Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (2024)

Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (1)

Activity Report of

Radiation Sci nc<~ C nter in Fiscal 2000

Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (2)

© High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

KEK Reports are available from:

Information Resources Division High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi Ibaraki-ken, 305-0801 JAPAN

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (3)

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (4)


The Radiation Science Center is concerned with the management of both radiation and chemical

safety in KEK. In addition to the tight routine work, R&D work in this field is conducted. The first

part is the R&D activities reported in English and the second part is the studies related to the routine

work written in Japanese. The third part is the data related our activities including awards, name of

outside committees we are engaged in, workshops and symposia, publications, and funds we got. We hope that the activity report is useful for all people who are working in the field of the safety

of accelerator facilities.

Tokushi Shibata

Head, Radiation Science Center

High Energy Accelerator Research Organizatio?

Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (5) KEKB ~ill! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PF-AR, BT, 7t //'1) -*-;v~{;ji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.1.6 m 6 IR~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3o

2.1.7 -t'O){t!L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2 .1.7 .1 liP,\ 'I' i1; 'f ft!\ i'l!l:tW: ~ill! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.1.8 1!!1ff\l'fi:O)r.i'JET 01i:lllftkili!~1:~1i:~i* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.2 if\Wfi¥J~IH9J~i!l! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.2.1 1iXY.I<I:J: < kili!:libit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.2.2 1i:lllftkili!'f-=?' 1) /~V7.7'AO)i!lHtlliHe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 !'Xtlti'tV7. 7' A O)Jllti!t!WI3E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1i:ll!ftkili!:.c-::: ?'- (SARM) 1::: ~T 0 liJfJEIWI3E . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.2.3 Nal V /'7- v- ?' 1::: J: 01!5iii!!±~l!IIJJEO) EGS4 1::: J: 0 ~ffilli . . . . . . . . 34

2.2.4 1i:lllflk<l!'ti:~!f>Jr1f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.2.5 ffi!Milli X kili!3E"E~Ji:O)il'lfi1;1i'lt~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.2.6 t'ltlft1i:lllflill50)jjlljJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3 1!1~:51~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4 it'-'f.:'ti:~ • t'ltlft~{;ji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


4.1 {t(Jlil'j:$1Vf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.1.1 KEKB -y~* '/ t-~:li!J7J<M!lllltfRIJ;f;/7'Y"JO)!:I\~til::tk4o/.JWO)JJJt:$1:B'tJT . . 36

4.1.2 KEKB -y ~ * '/ I· l\\'t<P7J<7. 1-- v·-7-Y"liliil<l1'Jl4o/.JO)pjt:)t:$1tfr . . . . . . 36

4.1.3 KEKB '7 ~ * '/ t-1\\'*IJJJ<Vftf:j!jo/.)0):)1-tfr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.1.4 KEK-B J'l;~'T :c / /-;;-Jtl7 t:z -t /-1;/--P'Jit*t!lo/.JO):)ttfr . . . . . . . . 37

4.1.5 KEKB t 7 C:: 7 7.'7- :c / /'-l:::mr¥-9 0~JI.i!Hr&:B'0):$1tJT . . . . . . . 37


4.1.7 1iJ:M,f;Jl1"f'-'f.:t /?'-l'lllP'l v;f;- H:::--:>,,-c ........................ .



39 39 39

5 .1 1iJ: M ,f;Jl ~ f* 0) ll1l P1 v ;r, - t- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2

Chapter 3 i1l$1 40

1 'lt'l't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

2 jilf'-'j!.:li)fJ!;Jtffi!J!b~ . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3 t / ?' -±{l'/lO)j,JfJE~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4 !f>Jr1fmtli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.1 ~itllJfJE:k'-'f.:~Jf$1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.2 it!L:k'-'f.:#'IX'1li!Ji!f!:gijj~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5 1!!1tRYI-~ ~ ~~mtb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6 1i:ll!ftkili!#$t / ?' -4S f(f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 4 Publication Lists 47

1 Publications in Periodical Journals (2000.1-2000.12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

2 Publication in Japanese (2000.1-2000.12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3 Book .............................................. 50

4 Presentation at Conference etc.(2000.4-2001.3) 51


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (6)

35 Radiation and Residual Dose Rate Induced by the Beam loss at Various

Injection Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19






Radioactivity induced in a Electron Beam Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

36.1 Radioactivity induced in a 2.5-GeV electron beam dump . . . . . . . . 19

36.2 Radioactivity produced in thick targets by 0.1 - 10 GeV electrons . . 19 Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS) by Lasers 20 Response Function Measurements of the Self-TOF Neutron Detector for Neutrons up to 800 MeV ................................. 20

Response of a Three-Element Phoswich Detector Consisting of Inner BC501A Scintillator and an Outer BGO and CaFz(EU) Crystal Wall . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Space Radiation Dosimetry Using Passive Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

40.1 LET distributions obtained by CR-39 plates onboard the space shuttle missions STS-84, 89 and 91 and the dose equivalent estimation by a combination of their distributions and TLD-data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

40.2 Development and application of TLD and CR-39 nuclear track detec-

tors for space radiation dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 41 Study of Pion Transfer Processes of Pionic Atoms in the Gas and Liquid

Phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 42 Study on Activation Analysis using Flow Method for Radiochemical Sepa-

ration and Detection of 11 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 43 Study on Positron Annihilation and Positronium Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 23

43.1 Radiation effect on positronium formation in low temperature polyethylenes 23 43.2 An application of the coincidence Doppler spectroscopy for substances

of chemical interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 43.3 Pressure quenching of positronium in solid biphenyl . . . . . . . . . . . 23

44 The EGS4 Workshop, Class and User Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 44.1 The EGS4 workshop and class . . 24 44.2 User support concerning EGS4 . 24

Chapter 2 f!lf:!l'l::1(:tif.!i:I!J 25

26 26 26 27 28

28 28 28 29

1 j$:1fjij ••...•••


1.1 1.2

0 < lfii!l!R1il!:M~fJll'l11l!$:iM . S3 ~J:ili IR1il!:M ~ fJll'J11! \$:1fj1J

1.3 {ic"f.:'ti:~fJll'J11!f$:jfjlj . 1il!: M ~ 2'<:~ fJll' l11li!!J it . . . 2 .1 iR l!ji*z tg l11li!!J it . . .

2.1.1 m 1 !Rl!JIG 2.1.2 m 2 ~Rl!ji*z

2.1.3 m 3 ~Rl!ji*z 2.1.4 m 4 ~Rl!ji*z 29 1il!:MJ't71' Y 1- ~7'~~1itli.~<:rrvn.::5m 7 7 /7G*~~~=:l3

rt .::51il!:M~3'<::3':%tJ!t 29 2.1.5 m 5 ~Rl!ji*z • • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . • • . • . . • . . • . . • . • • . 3o


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (7)

18.1 Measurement of the cross section for the 63Cu(n,p)63Ni reaction. . . . 10

18.2 39 Ar as a new probe of the fast-neutron fluence of the Hiroshima

atomic bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

19 Evaluation of Activated Materials in Accelerator Facility . . . . . . . 11

20 Experiments Using Synchrotron Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

20.1 Current status of a low energy photon transport benchmark . . . . . 11

21 Fundamental Studies of'Iritium Separation Using Polyimide Membrane and

Its Application for 'Iritium Monitors in Accelerator Facilities 11

22 High-energy Photoneutron from 2 Ge V Electrons Incident on Thick Targets 12

22.1 Measurement of the neutron spectrum by the irradiation of a 2.04-

Ge V electron beam into thick targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

22.2 Measurements of photoneutron spectra from thick Pb target bom­

barded by 1.2 and 2.0 GeV electrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

22.2.1 Target thickness dependence of 90° direction photo-neutron

yields for 2GeV electrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

22.3 Measurements of 90° direction low-energy photo-neutron yields

for 2GeV electrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

22.4 Photoneutron calculation using CHIPS code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

23 Improvement of Low Energy Photon 'Iransport in EGS4 code . . . . . 14

23.1 EGS4 simulation of K-X ray emission due to electron beam incident . 14

24 Measurement of 36Cl Induced in Shielding Concrete of the 12 GeV Proton

Accelerator Facility at KEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

25 Measurements of Cross Section for 75 MeV Neutrons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

25.1 Measurements of double differential (n,xZ) cross section of nitrogen,

Oxygen and Aluminum for 75 MeV neutrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

25.2 Measurements of elastic scattering cross sections for 75 MeV neutrons 15

26 Measurement of Induced Radioactivities for the Evaluation of Internal Ex­

posure at High Energy Accelerator Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

27 Measurement of Neutron Leakage through Labyrinth from High Energy

Proton Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

28 Measurement of Production Cross Sections for 12 GeV Proton Reactions



with Heavy Targets (Pb,Bi) used as Spallation Neutron Sources . . . . . . . 16

Measurements of Scintillation Photons in High Pressure Rare Gases

Neutron Yields from Thick C, AI, Cu, and Ph Targets Bombarded 16

by 400 MeV I nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe, and 800 MeV I nucleon Si Ions . . . . . . . . 17

31 Observation of 180° Correlation of e+e- pair originating from e+(82Sr) + Th

Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

32 Particle Size Distribution of Radioactive Aerosols Formed in Accelerator

Tunnel Air during Machine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

33 PICA3, An Updated code of Photo-Nuclear Cascade Evaporation Code

PICA95, and its Benchmark Experiments .......... . 18

34 Preparation of Radio-Labeled Fullerenes Using Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . 18


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (8)


Chapter 1 Research Activities 1 1 Absolute Scintillation Yields of Inorganic Scintillation Crystals and The

Factors Affecting Their Resolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Accelerator Radiation Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1 Measurements of X-rays from the RF systems of the electron-linear accelerator for KEKB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3 Airborne Gases at High-Energy Accelerator Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Airborne Radioactivity Measurement for Evaluation of Internal Exposure






at High Energy Proton Accelerator Facilities ................... . 3 Application of Monte Carlo Code to a Study of Gamma-Ray Buildup Fac-tors, Skyshine and Duct Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Application of PTEDs to Fast Neutron Dosimetry ............... . 4 6.1 Fast neutron sensitivity of a new plastic track etch detector TNF-1

in the energy region of 0.25 to 15 MeV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Benchmark Calculation with Simple Phantom for Neutron Dosimetry .... Characterization of 11 C, 13 N and 150 produced in Air through Nuclear Spal­lation Reactions by High Energy Protons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Calibration of BaF2 Scintillators for the Particle Energy and Species ...


