distant murmur. Here, under the tranquil waters, she let her mind roam once more down to the dwindling path of Forks.

f*cking Forks. Reflecting on it, it was astonishing how much danger the Cullens had exposed her to.

Rose had not recognized the sheer extent of it. At least, not at the beginning. She had only assessed the risks that came from within her coven. From Edward. From Jasper. She had treated their ruby periods as foreboding, as a warning. A caution that in the end had been warranted.

When Bella had first entered their lives, Carlisle had been clear to Edward that dating a human so openly was a recipe for disaster. But once Eddie explained just how special Bella was, how his heart skipped a beat whenever he saw her, the patriarch’s tune had changed.

Rose had gagged at the speech. They were all at risk. And for what? A young brunette who could barely muster the courage to form a sentence? Nope. Rose was not having it.

Alice had seen the future and told the family that Bella would live a happy life and die of old age, long before anyone knew they had shared their secret. Taking it to her grave.

This thought had angered Rose. Would they just hang around this human for 80 years? What was the plan? Rose had been vicious. Hammering down that the Pixie had no way of overseeing all decisions. But there was no arguing with an omniscient being. At least, not in the Cullen family.

She had tried to though, starting up the discussion again, and again. And again. But, she was in the minority – only backed by Jasper and Emmett. The others, well, they just wanted Goldenboy to be happy and were apparently reassured enough by their in-house prophet. The decision had been made, and it was not one to be contested.

That was the way of the Coven. Once the human had been introduced to the supernatural, there had been no going back.

But the dangers had not stopped there - Only, Rosalie had remained unaware of them until they were unmistakably present before her. She had been unable to anticipate exactly how dangerous other nomads were. Not entirely unsurprising - How could she? Except for the Denali’s and the Pixie Bitch and Jasper, she had never met any other traveling vampires.

And that, well, that had been a small error of judgment. For the entire family.

James, Victoria, and Laurent had shown up at their baseball game, and quickly after, the hunt for their human family member had started. Rose, Esme, and Emmett had been detailed with the protection of Bella at their house, whereas the others had agreed to take the offensive. Time was of the essence. They had to kill James, before he killed Bella.

Alice, Carlisle, Edward, and Jasper had been gone for a week. A tranquil week which they had spend at the Cullen house. At least, until Bella had insisted on visiting her house to see her dad and to get some stuff. They had discussed it at length, and none of the vampires had been a fan of the plan. But, Bella was running out of schoolbooks, and Charlie kept calling insistently for when she would be home. It had been quiet, and Carlisle had been clear they were closing in on the tracker.

They weighed the risks and decided it had been worth it. A rookie mistake. Esme had joined Bella, and had left her alone after had checked the house to run patrols around the neighborhood, while Rose and Emmett ran the larger defense lines.

Turns out, Esme is a dreadful tracker. Absolutely terrible. James had been waiting. And it had been right there in Bella’s own living room that he had bitten her. Esme, the gentle soul that she is, had not yet forgiven herself for it.

Alice, of course, had experienced a vision of what was about to pass. As a result, a raging Eddie stormed the house, blowing the door off its hinges in the process. Jasper and Carlisle followed close behind him. There, they found a large vampire towering over their Bella. Her arm had been at an awkward angle, her shirt was torn, she spotted some cuts on her body. The smell of copper coated the air.

Edward had rushed towards Bella, freaking out at the sight of his girlfriend spotting a bite wound on her wrist. The process had been initiated. She was changing. In his worry, Edward had completely ignored the threat still standing in the middle of the room. Carlisle had waited at the door, letting Jasper take over. The taller vampire easily ripped the tracker apart. As the screams of Isabella started to fill the house, Jasper had made his exit, leaving Edward and Carlisle to deal with whatever was going to happen. He and Alice had another task, they had to light a bonfire.

One threat less.

But a whole lot of worries more.

As the patriarch had retold the story, Carlisle had glanced at his frantic son. Going out on a limb, he had urged Edward to suck out the venom. And it had worked. The change had been averted, but the girl would have a lasting scar. A permanent reminder. The pieces were set in motion.

This one baseball game had led the foundation to what was about to come. It had filled the camel with straws.

The few weeks of respite that they enjoyed after, the family lived in relative peace and quiet. Until the infamous birthday party.

The last straw that broke the camel’s back.

Rose shook her head at the thought, as she slipped away from her liquid lavender cocoon. She rose, water droplets cascaded from her skin like pearls. She patted her face dry with the towel and let out a deep breath.

It had been years, but the helplessness she had felt that day that they had encountered James was still grifted into her brain. It had been the last real day of their family. The last day that everything had been normal.

From the other side of the apartment, she heard Emmett rummaging around. Ah. He was back.

“Had a good hunt babe?” she spoke.

After a few seconds, a beautiful head of black hair peeked around the corner of the bathroom door.

“Yeah, it was nice..”

Her mate looked at her from top to bottom, arching an eyebrow

“… but this here, this is perfection” he grinned

Rose broke out in a smile.

This. This is her family. And it is f*cking amazing.


Questo è un aspetto che posso assolutamente accettare = this is something i can absolutely agree with.
Un po' = a bit

My italian is only basic, so if this is not right, please let me know so I can adjust it :)

Chapter 16: All That She Wants


//Title: All That She Wants – Ace of Base

Chapter Text

Alice’s POV

The dark night enveloped them, the air was thick with the scent of damp earth. The pebbles of the driveway crackled, signaling the arrival of Carlisle. He had safely dropped Bella off at home after he had sutured her wounds. She was safe. Fortunately.

The rest of the family had departed their home, leaving to hunt. A much needed activity after tonight’s fiasco. An evening that had started with seven vampires together, and had ended with most of them going their separate ways for the night. Good. They would soon need the quiet.

Alice had seen this coming. Not this exact situation mind you, but she had seen plenty of iterations. It only had been a matter of time until the accident-prone girl started bleeding in front of the family. And one thing was for certain, she could not be alone with Edward when that happened. She shuddered as she recalled the vivid visions that she had seen. They all had one thing in common: every single one of them had ended with Bella’s bloody corpse.

As Carlisle’s Mercedes came to a halt, Jasper took his cue and strolled back towards the house. While the sound of his footsteps faded away into the cool dark air, Alice cast one more look around her, taking in the calm that surrounded her. Then, she followed her husband.

They both walked up the oak staircase, making their way towards Carlisle’s study. The familiar room, where the trio had met countless times before. As the small vampire entered, she saw their patriarch sitting in his striking leather desk chair. His hands moved with practiced grace, as he gestured for them to sit down. In the quiet of his study, his action conveyed authority, and his two coven members easily complied. They had to talk.

Jasper and Alice took the seats across from him. The tall blond vampire angled away from his wife. Typical. Alice inwardly rolled her eyes. Carlisle was the first to breach the silence, his low voice cutting through the tense air as a knife through butter.

“Well, this went as well as we could have hoped for” he stated, while folding his hands together on top of the desk

“Alice, good job relaying your visions. Seeing Edward’s reaction, it was indeed in our interests to have this event play out this way.”

She smiled happily at that comment.

Then, Carlisle’s gaze turned towards her husband.

“Jasper, what is your assessment of the situation?”

The other vampire straightened his spine, as he replied confidently and measured

“The outcome was aligned with our expectations. It is clear Edward will now desire distance, to ensure the girl’s safety. Once he regained his composure tonight, I could sense a tremendous amount of guilt and anger.” He paused briefly, seeming to gather his thoughts,

“The declaration of the mating bond is a strategic advantage. It has extended our timeline by over a year. Historically, Edward has required far less time to adapt. Yet, it’s evident that the integration with the family and interactions with the conqu—”,

he paused momentarily, correcting himself,

“with the recent addition to the family, has led to an illusion of connection. It might take longer to get him to rebound this time”.

Carlisle watched Jasper intently.

“A year should suffice. I will make sure of it.” the older vampire answered.

“I will write to Aro that they can expect our presence at the start of next October.”

Alice remained quiet. This was business. And business meant no conscious thoughts, if one could help it.

Jasper nodded. “I would like to request a dissolution.”

Alice narrowed her eyes. She was clearly missing some context here. Carlisle moved his head in agreement.

“Very well. It seems that our time has come to an end”, he mused.

The patriarch took a custom piece of Cullen stationery out of his desk drawer. He quickly drafted a text. Once he finished writing, he signed his name elegantly at the bottom. He then handed the paper to Jasper.

Alice craned her neck, trying to read the content of the cream-colored paper, but to no avail. It seemed they were having an unspoken conversation, and she did not like it one bit. Jasper’s face remained emotionless, as he took the pen from the desk and signed his name under Carlisle's.

“72 hours should be sufficient”

“Good.” Carlisle answered.

With that, Carlisle stood up and walked to his filing cabinet, idly running his fingers along the contents of the top drawer. After a few seconds, he pulled out an old manilla folder. He and Jasper exchanged a quick glance and swapped their papers.

Jasper stood up in response, and he curtly acknowledged Carlisle with a soft nod. Then, he turned to Alice.

“I hope your future will be as pleasant as your personality.”

Alice looked at her husband with an arched eyebrow. Ah. This is goodbye. Just like a rare gem – so sharp, it almost cut through her indifference. Instead, she rolled her eyes as she spoke."Come back in the morning. Once Edward returns from his talk with Bella, he will need to let off some steam."

Jasper nodded. And with that, her ex-husband calmly made his way through the house. His grey beaten backpack was the only thing he took with him.


Jasper had only been out of the house for a few minutes, before Carlisle’s dark eyes focussed on the petite girl in front of him. He slowly got up from his chair, eyeing Alice from top to bottom. She slowly pushed herself out of the chair, gauging his intentions. She did not have to wait long.

Within seconds, the taller vampire had closed the distance between them. He towered above her, his presence imposing. He brought his face close to her ear, as he whispered

“I need you. Now.”

His low voice was dripping with want and need, a rare force behind them. It sparked a small flame in Alice’s core. A whimper escaped her plump lips.

It was all the encouragement Carlisle needed, and within seconds his lips were on hers. Ravishing. Devouring. There was no time wasted. He picked her up and carried her towards the desk.

He needed a release, and he needed it now. Alice’s hands roamed across the doctor’s backside, grabbing his partially blood-stained shirt, as he pushed her down onto the dark mahogany. The fire was consuming her. She needed to touch. To Feel.

She ripped the fabric from his torso, resulting in an appreciative groan from Carlisle. He smelled her arousal and did not linger. With one swift movement, he moved her dress up, exposing her red lacey underwear. A moan left his lips at her sight. He towered over her. His teeth scraped along the skin of her neck. Alice moaned in response.

This was heaven. She needed him now. She needed him hard. As if he anticipated her need, he undid the button of his slacks. He quickly tore her underwear, and in one hasty movement, he buried himself deep inside of her.

Ultimate bliss.

It was clear that vampires tended to have more animalistic tendencies when it came to sex, and Alice and Carlisle were no exception. It was hard. It was fast.

He hit all the sweet spots inside of her. She was dripping with want, as she arched into his every touch. Carlisle pinched her nipples, the pain feeling achingly good. As his tempo got more erratic, she knew he was close. And boy, was she as well.

“Oh Carlisle” she exclaimed, “it feels so good. Please. More.” she begged

The man complied easily, and she felt the tsunami in her stomach build. Ready to flood her senses. It was at the crest of the wave, that Carlisle bit down on her breast. Adding another mark to one of the many that he had left on her during the years. And it was enough to send the pleasure rolling through her.

She clammed down on the vampire’s delicious co*ck, and with one last push, she felt his delicious seed filling her. He collapsed on top of her, both doing their best to catch their breath.

It was in these few minutes of bliss, that they could talk uninterrupted. It was one of the few memories that Aro left untouched as far as they knew. But they still tread carefully.

She looked the man in the eye.

“So, Jasper is leaving?”

Carlisle hummed in response, while he traced her collarbone with his fingertips. “Both... it’s too threatening.”

Alice sighed into his neck. The situation was finally taking some shape in her mind.

“But, I am sure you will play the role of hurt wife extremely well,” he murmured in her ear.

A shiver went down her spine. Assuming the role of the wounded ex-wife was indeed within her grasp. It would demand an emotion dredged up from the very soles of her feet. But, she was sure of her ability to provide a stellar performance. She took in Carlisle’s scent.

“Talking about mates", she elegantly changed the topic, "when are you seeing Esme?”

Carlisle kissed her neck. “We are going on a short holiday in the next few days. When all is settled.”

Alice closed her eyes, as she relaxed into his touch. After a while, she spoke again.

“Please make sure she is okay. She loved Jasper dearly.”

In response, Carlisle’s kiss was fervent, a silent affirmation of her query. She interpreted the intensity as an unspoken agreement. Eventually, they parted, each straightening their clothes, restoring a sense of decorum. As she moved to exit his study, Carlisle called her name, adding one last request.

“Can you call Jasper near the end of the next two days, and ask him if it is done?”

Alice arched an eyebrow, wondering what it was. Probably a need-to-know basis. She caught Carlisle’s golden eyes, and smiled in response.

“Yes, will do”

“Thanks, love”

And with that, she almost skipped to her room to shower. Ready to erase any lingering evidence of their lustful encounter.

Chapter 17: Morning After Dark


//Title: Morning After Dark – Timbaland, Nelly Furtado, Soshy

Chapter Text

Jasper’s POV

Jasper slung his backpack around his shoulder and inhaled the crisp freshness of the air around him. The sky was still covered in clouds, left over from the storm that had raged the days and nights before. Yet, the atmosphere was charged with renewal and anticipation. The 72 hours had passed, and today marked a day for new beginnings. Kind of. As he thought about it, it was more like a back-to-business kind of day.

He hailed a taxi, and upon arriving at the airport, he proceeded with the usual formalities, like he had done so many times before. At the border control checkpoint, a flicker of a smile crossed his face as he presented his passport to the officer. There it was, printed clearly— Jasper Whitlock. After so long, he was able to reclaim his identity. Finally.

As he waited to board, his mind thought about all he was leaving behind. He would miss Rose and Emmett sincerely. His two favorite Cullens. In the past seventy years, they had been his rock. It was with them, that he had felt like himself. Like he had with Peter and Charlotte.

Peter. He had not seen the man in almost a decade, and only then because it was in Carlisle’s best interest for them to meet. He mentally rolled his eyes at the thought. The man was always over strategizing everything, and that meant quite something coming from the Major himself.

But, he had to give credit where credit was due. Carlisle was a political mastermind. He knew how to play the game. Over the past century, he had played all the right moves to enhance his coven standing. Growing it from just himself, to a total of seven vampires with several strong gifts. Not to mention the newly acquired shield that was attached to the coven through a mating bond declaration.

Jasper hummed. Carlisle was a clever patriarch and had built his position based on family bonds, a feat that rarely occurred in their society. Jasper’s membership of the coven was the only outlier in that regard.

Even most of the Cullens themselves were not aware of the part they were playing. The entire family was sure that Edward had been his first family member, but the Major knew the truth – he had heard the story through the grapevine. Loverboy had been second. The First? The first had been Alice.

The two had met at court, back in the 19th century. Alice had still been mated to Dominic, a brute force within the Volturi guard. And according to the stories Jasper had heard, her bond had not been a pleasant one.

She had gravitated towards Carlisle. A soft soul with a harsh but polished outer shell, and rough inner core. Their relationship had grown over the years until Carlisle had decided to leave Volterra. Yet, it had never been clear whose decision this had been exactly.

But it was common knowledge for the Major that Alice had geared their coven leader towards his future mate, Esme. At least, that is what he had puzzled together from the small pieces of information she had disclosed to him over the years.

Esme. A gentle soul, with a horrible human history. If the Major had a heart, he was sure it would have moved when she told him her story. Her issues had been solidified during her change, and as much as she had chosen to pursue a loving mating bond with Carlisle – there were some things that she could not give. And Carlisle did not press. That much he had observed.

Their love was real. He could feel it, it swirled around them like ivy around a tree. It might not been your typical romantic love, but it was love nonetheless. They drew to each other like moths to a flame, the same as all mates did. And like all mating bonds, theirs was unique. They played according to their own rules.

Esme had let it slip more than once that she was aware that Carlisle had some sort of relationship with Alice. She and Jasper even talked about it in detail a couple of times. When she first broached the topic, Jasper had been caught unaware. He had seen other mated pairs and their profound devotion to each other. And with that in mind, he had expected the worst. He was not the biggest fan of despondent emotions and thus had prepared himself for their impact. But it had been unnecessary.

Out of all possible reactions, Esme had smiled. She had been happy that her mate was happy – and she knew he took good care of her. That, and her family, was all she really wanted in this life. Their family.

A family that was completed by the joining Rose and Emmett and Alice and Jasper, Edward's new siblings. The golden boy, as Rose had called him.

Honestly, at this point, Jasper had no headspace for the agitated teenager and his love for humans. He had been sucked into his tantrums for the bigger part of the last century. Always helping, but no good deed goes unpunished. He and Alice had caused him too much trouble, and he would not miss the both of them. Not at all.

With that thought in mind, he stepped onto the aircraft destined for Rome, Italy. The flight attendant gave him a warm inviting smile. He took his place in first class, relishing briefly in the luxury and comfort of the seats. f*ck economy. If he had to be in such close proximity with all these humans and their nauseating smells, he would do it in style.

As the engines hummed steadily in the background, he wondered who would pick him up. He hoped it would be Felix. They had a lot of things to catch up on.

Chapter 18: Dernière Danse


//Title: Dernière Danse - Indila

Chapter Text

Alice’s POV

She sat on the brown leather couch, with her laptop perched on her lap. After staying with the Denali’s for a month, the Cullens moved from Alaska to Boulder, Colorado. At least, those that were left of them

An okay town. For humans, one could describe it as quite idyllic. But for vampires, moving to a city that had on average three hundred days of sunshine per year… Well, that was a questionable decision. But Esme’s desire for the comfort of her old hometown had been strong. Given the current circ*mstances of their family and their effect on her, Esme had gotten what she wanted.

Alice let out a sigh, as her eyes drifted to their garden. Spring my ass. It had been snowing for the past two days, and a layer of white covered their lawn as well as the woods at the end of their plot. The clouds had been a perfect cover for Carlisle and Esme to leave for a two-day romantic hunting trip. Which meant that Alice was home by herself. Again.

Home alone and with an urge to shop. With Edward traveling through South America for the past months, there was no chance that Alice would be able to leave on one of her relaxing shopping trips. Esme needed some semblance of an intact family. Paris and Milan would have to wait, and she had to make do with the digital alternative.

Her fingers forcefully hit the keyboard, adding another Dolce & Gabbana dress to her shopping cart. Hm, she mused at the screen. This piece would go great with this spring season’s brown snake leather Louis Vuitton’s. Her fingers quickly switched tabs, as she added the matching pair of heels as well. She ticked in her credit card information. Again. She should really do some research into internet safety. She still did not trust her browser enough to save her financial data in her cache. But always repeating these numbers was a waste of time, even if she knew them by hard.

As she clicked the final buttons, she got the familiar confirmation. Thank you for ordering, Your order will arrive as soon as possible. Yes. Perfection.

But even her self-medicating shopping did not seem to calm her nerves. The small vampire was worried. The weeks were slipping by agonizingly fast. Time was ticking away, slipping through their cold fingers. They had roughly 4 months left before they were expected in Volterra, and Alice had found herself meandering a labyrinth of problems.

Her ambiguous visions and Edward's absence. Two sides of the same troubled coin.

Since their departure from Forks, her glimpses of Bella had dimmed, as if gazing through a misted lens. The images were muddled and indistinct, resembling the obscured view through a frosted pane

On top of that, Edward had not yet put an end to his crusade. Jasper had been right. He did need more time than previously. Absolute muppet.

Alice hoped he would return soon with all her heart. Edward would probably need quite some introspection and mental preparation before he could reunite with Bella, and she really needed some time away.

She closed her laptop, and moved towards the great garden doors. She opened them, letting the cold air swiftly fill their living room. She took a few steps into the snow, enjoying the fresh feeling around her.

It was then, that her eyes glazed over, a fuzzy vision appearing in front of her.

Bella. Bikes. The laughter of Jake filled the air, the sun caressing their faces.

Then, nothing. She blinked a few times, as the vision suddenly restarted,

Jake sat on his bike, standing next to Bella, explaining to her how the controls worked.

Again, a void.

Alice hit her head in frustration. These idiotic wolves. They were really interfering with her already problematic visions. She was about to scream, when she got another glimpse.

Bella took out her phone. 17th of May 2015, 15:01.

Bella raced, Jake trailing behind her. A ramp. Bella getting ready to jump, but taking her hands off the steering wheel. The motor veered off the ramp and landed on top of Bella in a big crash.


Absolutely nothing.

Her breath hitched, caught in the tightening web of dread that spun uncontrollably within her. No. No no no no no.

She tried to concentrate on Bella’s future, the future she had seen a thousand times before. The one she always gravitated back to, the inevitable hereafter. Edward and Bella happily ran through the forest, Bella’s golden eyes looking lovingly at her mate. But she could not find it.

Bella’s future was gone. She sped inside, opening her laptop to double-check the time and date.

17th of May 2015, 14:59.

A chill raced down her spine. There was nothing any of them could do. Bella would die in 3 minutes. With that realization, she slumped down against the cool wood of the kitchen cabinet, her laptop crashing down next to her, as she stared into the void.

Alice had lost all track of time while she sat there on the granite stone. She was not able to get herself to move. Her head hung between her knees, and her unnecessary breathing was erratic. Upon their return from the hunting trip that evening, Carlisle and Esme found her still in that exact same position.


“Are you sure?” Carlisle asked for the umpteenth time.

The four of them were sitting around their wooden kitchen table in Boulder. Edward had returned last night from Brazil where he had spent his last months hunting Victoria. The phone call to ask him to return had not been a pleasant one, and Alice had been glad that Carlisle had taken up that task. Shivers had gone down her spine as she had heard her brother scream and rage through the phone.

“The vision is crystal clear, Carlisle” Edward answered gravely

The vision had been replaying through Alice’s mind for the past days like a movie, and thus, Edward had seen it on repeat since he had returned. There was no question about it. The girl had died.

Esme broke out in a tearless hysterical sob, capturing her face in her hands. Carlisle moved behind her, resting his large hands on her shoulders. The gesture achieved its purpose, soothing Esme’s movements to a gentler rhythm, but her snivels continued to fill the room.

Carlisle moved his mouth closer to her ear, whispering lowly. Esme simply nodded and left the room.

Yet, the emotional turmoil continued, Alice did not need Jasper to feel that. It was clear that Edward was reeling with anger. His jaw was clenched, and his lips had vanished into a thin straight line. His face contorted. He was a bomb waiting to explode.

Carlisle observed his oldest son carefully, as he explained the current situation. His words flew passed Alice, who had only eyes for Edward. Every word of Carlisle was a spark fueling a flame. The fire growing bigger and bigger. It was the mention of Edward’s past that ignited the inferno.

“STOP” the bronze-haired vampire suddenly roared

“My past has nothing to do with this. And I mean nothing.”

Edward slammed his fists on the wooden slab, promptly breaking the kitchen table in two.

Carlisle’s gaze traveled across Edward from head to toe, his eyes narrowing as he evaluated the circ*mstances before him.

Edward growled towards the patriarch, hostility dripping from his face.

Alice’s mind was racing, watching the confrontation in front of her unfold. Edward was going too far, challenging Carlisle like this. In that moment, the coven leader’s voice resonated with her inner turmoil, a single word thundering through the room. “Enough.”

“Sit down, Edward” Carlisle stated briskly.

Edward looked at the ground, suddenly discovering an interest in his shoes, as he slumped back down in his chair.

“We have indulged you for the past century with your whims, but this is not one of those times.”

Edward whimpered, while Carlisle took a deep breath. Calmer, he continued,

“We have delayed our travels to the Volturi, to present and change your declared mate, based on your feelings, and Alice’s visions”

He shot her a penetrating look.

“And now, we have nothing. Your mate, Alice’s sister, and our daughter has died.”

A sharp crack rippled through the room. Edward had splintered the armrest of his chair. He was still holding on to the pieces, which quickly turned into dust under his grip. Then, there was silence.

“I.. I did not mean to… I meant to come back” Edward’s words were faltering as he spoke,

“Words are meaningless, actions matter” Carlisle countered evenly.

Edward took a deep breath.

“She was different… She was… it.” He paused

“I only left because I wanted her to miss me, to be with me. I did the exact same thing with Anja, and then it had worked, until...” his voice halted abruptly.

Alice swiftly closed the distance between her and her brother. She crouched next to him, as she slowly rubbed his back, trying to provide him with some sense of calm. Where was f*cking Jasper when you needed him.

She had seen this conversation play out, and she knew how it would end. The inevitable cloud of misery would envelop Edward, yet not consume him. He would survive. She tuned out the rest of the conversation, her hand kept circling Edward’s back, while her mind lost itself to the possible futures that were in front of them.


In the end, they had decided to fly to Italy two days after their conversation. It had been their best option. This is how the Cullens now found themselves sitting in the comfortable private plane that Alice had chartered for the family.

She had planned this for what was supposed to be a joyous occasion, instead, the air was thick with melancholy.

Carlisle and Edward had not spoken since that day, and Esme was still sobbing uncontrollably most of the time. Alice had felt caught between a rock and a hard place; the anxiety of her sister dying did a number on her, and the knowledge that the future they had worked so hard for was falling apart, well, it was an issue.

She was aware that she could not let her conscious mind wander one bit. Aro had to see her vision, and that access to her mind opened up a dangerous alley of possibilities – possibilities of the future that she could not actively check nor anticipate.

Going back to Volterra, it was not something that she did willingly. She had not visited that place since she was ordered to leave in the previous century. Carlisle and she were the only ones that had ever lived – or even visited – the court. Esme and Edward were inexperienced, and Carlisle’s attitude showed clearly that he was worried about them.

Unbeknownst to two oblivious Cullens, they were on the cusp of being ensnared in a complex web of political intrigue. Alice shook her head slightly at the thought. It was better to not think about anything until they were back on their own continent.

She took her laptop out and put on a movie. Legally Blonde. Right now, she really craved the distraction.


Their jet had just landed, and they were taxing to the hangar. The mood in the cabin had not improved over the last few hours, and as Alice looked around her family, it was clear that anxiety was written all over everyone’s faces. sh*t.

As if Carlisle was the mind reader of the family, he spoke up.

“This will hopefully be a pleasant visit, but, be aware of your surroundings. It is okay to feel sorrow, but whatever happens, be sure you stay polite. It is of the utmost importance.”

With that, the cabin doors opened, and the Cullens slowly exited the plane. As Alice felt the warm Italian evening wind hit her face, she spotted their ride. A black town car with a hooded figure wearing aviator sunglasses leaning on the hood. Felix.

As they closed the distance between them, Felix rose to his full height, sweeping his crimson locks back with a swift gesture, extending a courteous greeting to Carlisle.

“Good to see you, old friend”

“Felix. It has been too long.” Carlisle smiled politely as he shook Felix’s hand.

He then turned towards her, “Alice.” Felix nodded curtly.

He pivoted back to Carlisle, as his eyes remained watchful on the other two Cullens. “These must be Edward and Esme” he smiled

Carlisle smiled back in acknowledgment. “This is my mate, Esme,” he said while pulling her in a sideways hug. “And that gentleman over here is my lovely son Edward”

Edward extended his hand towards Felix in response, but the muscular vampire ignored him.

Instead, he addressed the group. “Please all get in the car, the kings have requested an audience with you as soon as possible. It is a one-and-a-half-hour drive, so we should leave now.”

Carlisle’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he quickly contained his reaction. They all got in the car. As they were seated, Edward spoke up in a whisper.

“We cannot change before we see them?”

Carlisle quickly hushed his son, shaking his head. They would do what was requested of them. They sat in silence, as they drove towards Volterra.

The drive passed quickly. Alice spent her time observing the countryside. Although the times had changed, the Italian scenery had remained the same. Seeing the rolling hills covered with grapevines, she realized that she had missed this more than she liked to admit.

As the car came to a halt, Felix opened their doors. They were right in front of the palace. A magnificent building. The air around them was charged with an aura of grandeur. History surrounded them, and the atmosphere commanded a certain respectability. A perfect home for the Volturi.

Instead of using the main entrance with its spectacular grand doors, Felix guided them along a subterranean passage beneath the palazzo’s foundations. Felix’s cloak rendered him nearly indistinguishable from the environment, blending him seamlessly into the dark tunnel. After a few minutes, they moved through another door, and then they stood outside of what Alice knew to be the throne room.

An official audience. How lovely.

Felix turned around to the group, holding his hand up while maintaining eye contact with Carlisle. The blond patriarch nodded in response to the unspoken question, and as Felix lowered his hand, the grand doors opened.

Carlisle and Esme were the first to enter the splendid throne room, with Alice and Edward following close behind. It was the first time that Alice had been on this side of the spectacle. As they walked towards the elevated stage at the room’s end, Alice glimpsed at the cloaked silhouettes out of the corner of her eye. They were stationed behind a row of columns that supported the obscenely expensive and ornately decorated ceiling.

They stood still as they arrived at the kings, Alice had her hands folded in front of her. Showtime.

“Carlisle, my dear old friend” Aro spoke. He was seated between Marcus on his left and Caius on his right. Alice had to try her hardest to repress any conscious condemning thoughts.

“My kings” Carlisle voiced while making an elegant bow. The rest of the family mimicked his movement with practiced grace.

“No need for the formalities my dear Cullens.” The bright red eyes of the middle king ventured across their family, looking for their newest addition.

“I see you have come without your human. How disappointing.”

Aro stood up from his throne, descending the ornate staircase flanking the platform on either side. Jane loyally one step behind him. He halted before Carlisle, taking his outstretched hand in his. He then moved over to Esme and Alice, and lastly taking Edward’s hands in his.

“Interesting” was the only thing he uttered, before he returned to his throne.

Alice quickly observed Edward from her peripheral vision, wondering if he was able to read Aro’s thoughts at all, but his face betrayed nothing.

As per their usual routine, the kings conferred in low humming tones, before they turned towards their guests again.

“Our sincere condolences for your sweet Isabella. Such a shame that the young girl has passed away, so much potential, wasted.”

There were a lot of insinuations dripping from his tone. But Alice would worry about their implications later.

“My dear young Edward, if you ever find yourself a girl like that again, we would very much love to meet her” Aro stated, as he licked his lips.

Edward repressed a quiet growl, trying his best to remain as polite as possible.

“Now, now, no need to get emotional.” Aro mused, as he continued

“Thank you very much for informing us about your new coven situation. We will update the books accordingly.”

Carlisle nodded, as Aro spoke once more,

“Thank you very much for visiting old friend, we are looking forward to your next visit with joyful anticipation.”

And with that sentence, the grand doors of the throne room opened again. They had been dismissed. They left as quickly as they came. Once Alice was in the comfortable constraints of their cabin, ten thousand feet above the Atlantic ocean, she allowed her thoughts to roam free again.

Ancient f*cking assholes.

Chapter 19: Go Your Own Way


//Title: Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac

Chapter Text

Isabella’s POV

Bella sat in the dimly lit room, shifting around in her seat. Electrodes were attached to her temples and she was sure a hair got stuck somewhere. Her entire scalp was itchy, and repressing the urge to scratch was quite a task. This was not the time to indulge in any of the distractions, no matter how tempting a small scratch would be.

She sat on the uncomfortable chair for one purpose, and one purpose only: to earn $200 by immersing herself in the task at hand— watching a screen flickering with a relentless stream of images and words, and pressing buttons in response. This time, Bella was participating in a study on cognitive processing and decision-making under stress. It was one of the unending series of tests she had undergone in the past months, and she knew that with each test, the chance to participate in another one got slimmer and slimmer.

She desperately needed the money, having quit her barista job a month previously on a whim, and thus she had to do her best to remain part of the study. Her bills had to be paid. Right now, she is rewarded to focus, and so focusing is what she would do.

Bella’s eyes darted across the screen, processing the information in front of her at breakneck speed, as her fingers pressed one of the three options: Investigate, Analyze, or Intervene. Every response was carefully cataloged by the researcher who sat across the room and filed away on his bulky desktop – accuracy, speed, hesitation. In the past months, she had been tested on psychological fortitude, linguistic aptitude, and strategic thinking – and she more often than not found herself genuinely pondering the nature of a study that demanded all these facets in such succession.

Currently, she found herself in an intricate dance between cognition and emotion. The pressure simulated real-world scenarios, ranging from making life-altering choices to deciding when the right time was to defuse a bomb. What a strange test.

After what felt like forever, her fingers were slowly becoming numb from pressing continuously, the screen finally went black. The main researcher moved in to carefully detach the electrodes from her head. Bella observed the man from head to toe. He was wearing a light blue button-down and what looked like an expensive pair of jeans. His blue leather belt matched the color of his Tissot watch, and his shoes also fell in line. In the dim light, he seemed strangely misplaced. As if a fancy businessman had randomly thrown on a lab coat.

She caught the man’s gaze, and he nodded briefly. She had been dismissed. Bella slowly got out of the chair, stretching her arms and back after sitting in such an uncomfortable position for so long. As she moved across the yellow stone tiles that covered the floor, she halted briefly at the exit.

“Same procedure?”

The man nodded again, “Yes, you will receive an email notifying you if we are interested in your participation in a follow-up trial”.

Bella inclined her head in acknowledgment and her feet made their way to exit the room. She took the multiple staircases down, zig-zagging through the building, before she made her way outside. The warm September wind hit her face as she exited the venue at the edges of campus. Finally, fresh air.

She took her phone out of her pocket and her fingers quickly moved across the screen, dialing her roommate's number. Yolanda had offered to pick her up and they would go out to dinner together in anticipation of Bella’s 21st birthday this weekend. A bit earlier than necessary, as Yo would be visiting Ako’s parents in Hawaii during the next week. Nevertheless, Bella had been looking forward to it all week. It was a welcome respite from the hectic starting weeks of their third year of University.

A few minutes later, the familiar sound of a roaring engine could be heard, as the blue pickup truck of Yolanda rounded the corner. Bella gladly hopped in, as they drove off to their favorite sushi place.


The world was covered in darkness, and Bella felt as blind as a bat. Her feet moved as fast as they could, putting one foot in front of the other in quick succession; but it felt like she was caught in quicksand. The more she tried to run, the more her lower half got sucked in. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing upright, while she got the distinct feeling she was being watched. As the howling wind slowly moved the clouds that covered the sky, it freed the moonlight from its constraints, allowing it to filter through the canopy of the trees around her. Golden eyes. Red eyes. Bright eyes. Everywhere. They lit up as the gleam of the moon reflected all around her. They were everywhere. She opened her mouth to scream, but her vocal chords refused to produce any sounds.

Bella jolted upright in her bed, her heart racing a hundred miles a minute. She felt the cold sweat clinging to her skin, as the morning sun filtered through her curtains, casting her bedroom in a warm glow. Her heart felt like it was about to escape her chest to run a marathon of its own. She took some deep breaths, and after a few minutes felt relief was over her. It all had been just a dream.

Without hesitation, she flipped her legs to the side of the bed, put on her fluffy slippers, and threw on a hoodie. She quickly stretched, as she moved towards the kitchen. She needed coffee. Desperately. Her conscience tried to argue that it could be questioned if caffeine was really the solution to her current physical state. But with a little shake of her head, she willed away the thought. She needed coffee, and she needed it now.

The black gold was her addiction, one of the few human vices she subscribed to. After all, she was still human; A feat 18-year-old Bella could not have anticipated, she mused as a smile played on her lips. And, as a sentient sack of blood and bones, she took pleasure in the little things in life, like her daily caffeine hits. After all, she could not think of a better way to start your 22nd year on this revolving rock in the middle of space. She filled her cup with the steaming liquid and made herself comfortable on the couch.

While she took her first sip of caffeine, her mobile phone started a familiar buzzing. Charlie. The corners of Bella’s mouth curled up as she picked up her phone.

“Hey dad!”

“Hey Bells, happy birthday my little swan!”

Bella smiled, he was straight to the point, as usual.

“Thanks dad, it means a lot that you’re calling”

She heard him smile through the phone

“Of course. How are you? How has the new academic year started? Did you celebrate yesterday? Who were there? Do you have any plans today? Please, Bells, do not just read a book by yourself”

“Charlie” Bella interrupted her dad. Typical. Normally mothers were the overbearing species in parental relationships, but in her case, it was definitely her dad. He did not become the chief of police for nothing, and since Renee was not able to do her part anymore, well, it seemed he was doing his job to the power of two. She waited a split second, before answering lovingly.

“Doing well. The year has been good. No, I went out to dinner with Yolanda the day before. I will go to a café this morning to enjoy a hard-earned coffee, and will spend the afternoon with Em and Rose”

Rosalie and Emmett. But, for Charlie’s sake, they existed under the pseudonym of a lesbian couple called Rose and Emma. She had not dared to tell her dad about the rekindled relationship with part of the Cullens. Or the Hale-McCarthys as they now called themselves, as Bella had a feeling it might not go over that well. Although Charlie respected her decisions immensely, Bella was sure that he would threaten them with a shotgun given the chance. She did not want Charlie to worry, hence, Rose and Emma were introduced to her stories instead.

“Bells, as much as I adore you being social, have you ever thought about expanding your circle of friends beyond your roommate and a married couple?”

“Yeah, decided against it though”

She heard the low rumble of Charlie's laugh. “It is good to know you have thought about the option at least”

Bella smiled again, as Charlie continued speaking “I hope you have a lot of fun, I will drink one tonight with Billy and Harry in your honor – send us some pictures”

“Will do Dad”


“… Love you Bells”

“Love you too Dad”

And with that, they hung up. Short and sweet. A two-minute conversation, which was a long time for them. And it filled Bella from head to toe with happiness.

After sitting on the couch for a while longer, enjoying the touch of the soft velvet fabric on her bare legs. Her mind wandered through memories of her previous birthdays, specifically those she had spent with Renee. After a while, she moved towards the shower to wash away the last souvenirs of her melancholy and bad dream. All freshened up, she put on a comfortable pair of jeans and her favorite lilac hoodie. Then, she packed Wuthering Heights, to reread it for the umpteenth time, and made her way to the little bookstore-coffee mashup just out of town. It was a place where Bella often went to escape, and in her mind, there was no better place to start today.

The bell above the door tinkled softly as Bella stepped inside. The scent of aged paper and freshly brewed coffee enveloped her. The shelves around her leaned slightly, and dust motes danced in the sunlight that filtered through the tall windows. The old wooden for croaked familiar under the weight of her boots as she approached the counter.

After she received her foaming hot cappuccino, Bella settled herself in the familiar worn leather armchair. She put her cup down on the round table next to her, the surface etched with rings from the countless cups it had held before. This was her little piece of solace. Her own sanctuary.

She had been lost in the vivid imaginary world which danced off the pages, until the bell above the door chimed again. Curious. Early Saturday mornings were more often quiet than not.

Bella stole a glance over the top of her book, watching the stranger who disrupted her solitude. A tall middle-aged man, dressed in a gray suit. His low voice cut through the quiet as he ordered an espresso. The barista happily obliged, and her precise movements roamed across the bar.

After receiving his coffee, he chose the seat next to Bella, who was now sharing her small coffee table with him. She sighed quietly, mentally making a note of all the other empty chairs around them. Out of all the possible options, he had to have picked that one. Great. She started to read her book again, but it was in vain.

The presence of the man next to her was magnetic, and pulled her away from the discoloured pages. She took a second to take him in. His face was bland and non-descriptive as if he could be anyone and no one at the same time. Bella hummed lowly. He could be a businessman, a starving artist, or a handyman – there was no way of telling.

The man sat in the chair for a good while, sipping his espresso so slowly that Bella swore she could have actually seen grass grow in the time it took for him to empty his small cup. As he stood up, making his way out of the door, Bella felt her shoulders relax. Finally, some peace.

But before the thought had passed, the man turned towards her.

“Happy birthday Miss Swan” he stated stoically, his face devoid of all emotions. His hand put down a business card on the table.

“Call us, when you feel like it is the time”

Bella’s just sat frozen in her seat, arching her eyebrows while not being able to move or utter a single word. Before she had regained her composure, the doorbell rang again, signaling the man’s departure.

What the hell. What kind of cryptic sh*t was that? Stunned, Bella took a good look at the business card.


, including a subscript of At the Pinnacle of Human Capital covering the front of the card in futuristic writing, as she turned it around in her hand, she observed the back

High-Caliber Headhunting | The Apex of Recruitment

Beneath the text, it showed the email address of a J. Smith, as well as a mobile phone number.

Bella remained seated, lost in thought as her cappuccino grew cold. The whole situation felt bizarre. It was almost as weird as a duck dancing the tango, she mused to herself. Part of her screamed to submerge the card in her coffee and discard it—erase the strange encounter from her memory. Yet, she found herself unable to follow through. With a sense of unease, she slid the card between the first few pages of her book. She had no intention of ever reaching out to the mysterious man, but an inexplicable force prevented her from throwing the card away completely.

She tried to continue reading for a bit, but her attention was somewhere else. She glanced at the clock. Bella was supposed to meet Rose and Emmett in two hours, but they probably wouldn’t mind if she was a bit early.