5 5

10 Complexation of Crown Ether Chromoionophores with Alkali Metal Ions in Surfactant Micelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

11 Deep Penetration Experiment at ISIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12 Dependence of the Doppler-broadening of the Positron-Annihilation Radi-

ation in C60 Fullerenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12.1 Positron annihilation inside C 60 . • • • • • • • • • . . • . • • • • • • . . . . 7

13 Development of DUCT-III Code for Duct Streaming Calculation up to 3GeV 7 14 Developement of a Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field and Measurements

of the Response Function of an Organic Liquid Scintillator the Neutron Energy Range from 66 to 206 MeV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

15 Development of Silver Activation Type neutron Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 16 Development of Slow Positrn Beam for Positron and Positronium Chemistry 9

16.1 New system for a pulsed slow-positron beam using a radioisotopes . . 9 16.2 Application of pulsed slow-positron beam to low-density polyethylene

film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

17 Development of Thermal Neutron Calibration Field with Graphite Pile . . . 9 18 Estimation of the Fast Neutron Fluence of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb . . 10


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (9)

4.1 International Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.2 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5 Reports etc. {2000.4-2001.3} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.1 KEK Proceedings . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.2 KEK Internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6 Internal Reports of Radiation Science Center {2000.4-2001.3} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6.1 RAD-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6.2 RAD-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

6.3 RAD-A . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.4 CHEM-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

6.5 CHEM-W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (10)

Chapter 1 Research Activities

The feature of the research activity in the Radiation Science Center is a wide coverage of the research

fields. The research fields of staff members are nuclear engineering, nuclear chemistry, health physics,

chemistry, and accelerator shielding. Here we briefly described the present status of each research

activity carried out in fiscal year 2000.


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (11)

1 Absolute Scintillation Yields of Inorganic Scintillation Crystals and The Factors Affecting Their Resolutions

S. Sasaki, H. Tawara, K. Saitoh1 , M. Miyajima2 and E. Shibamura3

KEK, 1 The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, 2 f*ckui University, 3 Saitama Prefectual University

We have been studying the absolute scintillation efficiency for gamma rays in several kinds of inorganic scintillation crystals and the factors affecting their energy resolutions. In the studies, the scintillation efficiency is measured in terms of W,-value, defined as Nv/ E, where Np is the number of scintillation photons produced in the crystal for the gamma ray with an energy of E. The value of Np is given by the relation: Npe = Np x Fe x Q., where Npe is the number of photoelectrons from the photocathode of a photomultiplier tube (PMT), Fe the fraction of photons collected at the photocathode, and Qe the quantum efficiency of it. Npe can be measured precisely by operating the PMT as a photodiode and using the preamplifier calibrated in terms of absolute charge numbers. Qe can be measured independently as a function of wavelength. Fe is evaluated by calculating the number of photons from the energy deposition using the electron response function in the crystal with the EGS4 code and by simulating the following photon transport inside the crystal using another Monte-Cairo code (SPC3) incorporated into the EGS4 code (EGS4/SPC3).

In the system of 3"qlx3"Nai(Tl) +3"PMT, W,-value was determined to be 11.7±0.3 eV. The energy resolution for gamma-rays from 137Cs (662 keV) was measured to be 7.7% in FWHM and agrees well with the width calculated using the EGS4/SPC3 code (7.6%).

Presented partly at the 48th Conference of the Japan Society of Applied Physics in Tokyo, the 2nd International Workshop on EGS in KEK, and the 15th workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses in KEK.

2 Accelerator Radiation Safety

2.1 Measurements of X-rays from the RF systems of the electron-linear accelerator for KEKB

H. Nakamura, S. Ban, K. Takahashi, T. Oogoe and A. Enomoto KEK

The RF systems of an electron linear accelerator are important sources of X-rays. A unit of the RF system consists of a klystron, an RF compressor, three RF dividers and a set of waveguides in KEKB linac. X-ray exposure from a klystron collector is well known. Recently, RF compressors have been used in a high peak-power RF system and X-rays from the compressors became an important problem. In the KEK 8-Ge V electron-linear accelerator for KEKB, the X-rays doses from these components were measured with a TLD (thermoluminescent dosimeter). The spatial distribution of the X-ray intensity around these components (SLED, RF divider) was measured by using an IP (imaging plate).

Presented at lOth Symposium of the International Radiation Protection Association, 2000, Hiroshima (IRPA-10).


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (12)

3 Airborne Gases at High-Energy Accelerator Facilities

Y. Oki, Y. Kanda, K. Kondo and A. Endo1


Carbon-11 is one of the principal airborne radioisotopes produced through nuclear spallation reaction by high-energy particles, such as protons and neutrons. To clarify the chemical form of gaseous 11 C,

irradiation of atmospheric air with high-energy protons has been performed at the 12 Ge V proton

synchrotron. The chemical species were found to be only 11 CO and 11 C02 and the proportions were

approximately 80% for 11 CO and 20% for 11 C02.

4 Airborne Radioactivity Measurement for Evaluation of Internal Exposure at High Energy Proton Accelerator Facilities

M. Numajiri, Y. Oki, T. Miura, T. Suzuki and K. Kondo KEK

Principal materials (AI, Fe, Ni, etc.) used in accelerator hardware were irradiated at various places in tunnels of KEK-500MeV and 12GeV proton synchrotrons. Production rates of individual nuclides

and their time variations after beam-off were examined extensively.

A filter sampling method was applied to evaluate an internal exposure by the inhalation of ra­

dioactive airbornes. Both G M and Ge semi-conductor counting methods were used to measure their

radioactivities, and some problems in evaluating the radioactivities by these methods were discussed.

Published as KEK Internal 2000-19, March 2001.

5 Application of Monte Carlo Code to a Study of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors,

Skyshine and Duct Streaming

H. Hirayama


It has become possible to apply a Monte Carlo code to a specified shielding calculation, including

deep-penetration problems, within a reasonable CPU time along with a recent drastic increase in computational power. It is, however, not reasonable to apply a Monte Carlo code to all shielding

calculations at each step. Many shielding calculations for gamma-rays have continued to rely on point-kernel methods incor­

porating buildup factor data. Line beam or conical beam response functions, which are calculated

using a Monte Carlo code, for skyshine problems are useful to estimate the skyshine dose from var­ious facilities. A simple calculation method for duct streaming was proposed using the parameters

calculated by the Monte Carlo code. It is therefore important to study, improve and produce basic parameters related to old, but still

important, problems in the fields of radiation shielding using the Monte Carlo code. In this paper,

these studies performed by several groups in Japan as applications of the Monte Carlo method are


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (13)


Presented at MC2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal.

6 Application of PTEDs to Fast Neutron Dosimetry

6.1 Fast neutron sensitivity of a new plastic track etch detector TNF-1 in the energy region of 0.25 to 15 MeV

H. Tawara, T. Sanami, A. Nagamatsu\ M. Masaki\ H. Kumagai1 and K. Ogura2

KEK, 1 NASDA, 2 Nihon Univ.

CR-39 is a Plastic Track Etch Detector (PTED) with a high detection efficiency for energetic heavy charged particles. The addition of a small amount of antioxidant to pure CR-39 has further improved the PTED characteristics such as the track-formation sensitivity. The long-term stability of latent tracks and insensitivity to gamma-rays along with the high capacity for registering recoil-proton tracks initiated the study of CR-39 as a neutron dosimetry material. Many types of neutron dosimeters based on CR-39 have been developed so far. However, its application to neutron dosimetry is only in the neutron-energy region of approximately 10 MeV or less. Recently, Ogura et a!. have been developing new PTED materials and have improved the track-formation sensitivity in the lower LET region. The commercially-available HARZLAS TNF-1 developed by them has a higher track-formation sensitivity than TD-1 below 10 keV /mm of REL200eV in the PTED material. This sensitization enables registration of tracks of normally-incident protons up to 27 MeV. In this study, the neutron sensitivity of TNF-1 and TD-1 were compared experimentally in the neutron energy range from 0.25 MeV to 15 MeV in order to demonstrate the superior fast-neutron sensitivity of TNF-1.

Presented at the 15th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, 31 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2000, KEK, Tsukuba.

7 Benchmark Calculation with Simple Phantom for Neutron Dosimetry

N. Yoshizawa, Y. Sakamoto', S. Iwai2 and H. Hirayama3 1 MRI, Mitsubishi Research Institute, 2 JAERI

3 NDC, Nuclear Development Corporation, 4 KEK

Benchmark calculations for high-energy neutron dosimetry were performed. Neutron induced energy deposition in cylinder phantom( radius lOOcm, depth 30cm) was calculated. Incident neutron energies were from 100 to 10000MeV. Four single element (hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen) phantoms and ICRU four-element tissue phantom were used. Depth dose distributions in the central region(R=0-1cm) and the whole region(R=0-100cm) were calculated. Calculated results of FLUKA, MCNPX, and HETC-3STEP were compared. There were large differences among calculated results especially for the single element phantom up to a factor of 7.

Presented at Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-5) Paris, France, July 17-21, 2000.


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (14)

8 Characterization of 11 C, 13N and 150 produced in Air through Nuclear Spallation Reactions by High Energy Protons

A. Endo, Y. Oki1 , Y. Kanda1 , K. Kondo1


11 C, 13N and 150 are principal short-lived radionuclides formed in air of operating high-energy

proton accelerators. In this work, their gaseous and aerosol fractions were measured, and chemical forms of the gaseous fraction were characterized.

Presented in IRPAlO, The lOth International Congress of The International Radiation Protection Association, P6a-336, Hiroshima, 2000.

9 Calibration of BaF2 Scintillators for the Particle Energy and Species

T. Hiroishi, T. Sanami1 , M. Takada2, M. Baba Tohoku Univ., KEK1, NIRff2

BaFz scintillators, which are used a counter telescope system to measure the (n,xZ) reaction DDX in

TIARA, are calibrated by using mono-energetic charged particles of protons, deuterons and alphas in

tens MeV region. The particles are produced Cyclotron in NIRS. From the results, light output of

the BaF2 scintilla tors are non-liner with particle energy and strongly depend on Z of particles. The

(n,xZ) DDXs measured by the telescope system are corrected by using the results.

Presented partly at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.

10 Complexation of Crown Ether Chromoionophores with Alkali Metal Ions in Surfactant Micelles

K. Bessho, Y. Kanda, H. Yamamoto\ S. Taniguchi2 , T. Hayash*ta2 , and N. Teramae2

KEK, 1 TOKUYAMA Corp., 2 Tohoku Univ.

Crown ether compounds are known as selective complexing reagents for alkali metal ions. Our co-workers have synthesized various types of organic compounds, in which crown ether groups are

linked to chromophore groups. These compounds, which are called chromoionophores, form complexes with alkali metal ions, and UV-absorption spectra of them change accompanied with complexation.

However, interaction between crown ethers and metal ions are weak in water, so spectral change can be observed only in pure organic solvents or water-organic solvent mixed solutions.

Surfactant molecules form molecular assemblies called micelles in aqueous solutions. It is expected

that complexation ability of crown ethers increase in aqueous micellar solutions because of oil-like en­

vironment inside micelles. We have examined the complexation aspects of three kinds of Na+ selective

chromoionophores in surfactant micelles. It was found that absorption spectra of the chromoionophores

change in the presence of Na + ion in aqueous micellar solutions, although the concentrations of surfac­tants are low (below 1%(v/v)). The complexation constants between chromoionophores and Na+ ions in aqueous micellar solutions are equivalent to the complexation constants in water - organic solvent

mixed solutions in which concentrations of organic solvents are above 50%(v/v).


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (15)

11 Deep Penetration Experiment at ISIS

N. Nakao, T. Shibata, T. Nunomiya1, T. Nakamura1, E. Kim1 , T. Kurosawa1, S. Taniguchi1 ,

M. Sasaki1, H. Iwase\ Y. Uwamino2, S. Ito2, P. Wright3, and D. R. Perry3 KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 RIKEN, 3 Rutherford Appleton Lab.

A deep penetration experiment was performed at a spallation neutron source facility, ISIS. In the ISIS target station, a thick tantalum target is irradiated by 800 MeV-200ttA protons, and is shielded by 284-cm thick iron and 97-cm thick concrete at upward direction. In the experiment, concrete slabs of up to 120-cm thickness or iron slabs of up to 60-cm thickness were additionally equipped at the top of the bulk shield. Neutrons leaked through the transverse bulk shield and additional shield were measured by various activation detectors using 12C(n,2n) 11 C, 209 Bi(n,xn)210-xBi(x = 4 ~ 10) and 27 Al(n,a)24 Na reactions; and by an indium activation multi-moderator spectrometer. The reaction rates and the neutron energy spectra in a neutron energy range from thermal to 400 MeV for the various thicknesses of concrete and iron were obtained. These experimental data will be useful as a benchmark data for neutron deep penetration. From thus-obtained attenuation profiles of 12C(n,2n) and 209Bi(n,xn) reaction rates, the attenuation lengths of high-energy neutrons produced at 90 degree by 800-MeV protons were estimated for concrete and iron. The intra-nuclear-cascade-evaporation Monte Carlo calculations with HETC-KFA2 code and the discrete-ordinates calculations with ANISN code and DLC119/HIL086 cross-section library were also performed to compare with the experimental data. The calculations gave big underestimated neutron fluxes for deep penetration, and gave about 10~20% shorter attenuation lengths.

Presented at 5th Specialists Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerator, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-5), OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2000., and published in KEK preprint 2000-60, July 2000.

12 Dependence of the Doppler-broadening of the Positron-Annihilation Radiation in C6o Fullerenes



In C6o fullerene specimens, a single component of a positron lifetime of about 390 psec has been reported by Yutaka ITO and Takenori SUZUKI,(1999)[1]. According to a calculation, the positron density distribution in C6o is quite different with respect to the approximation model of the electron­positron correlation. Unfortunately, in spite of a large difference in the calculated distributions, the differences in the lifetimes expected by these models are smaller than the uncertainties of the mea­surements. On the other hand, Doppler-broadening of annihilation radiation has been known to be a probe of the density in the momentum space of electrons sampled by a positron. A monotonic correlation of the Doppler-broadening of positron-annihilation radiation in solid C60 with the temper­ature was observed between 77K and 299K. Since the change in the spectrum due to the temperature was very small, the spectrum was analyzed by a method which reduced the effect of the statistical uncertainties of the spectrum. The observed temperature dependence is interpreted as being due to a


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (16)

thermal expansion of the lattice spacing between the C6o molecules, where positron annihilation took

place at the interstitial regions between the C6o molecules.

[1] Y. Ito and T. Suzuki, "Positron annihilation in C6o and C7o fullerenes and other carbon phases",

Phys. Rev. B60(1999)15636-15638.

12.1 Positron annihilation inside C6o



It has been considered that positrons in pure C6o are distributed in the interstitial sites between

the C6o molecules. However, it is possible to resides a positron inside a C60 molecule when the

interstitial space between the C60 molecules becomes filled with alkali atoms. We report here the

positron-annihilation characteristics, lifetime and Doppler-broadening for the annihilation radiation,

in K6C6o· We have observed that both the lifetime and Doppler-broadening spectrum of K6C6o can be

separated into two components. In both measurements, the value of one component is close to the value

observed for positron annihilation in pure C6o, where a positron annihilates with an electron outside of

a C6o molecule. On the otherhand, we have observed for K6C6o the short lifetime (197psec), and the

extremely small Doppler-broadening on the annihilation spectrum corresponding to the mean electron

momentum distribution of 0.95 x 10-3 moe (FWHM). These components are considered to reflect

positron annihilation inside a C60 molecule. These demonstration will lead to further applications to

spectroscopy inside a C6o molecule.

13 Development of DUCT-III Code for Duct Streaming Calculation up to 3GeV

H. Nakano, R. Tayama, T. Tsukiyama, H. Handa, K. Hayashi, K. Shin\ H. Hirayama2 , H.

Nakashima3 , F. Masukawa3 , N. Sasamoto3 , K. Yamada4 and T. Abe4

Hitachi Engineering Co. , Ltd., 1 Kyoto University, 2KEK, 3 JAERI, 4 Start Com Co., Ltd.

A simple and useful code for radiation streaming calculations named DUCT-III with updated high

energy albedo data up to 3 GeV neutrons was developed. DUCT-III can treat cylindrical duct,

rectangular duct, annulus, and slit geometry. Multi-legged geometry is also available. As an output,

we can get energy spectra at many positions along the duct center axis.

We performed benchmark analyses with neutron streaming experiments at TIARA and NIMROD

to validate the applicability of DUCT-III. The results with DUCT-III were in agreements with the

experiments for neutron dose equivalents and reaction rates with activation detectors. Therefore,

the applicability of DUCT-III to the shielding design work of the high energy neutron facilities was


Presented at Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-5) Paris,

France, July 17-21, 2000.


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14 Developement of a Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field and Measurements of the

Response Function of an Organic Liquid Scintillator the Neutron Energy Range

from 66 to 206 MeV

N. Nakao, T. Kurosawa1, T. Nakamura1 , Y. Uwamino2

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 RIKEN

A quasi-monoenergetic neutron field was developed using a thin 7Li target bombarded by protons

in the energy range from 70 to 210 MeV at the RIKEN ring cyclotron facility. The neutron energy

spectra were measured with an NE213 organic liquid scintillator using the TOF method. The absolute

peak neutron yields were obtained by measurements of 478 keV 1-rays from 7Be nuclei produced in a 7Li target through the 7Li(p, n) 7Be (g.s.+0.429 MeV) reaction.

Using the neutron field, the absolute values of the neutron response functions of a 12. 7-cm diameter by 12. 7-cm long NE213 organic liquid scintillator were measured, and were compared with calculations

using a Monte Carlo code developed by Cecil et al. The measured response functions without any

wall-effect events were also obtained, and compared with calcualtions using a modified Monte Carlo

code. Comparisons between a measurement and a calculation both with and without any wall-effect

events gave a good agreement.

Presented at the International Workshop on Neutron Field Spectrometry in Science, Technology and Radiation Protection, Pisa, Italy, 4-8 June, 2000., and published in KEK preprint 2000-58, July


15 Development of Silver Activation Type neutron Detector

K. Sato, S. Sasaki!, M. Horiuchi2 and T. Miyamoto

Nihon University, 1 KEK, 2 Konica Corporation

In order to measure burst neutrons emitted from the plasma focus, a silver-activation type detector has been developed. Silver foils of 0.2 mm thickness are irradiated by neutrons, and radioactive 108 Ag and 110 Ag nuclei are produced in the foils. These radioactive nuclei, 108 Ag and 110 Ag, decay to cadmium nuclei, emitting beta rays with a half life of 144.6 sec and 24.57 sec, respectively. In our case

only 110 Ag was used for neutron detection by discriminating the pulses from beta rays of 108 Ag. The beta rays are detected by a plastic scintillation counter, output pulses of which are amplified with a

linear amplifier and recorded in a scaler. A sandwich of 19 silver foils and 20 plastic scintillators is

attached to a photomultiplier. The neutron fluence at the detector can be determined from the total

counts of beta rays.

Presented partly at the 8th Asia-Pacific Phys. Conf. in Taipei (Aug. 7-10, 2000), and the Pulsed

Power Meeting in Korea (Oct. 26-27, 2000).


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16 Development of Slow Positrn Beam for Positron and Positronium Chemistry

16.1 New system for a pulsed slow-positron beam using a radioisotopes

E. Hamada, N. Ohshima, T. Suzuki1 , H. Kobayashi\ K. Kondo1 , I. Kanazawa2 , andY. Ito3

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 1 KEK, 2 Tokyo Gakugei University, 3 Tokyo University

To analyze the surface of polymers using positron-annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), a

pulsed slow-positron beam system having both a high pulsing efficiency and a good time resolution

is now under development. The time resolution, which is defined by the full width at half maximum

(FWHM), and the pulsing efficiency of this system were achieved to be 0.54ns and 50polyethylene

(LDPE), obtained by PALS using our new pulsing system, agreed with that obtained by a conventional


Published in Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58(2000) 771-775.

16.2 Application of pulsed slow-positron beam to low-density polyethylene film

E. Hamada, N. Ohshima2 , K. Katoh, T. Suzuki1, H. Kobayashi\ K. Kondo1 , I. Kanazawal, and

Y. Ito4

Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences, 1 KEK, 2 RIKEN, 3 Tokyo Gakugei University, 4 Tokyo University

A pulsing system for a slow-positron beam was applied to study near the surface of a low-density

polyethylene (LDPE) film using a positron-annihilation lifetime measurement. The lifetime and in­

tensity of ortho-positronium (o-Ps) near the surface were measured as a function of incident positron

energy (1.6 ~9.1 keV). The size of intermolecular spaces in the surface region (~1500 nm) was larger

than that in the bulk region. This tendency was especially strong in the region around 200 nm be­

low the surface. On the other hand, the intensity of o-Ps decreased with decreasing in the incident

positron energy, which was considered to be attributed to the decrease in the density of the spur

electrons and/ or the increase in the number of reemitted positrons from the surface.

Presented at 32nd Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation (32SPA), Jarnoltowek, Poland, Septem­

ber 18-22,2000.

17 Development of Thermal Neutron Calibration Field with Graphite Pile

T. Sanami, S. Yonai\ S. Sasaki, T. Michikawa, A. Uritani2, T. Shibata, T. Nakamura1

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 Nagoya Univ.

Thermal neutron calibration field with a graphite pile and radioactive neutron sources is established

in KEK. The pile is 2500 mm (L) x 1900 mm (D) x 1900 mm (H). Absolute thermal neutron

distribution and Cd ratio in the pile is determined by gold foil activation method. At outside of

the pile, it is also determined by 3He proportional counter. The distribution is well simulated by

MCNP /4B code. In addition, we adopt a detector consisting of a ZnS(Ag)+Li(OH) scintillator and


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (19)

an optical fiber to the distribution measurement in the pile. In the next year, we will start applications of the thermal neutron filed.

Presented partly at 2000 Annual Meeting the Atomic Society of Japan.

Submit to KEK internal (in Japanese).