A small smile started to play on her lips, she was looking forward to her small birthday gathering. And with that thought, she made her decision. She packed her stuff, put on her jacket, and left for their house.

Bella’s expectations of the evening had been minor. They had discussed doing a small game-birthday-day, and that was it. But somehow, Emmett achieved the feat of completely blowing her away.

He had spent the last few hours decorating the house. Balloons with pictures printed on them were everywhere, capturing a timeline spanning from her childhood to her dinner with Yolanda this week. They had built a very comfortable-looking pillow fort in the corner of their living room, as they knew how cuddly Bella became after drinking a bit too much, and the kitchen was filled with different co*cktail ingredients to accomplish just that. A part of the wooden floor was filled with different board games, and a custom die with Rose, Emmett, and Bella written on each side was sitting next to it.

As Bella received her welcome drink, in the form of a glass of champagne, served by an elated Rosalie, she had to smile. This was her version of an amazing birthday. They spent the day rolling the dice, and whoever's name was rolled had the honor of picking the next game.

Emmett gravitated towards their switch, playing the different Nintendo games with fervor. Rose absolutely hated it, and Bella just had to laugh at the entire situation. Emmett beat them both at Mario Party – mostly because he had distracted Rose during every mini-game. Rosalie had gracefully tolerated the cheating until the unfortunate moment came when he put his bare feet in her face - earning him a big smack on the back of his head.

Bella was waited on by both of them with enthusiasm, and they alternated her drinks between fun co*cktails and the necessary glasses of water.

Rose gravitated towards the more strategic heavy games, including Cluedo and Scotland Yard. Bella had the time of her life trying to hide in London from her two friends and their helping Bobby, enjoying the deep discussions it sparked. The two vampires got on relatively well, as Rose had only hit Emmett twice in the kidneys. But as with the other games, they had a considerable advantage over the human, and Bella was caught before her turns had run out. Not that she minded, she enjoyed Emmett’s rumbling laugh whenever Bella survived another round,, as well as Rose’s silent approval of her strategic choices.

Whenever it was Bella’s turn to choose a game, she tried to go for the most delicate one possible. They had played Jenga and Mikado, with the latter the only game where Bella had been the actual winner.

She had a blast.

It was three o’clock in the night by the time that Bella’s yawns became too pronounced. She finished her Mojito, as Rose put a tea in front of her.

“Something to warm you up, and relax your tummy a bit” she smiled

“Thanks Rose, and thank you for the day and evening – it has been absolutely wonderful”

“You’re welcome Bella, you deserve it”

Bella had to smile at that. Rose and Emmett had switched back to calling her Bella most of the time – together with Charlie and Jake, they were currently the only people in her life who did so – and she liked it. They knew a part of her that she could not share with anyone but them, and it felt safe. With them, she was Bella.

She made herself comfortable in her pillow fort, while she finished her tea. Emmett came by to pick up her mug, and brought her a fluffy blanket.

“Goodnight Bella” he winked

“’Night Em”


Isabella’s next two years went off without a hitch. Her invitations for the studies had stopped a few months after her 21st birthday, and instead of returning to her job as a Barista, she had taken up the chance to become a kickbox instructor. She now taught children from 5 to 12 every Wednesday evening.

She had swiftly absolved all her courses, and was now in the end sprint of writing her thesis – The Influence of Emotional Language on Decision-Making Processes: A Cross-Linguistic Analysis. She loved the topic, and researching the effects emotion might have on the decision-making processes of people. But, time was ticking away, and the deadline was approaching fast. Her graduation would be in a few months from now. At 23 years old, she would officially have a degree.

Yolanda was also wrapping up her life in Maryland. She had already packed up all her boxes, which were haphazardly distributed throughout the flat. She was moving across the country in the next few weeks, to start her life in Hawaii with Ako. They had gotten engaged, and she had big future plans to chase the necessary certification and start her own therapy center on Oahu, where he was originally from. Bella was nothing but happy for her best friend, but could not help but feel the pain of her leaving deep in her chest.

Bella on the other hand, well, Bella had no such plans. She was drifting between the many options that lay before her, and somehow could not push herself towards making a lasting decision. The road was too open, and nothing felt exactly right.

Charlie had been asking her to return to the area of Forks, and pursue her master’s degree at Washington University. Jake was in favor of her coming back, but at this point, he had started his own life. He had become a car mechanic and his girlfriend Delilah was pregnant with their first child. Bella smiled at the thought, who would have thought her childhood friend to get little ones of his own so quickly?

And a master's degree? It was not Bella’s first option. She loved her time at university, but it was too theoretical. She wanted to do something more pragmatic and practical. But what?

Working was another open road to explore; a highway of possibilities. There were too many careers to choose from, and they all felt way too binding. She wanted to be free, to travel, to seek adventure. She was not yet ready for the desk jobs all her classmates seemed to dream of. Working as a speech therapist, school teacher, or public relations officer made her shoulders shudder. Nope.

It was not until a few weeks later, when Yolanda had just moved out and Bella had handed in her thesis, that the brunette would receive a bit more clarity. The different emotions had been swirling through her body, happiness for Yo mixed with the mourning of the end of their relationship as it had existed for the past four years. On top of that, her own lack of direction did not help her feeling of being lost in the slightest. It felt like everyone was moving on, and she was standing still.

It was with these feelings that she decided to pick up her familiar comfort read. She settled herself in the corner of the couch, as she had done so many times before, and opened Wuthering Heights. As she did, the long-forgotten white business card fell onto her lap.

The strange meeting on her 21st birthday had been pushed to the back of Bella’s mind quite successfully, and with it, the business card had become a lost relic of the past. She arched an eyebrow as she observed the small square paper in her lap.

Human Capital. Hm, talking to a head hunter might give some clarity, she mused to herself. Now, as she flipped the card between her fingers, waves of uncertainty alternating with determination washed over her. She gave a nonchalant shrug—what was the worst that could happen? Compelled by a mix of curiosity and defiance, she retrieved her phone and keyed in the mobile number that had been lying dormant for two years.

She did not have to wait long before someone picked up.

“John Smith, Vanguard Ventures” an ordinary voice spoke on the other side of the line.

“Good afternoon, this is Isabella – I received your business card a few years ago with this number?”

The other man hummed. “Isabella. Last name?”


“Please give me a second, miss Swan”

She heard someone calmly pressing the keys of a keyboard. This was definitely not what Bella had expected. Stupid. What did you expect? That they would remember the timid reading girl he had left his card in a small bookshop? As if.The generic voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Ah miss Swan. It has been a while indeed.” There fell a small pause before he continued,

“According to my notes, this is the first time you are reaching out. May I ask what caused the delay?”

Bella swallowed. “Uh.. yeah sure. I have just finished my degree, waiting for graduation soon, and am trying to plan out my life a bit. Thought it would be good to follow up with a recruiter that has already reached out to me once” she finished more confidently than she had started her sentence.

The man scraped his voice on the other end, before replying,

“Thank you for that information, that clears things up. In this case, I think it would be good for us to meet up in person to talk over a coffee. Would tomorrow suit you?”

“Yes sure”

“Good, let us meet at 11 o’clock at the bookstore”

Before Bella could state an affirmative reply, or even ask him to specify the location, the line went dead.

In the next few hours, Bella walked around her apartment like a cat skittishly stalking its prey. She was a bundle of nerves and decisiveness. Her intuition told her that this call had been a good move, the thing that she had been secretly waiting for. Yet, her mind kept replaying the conversation. There were too many questions that were unanswered. But, there was nothing she could do about it now.

The next day, she arrived at the bookstore fifteen minutes early. It was the same one as last time, and she hoped to god that it was this one that the man had meant. She got herself her beloved cappuccino and perched herself in the same chair as she had done almost two years previously.

At eleven on the dot, John Smith walked in, wearing the same suit he had worn years prior. Bella repressed the urge to roll her eyes. Although the man had aged a bit, some grey hairs now spotting at his temples, he was still the epitome of an unknown cliché. A mold that could fit anyone.

He walked in, ordered an espresso, and then sat down next to Isabella as he outstretched his hand.

“Good to finally meet you again Miss Swan, my name is John Smith”

“Isabella.” She smiled, while noting the rough hands of the man in hers.

As he retracted her hands, his grey eyes crossed her gaze.

“I will concisely elaborate about our organization, and why we have reached out to you.” He said directly.

Bella nodded in reply, as she noted the man’s style. No how are you’s, no small talk. Straight to the point.

“Vanguard Ventures is an employment agency of sorts. We specialize our recruitment exclusively on graduate students and other twenty-something-year-olds at the beginning of their work life. However, once you accept your place within our network and database, you will stay there until you decide otherwise.”

He paused for a beat, while Bella nodded her head in acknowledgment. He then continued

“Our clients are not your typical mom-and-pop businesses, they are the big players. Our clientele includes domestic and foreign governments, multinational corporations, top-tier research institutions, and various non-governmental organizations. They seek individuals who are not only academically accomplished but also possess a unique set of skills that can be honed for high-stakes environments. Our recruits often find themselves in roles that influence policy, drive innovation, and shape the future of global industries.”

He paused briefly,

“Furthermore, we collaborate with think tanks and private intelligence firms that require analytical minds capable of dissecting complex problems. Our network extends to financial powerhouses where strategic decision-making is paramount, and to technology giants who are sculpting the digital landscape…”

“…At Vanguard Ventures, we don’t just match resumes with job descriptions; we curate careers that leave a lasting impact. We are the unseen architects of tomorrow’s leaders—the silent partners to success."

Bella arched her eyebrow at the last sentence. Great advertising.

Smith spotted her resistance, as he smiled brightly.

“I know, the last part sounds more like a marketing slogan – but I am obligated to tell you all of this. It is part of the pre-information package.”

He pursed his lips briefly, taking in her posture from head to toe,

“The truth is miss Swan, you have impressed us, and we want you to join our network”

Bella had no clue how to answer all of this. What an information bomb. As she tried to force her mind to at least form some sort of coherent reply, she was severely disappointed in the result.

“How.. why…” were the only two logical responses she was able to form, as she stared at mr. Smith with worry and anticipation.

“We have been quietly assessing you through a myriad of tests which we disguise across the country as lucrative university research studies.”

The cogs in her head were turning, and with one final rotation it all clicked into place; the unusual confidentiality agreements, the diverse range of skills tested, and the intensity of the tasks. They had been reviewing her from every angle.

“Your performance was exceptional. You have shown resilience, adaptability, and an unyielding determination which all flourish under pressure. There are of course some facets where still have quite some room for improvement – but we see the raw potential that you possess. It’s why we’re here now, offering you a place within our web.”

Bella crossed her arms. She was intrigued. More than intrigued if she was completely honest with herself. Although the man had not elaborated yet on whatever this process would entail, this seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that she could not pass up on.

As if he was sensing her questions, he continued talking,

“The process is simple. I will leave you here with a contract, which I would urge you to read through in your own discretion. You can either send me the contract or call me if you have more questions…”

“… as for the operational aspect, if you accept our offer, you will be added to our online database. This is a portal for our trusted clients, who can view your profile as well as test evaluations based on their own criteria. In case they are interested, I will reach out to you to discuss the potential offer. If you like what you hear, you can agree with an initial scout of your placement; that is, you will fly in to meet your new employer. If all is to your liking, you will sign a contract with them.”

Bella bit her lip. All understandable, but there was one open question.

“What is in it for you?” she asked while holding Mr. Smith’s eyes.

“We get rewarded a nice placement fee.”

John Smith looked at her, his lips curled softly up. He could probably sense the enthusiasm that was spreading through Bella like wildfire during a Californian heatwave. He then took a big manilla folder out of his briefcase.

“Perfect. Here is the contract.” He said while handing her the big file.

“Please take your time to read through it. We have waited for you for two years – we can wait for your decision until your graduation. If we do not hear from you by then, the offer will be rescinded.”

He then looked her once more directly in her eyes, “If I were you, I would pay special attention to paragraph 1.1.”

With that, he got out of his leather chair, his grey suit wrinkled from the time they had talked, and he made his way out of the bookstore. With the little tinkle of the bell, Bella got snapped back into reality.

Her fingers traced the manilla folder. She decided to take another coffee and read over the contract while she was still in the coffee nook. Her stomach was churning away, and the mix of emotions that coursed through her was not something that she could control until she was able to get home. She could not wait to get home and immerse herself then. She needed to read everything. Right now.

As she opened the folder, she noticed it held a return envelope. It was addressed to John Smith, with a PO Box in Washington D.C. Inside, there was a contract that spanned 4 pages. Bella’s eyes quickly read the document in detail.

Engagement and Confidentiality Agreement

This Agreement is made and entered into by and between Isabella Marie Swan (hereinafter referred to as “the Confidant”) and Vanguard Ventures (hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”).

1. Confidentiality
1.1 The Confidant shall be permitted to disclose the existence and nature of their engagement and affiliation with the Agency to one (1) individual of their choosing.

1.2 Beyond this, the Confidant agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all matters pertaining to their work and the Agency’s operations.

2. Engagement Term
2.1 The term of engagement between the Confidant and the Agency is indefinite, with no fixed end date.

2.2 In case of termination of the contract, please see paragraph 3.1

3. Termination Notice Period
3.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing a six (6) month written notice to the other party (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice Period”).

4. Autonomy in Placement
4.1 The Confidant reserves the right to decline any placement opportunity presented by the Agency without consequence or obligation.

4.2 In the event that the Confidant declines more than three (3) placement opportunities within a six (6) month period, the Confidant shall be required to submit a written explanation detailing the reasons for such declines. This is to ensure alignment with the Agency’s commitment to providing tailored opportunities and to understand the Confidant’s professional preferences and aspirations.

5. Placement Contract Precedence
5.1 Upon acceptance of a placement, the Confidant will enter into a separate contractual agreement with the respective employer. The terms of the placement contract, including its finite duration, shall take precedence over this Agreement for the length of its term.

5.2 Termination of the Confidant’s contract with a placement employer shall not release the Confidant from their ongoing obligations under this Agreement with the Agency. The Confidant remains bound by the terms of this Agreement, including the requirement to maintain confidentiality and the potential engagement in future placement opportunities.

6. Compensation
6.1 The Agency shall receive a predetermined percentage (“Placement Fee”) as compensation for its services upon the successful engagement of the Confidant.

6.2 The Confident will be monetarily rewarded for their time and efforts by the placement employer

7. Consent to Database Inclusion
7.1 The Confidant hereby consents to be included in the Agency’s proprietary database, which shall be accessible to Vanguard Ventures’ clients. This database will contain the Confidant’s professional profile, test results, and other relevant personal information as necessary for the facilitation of placement opportunities. The Confidant acknowledges and agrees that this information is shared to maximize potential employment prospects and will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

7.2 In case of termination of the contract, the Confidant’s data will be deleted from the database in accordance with privacy laws.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Agency operates.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Isabella Marie Swan

John Smith, Vanguard Ventures

Bella read through the contract a few more times, as her lips slowly curled up. The text seemed fairly straightforward, with no hidden agenda. She held the papers in her hand, feeling their weight while overthinking her options. She had quite some time to decide if she wanted to join. Graduation was still a few months away.. Then why did she feel the urge to make a decision right now?

Her heart was pounding, and there was a certain excitable energy coursing through her veins. It was as if her entire body was telling her what to do. Her brain just had not reached the same conclusion yet.

The sun moved through the sky as Bella was still stuck in her leather chair. Her mind evaluated all the possibilities, moving back and forth like a pendulum. As the barista brought her her order of a small hot chocolate, a small bit of excitement washed over her. It seemed that her brain had finally caught up with her body. What the hell, why not?

And with that, she signed her name at the bottom and put all the papers back in the envelope. She crossed her fingers and grinned. Hopefully, she would soon have a job.

Chapter 20: Playing with Fire


// Title: Playing with Fire - Haris

Chapter Text

Rosalie’s POV

For the past weeks, Rose had been feeling that familiar vibration in her core. It had made her restless, and her lack of sitting still had driven Emmett up the f*cking walls. On a cloudy afternoon, just a few weeks ago, when Rosalie had reshuffled the living room furniture for the tenth thousand time that week, her mate had had enough.

His muscular arms had enveloped Rose from behind, anchoring her in a steadfast embrace. Time stretched until he felt her relax into the embrace. After what had felt like forever, his full lips had caressed the shell of her ear,

“You know, as Bella is on her first placement, there is no need to stay babe. How about we pack up, and follow the hum for old times’ sake”

Rose had hummed in response, a small smile playing on her lips. This sounded like a good plan. A very good plan. She really needed to get this restlessness out of her system.

And that is how Rose and Emmett now found themselves in the vast, unyielding expanse of Wyoming; a place so remote, so utterly secluded, it could only be described as the middle of f*cking nowhere.

The rough mountain peaks towered around them, their tops dusted with snow. The pine trees extended in all directions, functioning as cover for the wildlife that roamed around freely. The air was fresh and crisp, and it carried the scent of the blooming wildflowers. It was peaceful. It was perfection.

But it was not at all what they had come for. The buzz in Rose’s core had guided them here, and the more they moved through the national park, the more the hum in Rose’s chest subsided. It was still present, but it felt like they were moving closer and closer to whatever it was that she needed to find.

“Rosie, look!”

As her gaze followed Emmett’s arm, she saw the big paw prints of, what she presumed to be a grizzly bear and a big one at that, in the mud. Her mate’s eyes danced with a playful spark, yet beneath the surface, she noticed lingering the question for approval.

“Come on Rosie, let’s have some fun!”

She uncrossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders.

“Sure Em, you go ahead, I will trail behind” Rose spoke with a small smile. She needed some time by herself, to get her head together – to get this annoying hum under control.

“Thanks, babe, you are the best!”

And with a little unmanly squeal, Emmett vanished in between the trees, tracking the bear.

Rosalie took some time to cover their own tracks; humans seldom appeared in these areas, and she did not want to leave any trace. After carefully doing so, she sat down under a tree and meditated for a while. Something is going on. She felt it. She desperately needed some tranquillity. She needed to get a grip on her composure.

Once she did, she followed Emmett’s scent trail further into the beautiful enchanting nature of bumf*ck nowhere.

She took a quick detour when she heard the crashing sounds of a waterfall. She had not been able to wash the dirt out of her hair for what felt like ages, and well, as sexy as it was to see Emmett play with his dinner – a quick rinse would probably increase her mood by a landslide.

As such, she only made it to Emmett a few hours after he had left her. Her thoughts had quieted down, only traces of the hum remaining as evidence of her restlessness. Her white t-shirt was soaked by her dripping hair, revealing her lace bra underneath. She broke out in a grin when her thoughts roamed about what Emmett would do to her in this state.

As she came out into the newly created clearing, she saw to her shock that Emmett was not alone. He was sitting on a rock, with the carcass of a grizzly at his feet. Across from him, two unfamiliar vampires were lounging in the field, lazily chatting with him. A low rumble escaped her lips, as she saw her mate with these strangers.

Two pairs of crimson eyes as well as Emmett’s beautiful golden ones, turned towards her, observing her from head to toe. She was about to stalk towards them when a dog whistle broke the silence.

“So Emmett, please enlighten me, who is this blonde bombshell?” the tall dark-haired vampire spoke with a grin.

“Oh Peter for f*cks sake” the smaller blonde vampire admonished her partner while smacking him on the head.

Peter. Oh. Rosalie’s mind quickly puzzled the pieces together. The beautiful woman next to him must be Charlotte in that case.

Emmett’s laugh rumbled across the forest floor. Then his eyes appreciatively roamed across Rose’s form.

“I mean, you do look ravishing babe” he responded with a co*cky grin.

Rose rolled her eyes, as she made her way towards the two nomads. She casually sized them up, as she extended her hand.

“Peter, Charlotte, it is good to finally meet you. I am Rosalie, Emmett's mate.”

The pair of them gladly took her hand, returning her firm handshake.

“I expected a bit more manners from Jasper’s friends”, she said playfully

“Manners? Oh, I thought we were going for authenticity today. My mistake!” Peter said while running a hand innocently through his curls.

Rose arched an eyebrow. Cheeky bastard. She took her place next to Emmett and wasted no time in launching the main question that occupied her thoughts.

“Not that I don't value meeting you guys, but what stroke of genius led you to find us here, in a place so secluded even hermits have second thoughts?”

Charlotte struggled to contain a giggle at her question, and Emmett soon joined her in delight.

Peter on the other hand mimicked Rose, co*cking up an eyebrow of his own and crossing his arms.

“Excuse me Princess, but I think you have the situation in reverse. You found us.” His voice sounded as confused as it sounded sincere.

It bewildered her. What a f*cking cryptic statement. As if Emmett could read her mind; which she was sure he could probably do to some extent after the decennia they had spent together, he decided to join the conversation.

“Babe, they actually live around here. We were waiting for you to join us. We are invited to their house!” he said gleefully.

“Tree-house” Peter corrected him with a grin

Rose’s quirked eyebrows signaled her skepticism. Vampires in a tree house?. Yet she shrugged, accepting the cards that fate dealt her. The persistent buzz in her chest had finally quieted fully, revealing that meeting the two nomads had been the purpose of their little adventure all along.

Half an hour later, Rose found herself in the comfortable constraints of their self-build treehouse. It was not much, containing a small couch and a cabinet on one side, and a bed on the other. But after their last few weeks, Rose for sure branded it as comfortable. She and Emmett took their place on the couch, while Peter and Charlotte sat across from them on the bed.

They sat there for a while, watching each other before Peter broke the silence.

“So, what brought you here?”

The sentence dangled between them, ghostly and uncertain. The room seemed to pulse with anticipation, as if secrets were about to spill forth, weaving a newly created bond between them.

Rosalie quickly recapped their journey; how they had traveled to soothe the humming feeling that was terrorizing her. They did not have a goal and had just followed Rose's intuition. But, as it turned out, their prize was worth the adventure. She elaborated upon how they had been looking for Peter and Charlotte for the past year – ever since Emmett first visited them. The fact that they did not know where Jasper was worried them to bits; Jasper was her twin, and one of the few people she trusted. They had to find him.

Charlotte and Peter listened intently to their story, and as it ended, Charlotte quickly filled the silence.

“Seems like you got a gift, Sugar”

Out of all the things she just told her, that is what she focused on. Interesting. Rosalie’s eyes darted around the room, like lost birds in the sky, trying to find answers in the empty air.

It seemed that the petite blonde sensed her confusion, as she continued, “That hum of yours, seems like a powerful tool. I assume it has helped you before?”

Rosalie’s brow furrowed, sifting through her memories. Now she thought of it, it had guided her in the past. It had been present that night when they parted with the Cullens, and it had also led her to Emmett.. It had helped her. Tremendously.

As the truth dawned on her, Rose’s voice caught in her throat. Emmett’s arm encircled her waist, drawing her nearer. His touch eased her racing thoughts enough for her to manage a subtle nod toward the blond vampire sitting before her.

“I had a feelin’, seems like you and Peter have more in common than y’all think. And I think it's time Pete. Time to finally start sharing.” The sentence was mysterious, pronounced with a bit of a southern drawl and a small smile.

Peter nodded. “Seems so, darlin’.”

His face then shifted, the softness that had briefly graced his features vanished into thin air.

He first looked at Emmett, his crimson eyes roaming across his body as if he could tell all his secrets with just that one look. Then he focused on Rose, holding her gaze as he spoke.

“We’re usually tight-lipped about our personal details—safety first, for me and my mate. Only a select few are privy to my special talent and our history: a trusted nomad, Charlotte, the Major, and myself. Based on what I have come to see, and my in-depth discussions with Char on the topic, you will now become part of that group.”

He briefly paused, his silence emphasizing the trust he was about to place in them.

“First, gifts. I have one as well Blondie” he grinned at Rose, “I can see the future. Not like that so-called Cullen seer that y’all are so fond of. No decisions are necessary for mine. Instead, whatever I see will come to pass one way or another. I get clear glimpses—short but certain. From Formula One and NASCAR finishes to meeting my mate, they tell me in absolute certainty what will happen. No steering, no searching; they appear as they will.”

It was clear from his voice that Peter was not one hundred percent relaxed with this amount of openness, and Charlotte moved in to sit on his lap in response. As she snuggled her mate’s neck, her breath on his skin clearly was having a calming effect. After one big exhale, he continued talking

“The visions center around myself, and the people I deal with most often…” his eyes shifted to Emmett,

“… Since your visit, we have been worried about what you have told us.”

Charlotte nudged his cheek with her nose, seemingly alerting Peter to some lingering questions as the dark-haired vampire backtracked,

“But before I dive in deeper, we need to clarify some things. You know about or connection with the Major, or Jasper, as you call him; but from the tone of our prior conversation, I am not sure to what extent you know about his history?”

The open question filled the air, Rose sat in silence, not sure what exactly she needed to answer. Instead, Emmett jumped in, taking the opportunity to provide some more insights. His low voice bounced off the walls of the small room as he spoke.

“When Alice and Jasper joined the Cullen’s, they arrived out of nowhere. And I mean absolutely nowhere. Our brother Edward just left one day and returned sometime after that with them in tow. When we met them that evening, they provided us with some high-level insights…”

Emmett closed his eyes, trying to remember the conversation word for word,

“…We received some quick explanations about Jasper’s history – that he had been a major of some sort-"

He was interrupted by a ferocious growl from Peter. "Just a Major? Just a f*cking Major?" his voice echoed threateningly through the room. Charlotte continued to nuzzle his neck some more, and as Peter calmed down, Emmett continued.

"But their explanations were mostly focused on Alice. To be fair, most of their time with us was focused around Alice. It was only that night when Jasper left, when we left, that Carlisle elaborated just a bit more, calling him a killing machine.”

His voice trailed off, as he looked towards the wooden ceiling. “To be completely honest, in all the years that we lived together, Jasper never really divulged any of his past to us, right Rosie?”

Rose nodded in response, her heart sinking at that realization, as she tried to find her voice again.

“Yep. I worked quite a bit with Jasper in our garage, restoring and fixing cars.. but he never revealed information about himself. Not that I minded. He was my best friend in the family; next to Emmett of course..”

She smiled lovingly at her mate, “…the time we spent together was pleasant, even if it was in silence most of the time”

Rose looked at her fingernails, playing with them, as she continued

“There would be times that Eddie and Jasper came back with red eyes from one of their adventures – but he never elaborated. He traveled often, one week here, a few days there. Sometimes it overlapped with f*ckward – and their ruby periods as I like to call them – sometimes with the Pixie, sometimes with no one.”

Rose bit her lip, as she moved through her memories.

“He never said a word about any of it, we just chatted about this and that, and it was nice. He stood a bit taller when we were in the shop, and seemed more at ease. Not that it ever really surprised me, that f*cking Pixie that seemed to kill his self-esteem more often than not. She was always confining him, telling him what to do…”

Her voice faded, as the day had moved into the twilight, her melancholy floating around them. As her eyes glanced over their two new friends, she saw Peter balling his fist tightly. His lips were sealed in a thin line, and it was Charlotte who spoke up with a sad smile,

“Jasper, or the Major as we mostly call him, has been a friend of ours since we were turned. The story behind that is tragic..”

For the next hour, Charlotte described in detail what Peter and her had endured during their time during the Southern Wars, and how the Major had let them escape against all odds. She then glossed over their time with Garrett, their other trusted friend, and how five years after they had first left their coven patriarch whom they called Maria, they had returned to free Jasper.

Their escape had been successful, but the first few years afterward had been hard. The Major’s gift had been his savior as well as his kryptonite, and adjusting to normal life had come with its difficulties. He still could recall all the emotions he had felt in the camps at will, and it had caused him to lash out occasionally. But in the end, they had managed, and had lived a relatively carefree life.

For fifteen years they traveled together, being their own family. But with Maria still alive, they were always looking over their shoulder. One day, the Major had woken up and decided to leave. Just like that. And that morning had been the last time they had seen him that decade.

Over the next century, they had only seen him a handful of times. Once he joined the Cullens, even though it seemed that their brother had found peace, the frequency remained the same. With hurt in her voice, Charlotte explained how the Pixie had felt that Peter and Charlotte were too white thrash to be around. Rosalie had not been able to contain her growl at that piece of information. Alice is such an outrageous bitch. Charlotte had shot her a gentle smile in response.

“As much as we miss the Major, he seemed better with the Cullens. At least, to the extent we were able to observe. After the first few decennia, we only checked in with him only every so often – which is why we missed his departure completely… The Major running around by himself for so long, well that is worrying.”

Charlotte bit her lips nervously, as she had easily looped back to Peter’s introduction; to their worries. He shot her a small smile, and pulled her closer on his lap, as he picked up his train of thought again.

“So since your visit Emmett, we have been pulling on all loose ends that we could, in order to locate the Major. Due to our past, we have always been very careful to avoid nomads when we can. Our scars are difficult to hide, and will either in the best case scenario invite a competitive mind to see if they can beat us, or in the worst case…”

Peter’s pause was palpable, his brow furrowing as if he was lost in thought.

“Despite reaching out to our contacts, we’ve come up empty-handed. There’s a rumor that the Major might be involved in the political maneuvers of what we lovingly call our vampire society, but we’re not convinced. We haven’t found any proof to support this claim.”

Rose’s eyes widened, while Emmett tilted his head in confusion. From the window, the distant sound of a grey wolf howling penetrated the room. The moon had climbed its way across the sky, now standing in bold contrast to the velvety darkness of the night.

“I am sorry, but what political game are you talking about?” Rose’s voice pierced through the room

Their two hosts almost fell off of the bed, thrown off balance by the surprising statement.

“Did the Cullens not introduce you to this stuff?” Charlotte asked incredulously

Emmett and Rose shook their head in tandem.

“Oh for f*cks sake, how can you lead one of the biggest covens in existence, but let it thrive in ignorance?” Peter ground out between his clenched teeth, shooting a dig at Carlisle, “It seems y'all were left to wander the desert of misinformation, which for vampires tends to be a death sentence. Tell me, what parts of vampirism are you guys aware of?”

Rose and Emmett exchanged a glance that was laden with uncertainty.

Their knowledge was as fleeting as each time they built up a new life. A change of scenery was necessary every few years to maintain the masquerade. To Rose, this transient existence seemed rational; humans in general had to remain ignorant of their true nature. Moreover, she had pieced together the concept of mates by herself. But beyond that, the Cullens had mastered the art of selective silence, especially concerning their own species.

Emmett nodded along, they had discussed the topic often together, especially when nomads divulged information while visiting Rose’s shop in Maryland. Whispers of a mysterious entity known as the Volturi had reached their ears on multiple occasions, a name Carlisle had frequently mentioned as well. He had made it clear that they would eventually meet this intriguing group, but the patriarch had deferred any detailed explanations until that moment would arise.

As she tried to explain that to Peter and Charlotte, their eyes went wide like saucers. Shadows danced on the walls, their movement mirroring the elusive knowledge that Rose and Emmett lacked, while the air itself crackled with the electric charge of unspoken questions.

Peter’s eyebrows threatened to leap off his forehead in sheer surprise.

“Well, well,” he drawled, “looks like y’all have stumbled into the same swamp that Char and I waded through when we left to be on our own. I guess it would be good if we would clear some of these things up for y’all ” His understanding southern tone carried the weight of shared experience.

That is how the hours of the following night ticked by. Peter and Charlotte wove their tales — the wisdom from Garrett combined with the scars and lessons that learned in their own time. They dissected the ways of vampiric life for Rose and Emmett like they were two curious scientists hunching over a dead body in the 1600s.

For now, Emmett and Rose could, according to their newfound friends, still be categorized as nomads, but once another vampire joined them, they would have to declare their coven to the Volturi. Yup. The Volturi. They had elaborated on their ruling coven and vampire society in itself, including Garrett’s valuable cornerstones.

Peter ended his explanation with the most important information of all. Vampiric laws. He touched upon the different bonds, as well as how Rose’s gift had seemed to interact with them based on their story. He finished with the two vital rules of the Volturi: do not kill your own kind, and, humans cannot be aware, under any circ*mstances, of vampire's existence

Emmett sat next to her, fidgeting. They both had different reactions to stress, where Rose would quietly take in all the information that they had just received, and Emmett would flow over with different inputs, questions, and possibilities. Ying and Yang.

Charlotte and Peter were still sitting in front of them, discussing with each other in some sort of Spanish dialect that Rose did not understand. Their faces were filled with worry and aggravation. It was clear that their lack of information about their own species and lifestyle was a huge faux pass.

f*cking assholes. Rose knew that the Cullens were different, but that they had been playing with fire to this extent had been a shocking revelation. As she thought about their time together, it was as if she was seeing everything in a new light.

Edward’s ruby periods, and the subsequent moves. How her intuitive gift partly counteracted Carlisle’s sway through the sire bond that Rose and he shared. Combining that with the mating and sire bond she has with Emmett, it was clear that these factors paved their exit from the Cullens without significant difficulties.

As Rose’s thoughts wove through the labyrinth of newly found information, she stumbled upon yet another crucial piece of knowledge that she was missing. Just as her lips parted to voice it, Emmett’s hushed words could be heard as well.

“What about Jasper? Does he know all this stuff?” She spoke clearly, desperately wanting to know how her twin fit into all of this.

But Emmett had understood the most critical point of all. And there, in the charged silence, hung his softly spoken question, fragile as a freshly woven spider’s web,

“What about Bella?”

Chapter 21: One Way or Another


//Title: One Way or Another - Blondie

Chapter Text

Peter’s POV

Peter pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, while forcibly trying to keep himself calm. His mate sat next to him, still in the same position as she had been in for the past hour. Frozen like a marble statue. To say that they were shocked would be an understatement. A f*cking understatement.

Across from him, the two vampires were displaying two very contrasting reactions. The bulky male, whom they had met a year previously, was twiddling with his thumbs. Probably a human trait that he refers back to under stress. Damn endearing. Not. His mate, on the other hand, the hot blonde, well, she was just staring into nothingness. Her face was a sheer canvas with surprise boldly coloring the entire surface.

She had been so occupied with trying to find out how the Major fit into all of this, it had apparently taken Emmett to point out the obvious. Peter sighed as he recalled his voice. It had been soft and dripping in concern as he had mentioned their human pet. Although, as they had tried to explain it afterward, it was not a pet per se. Nope. It was even worse. It was more like an appetizer of uncertainty, a main course of disaster, with a dessert of chaos. Their human Isabella Swan had been claimed.

f*cking claimed. The mind reader had claimed her as his mate, and then, as if it was the most logical next step, he had forced everyone to leave. Peter scoffed at the thought. What kind of callous monsters would do such a thing. You had to be crazy on multiple levels to pursue these kinds of actions. Insane.

Claiming a mate was as sacred as it got. Moreover, mates could not be apart. And just that raised a lot of questions. Questions that a strategic mind like Peter’s could not let go.

Edward had to have a plan to come back. He should not been able to function without the girl. Besides, the human had to be changed at some point, the law of exposure demanded it.

On the other hand, their newly bonded friends had just told them this had all happened almost six years prior. Six f*cking years.

The law left absolutely no room for any doubt. It was crystal clear. Peter and Charlotte had actually just explained it a few hours previously: Six months were given to any domesticated human; it was as long as covens could keep their pets if they wanted to. Mating declarations were a whole other matter, and provided the targeted human with two years of respite. In the best-case scenario, they were four years overdue with either changing or draining their precious Isabella.

Peter scowled at the thought. Charlotte and he just spend the better part of the morning explaining the implications and the rules to ex-Cullens. It was as if suddenly it had dawned on them – the colossal mess they had entangled themselves in. Idiots.

Peter huffed, staring at the pair with a critical eye. There were so many questions to be answered, and it seemed that they had none. It felt like they were not even sure which questions to ask – and they were even more devoid of any answers. They kept circling to the same point; swearing up and down that Edward and Carlisle had referred to the girl as Edward’s mate.

Peter rubbed his temples. At least it was a start.

Charlotte and he had not spoken to the Major as often as they would have liked, but when they did, he had leisurely shared his observations of the family with them. It had been made clear that Carlisle adhered to old-school principles, which signified that he would only use the term “mate” if a declaration had been made. And that was a f*cking problem.

It meant the Volturi had to be aware of the situation.

Not that Blondie and the Grizzly had been of much help in this regard; until a few hours ago they were not even aware that the Volturi were more than an illustrious name. But there is always a silver lining: If they did not know about the Volturi, it probably meant that the Volturi did not know about them. Or at least not in a way that could have a negative impact. Once you were on the Volturi’s radar, well there was no way that you would not know.

But where were their leaders in all of this? And where were the Cullens? And what was so special about this human that Carlisle would pledge his little protégé to her?

The questions were running around in Peter’s head, while he absently stroked his hand through his dark curls. Calculating. Strategizing. Manoeuvring. Charlotte had positioned herself behind him, resting her head on his shoulder. It was in that position, that his mate had seemingly read his mind, as her delicate yet strong voice breached the silence,

“What makes her this exceptional?”

Emmett looked up from his hands, his eyes were dark and seemingly lost. It seemed he was not yet ready to answer. Yet, Rose uttered a scoff, as broke out of her funk

“Everything and nothing”

f*cking enlightening. Peter had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. No, that would be counterproductive. Instead, he co*cked an eyebrow, trying to coax her to elaborate. It seemed to work

“When we…” Rosalie's voice took up again, her eyes darting around the room as if they trying to find something to hold on to. When she found the post of the bed and decided that that seemed a safe enough, she continued.

“When we met her, she was shy, timid. No damn backbone at all. She swooned at Eddie in all his glorified and dazzling vampirism, saying ‘Yes and Amen’ to everything he proposed. The family kept pulling her in, and she folded quicker to their demands than an origami artist on a deadline.”

Peter let out a small chuckle. Blondie had a wonderful penchant for sarcasm.

“She adored the Loverboy with all her heart. And somehow, she was not afraid of the rest of us. Emmett found his little sister, and well I kept my distance – someone willingly becoming a vampire so young, throwing everything they worked for away… that is not something that I could stand behind. She was a kid for god’s sake.”

Rose balled her fist, while Emmett reached out to stroke her back. At the same time, Charlotte looked up from Peter’s shoulder, finding his gaze with curiosity in her eyes. Her soft sultry voice probed a bit further

“But, she wasn’t afraid.. like at all?”

“No, well, maybe from Rose” Emmett snickered. It seemed Rose’s admissions had helped him to find his voice again.

“Not from anyone else? How about the Major?” Charlotte continued her smooth interrogation.

Peter saw where she was going. The Major and they carried enough scars that vampires were immediately afraid, intimidated, or a combination of both. Humans, although the scars were less visible to them, tended to have a similar reaction.

Emmett and Rose looked at each other, as they both shook their head.

“To be honest Charlotte, I am not entirely sure if they ever really met? Jasper was gone so much. The only time when their paths crossed was during the baseball game, and afterward when Jasper killed James. Both were not the most enjoyable of times. The last time was when he tried to attack her on her eighteenth birthday. We left shortly after”

Her eyes returned to the bed post, seemingly replaying her memories

“.. She definitely was afraid during that birthday when Jasper lunged at her, but beforehand? Was she afraid Em?”

Emmett shook his head, “I don’t have a clear answer babe”

Peter nodded at their statements, as his voice resonated through the room. “It doesn’t really matter, but it’s definitely against human instinct. They should all have some sort of caution when approaching us. They sense it, it’s innate.”

He clicked his tongue. “How often did that Edward drink from her?”

It was like Rose’s jaw had hit the floor. Huh. Had he said anything wrong?

“Excuse me?”

Peter arched his eyebrow, casually repeating the same sentiment, “You heard me Blondie, it must have been difficult with her being his singer and all”

Emmett had stood up and within a second closed the distance between Peter and him. The huge vampire was dangerously close to his face, as his cold breath stroked Peter’s nose. Hm. Intriguing.

“You guys do know that we can drink from humans without killing them, right?”

Emmett looked at him with bewilderment. Charlotte pinched the bridge of her nose, as she slapped the back of Peter’s head. Ouch woman! That sh*t hurts.

“Oh for f*ck sake, look at their eyes, Pete! If brains were dynamite, I swear ya wouldn’t have enough to blow your own nose ”

Ah. Good point, she was always the observant one. Of course, they wouldn’t f*cking know. Another courtesy of f*cking Carlisle Cullen. How could he be comfortable to have the responsibility to lead such an ignorant coven? The answer was literally beyond the Captain. He sighed deeply, letting his breath escape slowly.

“Okay, I guess you guys didn’t.” his voice halts, as he takes the nervous aura of both of them in from head to toe,

“That is somethin’ we will have to rectify. But hey, that’s a topic for another time. For now, let’s refocus: what makes ms Swan so incredibly special?”

You could hear a pin drop, the silence was menacing. It seemed that neither of the two knew how to answer this question. He rephrased, adding more pressure this time. They had to know.

“Think! What. Makes. Her. So. Special.”

Peter had to know. There was no room for maybe’s or half-truths. The both of them, as well as their little human, were in a precarious position. One that did not have the space for any leniency. They had to puzzle together why they were still living in this blissful peace.

Once more, it was Emmett who experienced a moment of revelation, as his rumble of a response was heard.

“Well, Eddie couldn’t read her mind. I guess he found it pretty special. For the rest of us? Well, she just smelled good.”

Well, that certainly lifted some of the fog that covered Peter’s mind when it came to this situation.

A shield. The girl was a f*cking shield.


It had been a month since they had run into Rose and Emmett in the middle of f*cking nowhere. It had been a period of adjustment for the Hale’s. The world they thought they were so familiar with had been turned topsy-turvy.

They had spent quite some time debating their situation, but the more they talked, the more they hypothesized, the more the waters muddied.

Peter had found it fascinating that, somehow, they had been able to encounter quite some nomads in the past few years, but never connected the dots themselves. He had had to spell it out for them. During the process, he had rolled his eyes so many times he was afraid they would get stuck.

They were in danger, a grave danger at that. As was their human that they seemed to think of as family. All in all, it was a very interesting set of circ*mstances they, and Peter and Charlotte now by extension, found themselves in. In essence, they were f*cked. It must have been so f*cking blissful to have lived in such ignorance. Well, not anymore

He had mentally scoffed at himself. It was ironic, wasn’t it? They had been in almost the same situation when they had encountered Garrett. Ah well, it’s what they say about Karma right, what comes around goes around?

And so, Charlotte and he had decided to stay with the two vampires, showing them the ropes of vampire society. How to really live. And most of all, how to handle themselves while being on the run. Because until the Bella situation was solved, running was what they should do.

There were two different solutions to their troubles: change her or kill her. The solution was as straightforward as it came. It would solve everything. Well, almost everything.

Rose and Emmett had not been amused at his suggestions. Peter had been threatened in ways that could rival Maria’s punishments. Blondie packed a f*cking punch. And in the back of his head, he had to admit; If it was that straightforward, it would probably already have been done.

Hence, the four of them decided that the best course of action would be to let the girl be. Let her live her life, as she had done so far. Somehow, she had been able to avoid the Volturi and the Cullens at the same time.

A feat that was gnawing at Peter's brain every waking moment. It did not make sense. Was she protected by a set of magical diabolical fairies? If so, could he order a set of them? Would Amazon sell them? He really could not figure it out. He knew for sure that both parties would never let go of a shield that easily. He had seen Maria’s passion. Lived it. It had the power to make or break a coven, and there was no way both of the coven’s were not aware.

But, as the past six years had been smooth sailing, there was no reason they should rock the boat. As Charlotte had said, as long as they kept on the shady side of the porch they would be okay. For now, Isabella Swan was safe.

This had freed up some room in Peter's head. Room for more worries. As time passed, Peter and Charlotte became more and more occupied with the safety of their new friends.

As much as he did not like to admit it, he had come to like them quite a lot. They seemed trustworthy, and having them around had been fun It felt effortless, a simplicity they hadn’t remembered since the Major had left them a century ago.

But damn, he had to admit that Blondie and Grizzly had almost no survival instinct. Teaching them about their society was one thing, but they needed more. Much more. They needed to know how to fight. How to hunt. The right way. What Peter had gathered from the Major, pieced together from their brief conversations over the years, animal blood was disgusting, one needed more of it to feel full, and also needed to hunt more often. On top of that, it had the potential to decrease one’s ability. All in all, not the best way to play hide and seek with two covens that were known for their lust for revenge.

Not to mention, the alternative was so easy. Hunting humans was what nature intended. There was no need to kill anyone when drinking. Unless that was the vibe you were going for. Just as humans do not need to finish their plate, there was no need for vampires to finish an entire human. And the venom? That problem was also easily solved by mother nature; To remove venom, one must consciously suck it out. Drinking automatically extracts most of it, leaving the remainder to aid in wound sealing

Peter was standing under a tree, as twilight was moving in. He looked across the clearing of the woods, where his mate was showing Rosalie how to best conduct a counterattack. A small smile crept over his lips. He loved it when Char was aggressive.

He saw it most often during their hunts, as Charlotte and he still killed their prey. It was just their meal preference. They always tended to hunt the lowest of the lowest, the degenerates of the litter that shouldn’t be left alive. They would hunt, eat, and cover up their tracks. More often than not, they used the local wildlife when cleaning up.

They had discussed their diet with the Hale’s a couple of times, and they seemed to be interested in extending their pallet. They were not necessarily up for killing yet. But, they were accepting of Peter and Charlotte – and Peter would take a small win whenever they were offered

That is how at the end of the week, they were going to visit a seedy bar moving themselves within the limits of civilization once again. It had been one of their prime hunting grounds whenever they were in the area. Rose and Emmett had agreed that they would not make the switch at once. It was a trial. A tryout. And maybe, there would be a potential transition in the future.

Peter had to fight to contain a smile. His little critters. Evolving from little caterpillars to becoming full-fledged vampires. Peter felt like a proud father at the thought.

The week passed by fast. They exchanged knowledge on different covens and trained as if their life depended on it. Unfortunately, Peter had a feeling that at some point in the future, it actually would. Rosalie had a knack for fighting dirty, and was progressing nicely. Emmett on the other hand had some trouble thinking outside of the box. The big bear was so used to relying on his strength that the moves that petite Charlotte threw at him perplexed him more often than not.

As they ran towards their hunting ground, the memories made Peter grin. Once they both had reached the limit of potential with Charlotte, he would take over the training. She had one year of experience under Maria. He had decades. The captain was excited for the prospect to bust out some moves again, and looking forward to seeing to what extent they were cut out for this. With that thought and a small smile, they entered their bar the Rusted Nail.

The moment they walked through the door, the familiar thick atmosphere of stale beer and cheap liquor hit Peter in the face. The dimly lit venue was wearing the smoke of its patron's cigarettes and cigars as a second skin. The walls were stained with pints, booze, and other bodily fluids. Posters covered the worst of it, and a neon sign behind the bar flickered with a reluctant glow as if it definitely did not want to be there.

With every step that they moved closer to the bar, they had to battle the sticky floor that clung to the soles of their shoes. It was horrible, and it was exactly what they needed. As they reached their destination, Charlotte and Peter took a seat on the barstools, and the other two vampires followed their lead. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, as they did quite often before Rose spoke up

“So, what do we do now?”

“We observe…” Charlotte piped up, his voice laden with a familiar enthusiasm.

“…We wait, listen in on some conversations, and then when we find someone that is absolutely terrible, well, we move in” she said with a wink

Blondie’s lips curved into a wicked grin. It seemed she liked that plan. Absolute menace.

Each of them took the time to scan the conversations around the bar. Most of it was relatively low grade. Some small-time robbers were playing pool, and the accountant at the bar was bragging about the tax frauds he was committing to his clients. Boring.

Peter’s eyes roamed further down the hall. There were some bikers from the local biker gang drinking beer at the tables. Peter couldn’t help but smile at their conversation. Who would think these guys would love poodles that much? And getting a special motor basket for it? f*cking expensive hobby.

It was then that his crimson eyes found his target. His grin faded immediately. There were two young men in suits, sticking out like a sore thumb. They definitely did not belong here. Well, that was interesting. He ran his hand through his dark curls, as he rolled his eyes. They were kind of idiots, who would admit to raping and murdering a sorority girl in public? They were speaking loud enough that others might overhear. But, unluckily for them, the only other person that was listening in was Blondie.

As Peter shifted his gaze to her, he saw the evil glimmer in her eye that he would recognize anywhere. sh*t. They needed a change of plans. Fortunately, it seemed his mate had spotted it too. On cue, Charlotte whispered in Emmett’s ear. His eyes shifted from Rosalie to Char and back again. He leaned over to her and kissed her on the temple as he whispered something in her ear. Ah. Grizzly had seen it too.

It seemed that fate was on their side to allow them to hunt in tandem because the show-off of an accountant just left his barstool and made his way outside. Peter locked eyes with Char, who quickly nodded. She took Emmett by the hand, and with an elegant shake of her butt, they disappeared outside. It seemed the pair would be teaching different lessons tonight.

Blondie still had her eyes focused on the two men. Her eyes were boring into them like daggers. She had a predatory gaze that Peter only knew too well. She was sizing them up. He knew exactly where this was going, as he had had the same reaction often himself. This scum of the earth needed to be taught a permanent lesson.

He put his hand on the nape of Rose’s back, shifting her attention to him. He brought his face closer to hers, as he spoke lowly.

“We need to get them outside, into the woods behind the bar. Normally, this would be Char’s job. You think you’re up to it?”

He was met with a low growl in response. Perfect. “I will see you there Blondie” he said with a wink. He then got up and disappeared into the dark night air.

He had only been leaning against a big oak tree for a good few minutes before he could distinguish the slurred speech of one of the two men.

“Oh pretty thing, where are you taking us? I can show you a good time! You know I could!”

“Yeah gorgeous, listen to lil’ Jim here, he can take you from behind, and I can take you from the front, what do you say? Up for some Eiffel tower action?”

Peter laughed as he saw the two men. Dumb and f*cking Dumber. And they had no clue in just how much trouble they really were.

They were each at one side of Rosalie, both holding on to her waist, but both had entirely missed the point that she was holding them both by the neck in return. That grip could turn vicious very fast, and by the looks of thunder on her face, it seemed that they were pushing her buttons.

“You know you want to feel me deep inside you angel, I can make you feel all kinds of good”

“Yeah, and I can even make you feel better. You know”

It was then that Dumber acted on his urge to touch the beautiful girl in their midst, and before he could complete the fondling of her breasts, Rose had thrown him right at Peter’s feet.

It took him some seconds to gather what had just happened, with the other man seemingly oblivious.

“Jim, did you fall?”

Before Dumber had a chance to answer, Peter decided this was his moment to get out of the shadows.

“Hello there” he said nonchalantly. The men eyed him in surprise. Definitely not the action in the woods they had been expecting.

“So, that sorority girl, Anne – care to elaborate?”

The man at his feet looked up to him, fear glazing his eyes. He remained awfully quiet. Dumb on the other hand, well he had some more courage.

“She had it comin’! Absolute f*cking tease she was. Just a cum bucket. That’s all” He then had the nerve to look at Rosalie. A low menacing growl erupted from her throat, and Dumb pissed his pants. Classic.

Peter focused on Rosalie, arching his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side as he spoke,

“Just pretend they are pigs. It’s not that much of a stretch anyway”

Rose nodded in response, and as if the two humans could feel their faith approaching, a sense of dread filled the air.

In a split second, Peter loomed over Dumber, who was still lying at his feet. With one swift move, he pinned him to the ground. His body weight bearing down with such force that it drove the man to the ground. Without hesitation, his teeth bit into his neck. The sweet scent of copper mixed with alcohol filled the air. Within a few minutes, he drained the man fully.

He used his sleeve to wipe off some of the blood on his face and stood up. He then looked at Rosalie, who had also just finished. She stood above her kill, her eyes were looking down, but he could not decipher what she was thinking right now.

“You okay Blondie?”

She nodded. “I thought it would be worse. But this, it feels right for some reason.”

A corner of Peter’s mouth curled up. He knew exactly what she meant.

“Congratulations on discovering your true nature. You are a vampire – and one with a dark streak and the gift of intuition at that.”

He gave her an approving nod. He then quickly tore apart the bodies, and put them in a bag. They would spread them in the national park, and the wildlife would take care of the rest.

It was then, that Charlotte and Emmett appeared before them. Peter quickly glanced at his mate, and when their eyes locked they smiled at each other. Seemed it went well for both of them. As he tied the bag, he made quick strides toward her and enveloped her in a big hug.

Across from them, Rose and Emmett did the exact same. It was a magical moment when they looked into each other’s eyes. Crimson. A small smile played on Emmet’s face while he stared deep into Rosalie’s eyes, as if he knew that this was what they were meant to be.

As Charlotte wrapped his hands around him, Peter suddenly got pulled into a vision. It was quick, less than a second, but his mate’s arms around him tightened in response.

“Darlin’, what did you see?”

The sentence was enough to pull Emmett and Rose from their own world. He shook his head. A month ago the thought would have been absurd, but now, it began to make sense. He took a step away from Charlotte, standing a bit straighter. Captain Peter. He crossed his hands across his chest, as his authoritative voice spoke

“It appears we’re destined to form a coven.”

He turned towards his mate,

“How would you feel about becoming a Hale?”

Chapter 22: Getting Over You


Title: Gettin’ over you – David Guetta, Chris Willis, Fergie

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice’s POV

Alice closed the carved oak door behind her and the family, the cold wind seeping through the cracks as the heavy wood slammed shut. As they rid themselves of their shoes and enter the big open living space, a sigh escaped Alice’s lips. The trusted smell of familiar waters. They had been here for a few months now, but the scent of the Denali clan – saffron, lavender and sea salt, mixed with a touch of olive oil – was still able to bring her peace as it swirled around her. The comfortableness acted like a pillar of strength, and only god knew how much they needed it.

They had arrived in Alaska after they were forced to move. Again. She ran her hand through her short hair as her thoughts went back to that day. It had felt like the thousand time that they had to pack up and leave everything behind.

It had been a familiar routine in the past couple of years. Since their return from Volterra, the Cullens had found a new home time and again, only to relocate just as they began to settle. They even now had arrived at the point where Carlisle was not starting a new job anymore. Justifying the doctor’s departure after a brief tenure had become increasingly exhausting, and it was simply not in his nature to initiate tasks without seeing them through.

In essence, the Cullens were stuck in a never-ending cycle of a teenage boy trying to get over his first love. Pathetic. The longer his mood went on, the more Alice was having trouble understanding her so-called brother.

Ever since their return, Edward had been spiralling down a hole of despair. The indifference of their kings at their transgressions had made their loss all the more real. They had lost their precious new coven member; Edward had lost his claim to his future mate.

Future mate. The mere thought sent a shiver down her spine. The mating bond was a ritual that Alice only knew too well. It was sacred and an honour. Yet, with the wrong person it could wreak havoc. Once it was in place, there was no going back.

Her brother had shown a peculiar stance regarding mating with his beloved Bella Swan. On the one hand, he wanted to commit to her forever. On the other hand, he really wanted forever to be the normal lifespan of a human being, not the eternal kind.

This meant that Edward had been steadfast against Bella turning vampire; He loved the humanity of his girlfriend just too much. At the same time, the boy had a tremendous amount of respect for his sire. After many discussions, some that Alice was invited to, and others that she stealthily eavesdropped, Edward had relented. He would enter a mating bond with his human, as long as she could stay that way for as long as possible.

In return, Carlisle had made the claim public, and the Volturi had thus been informed of his intent. They just had not opted to tell Bella about her future yet. Edward had pressed the family to keep it quiet, trying to avoid causing unnecessary stress – keeping the façade of her life up for as long as possible. Alice had hated the theatre; as if delaying the inevitable could have any positive facets.

The process of burying the human's head in the sand had come with its own dangers, as the singing of Bella’s blood became harder to resist over time. Alice’s visions had become more gruesome with every passing day, and she knew at one point she would not be able to see and prevent the decision that would lead to her untimely death. This is how they ended up orchestrating a quick reality check for her brother, the birthday party, a move that cascaded into Edward leaving the girl.


Alice felt the dull phantom pain of a migraine forming behind her eyes. She had probably suffered them when she was human, and whenever she was in a stressful situation or thought about one, it would pop up. She put her wrists under the kitchen sink, letting the cool water carry away some of the uneasiness, as she got pulled back in her thoughts.

It was all supposed to be just a temporary situation. Temporary. But, after returning from Volterra, the realisation had dawned on the entire family that the birthday party had been their last brush with precious Isabella. The current situation had been solidified, as permanent as the Grand Canyon. The first few weeks afterwards, the time they had spent as well in Denali, Edward had remained motionless. He sat, and he stared. The sight of his eyes darkening, taking the colour of charcoal and afterwards becoming nothing but a deep void, sparked concern among themselves and the Denali coven. It got so bad that they started to wonder if suicide by starvation would be possible.

It was Carlisle who got Edward out of his slump. He talked to him every day, and slowly but surely, he had been able to coax his son to start hunting again. It took a while, but eventually, they were able to fall back in the familiar routines that they had created earlier in Boulder. After his eyes had been blessed with their familiar topaz colour again, they moved to a more permanent location, where Edward slowly enrolled back into high school, starting his last year with Alice.

They had been enrolled for a month before they had to pack up again. So much for permanency.

Edward had gone on his first date with Chloe Suarez, one of their classmates. Her striking blue eyes and auburn locks held a familiar similarity with his Bella. Dangerous territory. Alice had warned Edward to take it slow – to not get physical, as it would not end well.

Alas, after bringing the beautiful girl home from a picnic and a movie date, under the cover of soft summer rain, Edward had gone in for the kiss. Their tongues had met for a full second before the thoughts of Bella had flooded him and his emotions had taken control – ending the precious life of Miss Suarez as he drained her in front of her house.

Within 18 hours, they were packed and moving across the country, to their next home. Their next life.

Every drive held the same routine. Esme sobbing her heart out and Carlisle grinding his teeth while driving, in what Alice presumed to be frustration. The patriarch had not been happy. Every mistake was an invitation for the Volturi to come knocking on their door, but he also acknowledged that his son needed time. They had been through quite a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was nothing that they had never seen before.

Edward’s control had never been something to write home about. He would fall in love hard and fast, and always with humans. It often took him a few months to get over them, and as her ex-husband had correctly predicted years ago, Bella had struck a particular nerve. Edward was heartbroken.

As time passed by, Edward had jumped between calling himself a soulless monster, falling back in love, and f*cking it up. Alice had a good feeling that being with a human put a band-aid on many of his worries, but the one-sided ending of every single relationship seemed to rip the wound open at the sutures each and every time. His attempts to soothe his worries were futile, and every additional female had added fuel to their already burning fire.

Alice tried to talk to him. To get inside his mind, as he did with them every second of every day. After a while of her prodding and probing, alternating between deep and shallow questions, he started to open up to her. It turned out, quite unsurprisingly, that in Edward’s thoughts, losing Bella had been the straw that broke the camel's back, and his rampant of lovers had been him trying to cope with his grief. He needed the outlet.

In return, the family had decided that he needed a babysitter. And so, it had been Alice’s job during the next years to reign him in, to track him, as much as possible. To prevent the wrath of the Volturi from raining down on them for exposing their secret. And, in all honesty, it had been difficult.

As Alice moved around the kitchen in the Denali home, she remembered how she had tried to track his actions over the past few years. Edward had been moving on instinct, making last-minute decisions. There was only so much she could see that protected the girls he was with. But, even though she scanned every minute and minuscule decision, she was too late more often than not. On top of that, Edward was becoming more messy every time. With each new girl, it seemed his concern dwindled further.

Alice had taken over the clean-up duty, but she was no wizard. And thus they moved. And they moved until they now had returned to familiar territory.

Edward’s last conquest, as they had started calling them within the family, had been the last nail in the coffin. He had almost ripped the poor girl named Claire in half while making love to her, while her parents were away for the weekend. Alice had not been able to see the split decision made in post-org*smic bliss. Without warning, Edward had started to drain the blonde girl as she lay in bed with a broken spine. He had been way too heavy-handed during their intimacy. The moment she had seen the decision, she had sped towards her brother. And so, she had walked in on him half feral and covered in blood, with the girl in pain and with a barely beating heart.

In an act of compassion, Alice snapped her neck, stopping her suffering. She had then turned to Edward, and torn him a new one. This had been cruel, even for him.

The boy had tried to get away immediately after Alice had stopped screaming at him. He ventured out of the window, creating only a bigger mess for Alice to clean up, as he returned with his tail between his legs to their house. Carlisle had been expecting him.

Alice had followed her brother a short while after. She first had to stage an accident and clean the mess, before they were able to start one of their family meetings. Carlisle had laid down the law hard. Edward’s f*ck around and find out time had run out. They had shown kindness in giving him time, but that period had now come to an end.

Carlisle had decided that they would move back to Alaska, and stay here a while, and try to get their routines back. Which was mostly code for Edward to get himself the f*ck under control. It had been half a decade that, at this point, the two of them had not been mated. It was time to move on, literally and figuratively.

This also meant that it was time for Alice to again scan all their potential futures for new coven mates. Carlisle and her plan had been sidetracked, but that did not mean it was off the table completely. They could return to their comfortable world in the shadows, and pick up where they left off.

It seemed that they had been successful in keeping Aro in the dark – as otherwise Alice was sure as hell would not have left Volterra in one. This had been a small success, as with their current setbacks it was clear they needed more time. Luckily, as vampires, they had plenty to spare.

Being in Alaska provided them with some leeway, as they could easily hide under the umbrella of Eleazar’s coven. Their old friend had no love for the Volturi, after leaving them after two centuries of service, but he was also no fan of coven-related politics. As an ex-member of the guard, he was happy to be left alone, in return, he and his coven kept to themselves.

The five of them lived in peace, a hard-earned one at that, which they would like to hold on to for as long as possible. The Denali sisters had joined him and Carmen after they met in Alaska by accident, and they happily appointed Eleazar as their coven leader, a role that he took with honour.

They had adopted the same diet as Carlisle; it had started out as a decade-long experiment out of curiosity, but one of the pleasant side effects was the stigma that was attached to eating animals. With golden eyes, you were seen as an outcast, and definitely as less threatening, by both humans and vampires. For a patriarch who only wanted to live in harmony, the cons of drinking disgusting animal blood were quickly outweighed by the benefits.

As if on cue, the very man Alice had been pondering strode into the kitchen just as she rested against the wall. Eleazar’s short black and slightly wavy hair complemented his strong jawline, but his facial features looked troubled. Alice caught his eyes and arched an eyebrow. Her clear voice rang through the kitchen as she voiced her question.

“What’s up?”

“For starters, teenage Loverboy, and for everything else, you along with your entire family.”

Alice nodded, as she crossed her arms over her suede dress.

“Fair. Care to share your thoughts with the group?”

Eleazar’s eyes held her gaze. He stood still for a moment and clicked his tongue before his low voice replied,

Aquí no. Let's go for a hunt”

And with that, the tall vampire walked briskly past Alice, and entered the garden through the double kitchen doors. He carried himself eloquently, combining the confidence and charm of a matador. It was almost hypnotic, and Alice could not help but to stare after the man for a good second; taking in his bare feet, dark-washed jeans and light blue shirt with an approving glance, before she followed him as he disappeared into the tree line.

After they reached the river a few miles from the property, far from the influences of both families, Eleazar sat down on a rock. The sound of the river roared around them, as the water made its way across the valley. It was Eleazar’s warm voice that broke their silence.

“I would ask Carlisle, but it seems he is occupied. So I turn to you. Please tell me what you are doing here." He paused for a second, as he clicked his tongue,

"You have been here for a while, and Edward is getting better. Yet, you make no plans to move. What is going on?”

Alice co*cked an eyebrow. Eleazar had used more words than usual; he sounded resigned, but his tone was surprisingly neutral.

“What do you mean?”

“Your coven has been halved in the past years, and now you come to us to stay here for a while? A coven with a similar diet, whose patriarchs and members go back years?”

“Eleazar, that is exactly the reason." she replied as she smiled,

"We are friends. Edward needs help. He has lost his way after all the traumatic events that unfolded in the past few years. And on top of that, we need help with his coping. We need our family, we need our friends.”

Alice tried to keep her voice as even as possible, and she was hoping that the sincerity that she put in there came through. The low rumble of Eleazar showed the contrary.

“This is no place for you, not right now.” His voice was low and authoritative, seemingly challenging her statement.

“Would you ask your old friends to leave in a time of need?”

“Oh, come on, mi muñeca, you’re not fooling anyone. You wear naïve like a mismatched outfit.”

Oh. For someone so in favour of peace, it seemed that Eleazar had not lost his antennae. As interesting as she might find that on a normal day, currently, she had to make sure that Eleazar knew they were being genuine. So she spoke in her most sincere voice.

“As if, please do not doubt our intentions, my dear old friend. We have been through a lot together, we all love you and your family to pieces.”

With that, his expression eased slightly. Eleazar opened his mouth to reply when the smell of cedar and jasmine surrounded them. He turned his head towards the pine trees, as a soft smile played on his lips.

Mi amore, so good to see you”

The words had left his lips before Carmen became visible. A few seconds after her scent had announced her presence, the small woman entered their space. The wind slowly caressed her raven locks as she smiled at the pair.

“Alice, my love,” she addressed both of them with a small nod before continuing, “Carlisle requests your presence back at the house. The Volturi has sent us some letters, one addressed to the Cullens, one addressed to us.”

Eleazar glanced from his wife to the small vampire, his eyes puzzling as he tried to gauge Alice’s reaction. In response, Alice jumped up, as she patted the dirt of her navy blue dress. She tried to keep her face calm, but on the inside, anxiety slowly filled her from head to toe. She had not seen this coming. How had she not seen this coming? She was a seer for god’s sake.

She took in an unnecessary breath, trying to calm her growing nerves. She gave a quick smile to Carmen, and started to return to the house. She had to keep herself from breaking out in a run, her curiosity almost getting the better of her. While walking back together with the mated pair, she tried her best to play with her visions, but they remained blank.

Terror grew around her. She had locked in on all the kings decisions, as well as all other players. How could a Volturi letter had slipped her web? Her thoughts flew past at a speed of a hundred miles an hour, but she could not find an answer. As they walked back into the kitchen, she knew one thing for sure: whatever was inside those envelopes would shake things up.


Another chapter reviewed and ready. I am working on the next time as we speak. I hope you guys like it, and as always would love to hear all your feedback and questions! Let me know if there is something to improve - its the only way to learn :D. Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely day!

Chapter 23: Multicolor


//Title: Multicolor - Son Mieux

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

Bella’s brown eyes scanned the familiar street, enjoying the sound of the birds chirping in the early morning light. With the softly warming rays of sunlight helping her find the keyhole, she easily opened the door to Emmett’s and Rose’s house. Judging by the thick and stale air that hit her in the face as she entered the dark home, they for sure had not been back here in a while. Exactly like they had told her.

The two vampires had made a deal with her a year ago that she could always use their house when she returned from her first placement. And thus, placated by the amazing luxurious fallback option they had offered, Bella had decided to give up her own room in Maryland as she moved to DC. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

The past year had been an unbelievable experience, but as always, all good things had to come to an end. Her temporary contract had only lasted twelve months, as both parties had agreed upon at the start. So, her job with the Secret Service as an overseas threat analyst – forecasting threats and mitigating potential foreign problems for prospective presidential trips – had come to its planned end. Much too soon for Bella’s liking.

The excitement, adrenaline, and the enigma of the job were facets that she had passionately embraced. Just like her test results had shown. Although the loss of her placement hurt a bit, during the last year she had really made Washington DC her home, and she felt no rush to fill the void. She had decided to take it slow in the meantime until she felt ready for her next adventure, and had returned to the familiar confinements of her friends' residence.

With much care, trying to not scratch what was likely very expensive wallpaper, she carried her two suitcases to the spare bedroom of the Hale-McCarthy’s home. It had been lovingly dubbed “Bella’s room”, as she had spent quite some nights in there. Her lips curled up thinking about the last time she had been here; Emmett and Rose had been very clear that she was always welcome upon her return. They were such sweethearts, and Bella reveled in their friendship.

They both had been picked as her confidants. Bella had happily informed them about her new job, counting them as one under her contractual obligations. The two could not keep a secret from each other even if they wanted to.

At receiving the news, Emmett had been jumping up and down the walls at the news, rambling about how his little sister would become a spy. His mate had just given Bella a big smile, clearly basking in pride at the path she was taking. They had celebrated with one of their well-renowned game nights and a buttload of mojitos.

Bella had moved to Washington DC shortly after. Luckily, her first placement contract had included housing and other living expenses, which meant that she could save almost all of her salary. At twenty-five years old, this meant she had now built up a nice nest egg, and she could afford to not have a new assignment lined up for a while. Freedom.

It felt like a breath of fresh air. Since she was young, Bella had been in school or working, and just a while of lounging around without a purpose sounded like music in her ears.

Reaching the end of memory lane, she looked down and realized she had unpacked both of her suitcases, her clothes now neatly folded in the wardrobe. Her t-shirt stuck to her body; hauling her suitcases all over the place had been quite intense. After a quick shower, wearing a fresh pair of yoga pants and a black oversized hoodie, she walked through her new temporary abode.

The thick velvet curtains held back all the light, and the dusty smell once again permeated her nostrils. Outside, the morning dew still covered the grass, and with a swift decision, she opened all the windows and let the crisp spring morning air enrich the rooms.

As she moved around the house, she also decided to conduct her usual round of turning on all the tabs as well as the other shower; making sure that each of them stood open for a while. Bye-bye legionella, not today, she mused to herself as she thought back on all the warnings that Renee had given her after their holidays.

With the house now smelling way better, she moved on to her next task: unloading the groceries. As her hands moved around the kitchen, she discovered that her haul primarily included bottled water, fresh fruit, and a selection of vegetables. It seemed that past-Bella had the expectations of being healthy. Not exactly the food that the now-hungry Bella craved. Ah well, one can’t have everything.

As she sat on the kitchen island, munching a muesli bar that she had found in the back of one of the cabinets, her thoughts roamed once again. The last time that she had spoken with Rose and Emmett had been a while ago. They had called each other regularly to keep in touch, and during their last one-on-one Rosalie had explained to her that they would have to stay away for a while. The call had been short and there had been a certain urgency. Apparently, there were some vampire bureaucracy rules that they had to adhere to, but they had not shared any more information. Not that Bella had really pried – the tone of the conversation left not much room for questions, and she had her own job that kept her thoughts more than occupied.

So, she had not talked to them in a few months. She missed both of them dearly, but she had had no headspace to think about it in detail. Her job had been demanding and left not much room for worries in her personal life.

She hopped off the counter. It was getting quite chilly, signaling it was time to close the window that was still open in the kitchen. As the window shut with a small bang, a dust cloud arose from the nearby cabinet. She really had to clean that up before... Aschoo! Yep. Before that, she thought as the explosive sound echoed through the room. Bella swiftly moved both hands to her nose. Nice. Her allergy had already started.

She spent most of the afternoon listening to her favorite summer remix playlist on Spotify while scrubbing each and every surface with a mix of cleaning chemicals that she found in Rosalie’s kitchen cabinet. Fortunately, she knew which ones not to mix to create a special concoction like mustard gas, but still, she was wondering if using all of these different ones would be good for her skin. The fact that her hands were burning, probably meant that it was not. Ah well, Yolo right?

As her hands moved around the toilet bowl, scrubbing it squeaky clean, her stomach suddenly growled.

With a sigh, she looked at her watch. Six o’clock. She groaned at her inner self. Why could she never take care of herself? She had straight up worked through lunch, it was really no wonder her stomach was growling for sustenance.

Giving in to nature's call, she put away her cleaning supplies and made her way to the kitchen. Her eyes observed the various take-out flyers that Emmett always kept hanging on the fridge for Bella’s dinners. As she took off the magnet of the pizza flyer, with her phone in her hand ready to place her order, a creamy envelope fell down on the floor.

Our dear Bella” was written on the front in a familiar curly calligraphy. With a tilt of her head, Bella peered intently at the paper on the ground. Interesting. Another letter, she mused to herself before her stomach let out another whale mating call. She shook her head, first, she had to get her dinner ready. She quickly dialed the Pizza place, placing her order while the man on the other end of the line assured her that they would be there within 30 minutes. The corners of Bella’s mouth curled up in response.

She made her way into the comfortable sofa and snuggled into the corner. There, she opened the letter, and slowly read through it.

Dear Bella,

We hope you are making yourself nice and comfortable in our house, and that you will enjoy the pizza! We will keep this short, but please see this letter as a warning. It seems that the Cullens hid more from us than both Emmett and I were aware of.

I know that you never wanted to know anything about what happened after we left Forks, but we both feel that it is paramount that you at least understand the following:

Your life is still in danger. It is not only Victoria that still poses a potential threat, it is also your knowledge of our world. Moreover, the night that we split from the Cullens, Jasper did as well.

For the past years, next to keeping an eye on you, we have been trying to find out where Jasper has gone off to. During this search, we have found a pair of nomads: Peter and Charlotte, old friends of Jasper. We found them on accident, and have been traveling with them ever since – unfortunately without Jasper, who is still MIA. They have made us realize, there is a lot more to the vampire world than Emmett and I thought, and we are trying to catch up as fast as possible.

We cannot go into details, but once we see each other again, Emmett and I will explain everything and discuss our options. But until that time, Peter has assured us that under the circ*mstances you are as safe as possible.

We miss you, and are looking forward to seeing you again Bells,

Until then, and with the most love and biggest hugs,
Rose and Emmett

PS. Peter and Char send you their lovely regards

After her second read-through, Bella crumbled the paper in her hand. It seems that in their pursuit of knowledge for the vampire society, they had mastered the art of verbal origami as well. This letter only provided her with more questions than answers. Typical.

In her frustration, she threw the paper ball through the room, where it softly hit the wall and bumped into the hardwood floor.

Bella had been aware that she was still at risk of Victoria, it had been one of the few things that Rose and Emmett had felt the need to tell her that related to their time in Forks. Over the past six years, she had conveniently tucked that piece of information away in the recesses of her mind—a silent act of compliance for the peril that threatened her. The red-haired vampire had not found her yet, and the chances of her ever finding her diminished significantly as time went by.

But another danger? Bella folded her arms across her chest. Why could her life never be easy? She had a total of three good friends in her life, excluding her dad. That made four people that she trusted unconditionally. And now two of them were being ripped away from her life for an unknown period of time, because they did not adhere to society. Bella rolled her eyes, silently questioning if vampires lived in a 19th century Britain, where society was the epitome of importance.

Argh! Her voice rumbled through the room. She punched the couch she was sitting on, trying to rid herself of the annoyance that was coursing through her veins. But her efforts were in vain.

She felt restless, and her body wanted to move. Without thinking, she moved towards her wardrobe and put on her running gear. Just as she ran down the driveway, she encountered the pizza delivery guy. Oops. Both her mind and body had forgotten about her dinner. She quickly handed him a twenty dollar bill, and backtracked to put the pizza inside on the kitchen counter. First a run, then dinner.

Securing the door swiftly behind her, she ran into the street until the darkness enveloped her fully. Step by step, she moved forward at a consistent speed, falling into a familiar rhythm that eased her mind.

She returned an hour later, covered in sweat. Under the warm stream of the shower, the last bit of her frustration dissipated like morning mist; the run had settled her thoughts. There was nothing she could do right now. She had time to relax, to enjoy some hard-earned time off. And so, chilling-the-f*ck-out is what would occupy her days in the foreseeable future.

While dressed in her comfortable PJs, she lit the fireplace and threw the crumpled letter in there. She was looking forward to seeing Rose and Emmett again, but until then, she would go wherever life took her.

For the next few weeks, she stayed in Maryland, settling back into a comfortable routine. Every morning her feet would find the familiar rhythm of her favourite running path, pausing near the end as she got herself a coffee on the way back. After a healthy lunch, she would lose herself in one of her books, and in the afternoon she either did some yoga or went kickboxing. It was serene. Pleasurable. These were her days of leisure. It felt right.

Accompanying her routine were some habits she picked up in DC; she faithfully continued to call Yolanda and Charlie every other Thursday. There had changed a lot in both of their lives and having a set time to update and chat as adults had become a must.

Charlie had started dating Sue the year before, and Bella had never seen or heard her dad any happier. He was finally moving on from Renee, and he deserved all the love he could get.

During their last call, Yolanda mentioned she also had some good news to share. But, apparently, it was news that had to be shared in person, and thus she had asked Bella if she minded coming over to their place for a while. A vacation in Hawaii? Bella had smiled at that idea, the mere thought of a Hawaiian vacation made Bella’s heart flutter.

This is how Bella found herself at Washington Dulles International, about to board a flight to Honolulu. She would stay with her best friend for two weeks. Afterward, she had extended her trip with a week in Forks, enjoying some family time before she would return to the real world.

And the world was getting more real by the minute. Her job had notified her that there was some potential interest from a new employer. Bella would receive an email containing all the necessary information within the next few days, and John would be happy to hear back from her after her holidays, with the decision if she felt like having a first introduction between her and her potential new firm.

Before anything else, she planned to savor every moment of her holidays


As Bella exited the plane, a rush of tropical air greeted her. It carried the scent of Jasmine flowers, the beautiful blossoms that are indigenous to Hawaii, as well as a hint of sea salt. She breathed it in greedily and let out a soft sigh. She was finally here. Beautiful.

As she strolled to the arrival hall with her small hand luggage in tow, she saw the familiar red hair and a big smile of Yolanda waiting for her. Without hesitation, her feet started to run and within a few seconds, she was caught in a tight embrace with her best friend.

“Ah, it is so GOOD to see you!” Bella exclaimed

“You have absolutely no idea” Yolanda grinned in Bella’s auburn locks.

Chatting as though they hadn’t been apart for a year, they headed toward the car. Yolanda got in the driver’s seat and smoothly drove them across the island towards their home. Their house was a beautiful bungalow surrounded by lush vegetation. After Bella got out of the car, she could not help but stare at her surroundings. It was so different from everything she had ever laid her eyes upon, and it was stunning.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Bella just nodded. She was absolutely speechless.

As they entered the house, Yolanda explained how Ako’s family had helped them renovate their little piece of paradise. The property had been in his family for ages, but was not in the best condition when they had moved in a year ago. Bella shook her head. If Yolanda had not said so, she would not have believed that the house had ever been in any other condition, it looked spectacular.

Inside, the sunlight filtered through the gauzy curtains. It cast a set of warm patterns on the polished wooden floor. The air smelled of salt, lavender, and a hint of dog. The latter was no surprise, as the couple’s young chocolate labrador ran straight to Bella, his feet gliding on the floor as he broke his run too late. With a crash, he bumped into her legs, almost taking Bella’s feet out from under her.

Steadying herself, she looked at her friend with a smile.

“Oh, I am so sorry, this little pup is Kona. Normally, we have some bamboo mats around the house so he has more of a grip, but the little guy decided to poo on them just as we left..” Yolanda said with an exasperated tone.

Bella just looked at the little cutie, and with his big puppy eyes, she could not find that he had meant any harm. Instead, she lowered herself, and let him smell her hand. When he seemed comfortable enough, she petted his soft furry head, scratching him behind his ears. It was not before long that he leaned all into her, pushing her but towards the ground with his weight.

“He is eight months old, but still believes he is a small pup” her friend said happily. She gave Bella her hand and pulled her up.

“Let’s get you settled, and get you some water! Afterwards, we can have a nice chat on the couch, Ako is still at work, but he will be home later.”

And with that, their time together started off. During the afternoon, they talked about what they had both been up to in the last year. Bella had been purposely vague about her job, but Yolanda did not seem to notice. She was all too happy telling her about how her own progress regarding the house and her psychology certifications.

After Ako got back, they had some lemonade while the three of them prepared dinner and chatted away. Once they settled around the table and dug into the homemade poke bowl that Yolanda had just taught Bella to make, both of them broke out in a big grin.

“We have to tell you something Isa” Yo said, her glee evident from the way her eyes shone as she glanced at Ako.

Bella arched her eyebrows and smiled in response, “What is it, did you guys elope? Do you have a ring?”

“No, no.. the wedding will have to wait” her friend grinned, “’cause, we're pregnant!”

Yolanda squealed in delight, and Bella could not help but break out in an even bigger grin. She got up from the table and hugged her friend and Ako tightly.

“Such an amazing news! How, what, when! Tell me everything!”

As they sat down again, the couple across from her smiled, as they divulged all that they could. She was now 10 weeks along, and Bella was the first one they had told. After the first scan, they would break the news to their parents and wider family. It had not been planned, but nonetheless, they were very excited and happy to start their official lives together.

Bella could only smile at that news. Her eyes welled up as she thought about the next step that her friend would now take in her life, and how happy she was that she could share this moment with them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, their laughter echoed through the bungalow.

They reminisced over old stories, introducing Ako to some of their shared escapades and misadventures and other moments that had woven their lives together. Over their wooden table, they leaned in as they mapped out their future adventures. Explorations with the four of them. The hikes, hidden beaches, starlit nights. The best of both worlds, a blend of memories and the promise of new ones. And so, over the next two weeks, they continued. Revelling in a delicate balance of nostalgia and anticipation.

When the time came to go home, Ako and Yolanda dropped her off at the airport. Bella hugged her best friend and her fiancé tightly, wishing them all the best and that she would see them soon. She then turned on her heel, as she walked into another adventure. Next stop: Forks.

While waiting for boarding, she quickly scanned her email and saw that John had reached out to her. Her fingers quickly made the decision to download the new information about her possible placement. Once she was settled on the plane, she used her time wisely to read through all the provided information. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much.

The PDF from John provided a brief introduction to her employer; her point of contact was named Tyche. Representing certain European commercial ventures, he expressed a keen interest in arranging a meeting with her in Switzerland at her earliest convenience to talk about the position face-to-face. The small information that he did divulge, was that her test results were outstanding, and they would love to acquire someone of her caliber. Bella mused at that text. They did know how to flatter a woman.

As she exited the plane, she shot a quick text to John.

Sounds like an interesting position. Feel free to set me up, I will be back in Maryland in 7 days.

Then, she shut off her work phone, as she made her way through the airport. The next week was reserved solely for family. And it had flown by before she realized it.

The days were comfortable. Sue had moved in with Charlie, now that Seth and Leah were on their own, and they had spent a lot of time together in the evenings. During the weekend, her step-siblings had come over, and they had played a lot of games. It was not a routine that the Swans were familiar with in their family, but they enjoyed it nonetheless. Charlie’s face had beamed the entire time they were together, and Bella had reveled in her father’s happiness.