18 Estimation of the Fast Neutron Fluence of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

Y. Ito, T. Shibata, S.Shibata\ N. Nogawa2, M. Imamura3 , Y. Uwamino4 and K. Shizuma KEK, 1 Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University, 2 University of Tokyo, 3 National Museum of Japanese History, 4 RIKEN, 5 Hiroshima University

Reassessment of the neutron f!uence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb is an essential step to estimate a risk of radiation for human. Since the recent studies for the thermal neutron f!uence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb reported a systematic discrepancy from the DS86 dose estimate, the extensive study to the fast-neutron fluence is particularly required. There has been only one measurement of the fast­neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, but which was done by a primitive electroscopedetector, the uncertainties of which was too great to permit an accurate estimation. To help resolve this problem, new measurement using the modern equipment are particularly desirable.

We have been trying to estimate the fast neutron fluence with the residual radioactivity of 63Ni in copper. 63 Ni is produced in copper by the 63 Cu(n,p)63Ni reaction. Energy of the threshold of this reaction is approximately 1MeV. Since a half life of 63 Ni is 100 year, 70% of 63 Ni produced by the atomic bomb presently exists in a copper sample at 50 years after the explosion.

18.1 Measurement of the cross section for the 63 Cu(n,p)63Ni reaction

To estimate the fast-neutron fluence from the residual 63 Ni activity, the cross section of the 63 Cu(n,p) 63 Ni reaction have been studied. Except for one measurement over the neutron energy range of 7.2 to 14.6 MeV, there have been no measurement for this reaction at the neutron energy corresponding with the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

In our experiment, the copper targets were irradiated by neutrons in an energy range of 1.5 to 6.5 MeV, respectively, which produced with the d(d,n) reaction at the Fast Neutron Laboratory of Tohoku University. After irradiation, the nickel was separated from the copper target through the same procedure for the copper sample of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The obtained cross section will be applied to estimate the neutron energy spectrum of the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

18.2 39 Ar as a new probe of the Jast-neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb

In addition to the 63Ni method, there is another candidate reaction to estimate the fast-neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. 39K(n,p) 39 Ar reaction has an approximately same energy threshold as the 63Cu(n,p) 63Ni reaction and 39 Ar has a sufficiently long half-life to exists for a period of 50 years after the explosion. We are trying to separate 39 Ar from the sample. Many ceramic materials, such as bricks or tiles, for example, are available as the sample of this method, since


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (20)

which contain potassium as impurity. In addition to the estimation of the fast neutron fluence of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, since the ceramic sample is a very popular material, this method could be

useful for a reassessment of other nuclear-explosion test sites.

19 Evaluation of Activated Materials in Accelerator Facility

K. Masumoto, K. Eda, A. Toyoda, T. Ishihara


In advance of the decommissioning of 1.3GeV electron synchrotron and SF-cyclotron, residual ra­dioactivities in accelerator components, shielding materials and building have been measured. The

good linear relationship between surface dose rate and the specific activity of 6°Co, which is a typical

radionuclide observed in concrete sample was observed in above two accelerator facilities, respectively. Additionaly the spatial distribution of neutron induced by nuclear reaction under operation in accel­

erator room was measured with the coupled use of activation detector and bio-imaging analyser. The

observed data and residual radioactivities of concrete show the good correlation.

Presented at lOth Symposium of the International Radiation Protection Association, 2000,

Hiroshima (IRP A -10).

20 Experiments Using Synchrotron Radiation

20.1 Current status of a low energy photon transport benchmark

H. Hirayama, S. Ban andY. Namito

The scattered-energy spectra of monochronized synchrotron-radiation photons toward 90° by sam­ples ( C, Cu, Pb) were measured using high-purity Ge detectors. The incident photons were in a

linearly polarized beam of 20, 30 and 40ke V. To investigate the validity of the EGS4 code regard­ing photon transport in the ke V region, we performed systematic comparisons of measurements and EGS4. EGS4 calculations were performed in default status and with improvements of low-energy

photon transport (linearly polarized photon scattering, Doppler broadening, L-X and K-X). The mea­surement and calculations were compared in absolute values. Both the intensity and the shape of the

peaks were compared. EGS4 calculations with improvements in low-energy photon transport agreed

well with the measurements.

Presented at Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF5), Paris,

France, July 17-21, 2000.

21 Fundamental Studies of Tritium Separation Using Polyimide Membrane and Its

Application for Tritium Monitors in Accelerator Facilities

S. Sasaki, M. Akahori\ A. Shimada\ K. Okuno\ T. Suzuki and K. Kondo KEK, 1 Shizuoka University


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (21)

In order to construct a real-time and continuous monitoring system for tritium in the air released from high-energy accelerator facilities using polyimide membranes, the performance and characteristics of the membranes in tritium separation have been examined in detail. The experiments for separation and enrichment of several species of gases were performed for the samples ofH2+Air, D2+Air, He+ Air, H2+D2+Air, C02+Air, H2+Ar, D2+Ar and C02+Ar. The isotope effect in the enrichment was examined using hydrogen isotopes in nitrogen. It was found that the enrichment factors for H2 and D2 more than 30 were attained by selecting the experimental condition and were independent of the hydrogen concentration in the range from 0.05 to 0.5 %. No clear evidence for isotope effects in the enrichment factor was observed.

Presented partly at the 44th Symposium on Radiochemistry, the 2nd Workshop of Environmental Chemistry in KEK, and the lOth International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-10) in Hiroshima.

22 High-energy Photoneutron from 2 GeV Electrons Incident on Thick Targets

22.1 Measurement of the neutron spectrum by the irradiation of a 2.04-GeV electron beam into thick targets

T. Sato, K. Shin, R. Yuasa, and S. Ban1 and H. S. Lee2

Kyoto University, 1 KEK, 2 POSTECH

Inclusive neutron spectra produced by the irradiation of a 2.04-GeV electron beam into thick AI, Cu, Sn and Pb targets were measured by the TOF method. For such a high-energy region, it was the first experiment to measure the inclusive neutron spectra. A lead shield was placed at the middle point of the flight path to suppress any strong photon or electron background. The effects of the shield on the neutron spectra were calculated by the LAHET2. 7 code with a small modification. The measured neutron energy in the experiments was from 10 MeV to 200 MeV. The measured spectra were used for a benchmark test of our modified PICA95. It was found that the neutron spectra predicted by a combination of EGS4, our modified PICA95 and LAHET2. 7 codes, tend to underestimate the measured ones.

To be published to Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A (KEK Preprint 2000-109).

22.2 Measurements of photoneutron spectra from thick Pb target bombarded by 1.2 and 2.0 GeV electrons

S. Ban, Y. Namito, H. Hirayama, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa, T. Satol, R. Yuasal, K. Shinl, H. S. Lee2 and J. S. Bak2

KEK, 1Kyoto University, 2 POSTECH

Photoneutron spectra were measured using the TOF method when thick targets were bombarded by high-energy electrons. At the ATF Linac in KEK and 1.2 GeV electrons bombarded a thick Pb target. At the injection Linac of the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, 2.04 Ge V electrons were used. The detector was 5.6 m distant from the target. Several detectors were tested. Neutrons toward 90


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (22)

degrees from the target were measured up to 150 MeV at the ATF, and 200 MeV at PAL. Calculations

of neutron energy spectra were also done using PICA3 and EGS4.

Presented at Proc. of the Second International Workshop on EGS, Aug. 8-12, 2000, KEK Tsukuba,


22.2.1 Target thickness dependence of goo direction photo-neutron yields for 2GeV


T. Sato, R. Yuasa, K. Shin, S. Ban1 and H. S. Lee2

Kyoto University, 1 KEK, 2 *PAL

Thick target photoneutron yields for 90 deg. were investigated when 2 GeV electrons incident on C,

AI, Cu, Sn, Pb, and Bi targets. Data were fitted as a function of the target thickness and z number.

Presented at 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, March 27-29, 2001,


22.3 Measurements of goo direction low-energy photo-neutron yields

for 2GeV electrons

S. Maetaki, T. Sato, K. Shin, S. Ban1 and H. S. Lee2

Kyoto University, 1 KEK, 2 *PAL

Low-energy photoneutron spectra for 90 deg. were measured when 2 GeV electrons incident on various

thickness of targets. The spectra were integrated and low-energy neutron yields were obtained.

Presented at 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, March 27-29, 2001,


22.4 Photoneutron calculation using CHIPS code

Y. Namito, H. Hirayama and M. V. Kossov


Photoneutron spectra from Pb target bombared by 266 MeV electron beam was calculated. The

neutron emission angle was 90°. Photon track length was calculated by EGS4 code. Total photonuclear

reaction cross section was obtained from fitting of experimental data. An photonuclear event generator

CHIPS code was used for the calculation [1]. The difference between measurement and calculation

was within 30% for most of the neutron energy.

[1] Kossov, M. V., "Manual for the CHIPS event generator", KEK Internal 2000-17 (2001).


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23 Improvement of Low Energy Photon Transport in EGS4 code

23.1 EGS4 simulation of K-X ray emission due to electron beam incident

Y. Namito and H. Hirayama KEK

Calculating the energy spectra and angular distribution of photons induced by interactions between a keV-MeV electron beam and a target is one of the important problems in a field where a general­purpose electron-photon transport code can be applied. For example, a simulation of the widely used X ray generator is closely related to this kind of calculation.

When electron beam incident on a sample, K-X ray is generated via two channels:

1. Bremsstrahlung photon is absorbed by atoms (photoelectric effect) 2. Electron collides with K shell electron and a vacancy is created in K shell. This is called as

electron impact ionization (Ell).

In the original EGS4 code, only channel 1) was considered. We implemented channel 2) to EGS4 code.

Recently we updated this improved program so that it is ready to built up for EGS5. Here, two modifications were applied to Ell K-X calculation.

1. Fluorescent yield was updated. 2. Possible underestimation of K13 is now avoided by means of improvement of piecewise linear fitting

named "Local extrapolation method" and increasing the number of photon energy intervals.

Comparison of EGS4 code and measurements regarding K-X rays induced by interactions between an electron beam and samples were performed to verify the validity of the improvement of the code.

Published in Japanese J. of Med. Phys. 20 Sup.4 278-281 (2000). Presented at MC2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics,

Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, 2000.

24 Measurement of 36Cl Induced in Shielding Concrete of the 12 GeV Proton Accel­erator Facility at KEK

T. Miura, K. Bessho, S. lshihamal, D. Arai2, Y. Nagashima2

, T. Takahashi2 and R. Seki2

KEK, 1 TNS, 2 University of Tsukuba

Radioactive concentration of 36Cl induced in shielding concrete of the 12 GeV proton beam-line tunnnel at KEK has been measured by accelerator mass spectrometer. The atomic ratio of 36 Cij35 Ci in shielding concrete at the inside surface was 1.4 x 10-8 •

From this result and chlorine concentration (about 100 ppm) of the shielding concrete, which has been measured using X-ray fluorescence analysis, the specfic radioactivity of 36Cl in the shielding concrete at the inside surface was estimated to 1.3 x 10-3 Bq/g. The concentration of 36Cl decreased to the inclease in the depth from the inside surface of the shielding concrete same as other nuclides,


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (24)

such as 3H, 22Na, 6°Co and 152Eu etc.

Presented at Second Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, March 15-16, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan

25 Measurements of Cross Section for 75 MeV Neutrons

25.1 Measurements of double differential (n,xZ) cross section of nitrogen, Oxygen and

Aluminum for 75 MeV neutrons

T. Hiroishi, T. Sanami1, M. Baba, M. Hagiwara, T. Miura,

T. Aoki, N. Kawata, S. Tanaka2, H. Nakashima2, S. Meigo2

Tohoku Univ., KEK1, JAERP

Double-differential cross sections of (n,p), (n,d) (n, t) and (n,a) reactions of Nitrogen, Oxygen and

Aluminum for 75 MeV neutrons are measured by a specially designed spectrometer and the 7Li(p,n)

neutrons source in TIARA, JAERI. The spectrometer is consisted of three counter telescopes and a

vacuum chamber. Each telescope has a low-pressure gas proportional counter, a thin SSD and a BaF2 scintillator. Samples are thin plates made by Al20a, AlN and Al for Oxygen, Nitrogen and Aluminum measurement, respectively. The measured results are compared with LA-150 cross section library. The

library is in fair agreement with experimental data except the high energy part of deuteron spectrum.

Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society in Japan.

25.2 Measurements of elastic scattering cross sections for 75 MeV neutrons

T. Aoki, M. Baba, T. Miura, N. Kawata, T. Sanamil, T. Hiroishi,

M. Hagiwara, H. Nakashima2, S. Tanaka2

Tohoku Univ., KEK1, JAERP

Elastic scattering cross sections of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Aluminum for 75 MeV neutrons are measured

using TOF method and the 7Li(p,n) neutron source in TIARA, JAERI. Neutron detectors are 5 NE213 liquid scintillators(5"</>x 5" long) with n-7 discrimination by PSD method. Samples are cylindrical

shape Al2 0 3 and AlN powder enclosed with aluminum case for Oxygen and Nitrogen measurement, respectively. The measured results are in fairly agreement with LA-150 cross section library.

Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society in Japan.

26 Measurement of Induced Radioactivities for the Evaluation of Internal Exposure

at High Energy Accelerator Facilities

M. Numajiri, Y. Oki, T. Miura, T. Suzuki, K. Kondo


In high proton accelerators, many kinds of radionuclides are produced in residual radioactivity in

accelerator hardware. The radioactivity contains radionuclides that are important to estimation of


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (25)

internal radiation exposure, but are very difficult to measure. In this work, we discussed measurement of the difficult radionuclides in addition to other radionuclides.

Presented in IRPA10, The lOth International Congress of The International Radiation Protection

Association, P6a-337, Hiroshima, 2000.

27 Measurement of Neutron Leakage through Labyrinth from High Energy Proton


T. Miura, K. Takahashi, S. Ishihama1 and T. Kunifuda1


In the constraction of high-energy proton accelerator, it is important problem to estimate the

neutron leakage through labyrinth ftom proton accelerator tunnel. In order to inspect some empirical

formulae, the attenuation of neutron flux in concrete labyrinths with neutrino beam line at KEK were studied. In the experiments, neutron fluence rates in the target station and two labyrinths were

measured by activation method using various metals (Au, Co and Bi) and soil. The exp~rimental

results were agreement with the calculation using Nakamura and Uwamino's empirical equation.

Presented at 2001 Anual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Aomori Univ., Aomori,

Sep. 15-17, 2001.

28 Measurement of Production Cross Sections for 12 GeV Proton Reactions with

Heavy Targets (Pb,Bi) used as Spallation Neutron Sources

M. Numajiri, T. Miura, Y. Oki, T. Suzuki and K. Kondo KEK

Irradiation experiments were performed in order to investigate the production of residual nuclei by proton induced reactions at KEK proton synchrotron facility. Production cross sections in heavy

mass targets (Pb, Bi) were measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy. These heavy targets will be used as spallation neutron sources. We report on the production of nuclides of near target and light mass, such

as 7Be, 22Na, and 24Na. The present data are compared with the results of previous measurements.

29 Measurements of Scintillation Photons in High Pressure Rare Gases

K. Saito, H. Tawara1 and S. Sasaki1

The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, 1 KEK

Rare gases are known as excellent scintillation materials. Among them, xenon in the liquid phase

has a high scintillation yield compatible to that of Nai(Tl) crystal as shown by our group in 1992. The

amount of scintillation in gaseous rare gases has been believed to be one third to that in the liquid

phase, because of little photons generating through recombination process. In high pressure gases, the recombination becomes one of the dominant processes after the incident of radiation, and a large

increment in the light outputs can be expected. Thus, the scintillation yields are important factors


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to obtain the physical information on the energy pathway of radiation in the matter and to describe

the quality of detector materials. The scintillation yields, however, have been scarcely measured in rare gases, especially in the gas phases. We have planned to measure absolute scintillation yields

in high-pressure rare gases, and constructed an experimental apparatus. The scintillation yields are

measured in terms of Ws-value, defined as an average energy to produce one scintillation photon. The

number of scintillation photons can be determined from the photoelectron number from the phototube

with known quantum efficiency, if the collection efficiency of scintillation photons at the phototube is

known. In the present study, the apparatus was designed so as to determine the collection efficiency only from solid angles subtended by the phototube at a scintillation point. In addition, the emission

spectra and the time-dependent decay of the scintillation in rare gases will be measured in this study.

Presented partly at the 48th Conference of the Japan Society of Applied Physics in Tokyo, and the 15th workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses in KEK.

30 Neutron Yields from Thick C, AI, Cu, and Pb Targets Bombarded

by 400 MeV /nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe, and 800 MeV /nucleon Si Ions

T. Kurosawal, N. Nakao, T. Nakamura\ H. Iwasel, H. Satol, Y. Uwamino2, and A. f*ckumura3

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 RIKEN, 3 NIRS

The angular and energy distributions of neutrons produced by 400 MeV /nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe and

800 MeV /nucleon Si ions stopping in thick C, AI, Cu and Pb targets were measured using the Heavy­Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba(HIMAC) of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences(NIRS).

The neutron spectra in forward direction have broad peaks which are located at about 60 to 70 % of the incident particle energy per nucleon due to breakup and knock-on processes, and spread up

to almost twice as much as the projectile energy per nucleon. The resultant spectra were integrated over energy to produce neutron angular distributions, and we could estimate the total yields using a simple formllla. The experimental results are compared with the calculations using the heavy-ion

collision Monte Carlo code, and the calculated results rather agree with the measured results. The phenomenological hybrid analysis, based on the moving source model and the Gaussian fitting of the

breakup and knock-on processes, could also well represent the measured thick target neutron spectra.

Published in Phys. Rev. C, 62 (2000) 044615.

31 Observation of 180° Correlation of e+e- pair originating from e+(82 Sr) + Th Inter­


M. Sakai, H. Kawakami, K. Ornata, I. Sugai, I. Katayama, S. Shimizu1, K. Horie1 and T. Miura

KEK, 1 Osaka Univ.

An electron line previously observed at INS with an energy of 330.3 ke V and an associeted cross

section of 149 mb in e+ + Th interactions has been implied by the authors to originate from the decay of a new neutral particle. QED predicts a two-photon decay mode of the particle leading

to a correlated two-photon coincidence peak at 841.3 ke V. Subsequent 21-coincidence experiments

have revealed a peak-like structure at 841.7 keV and an associeted cross section of 15.2 j"b (upper


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limit). These energies and cross sections satisfy the relations ofE1 =E.+mc2 and u(2-y)ju(e+e-) ~ a 2

expected from a particle production scenario. Positron and electron coincidence experiments for e+ + Th were performed with scintillation counters placed on the main trajectory of the air-core fJ-ray spectrometer. The coincidence time spectra were analyzed with a single line x2 fit. This yielded a peak-like structure at the predicted channel and with an area compatible with the previously reported cross section.

32 Particle Size Distribution of Radioactive Aerosols Formed in Accelerator Tunnel Air during Machine Operation

Y. Oki, Y. Kanda, K. Kondo and A. Endo1


To elucidate the formation mechanism of radioactive aerosols produced in accelerator tunnels, ir­radiation experiments were performed with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons at AVF cyclotron facility, TIARA. Argon containing DOP(dioctylphthalate) particles was irradiated with 65MeV neutrons. The particle size distribution of produced radioactive aerosols was determined by sizing and collecting the particles with electrical low pressure impactor, followed by measuring the activities of particles on the impactor stages with gas-flow counter.

33 PICA3, An Updated code of Photo-Nuclear Cascade Evaporation Code PICA95, and its Benchmark Experiments

T. Sato, K. Shin, S. Ban\ T. A. Gabriel2 , C. Y. Fu2 , H. S. Lee3

Kyoto University, 1 KEK, 2 ORNL, 3 PAL

PICA95, a calculation code for high-energy photo-nuclear reactions is updated as PICA3. PICA3 can reproduce total photo-nuclear reaction cross section for incident photon energies from the reaction threshold to 3.5 GeV very well. It also reproduces such as residual nuclides yields and emitted particle spectra from mono-energetic photo-nuclear reaction, but underestimates neutron yields from thick targets bombarded by electrons.

Presented at MC2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, 2000.

34 Preparation of Radio-Labeled Fullerenes Using Accelerator

K. Masumoto, Ohtsuki1 , K. Shikano2

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 NTT

In the field of fullerene science, higher fullerene, hetero-fullerene and metalo-fullerene are the topics. We produced the dimer, trimer and teramer od C6o and Cro by bremsstrahlung and charged-particle irradiation and HPLC separation. TOF-mass spectrum of dimer fraction proved that the dimer was


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surely formed. By using the 12C(d,n)13N reaction, 13N- labelled hetero fullerene was produced.

Published in Ch. 3.3, Fullerenes Radiolabelled on the Carbon Cage in Nuclear and Radiochemical

Approach to Fullerene Science (Ed. by T. Braun, Kluwer academic publishers b.v., 2000).

35 Radiation and Residual Dose Rate Induced by the Beam loss at Various Injection Energies

N. Nakao, Y. Irie, M. Uota, M. Shirakata, N. Mokhov1 , A. Drozhin1

KEK, 1 Fermi Lab.

On an accelerator design, estimations of absorbed dose and residual activity induced by beam loss

are very important to know radiation damages of the accelerator components and instruments, and to reduce external exposures for workers during hands-on-maintenance.