She had met Jake and his family at the rez, and Charlie and Billy had taken her fishing more than once. It was comfortable. It was nice. It was family. But it was still Forks; an incredibly small town, and she was sure that leaving it had been a wise decision.

With some tears, they said their goodbyes at the end of the week. As she returned back to Maryland, she smiled at the memories that she had made, but also reveled in the knowledge that new adventures were awaiting her. The last few weeks showed she could very much enjoy the domesticity of her loved ones. But for herself, that was really a bridge too far. She craved new experiences, and her lips curled up in anticipation of her meeting in Zurich in a few days.


A bit more of Bella! The next chapter we will see from her, things will kick off seriously, so looking forward to finally arriving there! Hope you guys still like it, and are enjoying it. I look forward to hear your feedback, and let me know in case you have any questions or theories! Always love to hear them.

Have a lovely day, and thanks so much for reading!

Chapter 24: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree


//Title: Black Hose and the Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall

Please note, smut and (very?) light dom/sub tendencies below.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jasper’s POV

Jasper threw his head back onto the couch, letting out a small moan as Eira popped open his jeans. His co*ck was already straining against its confines, jumping against the small touches it received through the fabric. Every part of him was ready for some action.

After a month of traversing Finland’s rugged terrain, including snowstorms, blinding sunshine, and all, he had finally laid eyes on the striking vampire he had sought after. Her crimson gaze pierced the northern darkness, and her stunning blond hair whipped around her head as she felt him approaching. She had keen senses, even for a warrior of her caliber. Impressive. As they had locked their gaze across the tundra, her emotions had been steady; She had been expecting him and was exerting a mix of anxiety, trepidation, anticipation, and a hint of lust.

Unsurprisingly, the vampire had not given him any information without payback. Figures. What else was new? They always wanted something. In the process, the Major had gotten quite proficient in the favors department, treading the fine line between yielding to requests and veering toward asserting his dominance. On the premises of a Quid Pro Quo, Eira's demands had been surprisingly easy to comply with. The Major had found himself in much tougher spots in the past, and a small grin had played on his lips as she had uttered her wish.

She had requested a one-night stand, with the one condition that he would keep his long-sleeved shirt on. His eyebrows would have shot up at the request, was it not that he had been basking in her lust and hints of fear for a while now. It had been clear that she had already spotted the scars on his face and the ones that peaked out from the collar of his black shirt. They were mood killers for every vampire. He had inwardly rolled his eyes at the familiar response. It was the story of his life.

Not that Jasper minded, Eira was insanely attractive, and his co*ck was straining at the idea of some kind of action. He had not had any for a while, and a willing participant was always better than the alternative. And so, without protest but remaining vigilant, he allowed Eira to guide him back to her home.

Now, she was kneeling between his legs. Her lips pouted seductively, as she looked up at him from under her long eyelashes. Her crimson gaze eyed him flirtatiously, as he felt her breath through the fabric of his clothes. She had removed her top, freeing her heavy breasts from their confinements. His member twitched in anticipation, as the smell of her arousal swirled around him.

Both of her delicate hands were firmly placed at the nape of his back, ridding him of his jeans and underwear. The corner of Jasper’s mouth curled up at the familiar reaction. His war mementos did not end at his torso, and as always, the vampire in front of him felt a bit of hesitancy as she laid eyes on his scar-covered legs. Classic.

He used the momentum to reverse their roles, and within a split second, he was lying on top of her. A smirk passed across the Major's features, as his big hands roamed her sides, pinching her nipple during the process, eliciting a soft moan. He smirked as it seemed his actions had the desired effect, and he slowly let the building cloud of Eira's lust envelop them.

Without caution, his hand moved lower and he plunged two fingers inside her dripping folds while his other hand fondled her breasts a bit rougher than necessary. Eira arched into his touch in response and let out a louder moan. All traces of fear had dissipated, and only desire remained – and the Major knew exactly which buttons to push.

The old Viking warrior was coming undone in seconds before him, as the Major worked his fingers inside of her. With a few quick strokes of his thumb over her nub, as well as his teeth raking over her collarbone, he felt her clench around his fingers. He moved his head downwards, quickly pinching a nipple with his teeth, and grinned against her breast at her loud response. org*sm one, check.

The waves of longing rolled over Jasper, as Eira relished in her pleasure. His own arousal grew heavier. He had to have her. Now.

With one quick movement, he turned the blonde bombshell around and buried his throbbing member deep inside of her. A low growl escaped his lips while he bucked forward, scraping his teeth over the ridge of her spine. Eira moaned in response as she rocked her hips back into his thrusts. She was eager for round two.

As he moved inside Eira, his co*ck stretched and filled every inch of her. One of his hands was roughly placed at her hips, holding on tightly guiding their rhythm. If vampires were able to bruise, he was sure his fingerprints would have painted her waist for the foreseeable future. His other hand had wrapped itself in her blond hair, pulling it back in the same rhythm. He was domineering her, using her for his own pleasure – and Eira was reduced to only soft whimpers in response. She loved every minute of it.

With every thrust, Jasper increased his pace and intensity until the only thing that could be heard in the room were his own growls and Eira’s high-pitched moans. As she begged to please let her cum, a devious smile passed over his face. He quickly shifted his hands to her hips and spun her around, placing her on her knees. Then, his hands moved to her hair, holding her down, as he ferociously started f*cking her soft wet mouth.

She eagerly took on her new role, fondling his balls with one hand and rubbing her own cl*t with her other. She was getting dangerously close to her second org*sm, but the Major was not about to allow that. No. No, that would not do at all.

With a swift movement, he grabbed the hand with which she was pleasuring herself and brought it to his throbbing member. She whimpered at the loss of contact, but he could not care less. She had had her fun, now it was his turn. He steadily increased his tempo, hitting the back of her throat consistently in the process. The added friction was divine, and he thanked his lucky stars once again that vampires did not have a gag reflex. The two hands and her mouth pleasuring him were absolutely blissful, and he had to admit; Eira had some skills.

As a reward for her talents, he used his gift to fill her to the brim with lust. The additional desire upped her enthusiasm, and she took him in deep as she sucked and sucked. It was heavenly, and he lost himself in the feeling.

The Major groaned as he felt his point of no return approaching. He upped his tempo some more, keeping her locked in at the base of his co*ck as he moved as fast as possible. It only took a handful of thrusts before he was shooting his warm liquid deep down her throat. Still using his gift to share his pleasure, Eira soon trembled on her knees as she felt her own org*sm rolling through her.

The Major smirked at the surprise that shot through her. Evidently, she was not used to coming without hands or another type of stimulation. Good.

His eyes roamed over her perfect form when he noticed that she looked spent. Jasper quickly grabbed her blissed-out body and carried her towards the bathtub. He put on the water for her and added in some bath salts which were lingering on the edge of the tub. He then lowered Eira in it, giving her some alone time.

He turned towards the spare bathroom, rid himself of his shirt, and took a shower to refresh himself. With the white towel hanging low on his waist, he dried his blond locks, after which he quickly dressed himself. He did not want to make Eira any more uncomfortable by showing his scars. There was no need for intimidation. At least, not yet.

A while later, Eira stood in the living room entry, dressed in a white blouse that just covered her bottom and a clear set of matching lace underwear underneath. Jasper smirked at the sight, a small whistle escaping his lips.

“They told me you would be beautiful, tell me, how does a warrior like you get off in spilling your own clan's and other their secrets?” his low voice rumbled through the room.

Standing in the doorway, the corner of her plump lip turned up.

“Well, you just saw how I got off. Twice at least.” She gave him a seductive wink, as she continued,

“And by the Major himself nonetheless. I guess there are not many that live to tell that tale”

Jasper arched his eyebrow. Her observation was somewhat correct, but they both knew that this was neither the answer that was valued nor wished for. He was in no mood to play games, and his hand made the familiar movement for her to move her explanation the f*ck along. It took a few seconds before her clear voice echoed off the walls,

“Otherwise, the backstabbers deserved it. They killed Björn.” Her eyes hardened, “As if he meant nothing to them. Vittuilijat.

A scowl crossed her face at the last word, although Jasper noticed that she tried to keep her expression as neutral as possible. This was the first time that he had met Eira in person, and he had been wondering about the nature of her double-crossing since he got to his post. He felt no deceit in her words, accepting her explanation without mentioning another word about it.

“In that case, please fire away. What kind of update do you have for us this time?”

Eira eyed him, crossing her arms in front of her torso, her white blouse crinkling around her bust.

“No second guessing my motivations?” She said indignantly.

Jasper held her gaze, while slowly shaking his head.

“It seems you are as extraordinary as they say, Major. This is a first” She said with a nod and a hint of admiration before she continued

“The word of the herd is that the discontent with the Volturi rule is growing. There are no concrete plans. Yet. But there is definitely a distinct shift. Times are changing, and the air is filled with doubts..”

Jasper curtly nodded. It was common knowledge that it had been a while since the Volturi showed their strength - but he did not come here for nothing, there must be more buried beneath the surface of her superficial disclosure.

“Compliance sows the seed of rebellion, right now it is just a waiting game for the moment it will sprout.”

Jasper took in her admission. It was nothing he had not theorized before, but hearing it from a source was valuable information, cryptic as she may have worded it. While he gazed out of the window, collecting his thoughts, the snowflakes swirled downwards. The ground was covered in a fresh layer of powder when a spike of lust pulled him out of his thoughts.

His eyes snapped up, watching the beautiful blonde approach him with a sexy sway of her hips. She straddled his legs on the couch and scraped her teeth across his ear, as she seductively whispered

“How about one more round before you have to report back?”

A growl escaped his lips, as he quickly reversed their roles and pinned her down under him. His hardened co*ck pressed through his jeans against her bare thigh. The Major would not resist such an enticing offer.


A bit more of Jasper! Next chapter we will be back with Bella again :) Looking forward to hear your feedback/theories/etc!

Chapter 25: Feed the Machine


//Title: Feed the Machine – Poor Man’s Poison

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

Bella had been spending the last few days in Maryland, falling back into her familiar routine.

Her almost translucent skin, the result of spending most of the summer indoors while slaving away in her cubicle, had reveled in the unusually warm weather, making the most of the available sunshine. Today, however, she had spent most of her time within the confines of the Hale-McCarthy home, cleaning up after herself as well as washing, drying, and folding her clothes. Her cab would arrive in just a few hours, and she wanted to return to a neat and tidy apartment after her travels. After all, she functioned best according to the motto of being clever means planning ahead – and if her meeting was to be successful, there was no telling how soon she would be required to relocate.

For now, the next to do on her list would be gathering all her stuff for her trip to Zurich. She was staying only 4 days in the Swiss city, which meant she was packing light. Maybe. She hesitated, glancing at her suitcase. The decision weighed on her: as she mulled over one question that had haunted her dreams: How much preparation is too much?

It was October, and she had not the faintest idea what kind of weather that could mean for that part of the world. The corner of her lip turned up as with one swift movement, she took her phone from her back pocket.

A hum vibrated in her throat at the search results. Apparently, autumn in this part of Switzerland meant quite some fog. Hm. That was something she could work with. Forks had been foggy often enough, and so her hands swiftly moved through her wardrobe as she packed different layers – with one business casual jacket and a pair of high heels. After all, as Yolanda often enough said, you only have one chance to create a first impression.

Anticipation and nerves were bubbling up from her core at the prospect of the trip. Although it was short, it would be her first time crossing the ocean; and Bella was confident that it would be a sweet, thrilling, and most of all new experience. One afternoon would be spent meeting her potential employer, whereas the rest had been marked as free time. She made a mental note to shoot John a quick thank you for arranging her flights this far apart, maybe some Swiss chocolate would be good. Guys liked chocolate too, right?

While overthinking the best way to convey her gratitude, she got in the cab. As Bella went through the familiar motions of flying, her favorite music played in the background over her headphones. As the wheels of the aircraft touched down in Atlanta, she had to blink a few times. The last hours had flown by as if someone had put her on autopilot. She smiled at the unfamiliar surroundings she now found herself in. From here on out it would be smooth sailing, as she boarded a Swiss Air flight straight to Zurich.

During the second haul of her journey, she had to contain a little squeal as she spotted the TV in the seat in front of her. Carefully tucking her Bill Gates’ book on climate change away, she methodically screened the entertainment selection. The screen in front of her ended up playing three movies that Bella had carefully selected, ranging from Legally Blond, Scream 5, to A Quiet Place. As it turned out, horror movies are not as scary if you watch them surrounded by more than 200 people in a small confined space. Who would have known?

Where the entertainment was top-notch, the food could only be described as mediocre. The highlight had been the dessert, but the chocolate mousse-fudge-fusion immediately hurt her teeth. But, of course, Renee and Charlie had not raised a quitter. And so, she still ate the entire thing. It tasted like sweetener on steroids, but at least it had a taste. On top of that, the sugar was able to provide her with some well-needed energy, as she had squarely placed her cinematic experience above the biological necessity of napping on the list of priorities. Her shoulders casually shrugged at that thought. Sleep is for the weak anyway.

Not that she could have gotten any shuteye even if she wanted to – she was sure her blood was currently made up of 98% sugar, and the temporary rush that was coursing through her veins masked her exhaustion perfectly. Despite — or perhaps because of it — her nerves continued to surge as they touched down in Switzerland.

While waiting in line to get off the plane, Bella happily queued with her hand luggage in tow. She had all the time in the world; there were no checked bags that required her to wait. As she made her way through a different arrival hall for the fourth time that month, she spotted a tall broad man in a black suit holding a sign with a familiar name.

Ms. Isabella Swan

Her feet practically skipped through the crowd, opting not to listen to her repeating inner mantra of peace. Luckily, the movement was able to redirect some energy, and her nerves-turned-enthusiasm had subsided a bit by the time she reached the gentleman who was calmly waiting for her.

He stood imposingly in front of her, being at least the same size as Emmett. Bella’s head tilted upward as she tried to meet his eyes. Her efforts were unsuccessful, as she only caught her own reflection in his aviator sunglasses. She had to contain a smile at the familiar sight; he looked like a red-headed version of her best vampire friend mixed with the secret service people she had gotten to know last year. Her nose crinkled at the thought. What had John got her into this time?

“Miss Swan, it is great to meet you”, the man spoke with an unidentifiable European accent while he folded the paper that held her neatly written name, “If you could please follow me to the car, I will be escorting you to your hotel”.

Bella nodded at the instructions, it was exactly like they had communicated and agreed to in advance. Without hesitation, she followed the tall man like a little duckling. His strides were large and carried a sense of urgency behind them, and she had to speed up in order to keep up. Not that Bella minded. Her sugar rush was wearing off, and it was already nearing sundown on this side of the prime meridian. The sooner she could shower and get into bed, the better.

They stepped into the crisp October air. Taking a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill her lungs, and a smile curled on her lips. Finally, the outside world. It had been a while. The man was tapping one of his feet with a hint of urgency while holding the door of the black town car open. He made sure that Bella was seated comfortably inside, before closing the door carefully. He then walked around and got in the driver’s seat and they drove off towards the city.

Onwards they went. They drove. And they drove. And then, surprisingly, they drove some more.

Slowly but surely, a feeling of uneasiness was tickling the back of Bella’s mind. Spending a bit too much time enjoying her days off, she had neglected one of Charlie’s main principles of traveling: always research your destination. In return, she started fidgeting with her fingers as she realized that she had no clue how long she was supposed to be commuting to her hotel.

While they drove along the highway, a large lake passed by her as the sun set over the hill. They had been driving for over thirty minutes, and – although she did not know much about European cities – judging by the changes in traffic, it seemed they were driving away from the intended destination. Not good. She opened her phone, quickly activating the e-sim, glad that her foresight had at least functioned in that regard. While her fingers worked their magic, the corner of her eye captured some movement. Subtly shifting her attention, while still keeping her focus on putting in the code on her phone, she observed how the driver retrieved a black glasses case.

As he removed his sunglasses and carefully put them away, Bella’s eyes snapped up to the rear-view mirror, as she involuntarily let out an audible gasp. She blinked rapidly, hoping it was just a trick of light. It was pointless. Swiftly, fear consumed her, as she stared straight into a pair of blood-red eyes.

The driver's lips showed an amused grin. He held her gaze for a few seconds before the bass tones of his voice rang in her ears


A shiver went down her spine as her name rolled off his tongue. Her shoulders shuddered, but there was no moment to regroup as he continued,

“I have read and heard much about you. My name was supposed to be Tyche, but based on your reaction, I think we can drop the façade. It seems you are well aware of the dangerous situation that you are in.”

With a flick of his fingers he emphasized his point as he locked the doors of the car. His grin turned into a menacing smile, as he continued,

“It is nice to meet you without all the pretenses. Please, call me Felix.”

Bella silently cursed herself. Her muscles were locked in place, unable to move. It seemed that her body had not picked the appropriate response this time. She mentally willed herself to keep it together. No panicking. Not today. She refused to give the guy the satisfaction. After all, as he had said, her predicament was clear. She had nowhere to go, and she and him both knew it.

She held his gaze for a while. Felix periodically shifted his eyes back on the road, before locking in on hers again. Her mind moved as fast as it could through all kinds of possibilities and scenarios, and in the end, settled for the best solution it had come up with: trying to get some more information out of the muscular vampire.

“So, I guess we're not staying in Zurich?” she tried as nonchalantly as possible, but even without super senses she could taste how the nerves rolled over her tongue.


That was quick. It seemed like that conversation angle was closed. She rubbed her temples as she admonished herself. She had learned last year to not ask closed questions in a hostage situation. You had to keep the person in question talking. She sighed at her own stupidity, but also took the hint. She was tired and in no state to negotiate.

She watched the lake fly past her, enjoying the view for a good while, before she tried again.

“How long will we be in the car?”

“At least eight hours, but depending on the traffic around Milano, it could be twelve”

Ah. Milan. They were going to Italy. Interesting. She mentally noted the time as she unbuckled herself, and laid down across the entirety of the back seat. It was clear Felix needed her for something, and besides, with his reflexes, the chances of him crashing the car were infinitely small. She was safe for at least the foreseeable future. She could afford to close her eyes and get some energy back. God knows she needed it.

“I am going to lay down for a nap, let me know if you pass a McDrive or something. I could use some food.”

Although she had her eyes closed, she could have sworn she heard Felix chuckle. But there was no time to rehash that thought; she was so tired that sleep claimed her instantly.

Bella woke up sometime later when the smell of fries and burgers penetrated her nostrils. Her stomach growled in response and she opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds of peaceful ignorance to place where she was as she stared at the grey ceiling above her. But once she did, the few seconds of bliss were replaced with dread flowing back in.

Her eyes snapped towards the front of the car, where Felix sat facing backward. The bushes outside of the front window clearly signaled that they were in a car park. In his large hands, the redhead held a big McDonald's drink and a large paper bag which seemed to be filled to the brim with food. He arched an eyebrow, while extending his arms, offering her the meal. Bella sat up in the backseat, as she looked the vampire in his crimson eyes. Her gruff morning voice broke the silence.

“What do you think I am? An entire football team?”

“Eat up. I have been told you humans need to eat at least twice a day” he said while the corner of his lip turned slightly up.

She wanted to argue with him, but she knew it was futile. He was right, and even if she did not want to admit it, her stomach certainly acknowledged her defeat. It punctuated her thoughts with a large growl while her hands gladly reached for the food. Once everything was carefully handed over, Felix started the car and turned it back towards the highway. Bella was very aware that his red eyes were still observing her, and he seemed compelled to throw her a bone,

“We are in the Italian part of Switzerland now, and will move into Italy in an hour or two” he explained to her.

A bit of information. Delightful. She quickly opened up the bag of food and started munching on a hamburger. As sneakily as possible, she used her other hand to search for her phone. She checked her two front pockets, and her jacket pocket, but to no avail.

In the front of the car, Felix bared his teeth in a menacing grin.

“Looking for this?” he asked, as he held out her trusted iPhone.

Bella felt her face turning red in response. f*ck. She should have thought that through before she went to sleep.

His lips curled up further in response, as he swiftly opened his window. With a fluid motion, he hurled the phone into the open air. She winced at the sound of it colliding with the rugged cliff wall that encased them on one side.

Well. That was it. The last bit of hope for an escape was quickly leaving her, and she could feel her organs churning. Terror was filling her from head to toe. She was stuck in a car with a red-eyed vampire, heading toward some godforsaken place in Italy. Just her f*cking luck.

Suddenly, Bella was very aware of her body and its aches and cramps. She moved her shoulders, trying to get rid of the cramped feeling that the plane and her sleep position had introduced. She needed to distract herself. She needed to be calm. Bella knew fully well that panic would get her nowhere, but understanding and doing are two vastly different things.

So she focused on the only physical non-vampire-related thing she could find: fries. As she ate, her nerves calmed down a bit. With that new-found clarity, she decided that one of the few things she could do was optimize the few hours of life she knew she had left.

Continuing to nibble on a few more fries, she made eye contact with Felix through the rearview mirror.

“So, you heard and read about me?” her mouth was full and her eyebrow arched as she spoke.

“Ah, you remember. I was not really supposed to tell you, but hey, it is not like you will tell anyone” he answered with a wink.

“Nope. Won’t tell a living soul”

A small smirk crossed Felix’s features, as Bella shuffled some more fries into her mouth,

“Good. I assume you know about us as well”, as he pulled a necklace with a V-shaped amulet from below his white shirt.

Bella’s arched eyebrow. It was a small but rough token on a delicate silver chain. Beautiful, and most likely very expensive. But it did not ring a bell. Her sheepish expression must have spoken volumes, and it brought the red-haired vampire back to her initial question.

“We found you in the database of your employer. We scan it every few years, as our guard is always on the lookout for some new blood. Some new potential to fortify our strengths.”

He let a small pause fall.

“Surprisingly, in contrast to our earlier acquired information, you appear to be alive and thriving, and a few years older than our initial expectations.”

He narrowed his eyes while looking at Bella, seemingly gauging her reaction. His lips curved into a subtle smile in reaction to the show he was receiving. Bella had no head space to control her facial features, cycling through all sorts of emotions, as her thoughts were running a thousand miles per hour.

Seemingly satisfied with her response, he continued.

“Of course, we have additionally heard quite a lot about you Ms. Swan. It seemed like you have made quite an impression on a few of our kind.”

She bit her lip. Her mind felt like it was overflowing with all her questions. Who is the guard? What did they know about the Cullens? What was going on? Was it safe to ask more questions?. Bella admonished herself at that last thought. Of course, she wasn’t safe. She was with a vampire for god’s sake. Yet, she had an inkling she was becoming ensnared in a delicate game of chess. The longer their conversation went on, the more she was getting a handle on her emotions. They were dancing on a tightrope, weaving a delicate balance; and Bella knew one thing for sure. If Felix had wanted her dead, she would have been drained and left alongside the highway as roadkill by now.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind. If she would not ask her questions now, there was no guarantee that she could ask someone later. And thus, she heard her own voice bounce off the walls of the town car.

“Who is we? Who did I impress? Which guard?”

As she spoke the words aloud, the final puzzle pieces matched together, as she added her final question,

“And why the f*ck would you think I am dead?”

A low laugh rumbled through the car, as he muttered under his breath, barely audible for Bella.

Il Diavolezzo was right, you are a quick study”, his voice increased in volume as he added, “but it seems like you definitely have a dirtier vocabulary than your previous coven knew about” he asserted.

Bella’s mind started turning at that name. Her Italian lessons with Gian-Luca did not cover any religious-related parts, but this was slowly ringing a bell. Without a beat, she countered,

“Who the f*ck is this il Diavolezzo? And how do you know the Cullens?”

His lack of retribution for her earlier rudeness had given her confidence, providing her with the courage to ask more questions. But now, as they hung in the air, she wondered if she had not been pushing it.

Felix paused, his crimson eyes observing her body from head to toe through the rearview mirror.

Puer meus, answers will come in time. For now, I have been tasked to get you safely to our destination. Based on my orders, it was assumed you would be more up-to-date on my coven, but your lack of recognition at my crest indicates that you’re not. Such a shame that those herbivores did not educate you properly. They provided you with all of danger, and none of the knowledge to protect yourself.”

Those last words cut Bella deeply, and Felix seemed to notice it. He paused briefly, holding her gaze. It felt like he was staring into her soul. After a minute of looking at each other, Bella broke the eye contact by focusing on her the straw of her drink. She nodded her head, signaling that she was okay for him to go on, as she slurped her co*ke loudly.

“In light of this situation, my masters will not mind if I will provide you with some rudimentary information. You should be aware of your own predicament after all. After that, you will be allowed to ask three questions. No more, no less.”

“Ah, like a genie. Should I rub your lamp too?”

The words easily rolled over Bella’s tongue, tilting her head at her captor while she did so. It was an awkward position, trying to signal some sort of non-weakness while being trapped in the backseat, but she was trying her best.

Felix observed her once again, his red eyes vigilantly roaming her features. Bella arched an eyebrow at the scrutiny, which seemed to placate whatever thoughts had been moving through his head. She co*cked an eyebrow as his knuckles tightened around the steering wheel.

With a flick of her hand, she added, “Fire away maestro”,

And within a few seconds, his rich voice moved the air around her, his serious tones mixing with some sort of fascination.

“I will jump ahead of the curve, and answer the question which, if you are smart, would be your first. This way, you can spend your three guesses on something a bit more informative. I am a lenient genie after all.”

A grin was playing on his lips at that last sentence. The small gesture faded as he continued,

“Our destination is Volterra. It is a small city in Tuscany, where our coven is situated...”

His hand gestured towards the road.

“… My name is Felix, and I am the second-in-command of the guard. We, the Volturi, live in a bit of a dual situation. On the one hand, our coven functions just like any other vampire family although we are quite a bit larger than your run of the mill vampire covens. On the other hand, the three oldest and wises of our coven are the kings of the vampire world, making our coven name a synonym to royalty at the same time.”

Bella opened and closed her mouth several times. Finally stopping as the memories of Renee’s reprimands of Bella “looking like a parrotfish” ran through her mind. Felix let the small pause settle for a while longer, giving her some time to digest.

“Hence, most of our coven life centers around the court and enforcing vampire law. Which brings me back to you

His eyes swiftly pierced her soul at that last word, before they snapped back to the dark road ahead of him.

“Unfortunately, you are the subject of quite some heavy transgressions. The declaration of a bond binds you. You are claimed. You should have been changed a lustrum ago, at the latest.”

He emphasized the keywords in each sentence, expressing the gravity of her situation.

f*ck Renee's opinion. Bella was impersonating a fish, and she could not care less. What the hell?. Her eyes narrowed at her captor. He could not be serious? Could he? Questions were rummaging through her head at the speed of light. Her brain was so occupied with understanding the severity of his statement, that she almost missed Felix’s eyebrow arching up, looking at her questioningly.

“Please, puer meus, tell me you have been informed of the bond?”

Bella shook her head, as she felt the tears burning behind her eyes. This was no time to show weakness, but she could not help herself as the salty liquid ran down her cheek. Was this what Rose and Emmett had wanted to tell her? Had they known? Had Edward been aware? Why had they left her? So many questions, so little answers, as another drop fell onto her jeans.

A menacing growl vibrated from the walls of the town car. In an instant, her melancholy was not at the forefront of her mind anymore as her brown eyes snapped up at the frightening sound. Finding the source, she recognized intensity blazing in Felix’s eyes, and as her gaze roamed down it was clear that the man’s knuckles were dangerously close to snapping the steering wheel in half.

She tried to calm herself, doing the familiar 5-7-9 breathing technique that she had used in the past. As her own heart rate calmed down, the vampire’s grip relaxed as well. A few minutes later, his voice filled the car.

“Impossible. Although it is not bound by ink, it is the accepted rule that both parties should be informed upon the public communication…”

He clicked twice with his tongue.

“Well, let’s see what my masters have to say about this new twist. Not that it matters much. Either way, as a human, your death is a certainty. The only question left is if you get to enjoy a second round of life”

A glint passed in his eyes as the quiet set back into the confinements of the car.

Well. At least her situation was spelled out for her. That was… something? Bella shook her hand at the notion. She was not sure what to think at the moment. One of her hands dragged through her hair, the long stands flowing through her fingers, like the sands of time that she saw slipping away.

Felix kept eerily silent, and for a while, they just sat in the quiet, while she digested his monologue.

Soon, it would be her turn now to ask the three questions. A small huff escaped her lips; as if three questions could ever be enough for her to completely understand the mess she was finding herself in. Her hand swiftly moved from her hair to her helix piercing, a permanent reminder of an impulsive decision she had made one sunny Tuesday afternoon with Yolanda. As she turned the metal ring around, the cogs of her mind started turning, thinking about the best possible game plan.

As the stars of the night sky came out of their hiding one by one, Bella settled on the questions that she seemed most happy with. They covered the most critical facets, without revealing much information in return. And that was more than enough for now. She could not afford to show her cards, but she did need to figure out who held hers.

She took a deep breath, steadying her nerves, as her surprisingly even voice broke the silence

“Okay. First question. How and why would you all think I died? Don’t you have like crazy talented vampires at your disposal that could check that, I mean, I am very much alive?”

Felix's rich voice swiftly and succinctly answered her query.

“The how I cannot answer, those facets of your untimely death were not revealed to me. What I do know is that your old coven was supposed to visit us with you, instead, they arrived a few months earlier than planned and without a human. The guard subsequently received the message that the highly anticipated vampire addition was no more. Apparently, multiple gifts had trouble locating you – and above all, the devastation of the Cullens was palpable. It is difficult to fake those feelings, especially in court.”

He paused for a moment, before adding with a curled-up lip,

“until I found you in our database through some old-school desk research, well, for all intents and purposes you were buried 6 feet under.”

A shiver crept down her spine at that revelation. It was not much of a jump from his previous admission; they had claimed her without her knowledge, of course, they would have arranged travel for her as well…

The dreaded feeling that she had pushed down was slowly replacing itself with anger as she replayed the situation in her mind. Assholes. The whole lot of them. Except maybe Rose and Emmett. Her hands hit the leather of the backseat in frustration. A part of her was sure that her friends had not known a thing about all this, but based on the past few hours, another part of her was doubting everything that she thought she knew.

As Felix co*cked up an eyebrow through the rearview mirror, Bella could not help inwardly smirk a little at his oversharing. Apart from her little rollercoaster of emotions, this counted as a win. She got two questions answered for the price of one. A good start, for as far that was possible, in this reversed interrogation they were having. Time for round two.

“So,” Bella’s voice hesitantly filled the silence that Felix’s revelation had left, “tell me, what is the difference between this coven and guard that you keep mentioning? Although you might have heard differently, I am no vampire expert – and this is confusing the sh*t out of me.”

In the corner of her eyes, she saw the corner of Felix’ lip turn up. She took that as confirmation that she was on the right track. She had to know what kind of situation she had gotten herself into, and strategically, she had to know what kind of opponents she would be facing.

Absentmindedly, her fingers had moved to trace James’ scar. Her nails grazing over the hypersensitive skin, kept her grounded; each touch preventing her from drifting too far into her own thoughts while Felix’ spoke.

“They are two different but intertwined structures. On the one hand, we have the kings and the guards. The royalty. The rulers and enforcers of the vampire world. They set the law and make sure it is implemented, as well as running the politics surrounding it.”

“On a second level, there is the coven. This is a more private affair, and being very candid with you, most vampires tend to neglect the fact that this is a level of intimacy that the Volturi share – and we definitely do not talk about this openly. However, I promised you that I would answer your questions, and so I will.”

He paused for a second.

“Most vampires see us purely as the political stronghold, which, is kind of an Ostrich-like approach to viewing our way of ruling. In this private set-up of the coven, we have only one patriarch, who is in charge of where the coven moves as a whole. You have to be part of the guard to be part of the coven, but only a smaller subset of the guard actually has joined us to that degree.”

Bella nodded in response. It all seemed very logical, but judging by his words, apparently, that was not necessarily the case. It was all so mysterious. As the silence settled over them once again, she leaned her head against her locked door, while she stared out of the window into the darkness of the night.

They drove in a high tempo, passing by several villages, as she tried to file away all the information she had received thus far. Once she had a feeling she had everything neatly ordered away, she went in for her third question.

“Tell me more about this Diavolezzo, who apparently knows oh so much about me”, as she tilted her head while watching Felix’s eyes focus on the road ahead of him, “It is only fair if we level the playing field a bit here”.

His eyes snapped to her in an instant, as he let out a low whistle. As he spoke next, his voice held a warning tone.

“Easy there girl, you’ve got quite some spirit, but some knowledge on when to shut up would do you quite some good here”

She never let go of his gaze, and he was the first one to break their eye contact. He had to drive after all. The quiet enveloped them. Bella was sure that Felix was kindly providing her the space to backtrack. To ask another question. But she was as stubborn as a mule, one of her personal areas of improvement according to Vanguard Ventures, and a none-answer indicated this was a solid line of questioning. There was no backtracking today.

“Felix, you promised me three questions, that is my third. Go.”

A few beats fell where Bella waited in anticipation before a sigh escaped his lips. In the distance, the lights of what she assumed to be Milano came into view.

“I will indulge you this once because I am a man of my word. But please know that this is not one of your typical fairytales puer meus, use this knowledge with care”

He waited until he received a nod of acknowledgment through the rearview mirror.

“Beware, for il Diavolezzo serves the Volturi, but himself above all. He has a merciless efficiency and his actions echo through eternity, leaving a trail of dread in their wake. My dear Isabella, this vampire is one of the few who is the reincarnation of death itself – and I must urge you not to utter that name outside of this vehicle.”

Goosebumps erupted across Bella’s skin as Felix’s voice reverberated with an immense warning. The air thickened around her, as she involuntarily held her breath. The red-haired vampire had clearly noticed her shift in emotions, as he cleared his throat,

“Sleep some more, child. I will wake you up once we arrive in Volterra, and based on the time we spent together in the past few hours, I am sure you will have some time to regroup before you have an audience with the kings.”

Bella shifted in the backseat, forcing herself to in- and exhale. She awkwardly observed the side profile of the man, he had a strong nose and jaw, and if it was not for his hair color, he could have been mistaken as a marble statue in one of the natural history museums she had loved visiting as a kid. As commanding as his presence had been, it also felt comfortable, as if…

She shook her head at her idiotic train of thought, and, quickly after, gave the man a small nod in response.

“Sounds good, please don’t crash the car in the meantime. Apparently, I count as precious cargo” she said with a smile which did not reach her eyes.

She spread out again on the backseat, and as she was about to fall victim to the darkness of her dreams, she could have sworn she heard Felix mutter something in a language she did not understand.


// Puer Meus = My Child in latin

soooooooo the story is moving on! I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much I did the writing of it. As always, if you made it this far I absolutely love you. I would like to hear all of your feedback, theories, comments, etc, so please do not hesitate to touch back! There is only one way to improve my writing and that is through feedback!

I will be working on the next chapter in the coming days, and hope it will be up soon. However, as I want to make sure it is just right, it might be that it takes a bit longer. Hope you all have a great day!

Chapter 26: If It Hadn't Been for Love


//Title – if it hadn’t been for love – steeldriver

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

The cheerful chirping of the birds flowing through the partially opened palladian window slowly pulled Bella from her slumber. She groaned in response as the sunlight that filtered through the curtains caressed her face. Escaping the bright light, the silk grey sheets crumpled between her body and she felt a small wet patch on her pillow. The corner of her mouth turned up at the feeling. She had not drooled during the night since she was seven years old; she must have been exhausted.

The crisp morning air swirled around her. It enriched the scent in her assigned chamber. This had been exactly her goal when she had decided to leave the window open the day before. A decision she was now thoroughly regretting. The downside: a wake-up call that is way too early. Ah well, she would just try anew.

Unfortunately, sleep evaded her. After a while of listening to the Italian opera singing birds, she pushed herself up, her elbow sinking into the luxurious mattress while her other arm occupied itself with the blanket to cover her bare upper body. Blinking a few times, Bella allowed her eyes to take in the beautiful room once again.

As her eyes settled on the window, it was clear she had been mistaken in her initial assessment. Early morning her ass. The day was already well underway. Stupid jetlags, she muttered to herself as she observed how the sunbeams illuminated the entire room, casting the most enchanting light that she until now had only seen in movies.

The sun danced on the walls, casting shadows along its rugged edges. Bella had spent some time the previous day exploring the ancient surface.

They were covered in an irregular pattern of dark stones that covered the walls from top to bottom. Her fingertips had glided over their aged surfaces, absorbing the history and forces of nature – she was sure the room had not always been blessed with a roof – which had sculpted such distinct patterns.

As her gaze dropped to the rich wooden floors and the lavish white rug that was partially covered by the queen-sized bed, she could not help but let out a long breath. The rug alone must be worth a fortune, potentially more. In the morning sun, it almost looked like strands of silver were woven into the seams, creating the shape of the letter V over and over again.

Turning her head, feeling the tousled strands of her hair moving in her neck, her eyes found the half-eaten tray of sandwiches that a small red-eyed vampire had dropped off yesterday. Breakfast. A smile played on her lips as she thought back to the strange encounter.

The girl had seemed cranky, and they had not exchanged a word, but Bella had been grateful that they had thought of her needs. There were vegetarian, vegan, as well as meat options. The Volturi were taking care of her. Which was… surprising?

Although, not really. As she thought back on it, her interactions so far had only been positive. Not that she had seen that many vamps. Nope. Not yet.

Felix and Bella had arrived later at their destination than they had planned, as Felix had kindly indulged Bella’s wish of tasting a delicious Italian pizza before “being thrown in vamp-jail”, as Bella had jokingly put it. Her quote had pulled a small chuckle from Felix. He had even taken a detour to stop in an authentic village, as apparently, the highway restaurants were not up to par. And Bella had to agree, the Quatro Stagioni pizza was absolutely mouth-watering.

When they had finally made their way to the idyllic Tuscan village of Volterra, the sun had already begun its descent, painting the sky with hues of twilight. The town car parked in front of a beautiful palace which Felix had lovingly called the palazzo. Bella’s eyes had almost popped out of her sockets at the sight of the sand-colored castle against the purple sky. To call it enthralling would be an understatement.

But there had been no time for oo’s or ah’s. No. Instead, the pair had swiftly made their way to her cell, accompanied by the human receptionist Gianna. The presence of another beating heart in the huge palace had given Bella some piece of mind. It was always good to see a fellow specimen alive and thriving, it might mean she was not a starter of the weekly menu after all.

The more they had walked, the darker and dustier the corridors became. It had set the expectations for her cell. Her imagination was running rampant with visions of how she would be shackled to the wall; Living on water and bread for the foreseeable future.

Well, Bella now gladly admitted her mistake in underestimating the hospitality of the Volturi.

Her room turned out to be like a five-star hotel room. An oasis of luxury hidden by what felt like a hundred spiral staircases and a million steps.

Bella found herself standing at the threshold, with a smiling Gianna alongside her, exchanging silent wide-eyed glances with both the room and Felix. Thoroughly embracing her inner fish once again; Renee would turn in her grave at the sight

Felix had snickered at her reaction and gave her a friendly nudge with his elbow to move the weird human along. Gianna provided her with a quick tour and left soon after. As she stood dazedly in the middle of the oval room, Felix had said his goodbyes as well.

“Enjoy the comfort, I assume it will be better than the town car. My commander will be by later to speak to you, make sure you treat him with more respect than you have shown me”

With that statement and a small wink, he had left her alone in the empty room.

As soon as the door locked behind him, a sigh had escaped Bella’s lips. She let herself sink into the soft mattress. Her black suitcase, packed to the brim for both work and leisure, rested beside her. Its untouched state mirrored the sense of defeat that washed over her. Her knuckles rubbed her eyes. Now, being all alone, the tiredness was seeping into her bones.

Not wanting to fall asleep or shower, Bella sat on the bed for a while, filing away the past days. She felt dirty and icky, but there was no way she was risking a naked encounter with a vampire.

Instead, she made her way to the bookcase that stood in the corner of the well-lit room. A big leatherbound hardcover with Divina Commedia written in big golden letters on the spine immediately caught her attention. As her hands took the delicate book into her hands, she blew a big breath of air across the cover, the dust whirling off in response.

Feeling increasingly at ease in her new surroundings, she nestled into the arrangement of pillows and cushions. It was no Hale-McCarthy pillow forth, but it had to make due. With that thought, she focused on the parchment pages in front of her, fully immersing herself in old Italian.

As time ticked away, Bella had made her way through the first few paragraphs, when a brisk knock breached the silence.

A second later, the heavy door swung open, and Bella’s eyes were pulled towards a tall and lean vampire with crimson red eyes. With a single step of his long limbs, he positioned himself in the center of the room. He was wearing an onyx robe, the hood so big that it covered most of his shoulders. His hair, being on the longer side and matching the black of his cloak, effortlessly transitioned into the edges of the robe.

As Bella’s eyes roamed toward his face, she spotted some small frown lines that had not been present on the other vampires she knew. This man had been older when he was turned, and she would put him at around ten years her senior. In return, it was clear that the vampire was taking her in from head to toe. His eyes narrowed as he did so, clenching his jaw and lips as he held her gaze.