Hadron cascade simulation was performed with the Monte Carlo code, MARS, using the beam loss distributions calculated by the multi-turn tracking Monte Carlo code, STRUCT, for primary-proton

energies of 200, 400, 600 and 1000 MeV. In this continuous Monte Carlo calculation, distributions of secondary particle flux, absorbed-dose and residual-dose rate of accelerator components due to

the beam loss were estimated, and their energy dependences were clarified for a radiation protection


Presented at the 7th Europian Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC2000), Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 26-30 June, 2000., and published in KEK preprint 2000-59, July 2000.

36 Radioactivity induced in a Electron Beam Dump

36.1 Radioactivity induced in a 2.5-GeV electron beam dump

S. Ban, H. Nakamura, T. Sato1 and K. Shin1

KEK, 1 Kyoto Univ.

The saturation activity of residual nuclei was estimated based on measurements when 2.5 GeV electron beams were totally absorbed in thick AI, Fe, Cu and Pb. A calculation was also made for

a beam dump from 0.1 to 10 GeV using the EGS4 and PICA95 Monte Carlo codes. Above 1 GeV, the activity was constant in units of MBq w-1 . The gamma-ray dose rates from the targets were

calculated using these data.

Published in Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 93, 231-236 (2001).

36.2 Radioactivity produced in thick targets by 0.1 - 10 GeV electrons

S. Ban, H. Nakamura, T. Sato1 and K. Shin1

KEK, 1 Kyoto Univ.

Yields of residual nuclei were estimated using EGS4 and PICA95 codes when electron beams between

0.1 and 10 GeV were totally absorbed in thick AI, Fe, Cu and Pb. They were compared with measured


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yields for 0.1 and 2.5 GeV electrons. The gamma-ray dose rates from the targets were calculated.

Presented at 2001 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, March 27-29, 2001,


37 Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS) by Lasers

S. Sasaki, K. Saito1 and H. Tawara

KEK, 1 The Graduate University of Advanced Studies

We have been developing methods of Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS) by lasers in order to

realize quantitative measurements of ultra-trace amounts of isotopes contaminated in gaseous, liquid and solid samples. Two major works are currently performed in this study. One is the development of

an absolute time-of-flight mass spectrometer equipped with the lasers for RIS (RIS-TOFMS) and the

other is the development of calibration methods of trace amount of isotopes using a pulsed ion-gun

system. We plan to extensively apply this method to the fields in radiation physics, nuclear physics,

radiation chemistry, radiation detection and so on.

38 Response Function Measurements of the Self-TOF Neutron Detector for Neutrons

up to 800 MeV

M. Sasaki1 , N. Nakao, T. Nunomiyal, T. Nakamura\ T. Shibata, A. f*ckumura2

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 NIRS

The Self-TOF detector has been developed for high energy neutron spectrometry behind a shield. This detector consists of a radiator, a start counter and a stop counter. The radiator is composed of

20 thin plastic-scintillation detectors and the stop counter is segmented into nine plastic-scintillation

detectors. The response functions of the Self-TOF detector for high energy neutrons up to 800 MeV

were measured at the HIMAC(Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba) of NIRS(National Institute

of Radiological Sciences). The measured responses were compared with those calculated using the LCS(LAHET Code System). The LCS results considerably overestimate the measuremental results

with an increase in the neutron energy. It was found that this detector can give the neutron energy spectrum by using the FERDO-U unfolding code combined with the measured response functions, and is useful for high energy neutron spectrometry because of the almost constant efficiency for neutrons

above 100 MeV.

Published in J. Nucl. Sci. Techno/. 38-1 (2001) ppS-14.

39 Response of a Three-Element Phoswich Detector Consisting of Inner BC501A

Scintillator and an Outer BGO and CaF2(EU) Crystal Wall

T. Sanami, T. Shibata and M. Takada1


We developed a new three-element phoswich detector consisting of inner BC501A organic liquid

scintillator and outer BGO and CaF2(EU) crystal scintillator which are optically coupled with one


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photo multiplier tube. The decay time of output pulse by one of the scintillators differ from the

others, i.e., decay time of BC501A, BGO and CaF2 are few, 300 and 940 ns, respectively. In this

year, the discrimination ability of events which are detected two scintilla tors simultaneously is tested in

Cyclotron facility, NIRS. The 70 MeV protons enter the detector from various directions and scintillate

one or two scintillators. The clear separation between events detected by one and by two scintillators

are obtained about both combination of BC501AIBGO and BC501AICaF2.

40 Space Radiation Dosimetry Using Passive Detectors

40.1 LET distributions obtained by CR-39 plates onboard the space shuttle missions

STS-84, 89 and 91 and the dose equivalent estimation by a combination of their

distributions and TLD-data

H. Tawara, T. Doke1•3 , T. Hayashi\ A. Kyan2, S. Nagaoka3 ,

T. Nakano3 , S. Takahashi3 , K. Terazawa11 and E. Yoshihira1

KEK, 1 Waseda Univ., 2 Ibaraki Univ., 3 NASDA

LET distributions have been measured by CR-39 plates along with the Real tinle Radiation Mon­

itoring Device (RRMD)-111 in the Space Shuttle Missions STS-84, -89 and -91. Particle fluxes were

obtained above 4 keV I p,m with the CR-39 by correcting for the dip-angle dependency on track­

formation sensitivity. LET distributions obtained from the CR-39_ were compared with those of GCR

and of trapped protons measured by the RRMD-III. The fluxes from the CR-39 were smaller than

those for the total components (GCR + trapped protons), but slightly larger than those for GCR.

This fact can be explained by considering that dominant radiation in the SAA region is the trapped

protons and the track-formation sensitivity of the CR-39 for protons is very low. We can estimate dose

equivalents from the LET distributions and absorbed doses obtained by TLDs which have sensitivity

in the LET region below 10 ke VI p,m. The contribution of the trapped protons to the dose equivalents

was estimated from the RRMD-III data.

Presented at the 20th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2000,

Portoroz Slovenia and published in Space Radiation 12 (2001) 117.

40.2 Development and application of TLD and CR-39 nuclear track detectors for space

radiation dosimetry

H. Tawara, A. Nagamastu\ M. Masukawal, T. Nakano1,

S. Kamigaichi1, M. Masaki2 and H. Kumagai2


Dosimeter packages consisting of passive detectors (TLDs and CR-39 nuclear track detectors) have

been used commonly for space radiation dosimetry so far. However, LET distributions of heavy charged

particles, absorbed doses and dose equivalents measured by passive detectors are always lower than

those measured by active detectors such as Si detectors and TEPC. In order to clarify this problem,

we are conducting intensive experiments for investigating the characteristics of TLD-MSO and CR-39

for heavy charged particles utilizing a heavy-ion accelerator (HIMAC of NIRS in chiba). The incident


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angle dependence of track formation sensitivity was investigated for three types of domestic CR-39 plastic plates in the LET region from 2 to 1000 keV I Jlm. The decrease of TLD-MSO response for heavy ions was precisely measured in the LET region from 10 to 1000 keV I Jlm. Both parameters are very important to measure a complex space radiation field by a combination of TLD-MSO and CR-39 in space vehicles. We are designing and developing the dosimeter packages, an automatic analysis system and micro-dosimetry techniques considering target-fragmented secondary particles in order to prepare for steady life-science experiments in the International Space Station.

41 Study of Pion Transfer Processes of Pionic Atoms in the Gas and Liquid Phases

A. Shinohara, T. Miura1 , A. Yokoyama, K. Takamiya2, T. Kaneko3, T. Muroyama4, T. Saito, Y. Hamajima4, H. Muramatsu5 , S. Kojima6 , H. Baba and M. Furukawa7

Osaka University, 1 KEK, 2 Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University, 3 Niogata University, 4 Kanazawa University, 5 Shinshu University,

6 Aichi Medical University, 7 Yokkaichi University

Pion capture process in gas mixtures containing hydrogen was studied by measuring pionic X rays and 1r0 decays. A little difference in pion transfer process was found between the H2+ D2 and H2 0+ D20 systems. Pressure-dependence observed only for the CH4 + Ar system is consistent with the previous results that the life-time of the pionic hydorogen atom from the bound hydrogen would be shorter than from H2. Futher improved measurements are needed to confirm the pressure dependence of the pion transfer process and quantitatively discuss the dynamic behavior of the pionic hydrogen.

Presented at 5th In.t. Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC5), Pontresina, 3-8, Sep. 2000 and to be submitted to Radiochim. Acta.

42 Study on Activation Analysis using Flow Method for Radiochemical Separation and Detection of 11 C

K. Masumoto, Ohtsuki1 , K. Shikano2

KEK, 1 Tohoku Univ., 2 NTT

A continuous extraction and detection system for 11 C induced by accerelator has been developed and this method was applied to activation analysis of carbon in various materials of industrial concern. Activation has been performed at the 300-MeV electron linear accelerator of Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University. A rapid separation and detection system of radioactive carbon, which is consist of a infra-red furnace, a continuous extraction of C02 and a coincidence counting for 511 keV anihilation gamma-ray, has been performed. In the first step, irradiated samples mixed with an accelerator reagent are burned in an infra-red furnace. Then, generated C02 gas is continuously extracted in a extraction coil, in which monoaminoethanol solution is running by pumping at the flow rate of 0.15 mllmin. After extraction, monoaminoethanol solution is led between a couple of EGO­detector and 11 C activity in solution is monitored with the multichannnel scaler Trace impurities of carbon in iron and steel samples were analysed by using the 12C(I',n)llC reaction at the 300-MeV Lineae of Tohoku Univ. This method was also applied to the nitrogen analysis in silicon by using the


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14N(p,a)11 C reaction.

Presented at Int. Topical Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry - V

(MARC V), April 9-14, 2000, Kailua-Kona, Hawai, USA.

43 Study on Positron Annihilation and Positronium Chemistry

43.1 Radiation effect on positronium formation in low temperature polyethylenes

T. Suzuki, K. Kondo, Y. Ito, E. Hamada, andY. Ito1

KEK, 1 Tokyo University

The positron-irradiation effect on polycarbonate during a positron-annihilation lifetime spectroscopy

(PALS) experiment was investigated using different intensities of 22Na positron sources and gamma­

irradiated samples. The decrease in l3 was larger for a larger intensity of positron sources. In the

case of a weak source ( ~140kBq), l3 did not change with the elapsed time for non-irradiated samples.

However, for 1 MGy-lrradiated samples, 13 measured with the weak source increased with the elapsed

time. This can be attributed to a decrease of the radicals induced in the irradiated samples by gamma

irradiation. In order to explain the change in l3 measured at room and liquid-nitrogen temperatures, several effects, such as radicals, cross-linking, structure change, and charging, need to be considered.

Also, it is difficult to explain the change in l3 using only one of these effects.

Published in Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58(2000) 485-489.

43.2 An application of the coincidence Doppler spectroscopy for substances of chemical interest

Y. Ito and T. Suzuki1

Tokyo University, 1 KEK

Coincidence Doppler spectroscopy, which is particularly powerful when one is concerned with high

momentum components of positron annihilation gamma-rays, has been applied to two different kinds of

organo-metalic ligands: metal phthalocyanines and metal acetylacetonates. The energy (momentum) profiles of the annihilation gamma-rays were the same for metal phthalocyanines indicating that

positron andjor positronium are not interacting with the metal ions. However, the profiles of positron interaction which are different for phtarocyanines and acetylacetonates.