She closed the book on her lap with a resounding thud, placing it on the nightstand. Then, she leaned back, stretching her arms behind her to relieve the tension in her back. The pose put her in a vulnerable position, but in the past 24 hours, Bella had given up the illusion that she was anything but defenseless.

The truth was, she was either going to die, or she was not. The best she could do was to keep a clear head while her fate was being decided. And in all honesty, life as a vampire did not sound so bad as opposed to the alternative.

The tall vampire arched an eyebrow at the sight in front of him, his baritone voice rumbling off the stone walls

“Demetri. Piacere. I’m the head of the guard.”

He co*cked his head, as he continued,

“You are a special case, and such uniqueness… it demands attention, perhaps not of the kind you’d prefer.”

The threat was cloaked in subtlety, but his intonation drove the point more than home. His crimson eyes focused on hers, boring into them as if he could read her every thought. A few seconds later, with a small twitch of his lips, he broke their eye contact.

“You will be picked up tomorrow morning at dawn for your private audience with the kings. One of the guards will drop by later to bring you some food. Make sure you’re presentable.”

With that statement, he turned on his heel and left as swiftly as he had entered her room.

A breath escaped Bella’s lips as the door clicked shut. Demetri did not have the same friendly vibe that she had received from his second in command. Damn. Slowly the nerves that she had been able to push down, were making their way back up again.

She let herself fall backward on the bed, as she stared at the ceiling. sh*t was getting real.


Bella’s fingers fastened the delicate straps of her black heels with as much resolve as possible, but it was taking a while. They were her go-to business shoes, but under the current circ*mstances, they were hopefully enough to elevate her look to something that was royal-worthy. Kind off.

She had spent part of the early morning rummaging through her suitcase.

She had to make a strong impression, after all, she refused to be the weak Bella Swan that had led her previous vampire family to leave her. She was strong. She had grown. And she was damn well going to stand her ground.

Thus, she was now standing in front of the mirror wearing matching black trousers and a blazer with a baby blue t-shirt. It was Isabella to a T.

Glancing herself over once again, her eyes roamed over her clothes and lingered at the sight of her mahogany hair loosely falling around her neck. Observing her on-point eyeliner and mascara, a small smile played on her lips. She heard Yolanda’s voice. On fleek honey, that eyeliner is to kill for.

Getting her makeup done had been quite the effort, as her fingers had yet to stop trembling. Taking in a deep breath trying to steady herself, she gave herself an approving nod. She looked semi-ready for a royal visit.

She had made do with what she had, and that was all that she could have done.

Yep. She was doing fine. Her trembling voice repeated that realization a few more times, as she felt the small blanket of reassurance settle.

Her nerves were wracking her thoughts. They always did. Time and again, her feelings would overwhelm her, yet when it mattered most, she was calm and collected. Perhaps it was a family trait, as her dad had understood her perfectly in that regard.

Since she had been a kid, Charlie had always reassured her during these moments. If Bella would be spiraling about an upcoming test, doctor's visit, or anything like it, he would utter his familiar mantra."Time passes anyway, whether you like it or not. So, be prepared, present, and proactive, and it’s all you can do.”

And it was indeed all she currently could do.

When the night sky turned pink at the edges of the horizon, the familiar sound of Felix’s voice on the other side of the door pulled her from her thoughts. As the wooden door creaked open, he stayed in the hallway as he glanced her over. His head nodded to the side, seeming to urge her along. Bella gave her appearance one last glance before she closed the door behind her and stepped into the dark hallway.

She followed his large strides through the maze of corridors and down the dark spiral staircases. Interesting. This path was definitely different than the one they had taken the day before, but before Bella had even time to note this variation, they had arrived in front of a large set of wooden doors in front of which Felix abruptly halted.

Bella almost bumped into his large shoulders, but with vampire reflexes, Felix stepped aside and elegantly placed himself behind her. She let out a small huff. How easy would her life be if she could avoid collision courses like that?

Bella’s eyebrow arched up while taking in the large vampire. He was wearing an embroidered robe that was almost black. The silver chain he had shown her in the car was dangling from his broad neck, and he seemed to be wearing a black cotton shirt underneath. His right hand was up in the air, allowing gravity to pull the velvet robe down, unveiling the muscular contours of his forearm which was marked by crescent-shaped scars.

As her eyes roamed upwards, she met his gaze. They stood there for maybe a few seconds, but it felt like ages. Time seemed to stand still. Bella closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the calm before the storm.

While reopening them, she let out a wavering breath that vibrated softly as it escaped her lips. Felix tilted his head to the side, his crimson eyes softening. Bella averted her gaze in response, her head nodded a few times in quick succession while her mouth contorted in a straight line.

Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Come on Swan. Get a grip.

She repeated the pattern a few times, burying her nerves deep down as they had taught her during her time in Washington. Charlie spoke in the back of her mind, as past and future collided. She had to perform. It was now or never.

As her brown eyes snapped back to the tall vampire, filled with determination, she nodded once more. The corner of Felix’s mouth turned up as he held her gaze, while he lowered his hand. With a big croaking sound, the gigantic wooden doors opened up.

Bella seemed to freeze as the elegant throne room revealed itself. Felix gently nudged her shoulder, marking the moment with his first spoken words of the day

“Come on puer meus, time to be baptized by fire.”

With his resolute statement, she straightened her shoulders, as she confidently made her way towards the platform at the end of the large room.

Although there was a red carpet going down the center of the hall, the sound of her heels still resounded in the eerily empty room. Felix’s deep thumps echoed behind her. Good. He was with her.

With every step, she got closer to the three figures. They were dressed in fully black robes and stood below a magnificent platform that was framed by elegant staircases that flanked its sides.

She kept her head high, she only allowed herself to face forward. Pure focus. In the corner of her eyes, she noted the hooded figures standing behind the big marble pillars that held up the intricately painted ceiling. They were not alone.

Under any other circ*mstances, she would have been in awe of this room, taking hours to observe every complex architectural detail. Now, however, the only thing she could think of was how she could make it through the next few hours, preferably with all of her blood still inside her body.

Taking the last steps before arriving in front of what only could be the kings, she pressed all her thoughts deep down. Bella slowly exhaled the breath that she had been holding. Her resolve rolled over her like steel armor, clicking into place. Showtime.

Bella halted a few feet from the three figures. She made a quick courtesy, just like she had seen on TV, and mentally prayed that that was the proper protocol. She inwardly rolled her eyes, reprimanding herself that she had not broached this topic with Felix beforehand. Idiot. On cue, the redhead halted beside her and quickly bowed.

It seemed the three vampires had very different reactions to her show of politeness. The tallest man on the left let out a little chuckle, although it did not reach his eyes. Oppositely, the menacing blond man on the left co*cked an eyebrow while his eyes roamed across her.

The vampire with long black hair who stood in the middle quirked his lips in a smile, as his crimson eyes reached hers.

His gaze then shifted to Felix who stood at attention beside her. As if on command, he stepped forward and offered his hand to the king, which the royal gracefully accepted with both hands.

A few minutes passed, where Bella’s eyes roamed from one king to another, before Felix’s hand was released accompanied by a hum and a small nod. Then, the middle king broke the silence,

“Dear Isabella, how nice it is to finally see you in person. It is great to meet you, after all this time and all the stories your friends blessed us with. Please, allow me to introduce ourselves. My name is Aro, and these are my brothers Marcus and Caius.”

Isabella smiled politely in return, while inwardly still puzzled by the show that she had just seen Felix perform She slightly tilted her head.

“I sense your confusion, child. One of my gifts, as your old coven called it, is that I can read one thoughts by touch.”

Ah. Yup. That cleared some things up.

She allowed her eyes to glance over the man before her. They were around the same height. His arms were bare and flawless. His skin, as well as that of the other kings, looked different than she was used to. It almost seemed to possess a paper-like quality. As her eyes roamed up, she observed that their eyes were dull, and lacked the familiar scarlet glimmer that she had observed in the others.

As her gaze met Aro’s, she saw an expectant smile. Ah yes. Of course. Monkey see, monkey do.

Without prompting, Bella took a step forward, mimicking the move she had just seen Felix make. Standing incredibly close to the kings of the vampire world, she turned her arm upwards and offered up her delicate human palm. Aro’s cold hand softly took hold of her wrist. He then slowly moved her arm closer to his face and curled her fingers, pressing a chaste kiss her bend knuckles. As he did so, she felt his cold lips turn into a smile. A second later, he broke their contact.

“Astonishing” he breathed.

Caius side-eyed his brother, but remained quiet, although it seemed to take some effort. The hair on Bella’s skin stood up. She was close. Too close. Her feet quickly took a step back, placing her back in her initial spot.

Aro ignored his brothers and shot a brief nod over Bella’s shoulder. As she followed his gaze, she saw Demetri guarding the entrance, cloaked in his onyx robe. He curtly acknowledged his master’s command, and with one swift movement of his arm, the hooded figures that she had spotted previously behind the pillars all vacated the room.

As Felix made his move to exit as well, Marcus’ voice seemingly commanded him in a language that Bella did not speak nor understand. A split-second shimmer of confusion crossed the redhead’s features before he returned to his position.

A barely audible sigh escaped Bella’s lips. One familiar vampire at least stayed with her.

As the last cloaked figure left the room, Aro turned towards the human and directly addressed her again.

Mia cara, you are just as we imagined. Yet the reality of your situation diverges from our expectations. We must deliberate in private upon this matter. For your ease, you shall remain here whilst we convene. We will return in a few minutes.”

Before Bella could give a nod in acknowledgment, the three kings disappeared up the stairs; leaving nothing but a gust of wind in their wake.

She turned herself towards Felix, arching an eyebrow as her eyes blazed with intensity. What the hell was going on? Were they not supposed to ask her questions? She was not really sure what to expect. But this was not it.

Felix held her gaze. As she opened her mouth to voice one of her many questions aloud, he swiftly shook his head while mouthing something in the trend of “not here”. Ok. Bella got the hint. Not the time nor place.

Instead, she spent some time observing the beautiful ceiling while trying to curb the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins.

Only a few sentences had been spoken so far, but it felt like an entire one-sided conversation had taken place. Unfortunately, there was not much time to get her ducks in a row, because less than ten minutes later, the kings returned. By themselves. To Bella’s surprise, the guard remained gone.

They appeared in front of her as fast as they had left. Bella never saw them coming.

Marcus shot her a smile, clearly taking some joy in surprising the human in their midst. His long brown hair framed his face, but where it once might have been lush and full of life, it seemed just as dull as his eyes. His quiet apathetic voice matched his looks, as he spoke

“Dear child, we have reached an agreement”

Bella crossed her arms over her chest, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Well, this is it.

“Aro has informed us of the disclosures that you shared with Felix. Combining this information with what we have already been privy to, it is clear you have drawn the short end of the stick.”

His eyes never left hers, while the air around her was growing thick with anticipation. Caius rolled his eyes at his brother’s gentle approach. As the silence dragged on, it seemed that his patience had run out. His strong voice interjected,

“Let me make this clear for you, pet. You are a human who knows about our well-kept secret, which means that you are breaking one of our most sacred laws. You are a risk. To us, to other vampires, and our way of life..”

His tone was low and threatening. The blond king was not playing games, and whereas Marcus and Aro still had some compassion laced in their voice, Caius’ was devoid of anything and everything that could be considered remotely sympathetic.

“… Consequently, you will have to die”

Bella’s heart sank into her chest at that sentence, as the truth set in. Though she had long suspected it, the spoken words now made her predicament undeniably real.

Felix took a tentative step towards her, as he put his large hand at the nape of her back. His touch was steadying. She swiftly shook her head. Maybe she could will away the thought. Maybe she would wake up, in her comfortable bed in Maryland, and realize it all had been one big nightmare.

The swift click of Aro’s tongue pulled her out of her thoughts.

“My dear brother, you are scaring the human” he chastised Caius before a sinister smile coated his lips

“Mia cara, due to your.. unique situation, it is in everyone’s best interests that you receive a second lease on your life. Hence, it is our intention that you will be changed into a vampire. However, who will Sire you is a delicate matter.”

Aro let a small pause fall, in which a devious glint crossed Caius' eyes, before he continued

“Thus, it is within our discretion to initiate a certain series of events. The formal declaration regarding your situation will be publicly communicated in a month. Right here, in Volterra. You will be informed, along with our community, of your punishment. Until then, you will be our guest of honor.”

He licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, his crimson eyes observing her from head to toe.

“You are free to go wherever you please within the confines of the citadel. Felix will be assigned to you as your personal guard, and will be there to help and guide you every day.”

The corner of Marcus’ lip turned up at that statement, as his calm voice added

“You two are forging an uncanny bond of friendship.”His eyes snapped to Felix, as he subtly nodded. Caius on the other hand, suppressed a growl,

“I would recommend you two visit the library, Felix can aid you with the old scriptures”

Caius let out a menacing chuckle that sent a shiver down Bella's spine.

“You will need all the research you can get, pet. You will be the subject of an Aria Seria, after all. Fate may decide whether you are more than just a tasty snack”

Bella co*cked her eyebrows in confusion. At the same time, a low threatening growl pierced the air as Felix’s hand tightened around the back of her blazer.

“The Venatio has not been called in an age”, Felix spoke as the rough edge in his voice faded.

Marcus and Aro nodded at his statement, while Caius let out a low chuckle.

Bella’s eyes widened as the situation dawned on her. Damn. Whatever was to be announced, it was far from standard protocol – and with her luck, that surely spelled trouble.


// yeeeeeeeeeees were finally there! Now, the next chapters will flash this all out a little bit more, but the aria seria that had been the catalyst for me writing the fic has finally been introduced. I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts! As always, I am looking forward to improve my writing and making this story as fun as it can be for your guys, so let me know what you think! :)

Thanks so much for reading, and have a great day!

Chapter 27: Little Talks


//Title: Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men

15.05.24, my laptop randomly shut down yesterday, I now realize that as I result I have unfortunately uploaded a previous iteration of the chapter. I have corrected it so far - the content remaining the same, but the text should read nicer. Hopefully. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, please let me know. Apologies for any inconvenience!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

Today was a good day. Finally. It was not one of many that she had experienced in the past two weeks. However, despite the anxiety wrecking her body like a sledgehammer, life in Volterra had been surprisingly relaxed so far. Bella had been secretly enjoying every bit of it.Carpe Diem. Or something like that.

Felix had mentioned that the other vampires had been instructed to keep their distance. Until now, her interactions had been limited to him as well as Gianna and the kings. Not that she had seen the latter often.

Whenever she caught a glimpse of the coarse blond hair indicating Caius’ presence, Bella made sure to steer clear of him. Felix couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle whenever she swiftly turned on her heel and headed in the opposite direction at the sight of the ominous king in his black robe.

While Felix had told her that he was not that bad. Bella begged to differ. Fortunately, their encounters were rare.

The other two kings were as elusive. She never even noticed their presence, it was like trying to catch a shadow in a dark room. Not that she minded one bit. Her daily routine devoid of royalty had been quite peaceful, thank you very much.

Her days had been filled with physical activity and plundering the library, trying to gather as much information about theAria Seriaas possible. The event would soon be called in her name, but she barely knew what she had gotten herself into. It felt like she was in a hide-and-seek contest with Luck himself, and he was winning.

In the past sixteen days, she had gotten no more information than Felix had told her that afternoon before they had visited the ancient cave that contained the Volturi library for the first time. They had sat down on one of the rocks, as they had their first heart-to-heart.

After some careful prodding, the muscular vampire had shared some bits and pieces of his human and vampiric life. It had not been a very pretty one.

Felix had been one of the unbeaten gladiators of his time, fighting for his life in none other than the Colosseum itself. One day, after one of his particular bloody victories, Marcus had visited him. Impressed with his skills, he had turned him and subsequently recruited him for the guard. He had joined under Demetri, and due to his impressive background quickly rose amongst the ranks.

It took a while for Bella to grasp the fact that Felix was around two thousand years old. Insane.

He had chuckled at her shock and happily answered all her questions. Although, he sadly had to admit that he had not met Jesus in person. With a smile, he reminded her that she could always ask Caius once she scrambled up enough courage. The man apparently harbored no love for preachers or messiahs, and would probably have some good story about the son of God himself.

she had heard the sound of her own laugh echoing against the walls of the cave, as she wondered how her life had become so absurd in the past few weeks.

Without warning, a whiplash of emotions washed over her.

The answer was actually quite simple.Edward.

His name had not crossed her thoughts in ages, but now it did, it set off a chain reaction.

She felt the rage boil up from her core. Without question, she fell back into her familiar breathing exercises. She did her best to push the memory of her ex and his role in her current situation deep down, burying it along with the shards of the frustration and anger.

As she had calmed down, Felix had observed her carefully. Once he was sure that the human would not spontaneously combust of an emotional overload, he changed the topic. Unknowingly stepping right into another emotional landmine.


The vampire that was older than Caesar himself had never experienced an Aria Seria. Never. He had heard about it, but the affair had not been called in his time.Oh boy.As if her situation could not get any worse.

Apparently, according to the stories that were handed down through different generations of the guard, the event had only happened once before. Once. Over three thousand years ago.

This meant that there were only a handful of vampires who were alive that had experienced the previous iteration firsthand. Except for the kings and a coven in Egypt, their locations were unknown. And even if they could find them within the next days, none of them would be willing to provide her with a leg up. Why would they? Subsequently, both of them were reduced to desk research as their only source of information.

This had led them to theLegem. An ancient leather-bound book, found in the archives of the Volturi library. It was a compilation of all their laws, and it was Bella’s savior. Or at least, it was supposed to be, as in one of its thousands of pages, it safeguarded her fate.

At least, that is what she and Felix had hoped.

Unfortunately, the copy in the library contained only two paragraphs of relevant information, which were written in Latin. Felix had translated it word for word, but it only revealed the basic rules. Timeline, participants, and the goal. Boiling it all down, Bella would be bitten by whoever won the competition.

Her fate was to be a prize. No more than a tasty snack or a potential future coven member. Whatever worked best for the person who would be latched on her neck.How utterly wonderful.

But she had not given up that easily. She was a Swan after all. The pair had spent the following days searching for additional records. Bella knew in her heart that there must be more information available. There were too many unanswered questions.How did the previous iteration fare? Did the human survive? What happens after? How can a human run from a set of vampires?They all ran through Bella’s mind 24/7, and she was sure the answers would have to have been recorded somewhere.


But as hard as they tried, their search resulted in no answers. They had been spending sixteen days looking for answers, with nothing to show for it.

One morning, while carrying out her routine jog around the courtyard to vent her frustration at the lack of progress, she was surprised when Marcus stopped her and requested her informal presence in his quarters.

Just Bella. Alone.


And so, as the beauty of dawn graced the sky, brushing it with a symphony of the colors yellow, pink, and blue, she once again made her way through the dark hallways of the palace. Another piece of chess moved into its place.

For Bella, it was a welcome, although strange, change of pace. Her current routine had gotten them nowhere. Anything else could only be beneficial.

At least, that is what she hoped as Marcus guided her through the dim corridors, taking yet another route through the maze that Bella tried to memorize. Unsuccessfully at that. A sigh escaped her lips. In this part of the castle, she was utterly lost.

During her stay, she had been trying to unify the routes in her mind, creating one comprehensive map. Bella had cursed her the others’ vampiric memory more than once. Currently, all the passages overlapped like a large knotted ball of yarn. Her human brain could not keep up. It was a mess. And although she did not want to admit it, it reflected her state of mind perfectly.

After a good while of sauntering through the dark passages, they arrived at a corridor that was blocked by an old cast iron fence. It looked almost prehistoric.

She felt the rush of air around her, as Marcus disappeared from her view. A blink later, the old metal rattled as the fence slowly opened.

“Welcome to my residence”

Bella smiled politely. Not that there was any other choice when the king of the vampire world invited you into his house. Entering the corridor, Bella found it surprisingly well-lit. The light seemed to take on a different hue compared to the rest of the castle. Her feet came to a halt as she faced the ceiling, trying to pinpoint the exact differences.

“They are solar tubes. Natural light tunnels. They provide my hallways with much-needed daylight. It takes a bit of the doom and gloom of the castle away”

Bella nodded at Marcus’ quiet voice. So far she had only seen one facial expression on the king's face: apathy.Lifting some of the doom and gloom would surely benefit him, she mused, as he led her around a corner.

Hesitantly, his large hands pushed the frosted glass door in front of them. As the room behind came into view, Bella took in an unexpected breath. Her eyes eagerly took in what appeared to be a study. It was stunning.

A modern fancy room that dripped with sophistication; its design was sleek and minimalistic. The contemporary furniture contrasted harmoniously with the classical Greek columns that framed the space. The scent of aged oak and fresh parchment gently greeted her, as the natural light cast a soft glow over the marble floor and the high-tech gadgets along with the leather-bound tomes.

It was royal-worthy but somehow styled very differently from the rest of the castle. The veil of history which cloaked the other rooms had disappeared. In its stead, perfect harmony danced in front of her, nostalgia elegantly combining with the possibilities of the future.

It was breathtaking.

Marcus shot her another quick smile.

“Please take a seat, Isabella”

His hand dismissively gestured to the grey seats next to the large window, urging her to sit down. Bella eagerly took the opportunity, although a bit self-conscious about her sweaty appearance.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing Sabina cannot clean”

Bella nodded. The king seemed to be able to read her mind better than Aro.

Marcus put a glass of water with lime in front of her, as he comfortably positioned himself across from her. Bella had to resist the urge to arch an eyebrow, the entire scene was justbizarre.

“I have whisked you away for a reason, my child. The predicament you are in is not to be underestimated”

The urge to roll her eyes was harder to suppress.

“That much has been made quite clear, however, the other details seem to be escaping me”

The corner of his lips turned up at her quick wit, but, without fail, it did not reach his eyes.

“There has only been one Aria Seria in the history of our reign. And it was not a happy occurrence, although, I admit it could have gone far worse”

Isabella nodded.

“An Aria Seria, is in essence a hunt for you, my child. To be able to sire a vampire, with your gift, is an incredible opportunity foranycoven. Hence, it is only fair that all of them will get the chance. In the form of a contest, that is. This is why the guard dubs the event as theVenatio. The hunt”

He paused briefly, as his eyes held a shimmer of emotion while they held her gaze.

“The first, and until now last, occasion was centered around my mate, Didyme. She was Aro’s sister, who at that point had already become quite powerful in our world. She had been content to remain human but fell in love with another of our kind. Aro, being protective of his family, challenged his claim, and the Aria Seria was born”

“It had been the right political move. Strategically flawless. In reality… well, it was rough…”

His mouth contoured in a straight line.

“As Felix has already informed you, the Aria will have a duration of twelve months, in which a dedicated pair of vampires of every coven that decides to participate will hunt the subject. The pair who brings the human back to Volterra gets the right to sire them”

Bella nodded. That much she had been told.

“During the contest, most laws will fall away. Vampires will be allowed to kill each other. It will be rough. It will be bloody. And as long as humans are kept in the dark about our existence, every dirty trick in the book is allowed”

Bella nodded slowly. She had read that passage, but Marcus’ interpretation was a lot harsher than her own.

“What Aro suspects you will not find out, is that there is a special clause built within the Aria Seria. It is part of the appendix, that unfortunately is not in the mainstream copies of our Legem, including the one in our library”

Within a millisecond, the king stood in front of the bookcase and carefully took out one of the leatherbound tomes. He opened it near the end, as he walked back to his seat. He placed the heavy book on the coffee table, the text facing Isabella. Her eyebrows shot up as she read the title.

652 Aria Seria

Consortem culpae humanum

Marcus moved his index finger along the text that was printed after the subheader, as he loosely translated.

“During the announcement, the human has the right to ask for aConsortem, a companion, which will be bound to them during the hunt”

Bella nodded again, while the questions piled up inside her mind.

“would they not pose a danger to me? Does the companion not have their own coven to serve”

Marcus nodded in response,

“Well, you can always ask a human”, a chuckle evident in his voice, “But indeed, asking for a companion comes with its risks. Many agendas will be converging once the Aria kicks off. The worst you can do though, is to be naïve. You will not be able to outsmart a vampire - but you should at least try your best to do so, Isabella”

Bella pursed her lips. She knew the man in front of her was right.

“Why would these covens go through this to sireme?”, Bella spoke quietly, as she waved her hand dismissively next to her face.

“A sire bond is special, my child. More special than you can imagine. As are you. You will be bound to your Sire for eternity”


“Yes. It is one of the strongest bonds we have. Utmost loyalty. One which is only trumped by a mating bond. It can weaken in time, but it would take an insanely strong and experienced vampire to severe it completely”


A chuckle escaped the king,

“Indeed. Do not get me wrong, a sire and mating bond can be one of the most beautiful experiences in a vampire’s life – especially when it is a gift that is given freely. Unfortunately, in your case, the Cullens would have forced it upon you”

He carefully paused, as the deeper meaning of his words dawned on Bella.

“You mean… I would.. They would have..”

Marcus nodded,

“This aspect has not changed... Your future will be one you will be content with. The bond will force you to be happy. At peace. However, due to the sinister nature of the tether that will bind you, it will only be a half-life.”

Breath in. Breath out. Repeat. It took a few minutes, but Bella slowly got her panic under control.

“Bu.. But..”

As she exhaled one last time, resolve settled in her eyes.

“But.. there is a possibility that nobody gets to sire me, right?”

The king’s red eyes snapped to hers. They held an intensity that had not been there before. A loose thread. Without any hesitation, Bella pulled it.

“What happens if I do not get captured within twelve months”

Marcus co*cked up an eyebrow, as he stayed quiet for a while.

“My child, that is impossible.” His low voice rumbled, “You will be hunted by gifted vampires. The creme de la creme. There will be nomads out for your blood, just to thwart the chances of you joining any coven. You will be pursued to the ends of the earth. Even if you call upon the Consortem, every vampire within our sovereignty will have an incentive to either sire you, eat you, or hand you over to us. You will be able to trust no one. There will be no safe haven”

A cold feeling tingled at the base of Bella’s neck and slowly made its way downward. This was not good. Not good at all. Marcus clearly sensed her uneasiness, but paid it no heath.

“In essence, that is your punishment, Isabella. You will turn into a vampire, or become a tasty piece of meat. Any other choice has been taken out of your hands since you set foot in the palazzo

Bella’s eyes snapped back to the king's, with all reservation being thrown out of the window next to her. She felt her resolve take root, like a mighty oak bracing itself for the onslaught of a raging storm.

“Which one is it?”

“What do you mean, child?”

“Is it my fate to become a vampire, or to have no choice in regards to my sire”

“According to the rules, the first. The second is just a consequence of the regulations”

She arched an eyebrow as his hand waved dismissively.

“What happens if I win, Marcus?”

“You won't

An unrecognizable laugh left her lips.

“Try me”

His lip twitched and a shimmer reached his eyes, as he observed the determination that was swirling around her.

“My dear, you really do remind me quite a bit of my beloved Didyme”

Bella crossed her arms over her chest, as her brown eyes bored into the scarlet ones across from her.

“Let me see what I can do. Perhaps we can introduce something in case the hypothetical and highly unlikely situation arises in which you survive the year”

Bella let out the breath that she had been holding, as she slowly nodded at the royal. She knew this was all she would get, but she would happily take it. It was something. A small silver lining.


She had only been gone for thirty minutes, but once Marcus had guided her through the maze back into the courtyard, she spotted her friend running around in worry. A smile played on her lips as she observed Felix. At the sight, Marcus gently squeezed her shoulder, as he disappeared into the morning shadows.

As Jake had taught her, Bella put her index fingers to the corners of her mouth and let out a high-pitched whistle. Within the blink of an eye, Felix was standing in front of her.

“You smell like Marcus… I did not catch your scent. Where were you? And why are you smiling?”

Bella broke out in a bigger grin, enveloping Felix in a hug. It was an odd spectacle, with her fingers straining to touch around his broad back, but she needed the physical comfort.

On Marcus’ suggestion, she decided to keep their conversation on the down-low until further notice. Felix would always be a part of the Volturi coven. He was bound by his sire. And without a doubt, Bella knew sure as hell that nothing in this damned palace was as it seemed.

As his crimson eyes looked down on her, Bella enthusiastically shared the most important piece of information she had learned, while her face burst into a huge smile.

“It seems like I might have a chance!”


// I apologize sincerely if I used Markus and Marcus interchangeably in the previous chapters. I made sure it is consistent here! Working with a Markus on a daily basis makes the distinction a bit harder... I will try to align the other chapters as well, removing the inconsistencies in the coming weeks.

Either way another chapter! I hope it explains a bit more! The next one will be the announcement! Already super excited about that one :D Let me know what you guys think, looking forward to your thoughts about where the story is going! Always love to hear from you guys, it's insanely appreciated!

Chapter 28: Come With Me Now


//Title: Come with me now - KONGOS

Chapter Text

Peter’s POV

The sound of the roaring engines slowly drifted away as the plane came to a halt in the hangar. Peter looked towards his new Coven, observing a weird sort of calm. If only his gift had been able to shed some light on the situation. But no. He had not been able to see a thing. Classic.

The creamy envelop with the elegant Volturi logo had arrived in Montana just a few days ago. Expectedly unexpected. Arriving on the five-month anniversary of their new coven, Charlotte and Rosalie had quickly deduced it would be a formal welcome. Yet, once they had opened the cover and looked inside, they quickly realized it was something else.

An Aria what now?

Neither the ex-Whitlocks nor Rosalie and Emmet had a clue what they were looking at. Nor why they, a newly founded coven, were invited to what seemed to be a very formal Volturi event. f*cking brilliant. And absolutely not nerve-wracking at all.

It had unfortunately taken the US post more than three weeks to deliver the important document. This meant that they only had a few days left to decide if they wanted to make the trip. Diamonds are made under pressure, and so was their decision.

They had spent a good few hours talking to one another. They had to deliberate. Analyze all their options. There were a lot of angles here that they needed to discuss.

Arguments were thrown across the room. In favor. Against.

Back and forth and back again they went. In the end, there were two main questions the four of them kept returning to. First and foremost, was the trip safe to make? And secondly, what were they attending exactly?

Regarding the first, it had taken a while and many reassuring words for the fears of the newest Hale members to subside. Not that that was unexpected.

Charlotte and Peter had committed war crimes. Regarded themselves as fugitives. The sole mention of the Volturi sparked nothing but fear, although it had been more than a century since they had set foot in those cursed lands.

But after quite some deliberations, the way forward had revealed itself without pushback. On the one hand, by joining the Hale-coven, both Peter and Charlotte had made their presence known to the Italians. Escape was no longer an option, regardless of how much they might desire it.

On the other hand, a lack of visions mostly indicated that they were on the correct path. Of that much, Peter had been sure. His feeling was backed up by Rosalie, who, from the moment when the letter had graced their doorstep, had been subjected again to the familiar hum. For all intents and purposes, the choice to attend had been an easy one.

Nevertheless, a strategic mind like Peter’s did not want to venture into the lion’s den without understanding the situation. Diving headfirst into the unknown was not something the Captain was used to. Nope. And he sure as hell was not about to start that habit now. Thus, the night after their letter had arrived, Emmett and Peter had taken off to visit Garrett.

Returning three nights later, they bore the shocking news that even Charlotte’s and Peter’s oldest friend was in the dark about what was about to happen. It seemed he had missed the invite. Unusual.

At the mention of the Aria Seria, Garrett’s eyebrows had furrowed.

Garrett did not carry a Legem around. Too much hassle for a nomad. However, he had read the big tome in the past. Something that none of the Hales could say. After some prodding, and on Emmett's part a bit of begging, Garrett had used his vampiric memory to share the relevant passages with his dear friend and his new coven.

Sharing the noteworthy news with the girls, they had reacted exactly like Emmett and Peter. Their interests were piqued. As morning had dawned, Charlotte and Rosalie gathered their essentials while Emmett and Peter had shared their findings with them. The decision was made unanimously. They were leaving tonight.

None of them felt like adding a human to their coven. But, under the guise of Rosalie’s hum and Char’s idea that curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back, they had made their way to Italy. Anticipation was building within Peter, as he was looking forward to seeing the spectacle unfold.


Blind as a f*cking bat. That is how Peter had felt during the past twenty hours or so. They had moved from the plane to their room, and now from their room to the venue. All wearing their Sunday clothes. He felt like a dressed-up monkey. A f*cking uncomfortable one.

Peter pulled at the black sleeves of his shirt, disliking the feeling of the fabric restricting his arms. Feeling the scrutiny of Charlotte’s gaze, he yanked the sleeve one last time. Giving up the fight with a sigh, he leaned his arms on the marble balustrade of the balcony; one of the many terraces that covered the upper layer of the huge circular room. It seemed that every coven in attendance had received their own section.

His eyes roamed across the venue. Slowly but surely, one coven was entering after the other. Not that he had been able to recognize any of them, and he doubted any of his family could either. They were the newbies. The plebs.

Next to him, Rose suddenly took in a sharp breath as her eyes narrowed, gazing into the distance. Following her stare, he ended up looking right into the face of Edward f*cking Cullen. Great. Seemed that they had received the invitation too.

Resting his head on his hands while a dark curl fell across his face, Peter's eyes focused on the vegetarians. It seemed the Pixie, Carlisle, and Esme had joined the youngest Cullen. Their faces ranged from disgust, to surprise, and fascination as they spotted their old members. An interesting mix. Peter was sure that, if he would be privy to Edward’s gift, he would see that Rose & Emmett’s crimson eyes would be the cause. Prudes.

Not wasting another minute on the coven, his attention shifted to the balcony next to them. It was occupied by a familiar face. It was that Spanish dude that they had met once in passing while they had visited Jasper. Nice guy. Way too judgemental in Spanish, though. He should really know better than to assume people around him didn’t speak his mother tongue. Burro.

As the other balconies were filling up, Peter tried to place the visitors. No luck there. As expected.

Although... Leaning slightly over the railing, he managed to glimpse into the neighboring balcony. There were two throne-like chairs among the others. Ah. An interesting addition of participants.

Slowly, Peter filed the new insights away. He still had no a clear picture of what would unfold, but he was beginning to make head or tail of the situation, piece by piece. Good. Having taken in the entire upper level, his crimson eyes shifted their attention to the rich wooden floor beneath. A small podium had been set up in the center of the room with a small red drop box on top. The podium was surrounded by several vampires, dressed in robes of varying shades of grey.

As the gentle sound of twelve chimes from the town’s church bell resonated around them, the lights altered. The buzz quickly died down, as a black-robed figure made its way towards the lit podium. The event of the millennia was about to kick off.

Standing in the middle of the wooden platform, the poised vampire took off his hood, revealing his face. Dramatic. Not that he expected anything less of their royal family. Peter had absolutely no clue which of the three kings this could be as he quirked his eyebrow up at Rose. Expecting his question, she tilted her head as she mouthed “Aro”.

Aro. Charlotte and Peter had heard much about him. Many nomads had mentioned the man, and it was safe to say that his presence was as captivating as the stories had made Peter believe. An aura of authority surrounded the king. His commanding voice welcomed all of the covens to their gathering, and in anticipation of whatever was about to come, Peter sat back into his chair.


“And so, with these basic rules in mind that have been laid out in the Legem, we have decided to join the modern times.” A small chuckle arose from the public, “each of the vampires, as well as the human, will receive a tracking device. A high-tech piece of machinery created right here in Volterra.”

Aro held up a small keychain, slowly turning it so that everyone could get a good look.

“It will transmit the live location of the participants at all times. For the duration of the contest, the other members of the participating covens will not be allowed to leave Volterra, as long as their coven is partaking. A live map will be displayed within the castle, so we can all follow the proceeds.”

A low murmur arose from the crowd.

“Moreover, this device is equipped with an emergency button. When utilized, it will automatically disqualify the vampire from participating in the tournament, and they will have to return to Volterra immediately. Once pressed, the device will start blinking and will emit an alarm, indicating the vampire in question has conceded.”

To emphasize his statement, he pushed the button with his finger. A piercing sound echoed through the venue. f*cking hell. That would wake a bear out of hibernation. Several vampires covered their ears, but there was no avoiding the high-pitched intervals.

“Once pressed, the vampire is immediately withdrawn from the contest. This means, that all laws apply. If any vampire is hurt, maimed, or killed after they have activated the button, the perpetrator will be handled and prosecuted accordingly.”

The king allowed a brief silence, giving the audience time to absorb the information.

“For the ones of you participating, use it wisely.”

Small whispers rose around them. The rules were clear and covered the bare minimum. For twelve months, everything would be allowed for the contestants, as long as humans were not made aware of their existence.

“I have two other important points before we will reveal the subject of our efforts; the extraordinary human that this Aria Seria is called for.”

The whispers died down, as the curiosity pulled the vampires’ attention back to the center of the room.

“Firstly, should the unlikely situation arise where the human survives the twelve months without being changed, the human is free to choose who will sire her.”

The corner of Peter’s mouth turned up at the ridiculous addition, merging with the collective laughter that echoed among the crowd. Twelve months. One f*cking year. As if any human would survive being tracked by a single vampire that long, let alone multiple sets of gifted ones. An unlikely situation indeed.

“Secondly, we feel the need to emphasize that the human must be brought back to Volterra. They will be changed here, as part of the official closing ceremony. A failure to do so will lead to consequences for the entire coven.”

The shout from a courageous blond vampire with a heavy European accent reverberated through the room.

“What if we just want a snack?”

The audience let out a small laugh, as Aro gave a solemn nod.

“As per the regulations, feeding on the subject is allowed”, some soft words of joy and approval wove through the crowd, “However, I can assure you this human is worth the temporary fast”

A small chuckle came from the vampire in question. Aro looked up, carefully observing the man in question. His gaze then shifted, moving over the different covens. Seemingly satisfied with what he saw, his authoritative voice echoed from the walls

“Without further ado, let me introduce you to the woman of the hour. A woman so powerful that her shield has manifested as a human. My dear subjects, let me introduce you to Isabella Swan

As the name rolled off Aro’s tongue, a dreaded feeling welled up in Peter’s core. On cue, one of the grey-cloaked figures who had joined the podium during the explanation lifted the hood that covered her face.


The fabric had not yet hit Bella’s shoulders when all hell broke loose.

A menacing growl came from Rose. In an instant, Peter’s hand held onto her arm, pushing it down with force, as he felt the vibrations course through her limbs. He had to step in before one of them would do something they might regret.

“Rosalie. Emmett. No. Sit. Down.” His voice was barely more than a snarl and it roared with authority. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Charlotte stiffen. She knew that tone, and had not heard it in more than a hundred years.

It had its intended effect. With a small whimper, both vampires collapsed against their chairs. He quickly shot his mate a quick nod, as some tension slipped from her body. His hand rubbed his temple. This was turning into a sh*tshow real quick.

The Cullen patriarch had had less luck in constraining his progeny. Edward had jumped over the balustrade, and was currently caught between the wall and the podium; rolled up in a pathetic ball, hugging the wooden floor. Peter rolled his eyes. Carlisle was one of the most useless coven leaders Peter ever had the pleasure of meeting. Idiot.

A small blonde vampire was staring at Edward with eyes that seemed to have been forged in hell. Another piece of the puzzle clicked. That must be Jane.

Another guard, dressed in a darker robe, had positioned himself between Bella and the younger Cullen. The audience held their breath, as Aro gave a small nod. In a split second, the guard's large arms had secured Edward’s in a tight grip. Moving swiftly, his hood slipped off, exposing his red hair. Losing the fight on two fronts, unable to even start fighting the clasp of his confinement, Edward whimpered.

“Jane, that is enough”

With a hint of disappointment, the blond vampire averted her gaze. Edward’s chin hung low against his chest. He breathed erratically, and after some time, a bit of spirit slowly seemed to return to his body.

“My young Edward, why did you feel the need to join us here?” Aro questioned with a serene but forceful tone.

Edward’s dark orange eyes snapped up.

“That is my mate” he spat. His head inclining towards Isabella's direction.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. She is mine”, he growled, “I claimed her”

Aro remained silent for a few seconds. Peter gave the two of them a curious look. This was becoming quite the spectacle.

“Let me just make sure I understand your sentiment correctly” Aro inquired sternly, “You abandoned your declared mate after you failed to inform her of her intended future.”

A gasp echoed through the audience.

“No, that is no–”

“Are you insinuating I am lying, Edward?”

“N.. No” Edward stuttered.

Aro nodded, as his voice calmly continued,

“I thought so”, he mused, giving Edward a once-over,

“And then, when one of your coven’s gifted members determined that she had died, you accepted that without question.”

“No, Aro you do not understand, I– ”

“Oh my dear boy, I do not understand it indeed. From where I am standing, you did not even care enough to double-check that devastating fact yourself.” Aro’s words were dripping in venom.

It was enough to shut everyone up. As the remnants of Rose’s gasp faded away with the rest of the chatter, one could hear a pin drop.

Back on the podium, Edward averted his eyes. Not even man enough to face his own actions before his monarch. Pathetic. The vampire holding him down seemed to have the same opinion, as he tightened his hold on Edward’s arms.

Aro swiftly closed the distance between him and the younger Cullen. His presence seemed to be elegance personified. Cradling Edward’s chin with his thumb and forefinger, he guided Edward’s face to face his own,

“Look at me, Edward”

Standing just mere inches apart, Edward still refused to meet the king’s eyes.