Published in Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58(2000) 743-747.

43.3 Pressure quenching of positronium in solid biphenyl

T. Goworek, T. Suzuki\ K. Kondo\ E. Hamada2, andY. Ito3

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, 1 KEK, 2 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 3 Tokyo University

In solid crystalline biphenyl, orth-positronium, abundant at normal pressure, can be eliminated

by application of a pressure of about lOOMpa. The lifetime of para-positronium seems to increase,


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and at 80Mpa, it cannot be distinguished from that of free positrons. Another new effect is the appearance of the long-lived component in the positron lifetime spectrum at high pressures. The same effect of positronium reappearance, although not so well pronounced, was found in biphenyl at low temperatures.

Published in Chemical Physics 255(2000) 347-351.

44 The EGS4 Workshop, Class and User Support

H. Hirayama nad Y. Namito

44.1 The EGS4 workshop and class

Two EGS4 short courses were held.

1. At KEK, after the workshop of EGS. 2. At Batan laboratory in Indonesia.

44.2 User support concerning EGS4

As one of the center of EGS4 distribution, we continue supports concerning EGS4 including outside Japan, They are distributed in wide range from primitive questions of beginners to complicated ones from EGS4 experts.

For examples, about 50 persons from 10 countries contacted us concerning EGS4 in this fiscal year. Instructions were made using e-mail.


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Chapter 2

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (37)

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lt'l':lil<Mimllll!fl!'HIIJJE 1...-. ~RJ~i'i'Hillfil: 1...- T"1r' 0:::: 1: Hiiffi L..::tifBf+"f:1il'lc¥&*'T 0:::: 1: :!JI>Jtbl) t:,n-C\r'.Oo 4-'Ffl!'l:l:, :ti"lltiFfl!' 3 Jl *1:::1*1& (i!!!iliilll'Uirlf 2 §JI"!IJ)'J*Jjj() U::ii<tf.+IJ)i!!UiEHr0 t::.o tt!lT:Jt:il> to l:l:, ;fJQ)ffi~/8li!Jj\IJ)./iJ:J'I;til~l:l:~l±l ~ ntt i!'0 t::. :O', ±~:0, to It, MIEIIPJ#J:ifji,l.(:li!:W± t? 0 :!JI:IJQ)ffi~/8li!Jj(IJ):/il(J'I;t/jg:!JI~l:f:l ~ :fLt:::o i!!!ilii.liJlro9:ill ;t t:JR\r 't::: b/)J\J,'HJ'<tJI:;/1: ~ 1r ':ill, jJ.!UJ.$li#~;fl:::jNZ

1iiii L- t::.:lil<!NIIE11111!fl!' i: -'!& L- -c 1r 't::." il!U J.Eff.j'f Jl!: 1::: ~ v '-CI:J:, fi."f:JXVtriT, )IX!JJIGtljl;fJ'~ 001#:11!!00 1::: ** 1...- t::.o .:C IJ){te 5 jJ ;IJ> t, 6 Jl l:::tJ•It 40 fl r.,.::: =<-- r !J / t:·'- A 7 .{ :.-':!JIJ!I!ifi.ii ~ :fLt::. t::. 01), 6 jJ *1::: ± :lfiii•tf+O)'J*J&il!IJJE:a:rh t::." ±:lfi'l' ,a, tom bl) -c 3H tJI~l:f:l ~ nt::.:O'. it!!IJ)t~fll! :a:'@> bl)ill!ttJ.iitjfflf! 1: -'!& 1...- -cv 'teo :t t:::±l!lrll<l:::~v'T" li 11 Jl *l:::'!*ll<Hr0 t:::o --$O)W\'JBH:::~1r 'T'I:l::t t.:il!UJE'I'-c' ;I? 0 :!JI, ;fJQ)ffi~/8li!Jj(IJ):/il(J'I;t/jgl'i~i±l ~ :fL T" 1r 'tt 1r 'o

RAD-D-00/11 c::illi, "::=."'.- J-.1) / t:''-A7.{ :.-'!Vi~~Jl~Ji'ilill±:lfi&Vtt!lrll<'i'O) :fi)(!ftiJ~i111! fltil{lj JE{f,j'f Jl!:'ia 1lf f!i'"

2. .::: =<- - ]-. lJ / !::"- A 7 .{ :.-' I!'Jl~~Jj~ He jj .A '!' IJ) r lJ 7 '7 A If fl!' il{IJ JE ::=. :2.- J-. 1J / e·- A 7-1 :.-' !Vl~TIII~I:l:, j,\f!!jtiJ) 001#:1: He jj .A :iJI]Et_A ~ n -c 1r' 0 t::: 01),!::iJI

1f~;t t, :f1, T"1r' 0 tJI, He jj .A'!' 1::: 3H :iJI1:JJJti· 0 o I!'Jl~jlJj~fkJH e IJ))i:~~)l)jiJ) I"!Ji!:a:t::. -c 0 t::. bl) 3H IJ!fl!' :a: HTO, HT IJ){i:;$%5JIJ l:::~@lil!U/.E 1...- t::.o tt\ r lJ 7 '7 Allll!flt:iJ• to '\'IJN;If 1...- -c 'X~I:l:~ip)j'J;(~-c' fl,9Ji!li:!JI ft v':::: i: tJI'¥1]0 ko L.-7,)> 1...-/JlU/.Effl' 1::: HTO i: HT 0) fij(J'I;tiJ~J:t:iJII'£ G ·'A' T" :13 V) , .::: IJ) ))j{IZ§ ;(JI, l!l!ifiif$ll:~tJ· to ill'lYE~if:t -c'IJ)~r.lll:::i8lll§-t 0 t IJ):!J>, iJIIJJEIJ)/fVIIJtl•'¥11 0 -c 1r' ttv 'o ~1&: ~ G f;:il{IJJE L- ))j{ IZ§ H¥ rJJJ -t 0 'fiE'-' t? 0"

3.EP1~-A7.{:.-']-.:.-'*NP1~-'!'IJ) 14Cilii!~·JE

;<f>:IJ!!tf.l'llthT-JJPJ!!!~ r- / .t-Jvi*l ~-'I' 1::: l:l:, 3H ll"!#J:if\1: '!"irstliJl 0) f3 Ml!:lil<H:l;f~fll! -c· ;J;, 0 14c :iJI1:JJJt-t 0:::: 1: :!Jifll G n -c 1r, 0 ;Ol, ;<f>:tf!HI>\'IJ)Jif!i~-c'I:J:1:P.ltik;OI'.J.dt 1r 't::. bl) F"~Ji!li 1: i:l:ft G tt 1r 'o UP Ut :!JI to J H F iifjiljfl::::l31t 0JJQ)ffi~-c'l:l:, !::'-A5!llfl!':!JI :;/1: ~ 1r 't::. 6b 14 C 1:JJ)t:lik:!Jif"9Ji!lil:::tt 0 1: 1r' 5 }~JlSit ;J;, 0o -t::::: -c';<f>:~tl>\'-c'O):!Jl.:fjt:a:J'Et§!-t 0 t:::bl) E P 1 t:··-A 7 .{ / r / .:f;vi*JI:::1:JJ)t U::: 1 4 C O)ji)(~t /jg:a:i)jljJE 1...-t::.o


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (38)

A r l) -;;7:::u( ;v0;-;fljffj L, 14C 0: C02 O){~"f':)f5-z.''t- J ::r:?' J~!V7 ';; /(.:j!,\!fiij[L, iBi{$://7

v~/" /7J 7 /?'~-z.' 14C O),f]j(!ftll~llillr!l0:-iJl1J:<i:Lt::o 4-!ETIO)iJlU:<i:--z'f:l:i!lkiJI Lt.: r /*;vfkl:z:<:%.:1; ~~~~<. 14CO)IJillfll~i61~//7v~/a/7J7/?'~0)MmaWYT-z.'~0~ffi. 3HO)~~:!i

(.:ttA: 1/100 YTl:-~0 !::};!!.;bh0o

2.1.a m3~&~


fM:Ji- 0 i'1=*·

• rr·M:~f4'¥l1Jf~al!ln.::t-Ht 0ff!,J!V;Hii,-ft~0)3i:·ff~(.:~ft 0Ji!(!MaR~x.t•!:: 11• ·~tt~~~~l1Jf~amf.:~~0a&*ll!IJ~a~M¥t/?'~0)8~f.:f'¥0Ji!(J'H8R~W&, R~


• :@{l!~)j!; ~. ifl ~fi 0) {'\' p)(

1. tg::tt.m~ W i<J.>: ffH.: IJ!1 b 0 m: :l!UM'<l $ ~i!f

~·~1~#'¥:llif'il:Jtt!lf&f.:~ ft 0'!;{~ 7 7 / ?' ~-7'·-;; HiJ!Jfl o)-~, ::: nf.:f'¥ 0 16 ~0) 2 a illtO)·~ 0:-fkl~!:: i-Oo (KEK-Internal 2000-13)

2. rp·~'tCf-~ 119 7·liJf~Jii!ll',)t(.:;f3ft Q ~'f:ll!IJT- 1::''~)., 7.{ /O)~ll:: (.:00;1::>0 ~Ji:fjl:~,lfl ~j!f jfL8*¥~~~j<J,j!~f4"f't /?' ~0)-Jl: (i'JL&*"-0)8q\ii), ~:(1(.:{'1~ 0 ~ffjll!IJ~ t"~A 71' / 0).11: 0:1*1?6!:: ~ 0, (KEK-Internal 2000-12)

2.1.4 m4~&~

• Y fO)~IJ':ifl~l'iHT·ft--::>tc,

1. 'lli>f lJ :.=. 7-;; !7 ~' 0 KEKB (.:{!t*fr~ 01Wii'I.\:~0)5illr!l0:-~ff 0 tci!J, 'ill:+ .AJ'H.ffif0)5!ilr!l0: 2 {S' (.:-1-0.