“I said, look at me”

That was a command Edward could not refuse. As their eyes crossed, a small whimper escaped Edward’s throat. Peter had to suppress a chuckle. f*cking puss*.

“You should be happy that the human you wanted to claim as your mate is alive and well. Not… whatever this is”, the king dismissively waved his hand.

He took a step back, as the hold on Edward was partially released.

“Due to the circ*mstances, you and your coven will not be prosecuted for your crimes. You are lucky that fate seems to have cleaned up your messes”

Aro’s commanding voice had taken on a low and intimidating tone, “your precious human is now here, and will be turned or killed one way or another. This is as far as our leniency extends.”

He paused, observing the younger vampire from head to toe.

Edward could not help letting out a low growl while he snapped his head to Isabella. Peter would have given the majority of his wealth to see the human’s face, but her back was unfortunately turned towards him.

The emotions in Edward’s eyes shifted while his voice became soft and theatrical as he addressed his ex-girlfriend.

“My love. Oh how I have missed you, you have no idea. No one compares to you”

If vampires could puke, Peter surely would have. Not the time nor the place. It seemed that Aro had the same opinion. Not surprising, seeing that the boy just got out of a death sentence by a shocking extension of grace. Edward might be thinking that he was threading a fine line between bold and foolish, but he had fallen deep into a fool’s territory already.

“Edward. I will say this only once. Either you shut up and sit down, or you will leave this room in pieces. The choice is up to you.”

The Volturi were not playing games.

Edward opened his mouth to say something, but reading the Aro’s mind, he shut it closed just as fast.

Aro gave an approving nod. “Felix, please make sure the young mister Cullen does not jump over the balustrade again”

Swiftly, Edward vanished out of sight and reappeared on the upper level as if nothing had happened. Felix was still holding him tightly. The big vampire was not taking any chances.

It was then that the human in the middle of the room faced away from her ex-boyfriend. As she turned around, Peter took a good look at the woman that he had heard so much about. Her body language spoke of confidence, but her brown eyes held a vulnerability that was harder to mask.

As Isabella’s gaze wandered over the balconies, one could clearly see when she recognized her two best friends. Her eyes widened, and the corner of her mouth turned up. Next to him, Peter heard the soft hello pass Rosalie’s lips.

The moment did not last long. Isabella’s attention snapped back to the man in front of her, as Aro scraped his throat.

“My friends, I am dearly sorry for this interruption.” He shot a small glare up to the Cullen balcony, “let us get back to the subject at hand”

“This my friends, is Isabella Swan. Our prey for the next 12 months.” He let out a small chuckle, “Mia cara, would you like to say anything before I explain the immediate next steps surrounding the start of the tournament?”

Peter leaned forward in his seat. The scent of anticipation hung thickly in the air. The venue was quiet enough that even the faintest whisper could be heard clearly. The only sound that remained were Isabella’s soft breaths and the quick drum of her heart.

Bella cleared her throat, as she spoke confidently

“I would like to request a Consortem

Peter imagined that it was rare to catch one of the leaders of their vampire world off-guard, especially a mind reader like Aro. Nevertheless, the wild card that was Bella Swan had done so. The king was at a loss for words.

One beat. Two beats. Three beats.

When his intrigued voice filled the room, there was no hint of astonishment left.

“My dear Isabella, as the muse of our song, it is our pleasure to indulge your request. It is your right after all. We would expect nothing else”

Peter rolled his eyes, severely questioning the sincerity of that statement. He had hated politics as a human, and a century and a half had done nothing to warm his cold feelings towards them.

Aro faced the balconies, “My dear friends, in case you want to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime event, please provide us with the two names of your coven’s participants by sunset in three days. Then, at midnight, the Aria will commence.”

The king then turned towards Isabella,

“For you, my dear, this timeline does not apply. You will need to state the name of your Consertem now, right here in this room”

Aro increased the volume of his voice, as he once again addressed the covens,

“The companion will be bound to Isabella Swan for the duration of the Aria Seria. They will move as one. As such, he or she cannot participate with their coven.” He turned back to Isabella, “so, mia cara, who will join you?”

During the few seconds of silence, one did not need to be an empath to feel the relief and hope flow through Rose and Emmett. Peter had to admit, one of them would be the logical choice to join her. They were familiar. And after the training that Char and he had given them, he was even quite confident that they might survive for a while. But till the end? Well, that was another story.

Bella coughed before her clear voice rang through the hall.

“I chose Il Diavolezzo.”

f*ck me. That human was a f*cking wildcard alright. Peter’s mouth was agape, as he processed the information. That girl has guts. Simultaneously, a wave of shock went through the venue, as whispers broke out.

It seemed that the vampires in attendance could not make up their minds if the human had just asked for a legend or a ghost. A handful of the noisier guests found themselves smirking, as it was apparently obvious that the human was out of her depth.

Peter met Charlotte’s eyes in response. They both knew better. Isabella Swan was about to start playing the terrifying game of the big leagues, and she might have just made the one move that could provide her with an advantage. Atta girl.

With two succinct claps of his hands, Aro Volturi had once again redirected the attention to himself.

“Very well. So it has been spoken, so it shall be done. At midnight, at the start of December, the Aria Seria will officially commence. The human and her consortem will have a headstart, with the participants joining once the first sunlight reaches the castle of Volterra.”

His eyes were shimmering with glee, as he cast one last look around the room.

“With that, my dear friends, I wish you all a joyful Venatio.”

Chapter 29: Ride the Lightning


//Title: Ride the Lightning – Warren Zeiders

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

A joyful f*cking hunt. Yeah right. Aro’s words echoed in Bella’s head, ricocheting off the edges of her brain like a bouncing ball.

Joyful. Yes. Sure. For anyone but Bella, that is.

But then again, what had she expected?

The last few weeks had made the sentiment of the vampire society abundantly clear. hom*o sapiens were nothing more than vermin. Insignificant creatures. Pets. A tolerable species, only because they might be a tasty meal.

All in all, it had been a great place to spend her time. Almost no one within the castle cared about her all that much. Yet. At least, not to Bella’s knowledge. And thus, she had kept her head down. She went through the familiar motions, with Felix having her back at every turn. Trying her best not to attract any unwanted attention.

And now, in trying to defend herself, she had done exactly that. She had caught Aro by surprise. Great f*cking move. Not that there were any other available options. But still.

Her mind was racing, as she trailed only a few paces behind the king. Their footsteps echoed on the marble stones as one hallway adorned with ancient art flowed into another. But there was no peace. The piercing gaze of Jane burning a hole in Bella’s back was a stark reminder of that.

The three of them moved swiftly, but Bella knew they still had a while to go. The palazzo was huge, and they were heading towards the complete opposite side of the castle. Far away from any too-enthusiastic vampires. It contained a small area that was reserved solely for Bella, until the start of the tournament. As the kings had apparently called it, her piece of paradise for the next few days. Lovely.

Bella had not been a fan when Felix had informed her of the news and respective quote. She had rolled her eyes and tried to argue, but to no avail. Now, after spotting Rose and Emmett, her anger had risen to new heights. Isolation? Please, with all due respect, kindly f*ck off.

Her best friends were in Volterra. Right here. Within arm’s reach, in the same damn castle. And Bella was not allowed to see them. If she would have been a witch, she would have gladly cursed everyone. The entire Volturi family wholeheartedly deserved it, except for Felix and Marcus. Maybe.

Her anger subsided a bit as she thought back on the few seconds she had just shared with her old friends.

Bella had been absorbed by Edward’s presence. As a result, she had completely missed the two Hales sitting in the opposite balcony. Once she spotted them, Rose and Emmett had seemed happy to see her. She had seen the sparkle in their crimson eyes. The eye-catching new color had caught her off guard. But, it suited them. It felt like they finally embodied their true selves. Just like the two beautiful vampires that sat beside them.

As Bella re-ran it in her mind, she was almost sure that their two companions were Peter and Charlotte. It seemed that they got along greatly; whereas the other balconies had distinct vibes of tension, the four of them showed nothing of the sort. Peter’s hand had rested on Rose’s arm, and for the first time, Bella had seen Rose welcome a touch from a man who wasn’t Emmett.

The scene had filled Bella with warmth. For a second, she had felt not so lonely after all.

But that feeling had vanished as the evening progressed. Especially now, while Aro said his royal goodbyes as he dropped her off at her quarters, she felt the cold creeping into her bones. Bella was by herself again.


Cool. Cool cool cool, cool.

With a sigh, Bella let her grey robe tumble to the ground, as she fell back on the bed with a soft thud. Observing the cream-white ceiling, her thoughts drifted back to what had just transpired. A trainwreck. As if it would not have been enough to handle without her ex-boyfriend’s meddling. All in all, Edward’s little escapades had done nothing to improve her already foul mood.

The idiot had jumped over the railing. f*cking starfish. He was not the sharpest tool in the vampire shed. Or any shed really.

But, although Bella did not want to admit it, it had felt good seeing him again.

A shudder ran down her spine. Nope. Focus Swan. Her fingers tightened their grip on the duvet, but it was in vain. It was as if a dam had broken. The thoughts and feelings kept coming. And coming. And coming.

It was like her mind and heart had two different opinions at the small reunion. She absolutely and irrevocably loathed the guy. It was internalized. Her brain was acutely aware. The feeling had embedded itself deeply within her.

Hence, it was all the more surprising that the sight of his auburn locks had made her heart flutter. Idiotic. It seemed that her heart was still playing catchup.

She let out a soft groan. Just the sight of Edward had opened some floodgates that were supposed to be permanently shut off. It had been seven years. He had broken her heart. Torn it to pieces and scattered it throughout the entire state of Washington.

Yet, there was no denying that having him so close had awakened something. A tingling. A feeling that she had sworn had died with a part of herself, years ago in that damned forest.

Putting the pillow on her face, she let out a primal scream. She stayed like that for a while.

Her heart really had to get a f*cking grip.

“Uh, Isabella?”

Bella felt her cheeks turn red. She pushed the pillow a bit tighter to her face, before swiftly removing it and sitting up straight. A few feet away, Felix was awkwardly standing against the wall.

The corner of her mouth turned up. He was not used to ‘human emotions’ as he called it. The muscular vampire had no clue what to do with the fragile human.

“yeah, sorry. Just needed a moment”

The vampire nodded.

“It has indeed been a lot in the past few weeks.”

That was the understatement of the century. But Bella appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

Without prompting, Felix conjured six distinct vials, filled with a clear liquid, from his dark robe. His large hands carefully placed them next to her on the bed. Bella gave them a quick once-over, before wordlessly putting them gently in her trusted backpack.

The only thing she still had to gather were her clothes, and then she would be ready. She looked at the large vampire, as her human emotions filled her from top to bottom.

Felix had been her rock the past few weeks. As a result, they had grown quite close. The thought of leaving one of her only safe havens made her stomach drop. As her watery eyes moved from her backpack to the vampire leaning against the wall, a small smile formed on her lips. Felix's face stood as somber as she felt.

“So..” Bella’s voice croaked, trying to lighten the mood

“are you going to join the hunt?”

Felix shrugged his broad shoulders.

“It’s not up to me, Mouse. The decision has not yet been made. Most of the guard assumes that Demetri will join, which will mean that I’ll have to fill his role while he is away.”

A small pause fell, as Felix clicked his tongue

“Demi is the obvious choice. However, as you might render his gift useless… let's just say that the Volturi’s choice of delegates is not as clear cut as it once might have been”

Bella nodded in understanding. Felix had explained Demetri’s gift in the past week, and by the sound of it, she was glad that she was seemingly immune. Felix had emphasized, however, that until now, they had only found a handful of vampires for which this had been the case.

Bella’s worry had spiked at that admission. It was clear, that her future companion was at risk.

Il Diavolezzo. She still had no clue who she had requested, but the reaction from Aro coupled with the audience’s response showed she had nailed it. Finally. She needed a small win.

She wondered when she would meet the illustrious vampire, and if he had been in the room while the announcement was made. As if Felix read her mind, he mentioned the literal and figurative devil,

“Your companion will arrive tomorrow. I was tasked to inform him of your… provocative turn of events. Hence, I spoke to him briefly.”

Felix let a small pause fall, as his long fingers tapped his thigh.

“In the next few days, he intends to gather all the available intel, while keeping himself hidden from as many participants as possible. He will meet you at the start of the contest. At midnight.”

Bella nodded at the words, but her head was far away. Her emotions felt like a rollercoaster, and apathy was currently taking over.

Felix arched his eyebrows, his sharp tone caught her attention,

Puer meus, you need to know that you have, in no uncertain terms, put him in quite the unfortunate position. He is not amused.”

Bella rolled her eyes. Whatever. She was not amused either, but hey, sometimes you just have to roll with life’s punches. Join the f*cking club, Diavolezzo.

Felix sighed and relented. Bella smiled at his reaction. They had spent so much time together, that by now he knew her better than to argue.


The rain aggressively slammed against the castle windows. An unhealthy mix of anticipation and nerves swirled through Bella’s body, as she slowly followed Aro through the small corridors that swirled under the castle.

She was clad in multiple layers, topped with a waterproof windbreaker over a duo of cozy sweaters. Her dark green backpack was situated on her back. She was ready. For as far that was possible.

A few minutes ago, she had given Felix one last hug, as Aro had picked her up to escort her to the edge of the town.

In their embrace, Bella had stealthily pressed a letter into Felix’s hands. She had written to Emmett and Rose, because, well… she had come to accept that there was really no way of knowing if she would ever speak to them again. As such, Bella had asked them to take care of Charlie.

It was the one final thing she needed. Closure. Because, once the clock struck midnight, there would be no room for the past. Not anymore. The only way out was up. The only thing that would matter was the present, to secure the future.

As Aro and Bella came to the end of the tunnels, the king pushed a large iron door to the side. It revealed the dark night. The wind howled around them as the rain brutally hit their faces. A storm had rolled in. How fitting. Its clouds had hidden the full moon; cloaking the medieval village an unnerving vibe, as the lightning lit up the streets ahead of them every few minutes.

Aro continued in a swift tempo. Turning in all sorts of directions, as they moved through the village under the cover of darkness. Before Bella realized it, they had arrived at one of the large city gates. As they stood in front of the imposing structure, Aro gave her a once-over, his crimson gaze focussing on Isabella.

With a small nod, illuminated by a flash of lightning, his commanding voice joined the howling wind.

Mia cara, I will see you again soon.”

He handed her one of the small key chains.

A thunderous boom sounded overhead and caught Bella off guard as its presence roared through the sky. She dropped the keychain. Rookie mistake. Once she had safely secured the small device in her hand, Aro had disappeared into the night, leaving just two muddy footprints behind in his wake. She rolled her eyes. f*cking vampires.

Isabella stood in the rain for a few more minutes, watching a puddle form at her feet, before the church bells signaled the start of a new day. It took a good few seconds before the clock struck its twelfth ring.

Once the last remnants of the clear bells were fading out into the air, Bella spotted some movement from the corner of her eyes. Before she could even process the thought, the world was flying past her. Two arms cradled her, as she was pressed against a marble wall; enveloped by an ever-moving blackness.

She was not sure how much time had passed before her feet touched solid ground again. It had seemed like an age.

“What the f*ck” Bella muttered indignantly, as she fell to her knees. Her head was spinning.

“You have become a feisty one, haven’t you?” a low voice snapped.

Bella had not yet opened her eyes, afraid that doing so would only lead to vomiting As the humorless voice sounded in her ears, she let out a sigh in response. She was in absolutely no mood for this.

“Cut the crap. This human needs some seconds of peace. Otherwise, I will be hurling up the fancy last supper that they held in my name. Which would be quite a disgusting start to kick of our cooperation…”

Her voice was not as resolute as she had hoped. A combination of adrenaline and nervousness was coursing through her veins, and it showed.

It was quiet. The sound of rain making it way down the leaves and hitting the soft ground filled the uncomfortable silence.

Bella started worrying; snapping at her companion had not been on her shortlist envisioned of introductions. But before a spiral of dark thoughts could set in, the low voice retorted, albeit from further away

“Sure, Sparky

Another sigh escaped Bella’s lips. Another nickname. How original. Although, she did deserve that one.

A few minutes later, feeling more steady, Bella opened her eyes. It was dark, and they were surrounded by trees. As the moonlight filtered through the canopy, it illuminated just enough for her to take in the surroundings. It seemed they had escaped the eye of the storm, as the poaring had turned into drizzle.

The infamous vampire was nowhere to be seen.

Slowly, Bella got up. She tried to pat the mud off her knees but quickly accepted that the stains would be there to stay. She gazed into the dark woods in front of her, but nothing - or rather no one - was there.

As Bella swiftly turned around, facing the other side of the clearing, her eyes spotted a dark figure that was leaning against one of the large trees. The man was clearly sizing her up. Chills ran down her spine. Il Diavolezzo. The reincarnation of death himself. Her heart almost beat out of her chest.

Taking two confident steps, he moved into the clearing, letting the moonlight illuminate his body.

As her eyes inspected the intimidating figure in front of her, Bella took in a sharp breath.


She could not help but curiously glance at the familiar face; carefully observing the wet curly hair sticking to his brow, the distinct harsh lines contouring his features, and his vivid red eyes.

He seemed the same, but yet so different.

Bella shook her head. Impossible. She did not know the vampire that well, only having met him a handful of times. Yet, there was no mistaking. He had saved her life. And that fact alone was enough. In an instant, her nerves disappeared into thin air.

They were standing on opposite sides of the small clearing. Steadily holding each other's gaze. It felt like he was staring into her soul, and Bella struggled to find her voice.

Finally finding the courage to disrupt their delicate balance; her question softly made its way through the forest, barely more than a whisper,


Chapter 30: 99 Problems


//Title: 99 problems – Hugo

Chapter Text

Jasper’s POV

The water drops ran down his face, cascading from his brow down to his eyelashes, before trailing to his chin and eventually his clothes. Not that Jasper minded. His attention was fixed on the drenched human before him. Her beauty was conventional, yet extraordinarily rare. A unique sight, and he was secretly enjoying every single bit of it.

Once he had put her down, Bella immediately had fallen to her knees. Mere minutes later, her hands had joined her knees, which were slowly sinking deeper into the soft earth. Her wet hair clung to her jacket, and the rain pooled around her backpack.

She was trying to regain her bearings. Unsuccessfully for now. She looked as uncomfortable as Jasper knew she felt; the nausea and anxiety swirled around her like a summer storm.

Bella's unease was an interesting contrast to the strong words she had just thrown at him. The brunette had apparently grown some backbone in the past seven years. Her short remarks dripped with sarcasm, and, evidently, she had become quite versed in standing up for herself. A feat which, under Edward, would have surely been unthinkable. Her disposition had changed significantly, yet she still had trouble masking the fears which permeated her body. She reeked of it.

In the grand scheme of things, Jasper mused, that not much had changed in the past few years.

She was the same old Isabella Swan for all intents and purposes that mattered.


So terribly human.

Born that way, as part of the hom*o Sapiens genus. According to other vampires a lesser species. Jasper held a strikingly different opinion compared to his peers. Nevertheless, there was, even for him, no denying that humans were the weaker species. A laughably delicate subset of apes, especially when compared to vampires.

And that was Isabella Swan in a nutshell. A clumsy girl, who somehow tended to stumble headfirst into the supernatural world, as illustrated by the current events.

That? That certainly had not changed.

And this time, she had unknowingly dragged him with her. Great.

Jasper’s shoulder met the rough bark of the tree at the clearing’s verge, while the girl in front of him slowly regained her composure. Bella was shaky on her feet but still was determined to take into the environment. Brave. But futile.

Jasper rolled his eyes at the scene. Bella continued to ignore anything that was not directly within her line of sight. They clearly had some training to do.

Finally, Bella’s legs made the effort to turn around, and within a second her eyes locked onto his frame. Good. She had fast reflexes for a human, that was something they could work with.

For the first time since he had spotted her in Volterra, Jasper allowed himself some time to observe the human in detail. As his eyes raked over her form, it was obvious that Bella's confidence had grown alongside her curves. Gone was the timid girl that he had met seven years previously. The corner of Jasper's mouth partially turned up. He could imagine her to be the fierce woman his friend had mentioned, at least, in circ*mstances where she was not thrown into a paranormal cesspool that implied a certain death.

He felt her nervousness grow under his steady gaze. Throwing her a bone, Jasper assertively stepped into the clearing. He had to restrain a smile, as he felt her nerves being replaced by surprise. Her brown eyes roamed over his presence. He made an effort to appear as non-threatening as he could; a demeanour he had not used in some time.

It took a few seconds before his name was whispered over the clearing.


He tilted his head in response. Her voice was laced with a vulnerability that only humans could show. It tickled a peculiar part of his brain. Taking two more steps forward, he felt how her surprise was interchanged with an eerily sort of calmness. Curious.

“Bella” Jasper replied briefly with a curt nod of his head.

Mentally, he already prepared himself for the onslaught of questions that would undeniably follow. They had not seen each other in years, and he was pretty damn sure that her mentally procured version of Jasper Hale was not who she had intended to invite on this journey.

“Are you..?”

“Yes”, his response was short and firm as he dangled the small keychain in his hand.

She nodded; and as the pragmatic guy he was, Jasper took the out that was offered to him with both hands.

He did not want to open that can of worms, yet.

At some point in the future, they would have to talk about all this. He would need to reveal all his cards without hesitation. Maybe a few days from now, maybe even a few months. But this was not yet the moment to start these conversations. There was no time, and, in all honesty, Jasper was in no headspace to do so - he did not trust himself to keep calm.

He was angry. Very much so. Isabella Swan had royally f*cked him over. And the worse part was, she had no f*cking clue about it.

The rhythmic sound of the rain landing on their skin mixed with Bella’s calmer heartbeat and breathing were the only sounds that were heard in the clearing. It was almost hypnotic. As Jasper's eyes focussed on Bella's neck, right at the spot where her carotid artery was closest to the skin, he noticed an observable shiver run down Bella’s spine.

For a moment he was stunned. It wasn't fear.

Then it dawned on him. Right. Human. Bodily functions. She was freezing in this weather.

Jasper let out a small sigh. Even if he could control his anger, he was pretty sure their talk would have to wait. As he voiced his thoughts, the sarcasm that laced the timbre of his voice was more potent than he had intended.

“Bella, as much as I would love to sit around a campfire, sing kumbaya, and exchange our life stories, we have to get out of here. The sun will rise in a few hours, and for all intends and purposes, we should be as far away from Volterra as physically possible.”


No reply. Her brown eyes just held his gaze.

Jasper co*cked his head in response, hoping to coax a reply out of her.

Then, finally, her steady voice broke the quiet,

“Sure, where are we going?”

None of her f*cking business, that’s where.

This was not a democracy, and all information was on a need-to-know basis. But instead of saying exactly that, Jasper closed the distance between them, their bodies now standing just a few inches apart.

Standing this close together, it was evident that Bella had changed more than Jasper had initially thought. She had grown. Literally. He was still at least a head taller, but, the height difference between them had gotten significantly smaller.

Without a second thought, he inhaled. As Bella’s soothing scent hit his nostrils, he was forced to take a small step back. Damn. He had forgotten exactly how good she smelled.

A small cough got him out of his thoughts, and Bella’s eyes eyed him intensely.

Right. First things first: the hunt. He had to stick to his plan. Replace identification. Getting as far away as vampirically possible, and then finding shelter and food. A set of four well-thought-out steps. They were elementary, really. Nonetheless, it was vital that they acted swiftly.

Now, let’s figure out what Bella took with her. One quick move was enough, Bella only noticed the unpredictable wind that moved past her. As if nothing happened, he leisurely stood in front of her again.

With a sly smile, Jasper held up her wallet and passport.

“Hey! That is mine!”

“Bravo, great deduction Captain Obvious” he replied evenly.

Bella murmured something inaudible, a soft blush covering her cheeks.

As Jasper rummaged through the leather wallet, he had to suppress a chuckle. No f*cking money. Nothing at all, just a bunch of plastic cards. That would not do. Nope. That would not do at all. With a swift move, he pulverized all of it.

He felt Isabella's anger hit him like a sledgehammer, coloring his vision red. He paid it no attention. This was a game of endurance, and he had no intention of losing time by explaining himself right here in the rain. Instead, his hand moved to his back pocket, and took out a new set of identification papers.

His arm extended, and with a swift tug, Bella snatched the papers and stuffed them into her backpack. A hint of amusem*nt sparked within him as he saw her use a much greater amount of force than strictly necessary. Isabella Swan was not pleased. Serves her well. He was not either.

They stood like that for a while. A Mexican standoff in the Italian rain. Their reasons were fogged in uncertainty, but tension was clearly beginning to build. It seeped from their stance, blanketing them in anything but comfort.

As he saw that Bella had no intention of moving, Jasper's focus drifted elsewhere. He had no mental space for his companion’s human whims. They could not afford themselves to care. The next year would center around one thing and one thing only: survival.

Bella was the first human he had ever been tied to. Bound to defend her from any and every vampire that got in their way. And although he had saved Bella before, this was different. The stakes had changed. Within a few hours, they would be hunted for sport, and Jasper was damn sure that the capable and competitive vampires would not stop until he was incapacitated, and Bella was on her way to be changed in Volterra.

The chessboard had been set, and once the clock had struck midnight, the dangerous game of numbers and odds had kicked off. They needed to proceed with careful deliberation. Even with all the planning in the world, as well as the Major’s strategic mind and abundance of experience, Jasper knew they could only pray that the dice would roll in their favor.

The Major had enough experience to realize that planning anything more than a few steps ahead would be futile. The name of the game was flexibility and adaptability.

As Jasper ran through their current situation once more, incorporating the new circ*mstances that Isabella had introduced into his equation, the Major was content that the next step remained the same. His inner voice reassured him once more that indeed, the time to play catch up with the human would come later. Maybe. But it was clear as hell that it was not coming now.

For now, they had to get as much distance in between them and Volterra. Pronto.

Without warning, Jasper elegantly lifted Bella up again. She had no time to protest, as his arms locked her in place against his chest. With one swift move, he sped into the dark night.

It took a few minutes, and quite a struggle on Bella's part. But, finally, she settled, at least somewhat, in his arms, and the colorful curses she whispered harshly against his neck died down. Accepting her defeat, Jasper graciously provided her with his own twisted kind of heads-up.

“Deal with it, Sparky

Before Bella could open her mouth and respond, Jasper increased his speed. He ran as fast as he could, moving swiftly through the forest. Bella’s hand hit his chest once more in silent objection, before she succumbed to, what Jasper presumed to be, a combination of their velocity’s side-effects and weariness.

With the unconscious human in his arms, Jasper ran through the rolling hills of Tuscany. As they left the storm clouds behind them, the moon and stars graced the sky. It was truly a beautiful winter night, but this was not the time for appreciation.

He ran for a long time, finally slowing down somewhat as the pink colors of sunrise painted the sky. Dawn began to rise as he crossed into the Dolomites. This was it. The other vampires would be set loose within the next half an hour. The Venatio would be in full force.

Jasper inhaled deeply, the crisp mountain air mixing with Isabella’s scent. He knew that sooner than he would like, the serenity would vanish. He was consciously appreciating the last traces of what resembled some sort of peace while it lasted. It was truly the calm before the storm.

As the first rays of sunlight reached over the mountain peaks, the sky decided to welcome the pair with a fresh pack of snow. As the snowflakes swirled down, covering the human in a thin layer of white, he felt Bella shudder in his arms.

He looked down, realizing that her teeth were chattering.

A worried sigh escaped his lips. Humans. Jasper ventured away from the rugged terrain, into a more accessible hiking path. Following it, his hunch did not disappoint. There, at the foot of the peak, stood an old hiking cabin, which, by the looks of it, had definitely been closed for the past few seasons.

He swiftly entered, the loud creaking sound of the door filling the tiny room. It was not much, but it contained the necessities; a small smile played on his lips as he observed the left-behind tinder and wood in the corner of the room. Jasper quickly lit the fireplace, hoping the warmth would swiftly embrace them. He then stripped Bella of her wet jeans and jacket and placed her in front of the fire wrapped in one of the woollen blankets.

He sat himself down next to Bella, his palms resting on the rough wooden floor, as he let the fire do its job warm his clothes. This had to do for now. And once Bella would wake up again, they had to talk about how they were going to survive this.

Preferably, together.

Chapter 31: Hold the Line


//Title: Hold The Line - TOTO

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rosalie’s POV

Rosalie made her way through the palazzo, the footsteps of Peter followed closely behind her. Unanimous, the Hale coven had decided that the two of them would participate in the hunt. Such an honor. Rosalie closed her eyes and lightly shook her head at the thought. It was an absolutely absurd situation that they were finding themselves in, but they would get through it. For Bella.

Rosalie and Peter had been their coven’s best bets. They both had a gift that could aid them in their pursuit. On top of that, Rosalie's tracking skills were sure to come in handy, whereas Peter’s abilities had been forged and honed through his years of serving in the Southern wars. There was no messing around. Not with the Captain.

Some covens had left Volterra in the last few days. Yet, prying eyes and ears were still everywhere; both in- and outside of the castle. And thus, in the past few days, the Hale coven had had no opportunity to extensively discuss their strategy. The four of them had established a starting point. An X on the map, with a thousand of possibilities on how to proceed after that. Which one they would follow? That would be decided upon later.

Soon, the sight of the familiar corridors pulled Rosalie out of her thoughts. As they reached the grand entrance, most of the other covens had already arrived. Demetri and Alec were representing the Volturi, and Eleazar and Tanya appeared for the Denalis. As the last participants were filling up the room, it became evident to Rose that this event would not be a small affair.

In the corner, two Scandinavians were leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. A large man and a muscular woman, whom they had met during the dinner the night before – an open buffet of tasty humans that Rose and Peter had kindly skipped. They were clad in a modern take on Viking wardrobe. It was a bit too much fur for Rosalie’s liking, but there was no denying that the woman certainly pulled it off. Calling her beautiful would be an understatement. She was gorgeous.

Two of the Romanians were having a hushed conversation across the other side room. The Russian coven had sent some delegates, and two of Carlisle’s old friends were joining from Marocco. As Rosalie’s gaze moved around the room, the Egyptian coven was nowhere to be found. They had joined for dinner last night, but apparently had decided to leave Volterra with a full stomach. Instead, two newly arrived vampires of Asian origin were standing next to the Denalis.

Suddenly, the participants quieted down as Aro, with Renate at his back, entered the buzzing room. He was followed by what seemed to be the last two delegates. Great. Edward and Alice Cullen. Their faces were smug as they relished in the attention they received. Absolute idiots. Rosalie’s eyes narrowed while she crossed her arms at the sight of her ex siblings. The soft touch of Peter’s hand on her shoulder was just enough to suppress the growl that was developing in her throat. Right. Not the time.

The king made its way past all the participants, having a quick exchange of words while providing them with one of the signature keyrings that had been introduced during the announcement. With each handover, Aro briefly brushed the delegate's skin. When he touched Rose, she held his penetrating gaze, sensing that he was literally peering into her soul. With a swift nod, he proceeded to Peter, who appeared visibly uneasy beneath his touch. Aro then continued the circuit before advancing toward the center of the room, where his mere presence demanded the attention of everyone present.

“Dear contestants” his voice spoke firmly, “with great pleasure, I hereby announce that the commencement of the Aria Seria is imminent.”

With a quick gesture of his hand, the intricate wooden entrance doors slowly opened. It revealed the quaint medieval city of Volterra, as idyllic as a watercolour painting, against the beautiful backdrop of the yellow and pink highlighted sky.

“Once the sun rises over the hill in... two minutes and thirty-two seconds, it will commence.”

Aro paused for a moment, as the participants gazed into the horizon.

“I wish you all the best during your endeavor. Remember, siring Isabella Swan will be your hard-earned prize. However, one would be wise to acknowledge beforehand how far one would like to go in order to acquire a shield.”

The cryptic statement hung in the air, but there was no time to contemplate its meaning. Time ticked on. One minute and twenty-eight seconds left. As Rosalie stood ready in the start position to bold towards those hills, she hardly registered the sly “Good luck” that left Aro’s lips, before he exited the room.

Yet, it appeared that Peter had caught wind of something. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him deviating from their plan. Instead of positioning himself to sprint from the opposite side of the room in their agreed-upon 'V' formation, he closed the gap between them. His expression remained stern, his movements shifting his weight rhythmically from one foot to the other.

Rosalie snapped her attention back to the hills in front of her. No time to ponder. The ridge around the hills turned orange, as Rosalie counted down.




As the sun reached over the hill, it was a blinding sight. But Peter and Rose had prepared themselves for exactly his scenario. They were supposed to run the first few meters as fast as possible, before breaking away through the village and reconvening at the east gate.

Supposed to.

Rose had barely made it a few meters outside when Peter forcefully pulled her aside. Hiding in the long morning shadows created by the large statues around the courtyard, Rosalie’s jaw hung open as she saw what Peter had just saved her from.

The scene resembled a war zone.

One of the blond Romanians was fighting the blindsided Russians, already having successfully lighted one on fire. The purple flames stood out in contrast to the now soft pink sky.

At the square’s periphery, Alice was watching the spectacle unfold. Her two small hands wrapped around the side of the house. The pixie shot Rosalie a brief smirk as their eyes met, before disappearing between the old buildings. A low growl left Rosalie’s throat. Bitch. She must have seen it coming.

Rosalie caught Peter’s indignant huff and in response followed his gaze. Stefan, the other Romanian, was clad in fabric from head to toe as he chased Demetri across the roofs. Unsuccessfully at that. As Alec’s dark smoke moved in his direction across the red roof tiles, Stefan swiftly turned on his heel.

The Volturi disappeared over the rooftops, heading toward the outskirts of the city. Their pursuit had begun.

She felt the harsh tug as Peter pulled her arm again, but her body remained rooted in place. Rosalie was transfixed by the scene; seeing Stefan land smoothly in the middle and successively tossing the remains of the Russian team in the bonfire. The purple fire soared towards the sky. High and mighty. As if they would come to consume them all.

Another tug. This one caught Rose’s attention. Her eyes met Peter’s, and she saw the thunderous expression on his face. Without protesting, she followed him through the shadows that covered the square.

Without any problem, they entered the cover of the village. Peter swiftly guided her through the streets, turning corner after corner as if he knew exactly where to go. After a short while, they arrived in front of the west gate. Back on track. Kind off.

“Rose” Peter's voice commanded her focus, yet her mind was elsewhere. The vivid images of the purple smoke against the clear morning sky looped endlessly in her thoughts.

“Rosalie Lillian Hale”, his voice roared.

In an instance, she snapped back to reality,

“Listen to me. We have to move, and we have to do so quickly.” Peter’s tone was resolute.

She nodded. They had not talked about whatever would happen after they met at the gate. But she had her hum to guide her, and she was intending to follow it.

“We will move south. I have a hunch Jasper will be there” Peter elaborated, a bit louder than strictly necessary.

And with that, he pulled her arm again as they sped southward. They flew through the countryside, moving so swiftly that they appeared as nothing more than a blur to anyone who happened to be out and about at this early hour. They didn't encounter many people, just a handful of solitary farmers whose attention was briefly caught by the birds scattering as they raced past. For all intents and purposes, they were invisible to the human eye. Ghosts.

The more distance they put between them and Volterra, the bigger the hum in Rosalie’s chest became. As they found themselves on the outskirts of Rome, she stopped and looked at Peter. He co*cked up an eyebrow.

“We are not –” she began, only to be abruptly cut off by Peter.

“Do you trust me, Rose?”

“I do, but..” her voice trailed off as she looked upon his stern face.

“Not here”, his voice was firm

“But, the hum –”

“Do you trust me?” he asked again, leaving no room for any discussion.

Rose had the urge to argue, to unleash her inner bitch. Peter was expertly pushing all her buttons in the most aggravating ways. Contrary to popular belief, Rosalie Hale did not enjoy to being left in the dark, and she certainly was not someone who backed down without a fight. Yet, she understood the bigger picture. Her emotions weren't the primary concern—not first, second, or even third. It was all about Bella. And so, she relinquished the battle and allowed her answer to escape her lips.

“Yes” she replied

It was the truth. After the past few months, she trusted Peter with her life. And more importantly, she trusted him with Bella’s life.

“Good. In that case, we have a cruise to catch”, and with that statement and a quick grin, under the faithful cover of the morning clouds, Peter disappeared into the buzzing city of Rome. Leaving Rosalie standing there, twiddling her thumbs. As he vanished, Rose let out some colorful swear words, before starting her sprint to catch up.


The Italian radio was truly nothing to write home about, but Rose couldn't entirely fault the Italians. The uncomfortably small red Fiat500 that Peter had stolen, combined with the complete chaos of Rome during rush hour, had surely contributed to the less-than-stellar experience.

Eventually, they left the bustling streets of Rome behind and ventured steadily along the coastline. As he waves of the Mediterranean danced in the distance, Rose finally let out the breath she had been holding for what felt like an eternity. Stretching her arms, she stole a glance at Peter. His knuckles were clenched tightly around the steering wheel, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

“So, a cruise?” Rosalie asked, trying to lighten the mood.

The corner of Peter’s mouth turned up in response. He quickly glanced into the rearview mirror, before answering.

“Yes. That is where Jasper’s trail would lead us.”

Rose clicked her tongue. “So it’s that easy, huh?”

Peter arched an eyebrow.

“I am afraid nothing will be easy for the next twelve months”, he replied solemnly

"But we're following the Major's trail, right?"

"It's a decoy trail. It's highly probable that the Major is far from our intended destination. However, that's our objective."


There was not much else Rose could say. Her hum had indicated as much; every mile they drove on, they were driving away from their target. Peter’s deep voice carried some more, and well-needed, context.

“This Aria Seria will be a blood bath. This morning indicated as much. The other covens will go to the end of the earth if it means acquiring Bella. Which, in return, means that some of them will be looking towards us. The least we can do is give the Major and Bella some air to breathe.”

A pause fell, in which Peter tugged a loose curl behind his ear.

“We are hunted by proxy, Rose. And hopefully, we are leading as many of them on a wild goose trail for as long as possible” Peter elaborated

Rosalie pursed her lips, as Peter continued,

“They know you are an ex-Cullen, and I have been the subject of some of the more vicious rumors that have been circulating around the castle.”

Peter let out a small chuckle.

“Although, they did paint me in a good light. I don’t think the Russians will mess with the killing machine of the south so quickly. However, it is better to be prepared for every eventuality”

Rosalie couldn't help but chuckle softly at the absurdity of the situation, her fingers absentmindedly tracing a circle on her thigh. She had suspected as much, yet the memory of that morning still lingered hauntingly in her mind.

A few minutes later, Rosalie broke the comfortable silence.

“So... a cruise is the answer?”

Peter nodded. “Yes, the Major has left a trail, and we’re gonna follow it. The cruise will provide us with fourteen days to discuss the future in detail. The sounds of the other passengers provide us with the privacy we need. Hopefully, we will trick at least one other coven with our moves, so we remove them from contention for the time being.”

He let out a breath while his eyes hardened, “with a bit of luck, we can remove them permanently from the competition”

A chill ran down Rosalie’s spine as she thought back to the purple smoke. It took all her courage to muster up a smile and lighten the mood once more,

“And we can get a small holiday”, she added.

Peter let out a small laugh in reply.

“It’s a win-win-win”.


Rose palmed her face with her hand. It was definitely not a win-win-win. Once she had entered the endless hallways, the disgusting smell of the passengers on the boat almost drove her insane. And I thought high school was bad, she mused as she shook her head.

Peter trailed closely behind her as they made their way to their small cabin nestled deep within the ship.

During the car ride, they had decided that their days would be spent inside, discussing the hunt, and exploring the ship. At nightfall, they were planning to spend their time on their balcony or on the deck, enjoying the respite of the fresh salty air. Rose was already looking forward to the sunset. She needed fresh air.

A few minutes later, she gladly opened their little cabin. It was small but comfortable. As she put her backpack on the chair, she let herself fall down on the bed. Peter gave her a disgusting look.

“Really? Outside clothes on the bed?”

Rosalie stuck her tongue out, however, it missed its mark as the tip of her tongue pointed at the ceiling.

“It’s not that we sleep here, Captain

Peter let out a small laugh, as he sat down next to her. The ship's horn blared loudly as they officially embarked on their journey.

“Come on, Princess. Let’s start our exploring, most people will be waving at the docks. We have to seize the moments, being the introverts that we are” Peter said with a wink as he made his way to the door.

Rose let out a tired sigh but followed him nonetheless. Their coven might be called Hale, but Peter was definitely calling the shots. And, surprisingly, Rose was getting used to it.


Peter and Rose had ended up in one of the bars of the cruise ship. A steady stream of passengers joined them while the ship slowly made its way to their next destination. The liquor flowed freely around them. The other customers were letting loose, celebrating the start of their holidays with vigor.

As the waiter approached the pair of vampires, Peter quickly ordered for the two of them.

“Two whisky. On the rocks, please”

The waiter nodded in reply while scribbling the order down on his notepad. He returned a mere few minutes later, placing the cold drinks in front of them.

Rosalie raised the glass to her nose, taking a whiff of the strong alcohol. Peter did the same, but he went one step further and sipped the drink. Rose's eyebrows furrowed as she watched him swallow, the alcohol rolling over his tongue.

Peter shot Rose a smooth wink.

“I take it you never tried alcohol?”

She shook her head in confusion.

“Such a shame that those Cullens never introduced you to these topics. Vampires can drink liquor, though it's best not to overindulge. Depending on your choice of poison, you can handle varying amounts, but excessive consumption will eventually have adverse effects. Typically, it mimics the hangover symptoms humans experience, but for us, the problem isn't the liver. Instead, it's our venom struggling to absorb and process all the alcohol.”

“Interesting”, Rose mused, lifting the glass to her face once more.

This was an intriguing revelation. The corner of her mouth twitched upwards as she considered all the missed opportunities she’d had with Bella. As the thought blossomed into a small smile, she clinked her glass with Peter's.

“To a successful hunt, Captain

He gave her a smile in return, a small twinkling shining in his crimson eyes.

“To a successful hunt indeed, Princess”.

As the amber liquid ran down her throat, it burned with a smoky warmth. Delicious. Rose could not help but enjoy the traces of caramel and oak that danced on her tongue. With a smile, she cracked a joke,

“So, what’s next, will you be telling me you’re an avid smoker as well?”

Peter let out a loud laugh, as he procured a pack of Marlboro Reds from his pocket.

“Charlotte despises the smell, but whenever I am away, I tend to indulge myself.”, he remarked, flipping the package in his hand, “It’s a habit I picked up from the Major. It helped to take your mind off some of the more… unfortunate sides of warfare.”

Observing her friend's expression, Rose noted the way his face tightened as he took another sip from his drink. The gentle creases on his face deepened ever so slightly whenever his mind wandered back to the war. His history had undoubtedly left its mark on him.

Not surprising. Rose's own history had left its mark as well. It was one of the many things they shared, and it contributed to the strong bond between her and Jasper, as well as Peter and Charlotte. They all had experienced the darker side of society in various ways and had learned to cope. In one way or another.

Rosalie let out a small sigh, as her voice lost its rough edges,

“Sometimes I wonder what mine is…”

Peter co*cked an eyebrow.

“… My coping mechanism.”

She twirled her drink around in her hand. Taking another solemn sip.

“I have Emmett, just as you have Charlotte. But you have even more— the smoking, the drinking, the hunting. In moments like these, I can't help but wonder how I handle it all.”

Peter took her in, his eyes meticulously wandering over her face.

“You know, you’re like a scorpion. A very strong outer shell and a soft inner core, and the ability to leave a nasty sting when necessary. My guess is that your past has a lot to do with it”

Rose let out a huff, while Peter signalled the waiter for two more whiskies. After their drinks arrived, he elaborated a bit more.

“That bimbo meets bitch image that you have cultivated and hidden behind, that is your coping mechanism. You've transformed what was once a strength-turned-weakness into strength once more..”

He paused briefly

“It is easier for you to hide in plain sight, to remain unnoticed. People won't look beyond your appearance unless you allow them to. It appears to have served you well thus far.”

Rose took a big gulp of her drink.

“That is at least what the Major told me and Char. And, after joining ya coven, I have to say, I agree with him”, Peter said, his Southern accent seeping through every word.

They finished their drinks in silence. Rosalie needed some time to digest his analysis of her psychology. As the darkness set in, and their glasses were empty, Rose stood up.

“So, Captain, let’s expand my coping mechanisms. Shall we?”, as she picked up his cigarettes.

Peter let out a rumbling laugh.

“I thought you would never ask”


// Well. It rained the entire day today, so a bit more from Rose and Peter, and what is happening on their side of the story. Hope you guys like it, and have a lovely day!

Chapter 32: I Won’t Back Down


//Title: I Won’t Back Down - Johnny Cash

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

Bella stirred, groggily blinking her eyes open to a dim, unfamiliar room. She had slept longer than she had intended. Not that she had intended to sleep at all for that matter, but, the exhaustion and nausea had taken control of her body. The last thing she remembered was hitting her companion’s marble chest, before getting dragged into a long and dreamless sleep.

Rubbing her swollen hand at the memory while taking a deep breath, she found herself on the dust-coated floor of a small room. The smoldering embers in the fireplace before her provided little light, casting long shadows that danced on the rough wooden walls. It was dark, and the floorboards creaked under her weight as the wind howled outside, whipping around the outer walls. There was no one here, and Bella suddenly felt utterly alone.

She strained her neck, trying to find any sign of il Diavolezzo.



He had to be nearby. Hopefully. But the eerie silence inside and the relentless wind outside made it impossible to be certain. Dread slowly filled her body, as her brain conjured one doom scenario after another. Did he leave her here to die?

No, Swan. Get it together. Panic will get you absolutely nowhere, she muttered softly to herself. This rollercoaster of nerves she was continuously finding herself in was driving her up the freaking walls, and as she came down from her anxiety peak, she had to laugh. What a f*cking nightmare.

Slowly, she unwrapped the blanket from around her, reluctantly leaving her warm cocoon. Her trousers were draped over a nearby creaky chair. As Bella reached out and touched the fabric, she was relieved to find that it felt dry. Nice.

Fully dressed, she could not contain her curiosity as she quickly peeked out the door.

Outside, snowflakes swirled furiously in the icy December air, blanketing the horizon in a thick, white shroud. Zero visibility. The wind howled around her like wolves in the night, carrying the scent of pine and the sharp bite of winter. Amidst the storm, the world seemed to hold its breath. Bella closed the door with a swift movement, applying extra pressure to prevent the harsh wind from blowing it back open.

Acknowledging that her rash decision had plummeted the temperature by what felt like a hundred degrees in the 100-square-foot room, Bella sighed in defeat. She hurriedly placed the last logs of wood on the embers, trying to revive the fire, and prayed Jasper would return soon. In this cold, on top of not knowing where she was, the odds of survival were becoming slimmer by the minute. At this rate, the ending of her Aria Seria would come sooner than any of them had intended.


Bella opened her eyes with a gasp. Her cold nose was almost touching the wooden wall. The haze of an unexpected nap clung to her mind. The faint smell of smoke from the dying embers in the fireplace had mixed with the chilly air. It bore a stark reminder of where she was. Slowly, reality seeped back in, and she remembered the small hut, the creaking floorboards, and the relentless wind howling outside.

It was quiet, and she had no clue how long she had been dozing. The fire was still burning, though just barely, judging by the bare shadow that her figure created on the wall in front of her. Her neck ached, and she tried to massage the knot with her hand.. Yet, an uneasy feeling crept over her, as if she were being watched.

At the sudden realization, she sat up and swiftly turned her head, only to find Jasper's familiar silhouette leaning against the other side of the room.

“Good afternoon, sleeping beauty”

Bella arched an eyebrow at the low rumble of his voice. It sounded menacing, and a part of Bella’s brain desperately wanted to urge her to run. To get away. But as she backed up, her back hit the solid wall behind her. She had nowhere to go.

The corner of Jasper’s mouth turned up.

“Seems that you have been graced with at least some survival instincts. Thank the lord”

Great. A sarcastic and threatening vampire. Just her luck.

Jasper took his hands out of his pockets and threw her an apple and a muesli bar. She caught them with ease. Luckily. Her reflexes had significantly improved over the last few years.

“Eat. Water is on your right”, he said, as his hand gestured to the plastic bottle next to her.

Eagerly, Bella did as she was told. Though she had not noticed it yet, her stomach was indeed growling with hunger. As she bit into the crispy apple, and a bit of juice ran down her chin, she took the opportunity to observe the vampire as the flames illuminated him.

His clothes seemed dry, yet his tousled locks were dripping with water. His long-sleeved shirt clung to his body, as he leaned against the wall as if it was the most natural pose in the world. It was a stark contrast to the old Jasper.

As she devoured the last bites of the muesli bar, while she observed Jasper’s ceremonial sacrifice of the chair to the flames, Bella’s manners returned to her.

“Thanks for the food”

Jasper gave her a curt nod, as he stepped away from the fire, his posture straightening. His shoulders stiffened as he surveyed the room.

Bella's anxiety grew palpable as the atmosphere shifted. Her fingertips found their way to her helix piercing, as she turned it. Around and around. A familiar and calming movement, a much needed one as the silence in the room enveloped them like a heavy blanket.

Jasper's gaze had hardened, a blood curling intensity now possessing them. His stance was imposing, and as he took a step towards her, Bella had to do her best to remain calm.




The mantra calmed some of her nerves, but as her eyes glanced up, she had trouble holding Jasper’s gaze. Gone were the soothing thoughts that she had had earlier that night. This was not the same vampire that had saved her life. The man before her exuded menace, a stark contrast to the Jasper she had known.

With another deep breath, she reflected on her predicament. The reason why they were here in the first place. A steely resolve washed over her, she had invited a phantom of the vampire world to join her. She could handle this. No. She had to handle this.

“We need to talk”

Her statement came out as nothing more than a whisper, but Bella felt her determination grow as Jasper arched his eyebrow.

“We need to discuss what we are doing” Bella repeated, a bit louder this time

“Do we?” he replied coolly, not meeting her gaze.

Bella stood up, lifting her chin and squaring her shoulders.

“I think we do”

Jasper gave her a brief nod in return, as his low voice echoed through the room,

“Genius plan. So tell me, what kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve? Or will you be relying on me for everything, from protection, money, and IDs, to an entire plan on how to survive the next twelve months, so you can choose to which f*cked up coven you voluntarily tie your allegiance?”

His last sentence dripped in so much judgment, that Bella had to suppress a scowl. What an asshole. Before she could even reply, Jasper mockingly interjected.

“What’s the matter Sparky? Am I hitting a nerve?”

Bella inwardly rolled her eyes, as she replied in an even tone,

“Oh just shut up. It’s clear you don’t wanna be here, and newsflash, I don’t wanna be here either. But we're stuck with each other, so suck it up buttercup

A playful smile crossed Bella’s face as she realized that she had just unexpectedly created the most hilarious nickname for a certain god of war. Filing it away for later, her voice steadily continued,

“And as a matter of fact, I do come baring some gifts”, Bella said as her hand pointed at her backpack.

Within a second, Jasper held the green bag tightly in front of him.

“Feel free to take out the six vials. They are filled with a scent-neutralizer. They will not hide you from the likes of Demetri, but they might be a start”

Jasper looked at her, seemingly stumped, to which Bella could do nothing else but shoot him a beaming smile. Take that, il Diavolezzo.

As Jasper took one of the vials in his hand, he sniffed its contents while observing it.

“How did you get this?”

She co*cked an eyebrow, “Wouldn’t you like to know”.

His voice dropped an octave lower as his face darkened, “I will not ask twice, nicely

Bella felt like screaming, this guy was aggravating her to the point of exhaustion. But instead of raising her voice, she stood up, put her hands on her hips, and expressively rolled her eyes.

Wrong move. In the blink of an eye, Jasper had placed the vials back in the bag and closed the already small distance between them. He was standing awfully close.

“My dear Isabella” her full name rolled sinisterly off his tongue, “just because I am your companion, does not mean I cannot drain you in a heartbeat, and let me make it abundantly clear”, he leaned forward, as Bella felt his cold breath threateningly flow down her skin, “that I am in no mood to play games”

A shiver went down her spine, as his face moved to the crook of her neck.

“So tell me Sparks, where did you procure these vials?”

Bella felt her throat tighten. He was close. Way too close.


She swallowed her words, as she felt his breath on her neck. Warning bells. Warning bells everywhere.

“Fe… Felix”

He took a step back, his crimson eyes fixed on her face, while he waited for her to continue.

“It was Felix. Marcus uses it in his quarters, and after I figured it out I asked Felix to get some for me. That’s it”

Jasper shot her a quick nod. Bella let out a quivering breath.

“Good girl, that wasn't too hard, was it?”

Bella’s shoulders slumped down as Jasper took another step back, sitting down in front of the newly raging fire as he patted the floor next to him.

“Have a seat”

Bella hesitated for a second, before taking a seat next to the imposing vampire. The flames of the fire danced in front of her, as they sat in a familiar quiet once more. It felt like ages before the low rumble of Jasper’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

“There are nine covens participating, some have excellent trackers”, he said as a softer tone graced his voice, “I have set out some false trails, which will hopefully keep them occupied for the next few days. These perfumes should help us tremendously with disappearing off the map afterward”

Bella nodded.

“Other covens, well, they have more gifted vampires in their arsenal. Alice and Edward for one, but also Peter and Rosalie, as well as Demetri and Alec”

Bella’s brows furrowed, “Rose has a gift?”

“Yeah, and luckily, as far as I know, she is on our side”

A warmth spread through Bella. Her friends were actually in a position to find her. To help her. If all else would fail, they might be there; that idea alone was able to bring her some well-needed peace. There was no time to ask any of her questions, as Jasper’s voice filled the room again.

“It is the others, the Cullens and the Volturi, who we will have to worry about”, Jasper leaned back as he mused over his thoughts,

“One thing you just said interests me greatly, so please explain, why Demetri would only track me?”

Bella shifted her gaze from the fire, turning her body so she half-faced Jasper. The flames danced on his face and reflected in his red eyes. In the warm light, they seemed softer. More human.

As she spoke, she had to raise her voice for it to be audible over the howling wind.

“Felix said as much in Volterra. Edward could never read my mind, apparently, Alice could not see my future anymore, and Demetri could not get a read on me. So I am safe… somewhat.”

A wry smile crossed Bella’s features. As she shifted her eyes from the fire back towards Jasper’s face, she spotted a hint of intrigue.

“That is good to know”, he said

Bella shot him a curious look, urging him to explain.

“I can only read you from a much shorter distance than other humans, although depending on your stress levels, the distance gets much smaller…”

His mouth turned into a line as he seemed lost in his thoughts. A small sigh escaped his lips.

“… which means you can block mental gifts and even some physical ones partially. At least, that was my hypothesis, and your story just confirmed it as well. That is good."

With a slight easing of his posture, a blond curl slipped in front of his eyes as he tilted his head down.

"We should practice, and with some time and a bit of luck, you might be able to shield yourself and perhaps other vampires fully. That would make our lives a lot easier”

She nearly overlooked the flicker of change that passed in his facial features, however, before she could identify whatever it was, he swiftly settled once again on his solemn expression.

But she was not about to let this go.

“What do you mean, shield?” Bella questioned

Jasper pierced her gaze, “That is something we should discuss later, for now, there are other priorities…”

Bella wanted to argue, but words failed her. She felt her little flame of resolve whimper under Jasper’s scrutiny.

“… We will have three months until Demetri will make his move. He wants me to deal with the lesser covens first. Weaken your opponent, then attack. It’s basic Volturi Battle Protocol. In those months, we should take the opportunity to train your ability.”

Volturi Battle Protocol. Those three words lit the little collapsing flame into a small fire, as Bella’s eyes hardened under Jasper’s gaze. Shield. Training. Battle protocol. What the hell was happening?

“So, how come you know so much about the Volturi anyway? Are you like an employee of the month or something?” she questioned the latest topic with a small glimmer in her eye

Jasper shot her a smile that did not reach his eyes as the wind howled so loudly around them that the walls of the hut creaked,

“Not now Sparks, everything will come in time. For now, we need to move, and then maybe tomorrow, we can discuss your survival goals as well as my private arrangements in a Quid Pro Quo type of manner”

Bella had no clue what that meant, but as the wind was taking up it felt like the cabin could crash down around them at any given moment. She let out a soft breath, still holding his gaze, as her voice filled with determination hung in the air

“Sure thing, Buttercup. Let’s get this show on the road.”


//Guys, the AO3 writer’s curse got to me! Haha f*ck, I tore the tendon of one of my fingers (by rubbing them together too enthusiastically. Honestly, not even a cool story hahaha), which means that typing is a bit more difficult than it used to be. But will go to ergo therapy this week and hopefully the brace they will get me there will make life a bit easier. Until then, updates will be a bit slower – but I will be working on it!!! Hope you guys have a great day, enjoy this chapter, and feel free to leave any feedback you might have! and have a lovely day!

Chapter 33: You Get What You Give


//Title: You Get What You Give - New Radicals

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

The idyllic landscape of the Swiss mountains rolled past Bella as she sipped her warm coffee, freshly served by the overly friendly waiter. Swiss trains, man. Bella was thoroughly impressed by the fact that they drove on time, featured a restaurant compartment, and served food on ceramic plates. The journey was a bit noisy, with the cup clinking against the plate as the train moved through the Alps. Nevertheless, absolutely amazing.

After Jasper had rushed them over the dolomites, through a road that Bella had not pegged to be the most straightforward, they had arrived across the border. Finally. They had left the dangers of Italy behind them. At least it felt like that as Bella had looked around the Swiss valley. They were somewhere in the middle of f*cking nowhere, but surprisingly, with a train station.

Jasper had bought them two tickets, by taking some monopoly-colored money out of a thick wad of cash, and after twenty minutes of waiting they were off to their next adventure. Or chore. The appropriate label depended on which companion you’d ask, as Bella was sure she and Jasper had contrary ideas of their current escapades, based on his solemn facial expressions.

But the train ride was long and nice, the carriage warm, and Bella soaked it up with glee.

For the first time in a while, she was truly relaxed. Kind off.

And she was not the only one. The other passengers seemed to come back from their outings as well, dressed in all different kinds of hiking and snow gear. Bella wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she thought she saw Jasper letting go of a small and content sigh. Il Diavolezzo might have worn a mask of disapproval, but as their train ride continued Bella more and more had the feeling that he was not immune to a tranquil environment either.

Bella held her mug in two hands, warming her cold fingers. Blowing on her drink, she looked over the rim of her cup towards her companion. Observing him more closely.

Jasper was occupying the seat across from her, reading one of the local newspapers. As the rays of sunshine brushed his face, Bella couldn't help but notice how striking the vampire looked. The sunlight accentuated his strong cheekbones, and the weather of the past few days had added an extra curl to his tousled locks. The buttoned-up shirts and slicked-back hair she was used to were gone. Instead, he wore a black long-sleeved shirt that contrasted nicely with his skin tone, giving him a rugged and manly appearance. He looked good. Very good.

Bella quickly averted her eyes at the thought, focussing back on the coffee that was steaming in her hands.

Not the time.

Not the place.

And definitely not with this vampire - or any vampire for that matter.

Instead, she settled on reviewing her hunters. The stalking Cullens. The commanding Volturi. Her friends. She reviewed all she knew from multiple angles; and surprisingly, her semi-relaxed state of mind stayed with her throughout the process.

Her thoughts roamed for a while more, before the presence of the train conductor made itself known. She pulled out her ticket, as the employee chatted with her about their plans. She elaborated that the two of them were heading from Zernez to Zurich Hauptbahnhof, while Jasper shot her side-eye. Without saying much, the conductor nodded and continued with the next passengers.

As she observed her surroundings, Bella felt.. Peaceful?

Peace. Yeah right. She dismissed her own thoughts with a huff.

Relaxed? Maybe. But peaceful, that was a f*cking stretch. Absolutely no way. Bella took a deep breath, as she debated her own mind.

The deeper she dove into the ocean that captured her thoughts and feelings, the more she realized that there were too many loose threads. Too many open questions. Too much ambiguity, for her to feel serene. The waves of trouble kept washing over her, submerging her deeper and deeper until there was only darkness.

A second later, Bella opened her eyes as she let the air escape her lungs; resolving to pick up the discussion they had left off the day before.

The long exhale caught Jasper’s attention, as his crimson eyes shifted their focus to Bella.

“I want to survive” Bella immediately cut to the chase, as she breached their comfortable silence,

“I want to survive and choose who will sire me. Partially out of spite, partially because I refuse to have a f*cking sire bond with any of the Cullens… or the Volturi for that matter”

She did not avert her eyes, as Jasper raised his eyebrows.

“which, I guess, is mostly out of spite” he answered

Bella gave an indignant huff, confirming his suspicions. He hit the nail on the head.

“So, let me see if I got this right, Sparky”, his voice drier than the Sahara desert,

“You made a decision that will alter your life forever… that is fuelled by a hundred percent spite”, Jasper voiced succinctly while he turned his gaze towards his nails, a shimmer passing through his eyes, “I guess that is something I can work with”

He seemed to mull over his thoughts and remained quiet for a while. The hum of the train blended with the chatter of the other passengers, creating a contented murmur that filled the silence around them. Darkness enveloped them as they entered one of the many tunnels, while Jasper's crimson eyes snapped their attention back to Bella,

“I assume you eventually want it to be Rosalie?”

Bella nodded. She had thought long and hard about it, and it seemed to be her best option. She loved Emmett and Rose, and they would provide her the best start for her vampiric life - friends and family combined - that anyone could offer. Probably…

Jasper gave a small hum in return, seemingly not picking up on her inner turmoil.

“The fact that she is participating means we will at least have a backup plan... twelve months is a long time. Especially when we are hunted by ruthless vampires with a goal. A backup plan increases our chances of success exponentially. One way or another.”

Bella did not reply to his statement. She couldn't. Her voice was tangled in a knot that refused to loosen. Logically, Bella knew he was right. They needed a backup plan. Desperately. Yet, felt entirely the opposite way, refusing to even think about the alternatives. She would endure the twelve months. She was going to survive. She had to. A shiver ran down her spine. There was no room for failure, and she wouldn't even let herself think otherwise.

Jasper's baritone voice drew her back from her thoughts, a calm feeling spreading through her as the rich tones reached her ears,

“By your goals, as well as reaction, I gather you at least partially understand what the implications of a sire bond are. But I need to be certain. We need to be on the same page” he said as he folded the newspaper and placed it on the table in front of him. His mouth formed a firm line, his gaze steady and questioning.

Bella nodded, as she tried to find the right words,

“It means I will be bonded to that vampire and their coven. Maybe not for forever, but for a long time. It’s a type of bond only to be trumped by a mating bond, which in contrast is created voluntarily by two parties…” Her voice trailed off as Bell was reminded of the implications once more.

“Yes, indeed.”, Jasper’s answer was brief.

Bella swallowed. This was getting real. She had one burning question that lingered in her mind. She had intended to ask the Volturi about it, but the circ*mstances had denied her the chance. She shrugged her shoulders. Now was just as good a time as any.

“I have been meaning to ask you. Edward did offhandedly mention at some point that he and I were mates.. how does that work? Based on the descriptions I received so far, it seemed that two people have to actively agree to get there”

Outside of the window, the snowy Alps passed them by. Jasper’s eyes focussed from the table in front of him to hers. It felt like they were piercing her soul.

“You are not mated to Edward Cullen…”, he stated, his voice leaving no room for any argument,

“A mating bond is a deliberate decision, and once it's established, the axis of a vampire’s world will shift. The number one priority in one’s life becomes the other person… and you were definitely not Edwards first, second, or even third priority…”

He took a measured breath, allowing Bella a brief respite to let his words sink in. She needed it. They cut deep. Deeper than she had expected. At the same time, the hole in her chest seemed to fill itself a bit at the revelation. Although her heart did not like it - while her rational brain only cheered it on - the truth was exactly what she needed.

“… However, from what I have seen in my time, I've noted varying degrees of intensity in these bonds. In an ideal bond, there's equilibrium, with mates acting as equal partners. However, in some cases, it appears that one of the individuals holds greater influence, leading the other vampire to submit.”

His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. Bella’s eyebrows drew together, sensing his hesitation. After a brief pause, he chose to share more.

“There are rumors – and I truly mean rumors and nothing more – that some bonds are forged between vampires before the ritual is executed. That would… change whatever we know about mating in its entirety. Yet, it is said that the ritual is still vital for the bond to rise to its full potential. And if the ritual is forced upon one of the mates with someone else, the pre-mature bond will vanish completely.”

With that piece of information lingering between them, they reached the point in their journey where they had to switch trains. Together with a herd of other passengers, they stepped off the train at the station and they swiftly boarded the next one. This train was a bit more modern, and as they walked across the upper deck, they once again found themselves seated opposite of each other.

Bella pursed her lips, as she looked at Jasper. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, having rid himself of the newspaper, as he stared solemnly out of the window; his eyes fixed on the snowy mountains looming on the horizon.

“Your turn” she said

Jasper turned to face her, as he tilted his head.

“Your turn”, Bella repeated once more, “Quid pro Quo remember”

He gave her a smirk in response

“You get two questions” he stated as his crimson eyes pierced hers

“You work for the Volturi?” Bella asked, the words leaving her mouth without taking even one second to think about them

“Yes” he replied, remaining infuriatingly quiet afterwards.

Bella realized her mistake immediately. Idiot. Damn. Even a donkey would learn from her previous mistakes faster than she did. She had felt too comfortable. Always forgetting to think these kinds of things through.

“Well, that is a bit sh*tty. I gave you a lot more info. But alas, we will come back to this.", she said with a hint of dissapointment, "The more important question, whose side are you in all of this?” as her hands gestured wildly around her

The corner of Jasper’s mouth turned up slightly, turning his smirk into a sly smile.

“I am on my own side. Which by extension means you.”

Bella shot Jasper a curious look, causing the blond man to elaborate,

“I had to sign an extension of my contract, to allow for my duties as a Consortem to be executed without failing my other obligations. Fortunately for you, the words of the Legem trump any contractual stipulations I was subjected to previously. Hence, for the next twelve months, you could say I am on your side.”

Bella tilted her head, as her eyes glanced at Jasper, taking him in from head to toe. Self-serving. Dangerous. but currently on her side. Good. It was a stroke of luck, a fact she couldn't overlook. Her odds would be abysmally smaller if he would play for one of the other teams.

Trying to press her fortune, she asked another question, “So, where does the nickname come from?”

Jasper let out a deep chuckle, as he clicked his tongue.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he said with a raise of his eyebrows, repeating her sentiment of the previous day.

Bella rolled her eyes, as Jasper continued,

“Unfortunately, you’re out of questions, Sparks. I can give you one piece of wisdom, free of charge, and that is that nothing in a vampire’s life comes for free”

Bella let out a huff. “As if I can pay you for any of it. I don’t have any money. You made sure of that”

There fell a small pause, in which Jasper narrowed his eyes and observed her closely.

“You do not need physical money. Or any money for that matter. There are different currencies we vampires gladly accept, Isabella” he replied, as his eyes darted to the spot just above her shoulder.

A shiver ran down Bella’s spine as she digested the words. His eyes bore into her neck, and under the weight of his gaze, she slowly felt goosebumps spread across her skin.

Her mind was a whirlwind, and before she could catch her breath, the words tumbled out like a rushing river.

“Blood. You are talking about blood?!”

It was phrased as a question, an anxious one at that, but Bella was pretty sure she knew the answer.

“Blood. Or information. Both work” Jasper smiled innocently.

It didn’t look innocent at all.

With a small break of his mask, Jasper tore his eyes from her neck. His eyes trailed to hers, and they hardened while he held her gaze. His deep voice rang in her ears.

“Unfortunately, I think you’re a bit unlucky in the information department”

At his intonation, another set of goosebumps broke out on her skin. She felt Jasper’s gaze roam across over her body. Bella felt like she was under a microscope. Completely and utterly frozen. She exerted all her effort to move her head. She slowly but surely managed to shake it, the movement kickstarting her drive as her hesitant voice spoke the thought that was screaming and bouncing around in her head.

“You want to kill me?”

Jasper let out a loud laugh that got the attention of a few of their fellow passengers. At their turning heads, he swiftly adjusted his volume, leaning in closer and speaking softer as he continued.

“No, no. We are not that archaic my dear Bella. I would just request a sip every now and then. Completely harmless…”

His eyes darkened as they observed her from head to toe.

“…In return, I will answer any question you might have”

Bella couldn't believe what she was hearing. Without hesitation, she shook her head in disbelief.

“And then what? Turn me into a vampire so you are my sire?!”

Jasper’s eyes hardened at her tone.

“No. You will not turn. One does not need to insert venom to drink.”

Bella arched an eyebrow, as her fingertips slowly followed the lines of the scar on her wrist.

“James was an idiot” he stated, clearly having anticipated her question with ease.

Bella inwardly rolled her eyes. He had an answer for everything. Every - f*cking - thing. What the hell was that guy thinking? But she was certain. There was no way he was getting access to her blood. Or to any part of her for that matter.

“No. No way José. We are not doing this”

A bemused chuckle escaped Jasper's lips,

“Suit it yourself, Sparks”

Bella let out a breath that she had not realized she was holding at his acceptance of her refusal. She had expected this to be more difficult.

Her timing couldn't have been more impeccable; she finished that thought just in time for fate to prove her wrong.

Jasper's southern drawl colored his words as he spoke, hinting that he had a deeper understanding of her than she had assumed.

“But I know you will think about it. Let me know when you change your mind”

He then casually returned to face the window, leisurely observing the beautiful landscapes of the central European country.


//i must admit, I am a bit scared after publishing this chapter. This has been i tended, and trust me there are multiple story mechanics behind it, but still. Would love to hear you guys’ feedback and opinion, and if youre still liking it…?

This was supposed to be a longer chapter, but as it got too long I decided to cut it into two. The second part will hopefully follow soon once it has been edited. hope either wY you guys enjoy it ad much as possible, and please let me know what you guys think! Have a lovely day! :D

Chapter 34: Angel of Small Death & The Codeine Scene


//Title: Angel of Small Death & The Codeine Scene - Hozier

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

It had been a week. A freaking week. For now, they – or at least, Bella – were still safely hidden away somewhere in the suburbs of Zürich. Apparently, the neutral status of Switzerland extended in some weird way to the supernatural realm; not that Jasper had elaborated much on the topic. Combining that with their current respite from the Volturi and the utilization of the scent-neutralizers, it allowed the both of them some time to breathe while hiding in the suburban shadows.

At least, that had been Jasper’s argument.

Bella let out a huff at the memory. Sure. Time to breath.

She had been locked in the apartment now for days, and she was getting rightly fed up with the situation. Jasper had given her some meditation exercises, to help visualize her so-called shield, and left her alone to her own devices. But surprise surprise, it had not worked so far.

And here she was, sitting on the parquet floor in the middle of the modern AirBnb, trying to visualize whatever it is a shield should, would, or even could look like.

After countless hours, Bella deemed the exercise so pointless that she felt as useless as an inflatable dartboard.

Yet, she was still trying. It was the only thing she could really do that would help her.

Not that Jasper was there to tell her otherwise. Or to tell her anything for that matter. Nope. Jasper was not even here.

Bella had a hunch that he came back every day during the early morning, as by the time she woke up, things had moved around the flat and the fridge would be restocked with fresh and nutritious food. However, Jasper was never anywhere to be found.

He had left his phone number and told her to call him whenever something was up. Somehow, his tone had implied that a non-working shield was not worth the effort of calling; as in the meantime, he had told her, she should meditate and work on her gift.

As if it was the easiest thing in the world.

Well, news flash. It was not.

And so Bella currently sat on the floor of their temporary apartment, in front of the large windows, her legs crossed in a meditative pose, as the sporadic winter sun illuminated her face. Slowly, her thoughts drifted away from the shield and her companion. They meandered down the winding path her mind had crafted over the past days, a path that always led back to the same destination as she traveled it each night as she lay in bed: the topic of blood.

In that respect, Jasper had been right.

She kept returning to his proposition. And the longer he was absent, the more arguments were created in favor of his standpoint. She had questions. So many of them. And absolutely no answers.

She was alone. Inside. With no clue on what her future – neither long or short term – would look like.

Yet, the path consistently led to the same crossroads. An unanswerable question, as Bella would shut down her thought processes before reaching a viable conclusion. The question in its entirety felt so otherworldly; she had a feeling that even thinking about the answer would solidify her current predicament.

As if it would break all links with her old life.

Vampires hunting her to the ends of the world? That she could grasp, albeit somewhat. But the concept was big enough that Bella could keep her old values in place. She could still proudly stand by the cornerstones that had held up her worldview for the past twenty-six years.

Lining up arguments whether or not to become a walking talking buffet for a vampire? Well, that subject suddenly started to cross a lot more tangible lines that turned Bella’s world topsy turvy.

And so, she once again returned to the million-dollar question.

Would it be worth it?

Bella didn’t know.

Obviously, any information about her current predicament would be helpful. She could not sit here and meditate without any achievements forever. There was simply no way.

Any sort of information would be a win in her book. She had barely learned anything during her time with the Cullens, and although her knowledge of the vampire world had improved a bit with the Volturi, there was still much she didn’t know. While she harbored no doubt that Jasper would provide essential information if necessary, he had clearly emphasized that such details would be disclosed strictly on a need-to-know basis. His criteria for sharing were limited to life-or-death situations.

Bella pinched the bridge of her nose. Of course, they were. Yet, she was in a f*cking life-or-death situation, and she would be for the next twelve months.

It seemed that her and Jasper’s definitions of life-threatening were quite different.

And the topic of long-term information hadn’t even been discussed yet. If it was up to Jasper, she was sure under the current circ*mstances he would not share a thing.

A sigh escaped her lips.

If she was going to become a vampire, Bella needed to know exactly what she was getting into. She simply refused to go in blindly. If there was anything that the past few months had taught her, it was that many political games were being played, and she had no clue about any of them.

She was aware that she had one choice - and one choice only - that was, potentially, within her grasp, and she wished to make an informed one at that.

On the other hand, Bella was not sure if it would be worth the risk. She had given blood before, trying to get over the fear and nausea that accompanied the red sticky liquid, but somehow this felt different.

This was intimate. Dangerous.

Being an on-call restaurant for a vampire? It was definitely not what she had signed up for. Not to mention that there was the possibility that Jasper would kill or change her. A life with him as her sire, or no life at all? No, thank you.

But then again, it was not like she had signed up for any of it.

With another sigh, Bella released the tension that she was holding and stood up. She stretched her arms and legs before making her way to the bedroom, where she started the few homely tasks that were on her to-do lists today.

It created some sense of normalcy in her current day-to-day life. It kept Bella sane.

And so, she sorted her dirty clothes from the few clean ones that were left, and set aside her new chill outfit. Starting a load of laundry, she headed to the shower. She craved peace. Tranquillity. And some hot water to work out the knots in her back.

Beneath the cascade of hot water, she replayed every argument meticulously. Again. And again.

As she turned off the tab and dried herself off, she felt like a demon and an angel were fighting on her shoulder. She turned every argument upside down, and while she was putting on her yoga pants and oversized sweater, her mind settled. There was one question that was still left.

Combing through her hair with her fingers, she walked into the living room. Her eyes widened in surprise as she found Jasper standing over the wooden kitchen table looking at a bunch of maps.

This was new. Very new. And above all, a welcome change of pace.

Jasper did not take his gaze from the papers, his posture rigid, as his deep voice filled the room.

“It started raining and I needed somewhere private to look through them in peace,” he said as his hands gestured to the papers in front of him, “they’re maps from the area, Switzerland, and Europe. We should be aware of our surroundings at all times” he spoke in a military manner.

Bella nodded, far too stunned to say anything of value. She then crossed the room and pulled out one of the velvet lime green chairs and sat down. She was not sure what to make of the entire situation.

But Jasper was here, and she was not letting him out of her sight.

They sat there for a while, as her eyes observed the ruffled vampire from head to toe. He looked rough, his hair even more out of place than the last time she had seen him. His shirt was stained, and his jeans were muddy. As her gaze roamed towards his face, she took in a deep breath.

His eyes were a good few shades darker than they had been the last time they had seen each other. And that, well that could become a problem. It was the last piece of the puzzle that Bella needed, as her brain sprung into action. Without hesitation, her clear voice broke their silence.

“I have one question” she probed

Jasper glanced at her, tilting his head slightly so one of his curls fell free in front of his eyes while his hands smoothed one of the maps.

“Only one?”, he questioned while his eyes narrowed ever so slightly, “Shoot”

“What are you planning on eating in the next year?”

He gave her a sly look.

“You probably mean who

Bella rolled her eyes, as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

A sly smile now matched his facial features, as he stated evenly,


“Thanks, buttercup” Bella said. She tried to sound exasperated, but she was very aware that a hint of fear tainted her voice.

Jasper was unpredictable. The friendliness that she had built up so easily with Felix had not set a precedent for how their relationship would unfold. The blond vampire had been gone for a week, and after exchanging a few sentences, she was immediately on edge.

She took a deep breath,

“What I meant was, are you planning on killing innocent people?”

Jasper co*cked his eyebrow.

The question was enough to tear his attention away from the papers in front of him.

His darker eyes roamed across her body, settling on her face. He walked towards her, not breaking eye contact. He positioned himself behind her chair, putting his hands on her shoulders.

Bella kept facing forward, not looking sideways, as she felt the breath of his words on her ear.

“It’s not really any of your business”, his words were gentle nevertheless laced with menace.

A chill ran down her spine,

“However, I would need to feed every few months, weeks, or even days depending on how much I take at the time.”

He took a moment to pause, drawing in a breath that caressed Bella’s neck.

“Innocents are more likely to be targeted, as they are easier, and more enjoyable, to seduce”

It was easy to get carried away with his face so close to hers. The strands of his hair curled down, brushing gently against the shell of her ear. It brought both relief and a stirring restlessness.



It took a second for Bella to comprehend his words.

“Seduce?” Bella asked confused.

Jasper withdrew, leaving a cold feeling free to creep into the curve of her neck.

He walked around her and pulled out the chair at the head of the table, placing himself next to Bella. He nonchalantly propped his ankle on his other knee, as he looked at her.

“Seduce”, his deep voice confirmed, “makes the drinking a bit easier. The killing a bit messier.”

“Killing?” Bella questioned, her voice surprisingly even.

“It’s not necessary, but many vampires still tend to do it. Like a trophy of sorts.”

Jasper shrugged his shoulders as if he did not just talk about taking an innocent life away.

Bella tried to swallow the bitterness in her throat, but no matter how hard she tried, the taste of it lingered.

“Given it any thought?” Jasper asked while glancing back toward the maps on the table.


“Good. Our arrangement will be a bit more clinical. There’s no need to seduce you – as you know you’re being bitten. No need to hide any of it.” he said with a hint of a smile, his finger absentmindedly tracing one of the maps.

Bella nodded. That was indeed good. Her skin crawled at the idea of being seduced and then becoming a meal. That scenario just did not sit right with her.

“How would it work?”

Jasper’s eyes focussed back to Bella, as he replied,

“I would use my nail or incisors to make a small incision on your wrist or another spot – wherever you prefer really. It should be near a bigger vein though, otherwise, it will take a while”

Bella nodded, taking in the information.

“Why a vein, and not an artery?”

The corner of Jasper’s mouth turned up at the question.

“Veins are typically closer to the surface of the skin and have a steadier, less forceful flow of blood compared to arteries, making them a more practical choice for the act of feeding.”

“Ah. Okay, that makes sense.”

The corner of his lip turned slightly up.

“So, what do you say?” Jasper asked while looking at her.

Bella let a pause fall, as she once again roamed through all the arguments. For. Against. Yes. No.

Mulling it over. And over.

Like a carousel ride, she went on the merry-go-round one last time as she settled on her final verdict. The information that she had just received had swayed her vote.

“Have it your way. I will be your Vein Volunteer. Happy to roll up my sleeves for a good cause”, the humor in her voice clashed with the look in her eyes, “however, there are some conditions involved”

Jasper nodded curtly, it seemed like he had expected as much.

“Due to the nature of this agreement and our current situation, it is better to put it in writing”, he said as he took out a paper, quickly drafting a setup.

While writing down what Bella assumed to be the different parties, he asked, “What are your conditions?”

Bella did not need to think twice. She stated her demands clearly and briefly, as if it were an everyday task.

“One: you will not change me. Two: You answer all my questions. Three: You do not kill or feed on anyone else unless it cannot be explicitly helped. If so, you do not kill and only feed from people in the lower rungs of society”

“Deal, and deal” he stated while co*cking up an eyebrow,

“And let me rephrase that last point: you want to be my sole food source, to save some random people you think are worth saving? And allow me to feed from others that you deem are not so? Way to put in a morally grey line between black and white” he laughed.

Bella rubbed her temples with her hands. Stated like this, it did sound ominous. But she had no time and no will to think about this further. She hoped the situation would just not occur at all. She just wanted this to be over.

“I don’t care.” She said.

That was a lie. She did care. In an ideal world, no person would be harmed. Or bitten. However, she knew how slippery contracts could be, and under no circ*mstances she wanted to get in a position where she would be his only source of food. That would not end well under any circ*mstances.

“Deal or no deal?” she questioned.

Jasper nodded.

“Deal”, he confirmed as he quickly scribbled down the last condition. He then handed the white paper to Bella.

Bella skimmed the contract. It was short but sweet.

This is an agreement between Party A, hereinafter referred to as Major Jasper Whitlock, and Party B, hereinafter referred to as Isabella Marie Swan, to outline the terms and conditions for the exchange of information between both parties.

Party A's Obligations: Major Jasper Whitlock agrees to supply truthful information at request, and drink primarily from Party B without killing or changing, unless rendered impossible by any other means
Party B's Obligations: Isabella Marie Swan agrees to supply blood at the request of Party A, as long as Party A keeps to the outlined conditions.

The contract can be terminated at any time by both parties if they wish to do so.

Signature Isabella Marie Swan

Signature Major Jasper Whitlock

She looked at Jasper and held out her hand. He put the pen in hers, and she swiftly signed the bottom of the paper. As she put the pen down, her shoulders slumped and a small sigh escaped her lips.

It had been done.


Jasper had swiftly taken their contract and filed it away in a plastic cover filled with some other papers. He then turned back to his maps, staring over the different colored areas that were marked. He folded them and put them away in his backpack, as he made his way to the kitchen.

Bella raised her eyebrows in a questioning matter, as she followed his gait.

His back was turned to her, but her confusion must have seeped through into her emotions, as his rich baritone filled the room,

“You have questions and I need to feed. But first, you need to eat yourself. We both get nothing out of this if you collapse halfway through.”

Bella was sure as hell he could now feel her uncertainty morph into frustration. Who the hell did this guy think he was to dictate her like this?

“First you disappear for literally days, and now suddenly you make me lunch? What the f*ck is actually wrong with you?”

Jasper shot her a defiant smile.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Bella had to suppress the urge to facepalm, opting to clench her fists instead.

They remained quiet for a while as Jasper busied himself in the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, he brought her a plate of grilled chicken, a fried egg, brown rice, avocado, and a mix of berries. Not the most straightforward combination, but it looked appetizing enough.

As her eyes trailed over her plate, she made a note that it held all the ingredients that one needed before donating blood.

Wait a minute

Bella sighed as the cogs in her head turned and shifted into their respective gears. Yet, she did not have enough energy to even breach the topic. She was done.

Bella had questions that needed answering, so she drank her water and ate her food. Alone. Staring at the white wall of their Airbnb, overthinking her life choices of the past half an hour. When she had eaten most of it, she brought her plate and cutlery to the kitchen and gave it a quick rinse.

As she came back around the corner to sit at the table, she walked straight into Jasper. His posture had straightened, and he immediately felt taller and more imposing. He had freshened up, wearing some clean clothes. In the meantime, the color of his eyes had intensified, growing a few shades darker. Damn.

“Please sit” he said, his hand directing her to the table

Bella grew a bit anxious under his intense gaze. She sat on top of the wooden table, her hands falling down her sides as her feet dangled in the air. Jasper immediately stood next to her, his presence filled her senses, as Bella bit her lip.

“I will monitor your vitals by holding two of my fingers at your neck. If at any point you feel dizzy, or feel uncomfortable, let me know”

His gaze had softened a bit, as he kept her eyes on hers.

“Will you be using your gift? Is that even possible?” Bella asked

Jasper shook his head.

“A question I will answer afterward. But in essence, no. I will not use my gift unless you specifically ask me to. However, I would prefer not to use it all”

Bella nodded her head. Fair.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his eyebrows raising slightly.

Bella took a deep breath. She was ready. At least, as much as she could possibly be. Her voice was steady, as she answered while holding his gaze

“Yes”, a shimmer passed her eyes as she added, “Enjoy your meal, buttercup”

Jasper gave her a smirk. One of his hands moved to her neck, his cold fingertips tracking her heartbeat. With his other hand, he brought her wrist to his mouth.

Bella appreciated the honesty, he moved exactly like he had told her he would. She braced herself for pain, but as his lips brushed against her skin and his teeth sank down, she only felt a small pinch. Akin to two little mosquito bites.


Jasper’s lips closed around the wound, and she felt him drink from her. A pulling sensation… Bella could not help but let the loudest giggle escape her throat.

Jasper’s eyes shifted to hers, shooting her a confused look as he raised an eyebrow. His lips were still locked to her wrist. Bella waved her free hand around.

“No, no, no worries – it’s just… the weirdest feeling. It almost tickles..” a small laugh escaped her lips with her words, there was no stopping herself.

Jasper gave a small hum in return, the vibrations running up her arm.



This time, her body’s reaction was remarkably different. She quickly used her breathing exercises to steady her breath, hoping that Jasper had been too busy enjoying his meal that he didn’t notice that tiny slip of emotions.

They sat like that for a while, the soft sway and pull around her wrist matching her heartbeat. It was almost tranquil.

The fingers on her neck slowly released her pulse point, as Jasper moved his hand to his back pocket. He took out a gauge, his lips still on her skin, as his tongue swiped across her wound. His eyes never left her wrist as he bandaged it up.

“The venom will seal the wound, but if it hurts in the next few hours, let me know”

Bella nodded.

“How do you feel?” a hint of concern slipped into Jasper’s question.

“Good… I think? That was the weirdest thing”

Jasper nodded. He wore an unusual and unidentifiable expression on his face.

“Do you want to break the contract?”

Bella vehemently shook her head.

“No.. no, I just need to get used to it I guess. And, I have way too many questions for you, she said with a smile, while looking at her dangling feet.

Jasper had shifted his stance, now standing imposingly in front of her. He took her chin between his thumb and index finger, slowly tilting her head upward until she looked directly at him.

His bright red eyes were searching for something, his face bearing an unreadable expression. Once Jasper found whatever it was he was looking for, his fingers left her chin. He took half a step back, relaxing the muscles in his face as he spoke

“Fire away, Sparks”


// soooo another chapter!! Super excited for this one, and let me please know what you guys think! <3

Also, this will be a slow burn, as in we will have a couple more chapters worth of tension. I hope you guys dont mind, but if you have any tips or find it becomes too much, shoot me a comment! Its also the first time for me that im writing something like this - so its a learning experience :)!

Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely Sunday!!

Chapter 35: Are You Gonna Go My Way?


//Title: Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice’s POV

“Edward”, Alice spoke harshly as she addressed her brother, “will you please get it together? We are heading in completely the wrong direction.”

She could barely contain the exasperation in her voice as her hands carefully rubbed her temples. Their little expedition was becoming more and more complicated by the minute.

They had been roaming the Moroccan desert for five days, and Alice was sure they both knew in their core that they would not find Bella here. Or anywhere in Africa for that matter. At the very least, they ought to realize their error, assuming they had any tracking skills. Alice was sure they had left Bella’s scent in Volterra and had not picked it up since. Edward however...

Alice inwardly rolled her eyes at the thought; as it turned out, Edward really was an abysmal tracker. Rose had been right. He had not noticed the absence of a trail yet. Instead, he was moving full steam ahead on a hunch, or as Alice had dubbed it, a mere whisper of his imagination. Great.

On top of that, he was actively ignoring their only fail-safe. One could trust and rely upon Alice’s visions, something she tended to do, albeit with care, especially after the latest fiasco; her brother, however - well he was an entirely different matter.

Alice had seen Peter and Rosalie traveling across the Mediterranean, and although she could not hone in on Bella – nor her ex-husband for that matter – she was sure that Peter and Rose, as well as Demetri and Alec, would eventually lead them to her. Their goal.

Her visions, though brief and indistinct, resembled peering through foggy glass. Despite their haziness, they offered a semblance of clarity: they would meet Bella this Aria Seria. They just had to wait. Patience was key, akin to the slow expansion of molasses in the chill of January.

Edward though… Edward had clearly lost faith. Faith in Alice. Faith in life. Faith in the righteousness of the world. Idiot. His reunion with Bella had hit him hard, and this time even Carlisle could not bring him out of his slump.

The patriarch had parted with Edward with one advice: to listen to Alice, to follow her lead. After all, they all wanted - no, needed - Bella to join their coven. Carlisle even had raised his voice before they left Volterra, urging Edward to heed Alice's advice and visions. Not that Carlisle had provided much information, as their communication had been confined to whatever was not confidential. Too many vampiric ears had been listening in at all times.

At this point, Alice began wondering if Carlisle's lack of details was the reason Edward refused to listen. But she knew better. Edward was pettier than that.He felt that Alice had lied to him.

Alice struggled to contain a huff. Even the thought of the absurd insinuation made her blood boil. Lied?! Like she had hidden some sort of absolute truth that he had the right to know. As if.

She pinched the bridge of her nose.

Edward seemed to forget that he had seen exactly what Alice had seen, and had reached the exact same conclusions. No more, no less. And these assumptions - that both of them made, mind you - had backfired, spectacularly.

Fortunately, it ended less with a bang and more with a whimper. The Aria Seria had provided them with the opportunity to get Bella on their side without any of them being prosecuted for their crimes. An unexpected act of goodwill and incredibly lenient of the Volturi.

Edward did not see it that way.

No. Edward was tormented by a mix of frustration and anguish, avoiding conversation altogether. He forged ahead with unwavering determination, neither reflecting on the past nor considering the future. And that is how they were now trudging through the scorching Moroccan sun, following the supposed trail of Isabella Swan and Jasper f*cking Whitlock. Who would have thought?

“Bella is here. I know it. I feel it” Edward’s voice sounded hopeful, like a sliver of sunshine on a cloudy day.

Too bad that Alice had to be the storm that drove that sunshine away, sending the hope back to where it came from. Bella was not here, not even close, that much her visions had clearly depicted.

“Edward, just stop.”

He did not stop. Neither physically or mentally. He kept putting one foot in front of the other, and if Alice had Jasper's powers, she was sure she could see the anticipation swirl around him. Yet, Edward had not made a decision in ages, and Alice could not see where they would end up. She was blind, walking in the desert with her hands figuratively tied behind her back. But still, she trailed behind him, guarding his back, like she always did. Like she would always do.

Alice had indulged Edward. And she still was indulging him. After all, as a small part of her brain steadily kept reminding her, what was the harm? They were playing the waiting game anyway, so why not let him lead for a while? Let him process his emotions at his own pace.

However, that had been her conviction a few days ago, when the sandy dunes had been a new sight. Currently, as she looked across the desert that seemed to stretch endlessly before them, she was regretting that decision immensely.

After all, he had had years to process his feelings before the announcement, and that had not fared any better. Nope.

She shrugged her shoulders, willing her thoughts away, and fell into a steady pace behind her brother. For the next few hours they walked, and they walked. The day turned into night, before Alice tried again.

“Edward, please”, her voice sounded pleading, but to what end she was not entirely sure.

Yet, her voice received a reaction. Edward’s pace halted, before coming to a full stop as he turned around. His bronze hair whipped around his head as the moonlight illuminated his pale skin. Alice stopped, quickly repressing her unexpected shock in her thoughts, mentally rattling off the past fifty years of Prada's summer collections while she observed her brother. The look in his amber eyes was desolate, and his face was etched with sadness.

Tentatively, she bridged the gap between them. Her small arms wrapped him up in an awkward hug. She was quite a bit shorter than him, and with the lack of reaction as his arms hung lifeless next to his body, it felt very much like embracing a statue.

They stood like that for a while, Alice's arms wrapped closely around Edward, before he exhaled a long breath. His arms started moving, and reciprocated the hug. Alice smiled against her brother’s t-shirt. This was at least a beginning.


The fire in front of them crackled, the light playing hide and seek with the shadows, as they sat under the starry sky in the desert. Not that they needed the warmth, but the familiar feeling of camping brought some comfort to both of them. Some sense of normalcy after the rollercoaster of emotions they had experienced in the past days.

A soft smile played on Alice’s lips. She was here for a greater goal, but that did not mean that she could not help her brother in the process. Because, if she would not be able to aid him, to get him to cope, there was no knowing what kind of liability he could become.

Her mind swiftly flashed back to the scene he created at the announcement of the Aria Seria. Secondhand embarrassment as well as anxiety had swirled through her body. She knew the Volturi, and understood what kind of implications this kind of behavior could entail. The unforeseen lack of consequences was a huge relief, but worrying as well. She was more than familiar with the coven, and although they knew how to operate in the blind corners of her gift, she was well aware that Aro never made any move without a well-hedged strategy.

Whatever way she had turned the situation, it always spelled trouble for their Coven.

Which meant that the Cullens needed Edward. Needed him to pay attention. To listen. And to help them to figure this plan out. He was the one who got them into this mess, and he was essential to get them out.

Her golden eyes found Edward’s.

“Edward, please… talk to me”, Alice implored, as the words tumbled over her lips they felt unfamiliar.

Edward averted his gaze, as his brows furrowed.

He took a deep breath,

“I lost her, Alice. I lost her" his voice wavered, "... then we found her. And now I lost her again...”

Alice nodded, unsure of what to reply. She had to tread this minefield with care. In the back of her mind, behind the tranquil music and sorrow she held up for Edward, her thoughts roamed freely.

Edward left her first. There was no other way around it. He had been the first one to go, dragging them, his coven, with him. Confronted by his own image, and not liking the fact that he almost killed her, he had blamed it all on Jasper. And once the subject of his blame departed from their family, he had all but imploded. Leaving Alice and Carlisle with a volatile vampire that had broken into a million pieces.

They had built him back up. Slowly but surely. Step for step. Piece by piece. And now, with the resurrection of Isabella Swan from the death, she would not be escaping her babysitting title for the foreseeable future. Yay – f*cking – hay.

Alice took a measured breath. She had to get Edward out of his funk for once and for all. She had no animo to spend the next twelve months caring about his fragile mental health. He created this mess, and he could damn well lie in his own bed. Time to get over it.

“We need to find her, Edward, so that Carlisle can sire her. That is the plan”

His eyes narrowed.

“That is your plan”

Alice rolled her eyes. Her plan. Carlisle’s plan. Semantics. Whose plan it was did not matter in the slightest. There was no other plan.

“Edward, let me make this crystal clear. Isabella will either die or become a vampire. Her human days are over”

His mouth contoured into a straight line.

“Edward, I am incredibly serious.”

Her brother seemed to disagree. He opened his mouth, weighing his words, before he spoke resolutely. “But, there is a chance. We can find her, and we can disappear with her. She can live out her human days! In peace!”

Alice clenched her jaw. Edward was truly incredible. Incredibly idiotic.

“For f*ck’s sake Edward, open up your goddamn eyes!” she spat, “we have Demetri, the Major, and the whole f*cking Volturi on our backs. There is not one future in which the decision you just took will end well. For any of us.”

Opening up the floodgates that held back all the different futures, Alice showed Edward exactly what kinds of demises not only him, but their entire coven, would be facing, if he went through with his plan.

Her visions for the next year were uncertain, but the long-term effects of Edward's decision were glaringly obvious. And she did not spare him any of the graphic details. Turns out the Volturi were quite creative, their punishments ranging but not limited to death by a bonfire, being torn to pieces by mice, or being chained to the bottom of the Mediterranean ocean for a thousand years. In all cases, fire was the last thing Alice or Edward would be able to experience.

The conclusion was clear, no matter which way they turned the future, if Edward decided to run off with Miss Swan, the annihilation of the Cullen coven would soon follow.

As he saw the movie Alice played, his eyes widened. He roughly shook his head as he stared at her.

Alice softened her voice,

“Edward, we know what happened to Anja. It was unfortunate, and we will make sure this can and will not happen to Isabella. But please, she will have to turn…” her voice was back to pleading again.

It seemed to have an effect. Her mind was flooded with his decision to help, to adhere to the rules that they had signed up for. A soft smile played on Alice’s lips in return. Good. This was better.

Edward nodded.

“Promise me” he said, his voice no louder than a whisper.

Alice looked at him, pity welling up in her core.

“I promise Edward, Isabella will be sired by Carlisle, mated to you, and she will be safe for as long as I live.”

Edward tilted his head, as the fire illuminated his face, a mix of worry and resolve settled in his eyes.

“Thank you”

Alice held his gaze as a spark of hope ignited in her core. The acute tension had disappeared, Edward’s body sinking into a gentle stillness. For the first time in years, Edward looked as young as he was. As her eyes observed the teenage boy in front of her, she spoke the only words she could think of

“It's all okay, we are both Cullens. We're family. We stick together.”


// hey all! Turns out typing with a cast one on finger makes things a bit slower than anticipated. This is a snapshot of Alice and Edward, and the next chapters will hone in again on our fav hunted pair!

As always, I hope you guys enjoy it. In case if feedback, theories, questions, please let me know! I love to read all your opinions! Have a lovely day!

Chapter 36: Ain't Got Time


//Title: Ain't Got Time - Royal Republic

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bella’s POV

Bella was captivated by the vivid crimson eyes, feeling as though she was sharing part of her soul as she stared into them. Her mind was blank – there was absolutely nothing to be found – as she dimly perceived Jasper’s expectant gaze.

Right. Questions.

Time to focus.

Bella let out a shaky breath. Her brain was not cooperating in the slightest. The spots where Jasper had touched her skin still tingled, her chin and jaw were currently monopolizing all her attention.

Jasper tilted his head, causing his tousled, half-long curls to cascade down his neck.

Bella bit her lip as she urgently willed her brain to function. She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, as she followed the only trail she could think of.

“So, your official name is Whitlock?”

The man in front of her co*cked an eyebrow.

She had to suppress a laugh, her amusem*nt simmering beneath the surface at his reaction. Clearly, they both agreed—she was an idiot.

“I just served you dinner on a silver platter, so the least you can do is answer, Whitlock

Bella could have sworn she saw a slight tensing in his jaw as his name entered the conversation.

“Perceptive as always” he replied evenly, as he folded his arms across his chest, the fabric tightening around his biceps, revealing the perfectly shaped muscles hidden underneath.


Bella spotted a sly smile. His full name had been evident on the contract, and she felt like it gave a bit of the mystery that was Jasper away.

Jasper held her gaze, his posture shifting ever so slightly.

As they stared at each other, Bella had to suppress a yawn, yet the shiver that ran through her spine could not be ignored. A sense of coldness enveloped Bella, together with a growing feeling of weakness. Damn. She might have donated a bit more blood than she had intended to.

Her shift of body language did not go unnoticed by the vampire. Within a split second, his eyes refocused, moving from the edge of the room back to Bella, observing her keenly from head to toe.

“You appear somewhat pale. Perhaps it's best that you move to your bedroom.”

Bella parted her lips to protest, but Jasper interrupted her

“You can lie down under the covers, and take a moment to recharge, while I keep my distance and tell you a bit about myself”, his crimson eyes held her gaze intently, “it’s what we agreed upon”

It was indeed. Nodding, Bella felt the weight of tiredness settling in. She was beyond exhausted, and the proposal seemed like a sensible choice.

In one fluid motion, she jumped off the table, momentarily steadying herself, battling light-headedness, before heading toward her bedroom. As she settled under the cozy white duvet, Jasper entered, bringing along a cut-up apple and carrying a glass of water.

Bella leaned over to take both eagerly, and patted the end of the bed with her hands. She took a few big gulps of the water, while eyeing the vampire expectantly over the rim of her glass. She was eager to hear the story that was about to be told.

Jasper arched an eyebrow, as he sat down in a bit of an uncomfortable position, scraping his voice.

“My name is indeed Jasper Whitlock…”

The deep rumble of Jasper’s baritone filled the room, as he told her about his life. And what a life he had lived.

As the youngest major in the Texas State Militia, he later transitioned to the Confederate army during the merger. He spent the following four years immersed in the Civil War until he was transformed in his late twenties. By then, he had risen to the rank of colonel, but his old nickname, "Major," clung to him like bees to nectar. The troops famously referred to him by this title, honoring his achievements. To Jasper, it was a mark of respect.

A sign of respect that he unwillingly had taken with him into the vampiric world; the lines in his face hardened as touched upon the topic of the supernatural, and as he approached the end of his human life, his voice hesitated.

Bella sat unmovingly on the bed, still captivated by his retelling of the Civil War.

Major Jasper Whitlock, a human who spent the majority of his life in one battle or another. A fighter through and through. In her mind, she repeated his name once more, tasting its natural flow as it rolled around her brain.

The silence between them pulled her out of her thoughts. Her brown eyes looked at the man across from her; once again, his posture was rigid, his expression growing stern, as he seemed consumed by his thoughts.

“Jasper,” she said carefully, her tone earnest, “what’s the story behind you becoming a vampire?”.

A wry chuckle escaped his lips, as he returned her gaze.

“By the hands of the devil herself…”, He paused momentarily, his face remaining as neutral as ever, “… Maria.”

Bella tilted her head, she subconsciously straightened her shoulders at his harsh tone.

“What happened?”

His mouth twitched slightly at one of its corners, a movement Bella might have missed if not for her extensive training, as he tugged at his black long-sleeved shirt.

“Not something I would like to relive. Or retell for that matter. In essence, I got turned by a vampire during one of the evacuations I was overseeing...”

It was enough of a kickstart for Jasper to elaborate on the Southern Wars, touching on how he had spent the beginning of his vampiric life just surviving, his gift being an immense help as well as the bane of his existence during these times.

The way his facial expressions changed, Bella wondered if his gift ever had given him any positive experience.

“… During my time, I have been given many nicknames. The devil, the Major, il Diavolezzo, God of War – just to name a few”, he looked her straight in the eye, “most vampires believe I am a ghost. A dangerous story. A mere warning of what could be out there. This sentiment resonates with me too, as those memories hold little value, filled with regret and a wish to never revisit them”

He allowed a moment of silence to settle, his expression easing slightly.

“Although, it was during the wars that I met Peter, and later Charlotte. My family.” He took a deep breath, “in order to defend Charlotte from… the Major, Peter appealed to my humanity. Something I had thought I lost long before I met him…”

Jasper's facade cracked ever so slightly, allowing a hint of pain and sorrow to seep through, enough to cast a shadow over Bella's heart.

“… He succeeded. I let them escape, and faced the consequences

His face contoured at the last worth, and Bella understood implicitly that this is how much she could push him for answers. A thick blanket of stress, anxiety, and pain enveloped her.

“Five years later, they came back for me, and got me out of there. Risking their own lives to save mine. A debt I have since then been trying to repay.”

The room fell eerily quiet. Jasper’s lips twisted into a smile that was tainted with pain.

“And that, dear Isabella, is what is wrong with me”

The air around Bella grew heavier and heavier, it was almost suffocating her. As she focussed on Jasper, she saw he had fully closed his eyes. His features were grim, his mouth slightly ajar, allowing a glimpse of his sharp teeth.

She should be frightened.

Instead, she felt sympathy. And an intense need to comfort the man in front of her.

She leaned her upper body across the bed, gently placing her hand on Jasper’s. His arm flinched, but he didn’t pull away. Seeing it as an open invitation, she gently ran her thumb in circles over the back of his hand, mirroring the comforting gestures Charlie used to offer her.

She couldn't gauge how much time had passed as they sat there, but eventually, the sore muscles in her back forced Bella to switch her position. As she laid down with her face close to the foot end of the bed, her hand still extended and tracing circles across Jasper’s cold skin. Little by little, the heaviness slowly diluted in the air, and she drifted into a peaceful sleep.


“I want to get a tattoo”




“Pretty please”


“Come on, you cannot let me stay inside forever!”

“You are a grown woman, yet you beg like an infant. Consequently, you are treated as one. Get it together, before the role grows on me and I send you to your room”

Bella threw her hands up in frustration. The last few weeks had become a monotone routine of indoor sports and diligently working on her shield – where Jasper had only helped her once, mind you –, and spending time alone in the new flat as Jasper did whatever god knows what. Not helping her. That was for sure.

They had relocated to London. According to Jasper, the scents and smells of the metropole provided them with the best chances to go by unnoticed. Not that it made any difference to Bella; she was ordered to stay inside anyway. The outside world was too dangerous. Ugh. As if.

The two of them had barely exchanged a word after Jasper’s revelation about his past. The only discussions they had had were on the topics of her shield, how she should work harder to develop it, some basic vampire 101 info, as well as that she had to eat and take care of herself. Bella had inwardly rolled her eyes every damn time. She needed more, and the brunette was quite convinced that Jasper shared her sentiment.

The talk had left them at a weird place. Jasper seemed to have pulled back, falling into a certain quietness, avoiding talking when not absolutely necessary; whereas Bella had decided to just leave things be. She had written a list of questions that she wanted answered at one point or another, but for now, she felt okay. She felt safe.


Well, except for the existential dread that kept circling and drowning her every evening once she lay in bed. Alone. With darkness surrounding her.

Her future.

Now that the lull of a daily routine had steadily returned to her life, Bella’s brain had been more than able to process her predicament. And she was not handling it all exceptionally well. There were things she still wanted to do. To experience. After all, she would not be human – or alive – depending on who got to her first, much longer.

So, she made a list of things she wanted to do, which included getting a tattoo.


Which was exactly the topic she had just broached with Jasper, their tension still hanging in the air, mingling with the comforting aroma of freshly made tomato soup. As the smooth liquid rolled over her taste buds, it warmed her from the inside out, matching the intense gaze that was currently fixed upon her.

Jasper was not particularly amused. No. Gauging by his reaction, the man was not amused at all. Bella watched him from the doorway, noting his stance with one toned arm casually propped against the frame. With every passing moment in each other's company, however fleeting, Bella found herself becoming increasingly adept at deciphering his moods. Now, as she studied him, it was clear to her: he was actually pissed.

“Isabella, you are not leaving the apartment, and you are not getting inked”, he took a commanding step toward her


“Because,” he said while taking another step, carefully punctuating each word, “I say so”

Bella crossed her arms, feeling indeed awfully like a petulant child, while resting her hands on her black cotton t-shirt.

“You are not the boss of me” she almost spat back

“No, but I am in charge of your safety”

Jasper had bridged the distance between them, they were only standing a few feet apart. They seemed to do that a lot. Curious. His tall frame was towering over her, and Bella had to resist the urge to cave to his dominant stance. But there was no backing down. Not today. She wanted that tattoo, and she wanted it badly.

Bella took a deep breath, which calmed her voice as she spoke.

“In case you are not aware of the situation, Major, let me spell it out for you. I am going to be killed in every sense of the word in a few months, tops. The least you can do is entertain my human whims.”

His darkened crimson eyes held her gaze. Another subtle power struggle unfolded, but Bella was holding her ground.

“We still have more than enough scent neutralizer to last us the year. I can blend into the crowd. It won’t be long”

Jasper was not caving either, and Bella knew she had to sweeten the deal. Or at least, try to give him something that might appease his mood. Something, she had learned, which was not an easy task.

“You can accompany me and wait outside of the parlor. You can even have a drink beforehand…” she said as she waved her wrist in front of his nose, “… so you are in tip-top shape…”

She let a pause fall, “… you know, so we can give each other a Christmas present

Jasper arched one of his eyebrows, “I wouldn't exactly consider fulfilling contractual obligations a Christmas gift", he quipped.

Bella’s hands lifted in front of her, creating a barrier between them, as if to defend her idea.

“Well, then what would you consider a Christmas gift?”

Jasper crossed his arms, pondering her question. After a momentary pause, his deep voice seemed to have found an answer.

“You will train your shield for the next few weeks, and I will be helping. No discussion.”

Bella let out a small sigh. His demand was unexpectedly expected.

She had been avoiding being subjected to Jasper’s gift while training. Like, very much so. He had tried it on her. Once. When they were still in Zurich, and the fear he had spread into her core had left a sour taste in her mouth. She wanted to develop her gift herself, without his war or fear-mongering tactics. Although they were under quite some pressure, he had backed down. Given her space. It seemed she had run out of that luxury.

Yet, exchanging it for a tattoo….

Weighing the options, the solution was simple. She wanted her Christmas present. Badly. I mean, it might be my last, she mused. And that thought sealed the deal.

Bella stuck out her hand, “Deal”

The corner of Jasper’s mouth turned up in return as he shook her hand in a firm grip.


As they released each other’s grasp, Jasper’s red eyes roamed across her body.

“You need to eat. Finish your soup” He spoke in a commanding manner

“Yes sir” she muttered sarcastically, suppressing the urge to salute him in the process.

As Jasper’s feet began moving, Bella arched an eyebrow, staring at the half-full bowl in front of her.

“Where are you going?” she asked. Her voice was a bit more hesitant than she would like it to be. He had been gone an awful lot, and somehow she had been feeling quite vulnerable on her own. A feeling she was not necessarily used to.

“Doing some recon for your tattoo parlor. Both quality and safety-wise. We don’t want you to end up with some botchy lines, an infection, or a vampire bite – do we now?” he stated evenly.

With the weight of their conversation lingering in the air, Jasper stepped out of their apartment, his footsteps echoing softly in the hallway as he entered the dark and dreary London streets. In the sky, heavy clouds hung low, casting a somber veil over the city, while below, a sea of humanity surged and swirled, caught up in the frantic rhythm of pre-Christmas shopping.

The thud of the door closing brought a small smile to Bella’s lips while she brought the spoon to her lips. She was getting her tattoo. A small win. Although, she knew their playful tug of war had effectively ended in a tie.


The streets of London were awash with rain, the cobblestones gleaming under the dim glow of street lamps. The air was cold and damp, carrying the scent of wet asphalt and the distant aroma of roasted almonds from a street vendor. Puddles formed in the uneven pavement, reflecting the shimmering Christmas lights strung across shop fronts and lamp posts.

In front of a small, unassuming tattoo parlor, Jasper stood straight under the canopy to escape the relentless drizzle. The parlor's neon sign flickered in the murky daylight, casting a soft, red glow that mingled with the mist rising from the ground. The windows of the shop were fogged over, blurring the view of the intricate designs on display, and the silhouette of clients behind.

Although it did not look like much, Bella was grateful that he had done the recon. The artist was very knowledgeable, and she felt like she was in good hands.

It was as such that Bella exited the building with a huge grin on her face, her eyes gleaming as she found her companion desperately trying to remain dry while wearing a sleek black rain jacket, the hood covering half of his face. One of his curls ran down his jaw, dripping with water.

His nostrils flared as he co*cked an eyebrow at her bemused appearance.

“Got what you came for?”

Bella nodded, as she moved her jacket-covered right arm towards him, proudly showing him her hidden accomplishment. She swiftly put on her hood and fell into step beside Jasper.

The line art sketch of an Ewok proudly sat on the back of her arm, just above her elbow. A small homage to Charlie and the time they spent watching the Star Wars originals and prequels when she was younger. He would be with her now, forever. However long that might be.

The back of her left leg itched as well, her loose jogging pants eloquently hiding the fact that she had gotten a second piece of art. That one was for her. And her alone. Appeasing the small part of Isabella that had a soft spot for morbid humor. Placed in such a way that no one would ever see it. At least, not as a human.

Not that she had thought much about her love life as a vampire, but alas, if she made it that far, it could be a possibility that someone else would see it. Maybe. Perhaps.

The rain hit their faces in a steady rhythm as they swiftly turned through the streets of London. They were to return home immediately, back to their trusted apartment, and work on her shield. Tit for tat, and all that. Tonight was Christmas eve, and Bella had a present to deliver.

Yet, Jasper was on high alert. Had been all day; ever since Bella had left the building with him this afternoon, he hadn't been able to relax. His head constantly swiveled, tracking sounds, scents, and people. Bella had no idea what he was doing exactly, but she knew he was on the lookout for any potential threats. And, unfortunately for her, he seemed to be speeding up. Albeit ever so slightly. Yet, there was no mistaking that their leisurely stroll had escalated into a brisk pace. Delightful.

The rain increased its tempo as well, now pouring down on them; Bella could hardly see anything. She really should have brought an umbrella. The streets they were crossing were as peacefully bustling with people as they would be at any time of day. Umbrella’s all around, children walking hand in hand with their parents, as they made their way home for the night. The rain had not deterred anyone, it was London after all.

As the sun set behind the horizon, and the colors of twilight gave away to the darkness of the night, they steadily got closer to their apartment. In return, the more they approached their temporary home, the more Jasper’s vigilance intensified.

And he was not alone. The hairs on the back of Bella’s neck started to stand up. She had no clue what had been following them, but she had an inkling that it was not good. Not good at all.

Her hunch was confirmed, as a few streets away from their front door, Jasper suddenly grabbed her arm, pulling her into a random alleyway.

Caught quite of guard by the sudden change of direction, Bella's attention snapped back once her back pressed against the old brick wall of the building, while Jasper swiftly placed his hands on either side of her head, trapping her in place with just an arm’s length between them.

It was dark, only the shimmering light of a half-broken lantern dimly lit the small street; the light reflected in Jasper’s crimson eyes as they held her gaze, looking incredibly serious.

Here, in the alleyway, there was suddenly no one around them. They were completely alone.

Bella arched an eyebrow, questioning her companion and his impromptu actions.

He leaned in, his cold breath on her neck, as his rain jacket touched her shoulder. His order was barely audible, just a bit more than a whisper.

“A nomad has been following us. Act normal”



What the hell is normal in such a situation? The two of them were certainly skilled at being this near, somehow constantly getting under each other’s skin and moving closer until they were mere inches apart; a fight to get the upper hand that neither of them seemed to win.

But this was a different situation altogether. This was infinitely more dangerous. That much the Volturi had made abundantly clear.

Panic started rising in Bella’s throat, as she indeed heard the distinct echo of light footsteps. A vampire. They were definitely not alone anymore.

As the footsteps halted, Bella kept her face directed towards Jasper, while she casually leaned into the brick wall; his dripping wet hair taking up much of her view. However, in the corner of her eyes, a tall silhouette waited at the start of the street.

The nomad.

Terror seized her, rendering her body immobile as her fear started to consume her entirely.

Jasper, on the other hand, had a different reaction. Out of the blue, he shot her a smooth wink and provided her with some calm, while he let out a hearty laugh. The sound rolled of his tongue as if Bella had just told him the most hilarious joke ever. Yet, his lips turned into a smile that barely reached his eyes. His eyebrows were still furrowed, as he clearly paid attention to their unwelcome visitor.

As if they were in a dance, he moved closer. They were now mere inches apart, as his back shielded both her from a possible attack, as well as Jasper’s ruby eyes from the nomad in question. For all intents and purposes, they were currently humans.

Just humans. Messing around. In an alleyway. Like some people did.


Bella kept her eyes focused in front of her, not wanting to make the mistake of looking directly at the dark silhouette. God only knows what he was able to see with the dim lighting. Staring at the handsome man before her, a swirl of emotions stirred within Bella. Before her eyebrows could knit in puzzlement, Jasper's deep elated voice resonated through the alley.

“I have been wanting to do this all night”

Okay. Now she was really confused. But before Bella could process her thoughts anymore, Jasper leaned in, his proximity caressing the skin of her neck.

Bella’s face was now facing the alley, as she kept her eyes dutifully focussed on the brick wall in front of her before it all clicked together.



Bella's shoulders leaned further back into the wall, closing her eyes a while and tilting her head up, exposing her neck that was currently bared to Jasper’s cold breath. Her hands slid along Jasper’s sides. She pushed him closer, their bodies touching and his lips suddenly touching her skin.

She let out a moan. A loud moan. Much louder than she would normally do - under circ*mstances where her body was not riddled with adrenaline. They were putting up a show after all, they might as well make it look convincing.

From beneath her lashes, she cast a quick glance at the nomad. They were still standing there, at the edge of the darkness.

At the same time, Jasper’s cold lips continued to assault her neck, upping their intensity ever so slightly. He was really putting some effort in, and a pleasant tingling trailed down her skin in response.

She was aware that Jasper could probably still feel the nomad’s proximity; shielded by his tall and muscular frame, she felt her adrenaline settle somewhat. As a loud, almost theatrically moan, hummed against her skin, Bella threw caution in the wind.

f*ck it. He wanted to put on a show? Sure, let’s go buttercup.

And so, one of her hands reached up and tangled her fingers in his wet curls, roughly guiding his head from the crook of her neck to meet her gaze. Their noses were almost touching, while Bella’s eyes briefly held his crimson eyes, silently asking Jasper for permission. With a small tilt of his head, she knew his answer.

If he would like it? Well, that was something Bella did not care to think about.

She shot him a wink while she hiked up one of her legs around his hips. Her other free hand swiftly found its way under his jacket. Her fingers traced the cotton of his shirt, feeling the curve of his well defined abdominal muscles.

In the corner of her eyes, the nomad was still looking at them. What a f*cking voyeur.

Wanting to at least give Jasper some sort of indication that they were still being watched, she put on her best-over-sexy voice – the one that she and Yolanda had perfected during university.

“Oh yes, more!”

The double innuendo should do it. Although, maybe it had been a bit too much.

The corner of Jasper’s mouth quirked up, as he let out a soft scoff, closing the distance between them. His soft cold lips touched hers tentatively, exploring the new terrain. But this was not the time for soft romance. This was the time to put on a drunken love show like only humans could. One that Bella could easily deliver. She’d had some practice back in her university days.

Bella’s free hand was still tangled in Jasper’s wet hair, pulling them closer and deepening the intensity of their kiss. Their lips moved feverously against each other, and Bella could not deny the coil in her stomach that was slowly forming.

Jasper was a good kisser. A very very good kisser.

Mentally quirking an eyebrow at the thought, she was intensely aware that the eyes of the nomad were still on them. It was getting kind of creepy at this point.

Well time to play.

As her tongue swiped the vampire’s lower lip, Bella grinned into their kiss. It seemed to get the appropriate response. Jasper's muscular arms lifted her up against the wall, in a very human-like fashion.

Bella let out another moan, and Jasper, being the great actor that he is, did the same in response. The vibrations ran through her and were paired with a tingling feeling on the back of her neck. She was quite enjoying herself. As Jasper ravished her lips, she quirked one eye open.

Damn. Did that vampire still not move?

Bella felt her anxiety starting to creep in again, thinking about all kinds of possibilities if the nomad were to attack. Would she survive? Not a very likely scenario...

Her thoughts and anxiousness were immediately shut down as Jasper softly caught her lower lip between his lips. She let out a soft groan at the amazing feeling, leaning fully into his touch. One of his arms found its way under her shirt, as he caressed her flushed skin. Right. Focus Swan.

Elongating the show, Bella captured his lip, sucking it softly, while her hand was roughing through his hair, tousling his looks. They continued for a while, the hairs on the back of her neck still standing up, as Jasper ground into her; Bella's body was captured between him and the the wall, as his entire upper body pressed against her.

Just a few minutes later, as Bella broke away to breathe, she felt more at ease; she quickly peeked through her eyelashes. The nomad had vanished.


She languidly kissed him once more, feeling like their performance deserved an admirable ending, before slowly breaking away, giving a small nod in the process.

She knew her cheeks were flushed, the blood coursing through her veins. A clear combination of adrenaline and the workout she just had. Of course.

As she glanced at Jasper, she looked straight into his onyx eyes.

A controlled breath left her lips, while Jasper slowly put her down on the ground and took a few steps back. As she observed his disheveled appearance, she could not help but quirk her lip. She liked that look on him. Very much so. Her voice was lower than she intended once she finally spoke,

“Nice distraction, Major. Care to elaborate?”

Jasper openly rolled her eyes at her, as he straightened his clothes and put his hood back on to protect himself from the still pouring rain. A bit of a useless gesture, Bella mused to herself.

“By the scent of it, it was regular nomad around these parts. He has not marked any territory, but I spotted him a few times during my surveillance routes. He smelled your wound, and evidently thought we would be a tasty snack, two humans for the price of one. However, from what I have observed, he does not pay much attention to couples. Hence, the deflection”, he stated matter of factly, his voice was raspier than usual.

Bella arched an eyebrow, as the flickering light of the lantern illuminated her face.

“You know, we could have just ran?”

A scowl crossed Jasper’s face. “As if. Inviting an Apex predator on a hunt? No thank you

“We could have hidden?”

“I tried that. Used my gift to make us as uninteresting as possible while we were walking... he had been following us for a while", he ran a hand through his hair, "but what can we say, you do smell exquisite, Sparks”, the corner of Jasper’s mouth turned up.

Bella looked unimpressed, “I am not supposed to smell like anything, scent-neutralizer remember?”

“You have an open wound, Isabella. Exactly one of the reasons why I did not want you to get a tattoo”, his voice sounded exasperated, “and that,” as he gestured at her arm, “that does smell delicious”

Ugh. Bella rolled her eyes as she threw her hands in the air. She might have forgotten about that tiny detail.

“Special ability? Vampire Catnip, check”, she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Well, let’s get you home safely, before you attract any other unwanted visitors”

Jasper gave her a quick once over, before taking her arm and linking them together. As her brown shapely eyebrows looked at him quizzically, he shrugged his shoulders.

“We currently reside in this Nomad’s temporary territory. Although unmarked, and we smell like average humans to him, it might be best to keep up the façade”

With a small sigh, and undeterred by the rain, they walked side by side. Their path was illuminated by the inviting glow of the street lanterns and closing shops as they waved through the crowd.

As a raindrop fell full on Bella’s nose, she could not help but smile as the adrenaline slowly faded away through her body. While it might not have been the Christmas Eve she had imagined, it was shaping up to be quite an enjoyable one. She had felt alive tonight. More than alive. Happy.

She smiled as she looked at her freshly tattooed arm. And with fifty percent of the gifts checked off, the next challenge awaited: wielding a shield. Her shield. That was hidden somewhere deep inside her. Under pressure. That couldn’t be that hard.. can it?

At least the world had given her newfound motivation to tackle her homework. It would be good if she could defend herself from nomads, without relying on Jasper, or his strong muscular arms or full lips, for support.

Although.. being cornered in an alleyway by Jasper Whitlock could admittedly have ended a whole lot worse…


// woooooooooo they kissed. Although, it seems that Bella's rational part is fully aware that it was for show, lets see if her emotional side thinks the same in the next chapters.

//As I aged the characters all up a bit, Jasper's backstory is slightly updated, but tried to stick to the gist of it :)

//As said before, updating with one finger in a cast increases the difficulty, so thank you for your patience. I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and enjoy! In case of feedback, questions, theories, please let me know :)

A Song in Major - MartyWill - Twilight Series (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.