2. {fi;J!llli!J;'IIHThllHJ ?' ~ -7''-;; r o) 11li<P71< 0:, i'1.t 't-.A!MJmO)/~tll7.k~'"" !:: 0 J: 0 (.: ~ 0 o 3. i'l.t CflJ :.=. 7 -;; J -z'1stUH-J- 0 Ji!(J'H·~'tiRJ1l'1:7c:$ff:l:, ~-c, 'ill: +1\!J;'ill: + .A!ftlmi'JI!7 A H; ~ ;v-c·R'T

!llHoo 4. 'lf;N 6 ntc>I'R 7 7 /:7G:$f0:-Ji!(!M:J't71' ;; r ~7·~~¥:-c·f<J.>:Jtl~ 0,

• Photon Factory f:l:il!i'ii\' 2.5 GeV >ll:+o);/j!(JH:J't0:fflit'"Cit'0ill, 3 GeV 'llt~0:-Jflit'0:1i!!--&'L~0o

Ytlbl(t.J!i~~¥:l:· 3 Ge V O):li!!-fi-0)/Jjl ;ZIt' XKJflO)!j\fjjjf(0;-iVIVtc, :til!:MJ\:;71' 'J 1-- :t~DIJI!i~l:fr:l?n -Ml! '7 7 ::.-:7t*~DI::: il51t 7.> :til!:MM~:i:Mif *·lllM~ O)Ji!(!ft:J'tm~!il!lllltfklf=l'&JR6n-cv'o r!iJ(ttt:J't71';; t-~7~~-~J f:J:Ji!(!ft:J'tt''~A71' /0:-'L--:>?f 'lf;oJ,t RI J&t&Jii!lr&-z.' ~ ~, ~FW'N RI tt ""Vf.:MJ?Mif~'f'{o)~*4f.:M L "CJ.&!ft:Ytlffilfl Hr 0 :::!:: zll-z.''2: 0 4:1'~11\t ·O)Jii!!Jllt-z' ~ 0o 4-!ETI, J!iR 7 7 /:Jc:$f(.:xti- 0!&!H:J't~.lllti!li1Jtjjljj 6 h, ~ O)Ji!(J!.t8R~H¥& L

~om77/~-~~ffil&ar!lffi.I!J"CML<~~6h"C~~. ?l'WM~8-z.'Ji!(!M:J'tMM0:ft00)~~

"f~tl-c· ~ 0 tc liJ, Ji!(JI.t:J'tzlli!llifi\\ -c· '2: 0¥\fijYfl:·ft!IW Lt.:, ~ 0 1t 'f:l:/fR§l;O) .~lft~ 0:-'fri- 0 WNk!ill/!Jl\0)%8 o)wmHffv'-c!KiM~~Hn:::!:: L, ~O)!iJ(!Mk!illR~xt•0:-V:#Ltc,


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (39)

2.1.5 !r!"512!~ KEKB ellil q-ip)jtfM:::.I-:: KE:kB lJ /'7'1-::~;H~'i'J,!)Q.i!ll~li"J;Ol 4 ii''i'J.A~ht:::., :::17J'i$.AI-:: f'!'H.\'U~>iMQ.i!ll~li"£1l!liltUIE~fi!C'i7Jli>\l/Ji, & Lfi~#!ti7J IJ /' 7' "-i7J-1 /' 7- ~ ~ ;v{& O)x.~ Y /' 7' 1-:: :Jo tt 0~Jit!i~iltUIE:3::ffv ', 1iJI:Jft~ll1.illfJ:~,~t.-:tfli! :a:rr0 t::.,

KEKB 1J /' 7'7~~ ~ Mft-::I:J:~ p,s ::t-~;t~-c17J l::"~.A ;//'7":0l:ff:bh0 ;01, :::tct-::{'l'v '?i'/'7"ftJ!I 17J'Iitllij(1i>:Wf'/\O)~:Jil:~:O'~~ 6 tct::.I7J -c, ~;Z l't C: l17J t.-: v 'ffl5tg!J. <P·ti-T-~i±l~ :a: fllv '-c~:liilt1JIE:3:


IE:3::ff--:> t::.,

RAD-S-00 I 11 f/i:R, "~~1/'J,!]Q .i!ll ~lfiilfflig!J. i"Eilllil!U IE~ li! (D 10) '!!-~ -"-1 " RAD-S-00 120 f/i:R, "~~'i'Jnu.i!ll~lliil~iliiia'lf Jl'ij ill '!J-~-"-1" RAD-s-oo 152 f.£&, "A'il ~~nu il!1 ~lliil .:r:. ~ -;; /' :?''a'lf ~~BJJ'I:ffil -c I7J ~ :li~iltU IE RAD-S-00164 f.£&, f.£-'r*, -!*, "KEKB 77? ~ lJ ~7~~ ~Mi'i7J,W:lll;~iJI!JIE" RAD-S-00126 f.£&, ";/? ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 11>:'!1-~-"-1"

• BT ~{;Ji'I!H ·ll.!li'lit-T-.Alft~&VKEKB IJ /':?''17J•ti~tlrlill:l-::f'i'v', J: VJ 51)J~~'JfJ:.AJft'li::~J'll.~0t:::. !IJf-::, BT 17J:Iil!:*l±lfl'li::Ji!l,i)QT01'fiill!f'li::f7--:>t:::., :H:::., :::tel-:~:@ l, KEKB .A!MMi'I7J BT-ARJJ'I: ffilflJI~ AR illi]O)~:liiltUIE'Ii::rr--:> k, ::: O)~J'Jft:l: f!l fi!f~it~*-'t C'll1l~H'i$: :a:rr0 -c :Jo VJ , f: i7J*Ii*, ~:Ji~;Oillffflil:~t~~'Ji!'li < t.-: 0 n 't::., BT 0) l::''~.A i±lfJ 'lr:fi!l!l!iT 0 f!l ill!fl:::.f'!'v ', ::: 17Jli!l,\\\17J~fffli ~'li::~~TC:C:~t=~·~=J:--:>-cRBlk,

KEK-Internal {.£&, RF, :IJZJD, t1~, t!JII, "~>Wno.i!ll~li!.Alftlll\17J{if;:fllrl£.ll!l-::f'l'? ;fj)I:Jft~'ti;':'E:)It~

RAD-S-00104 {.£&, &F, "KEKB .AJftMi'f:::.:Jolt 0 BT-AR JJ'I:ffil AR {J1!JC'O),W:lll;~ilt1JIE"

• PF-AR~il

PF-AR~I:J!§'~l/JitJit~i\llWJ:VPF-AR i'li~ili!litlll:=r /'? IJ- ~~ii&Jiltfi!O)f:::.!IJO)~lf&H:JJHT--:>k,

2.1.6 !r!"612!~

• 1iJI:tt~~ 1=.~ M 17) 1t'f"J l'fl il1!f :O'.f!t"¥1iZ *'r ma VJ *liZ *5!1illll.!li-T IJ =- 7 v? tlili7JJ:i!rf ~ /' ;f;vi-:::Jo tt 01iJI:!M>W~1=.~• RFQ 17J¥r:\Jl:fif!fll t= ibt::. VJ , 1t'FOJ l'fiill!f~:jiij-H'f.fiX l, 2000 iF 8 Jl 24 13 f11tC'$iiJ!t'!i::rrt.-:--:> t::., #"f:JJ'(Vffi'!Tf_: J: VJ 2000 iF 11 Jl 8 13 fl'ltC'jj!:iiZ~ht:::.,

KEK Internal2000-ll 'fJ¥,1ffl,\.r,, f'l'~~, :Iflili~~' mJEft\,IJ!!,, !l!fr:J{@'~, P~it~~,

"*5!1iltll.!li-T IJ :=. 7 'Y? ¥rill!:l:::.f'l'? 1iJI:Jft~'t<':'E:%H!i"

• -1 T"/'IJ](~ifiiif#J~af:::.f# 5 ~OO~::Ii~iltUJE


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (40)

2000 if' 10 fl 3 S , -1 T /l})l( 0) i!!lil\iirn'Jl!M.: 1'¥ ? !Ji!ill![JliJ ill 0) 22:r.llffll!:li$ili1J:<E :a:f'T ft v ', -1 T /IJJJ\ 'E-­F O)J!!lJfiiP,iO)±l!J T r / ;f.;vfkllik!Mffll! v~;v;Ol~:£:l:Fo~Mft v '$ tr:l!{J[Jie, L t.:o

RAD-S-2000/51 rp ~. ":k5!lilill!li'H ::::.7 v :7 tJlUl!JT r / ;f.;H T/IJJJ\1:1--~-1"

• !i!rH #ll w m1 ~KJJJx 0) *'~* lllt :<E

!i!rltt>Yil Wm! IKJJJx 0) *'fJ;JUJt :<E r.: i'¥ ? r :t if: 'if r.: J: 0 #!Hrl'l fkl !itlJJ\Itj§(J!tJ :a:: 2001 4' 3 fl 1 s r.: n tt' ', ~S#~~ r!Jj(Jlt#Jl'Ef~IK·J tr.-1\lt:<i:Lko 'Ef~IK-~O)~A'Efmtr:H~Lko

• RFQ OYi\(ffii"'i!r.IJMil:l!l;$0)iJIIJJE

• RFQ 0)[\!id .. e··-Ai1!!ifiiWfriJ

RFQ o) t:"- Ai!!lifiil.:t~Jb 0 r r;r !llir&:ii''J&fl!t;tG J: V-1 /:7- p ::-- :7 r.:IJ!Jb 0l!!\trl'ffklj§\itf.J :a:: 2001 4' 3 fl 22 H l.:f]·ftv', liiJ S{·nJ·-c·t:"-Aj!l!ijlJ:iO)jj'fiiJtr: Lt.:o

2.1. 7 i' O)fflJ.

2.1. 7.1 M <I' f1-T~l1!**BIIii ~-¥it J: VJ ;<tt!HI'-J ttflt!HJ tr: tJ11 ftil Lt.: ll!!\ tt' ti-H'Mi!t!li fkJ .& VfliJ ill O)#jllli; "$\O)iJ{IjJE{i:jh f,:o

• r };:'l{j:jJi\it.~Jtl DTL 'E-7'!v'S':II'JJ O)*'fi'Jl,Jiltfl!t (7-t /:f I) ;t;-;v)

7-t //' IJ ;t;-;v ~-;v FMfkl -c·O)i!!!ilii~~ftal.: w? !i!r!ftffil!l&tlk±i:f:'lfl.: J: 0 j§!J!t :a:: 2000 4' 4 fl 25

r11.:1ttJ:v', 1P1 Cl itft~f11U!lil'f"1 Lt.:o

• r:k'lll:.1Jt:'-A7A Hll'J o)*'fi'Jl.llltM (:k5!lilti~+IJ ::::.7v:7tJt0

:k5mlt~~r1- IJ ::::.7 ::-- :7 -IJ!! :7 7-1 A r- P /of'-~" 7 IJ - -c·O)J!!liliirn'lftal.: i'¥? 22:flflf!l!:liiJl1J:<Etr: 2ooo 4' 11 Ji 13 ~ 15 ICJ [,:f'j'ft 0 f,:o '! f,:, !Jj(JftMJlJ&tJk:J:.:{:f:-'lf[,: J: 0 j§\jtf. tr_- 15 ICJ [,:f]·ft V '• ~ CJ {t ft ~{~ffj f;'filJ \J,:o

RAD-S-00/55 9"~. ":k'llt.1Jt:''-A7A r'EfO)i\ltll!f.l.:{'j'.'J1j--~-{"

• r :k'ill:.1Ji\it~Jtl DTL 'E-7';v'S':ii'JJ O)j~ffl ~Ffrlltll! (:k5Mtll!li-T IJ ::::.7 ::; :7 tJii)

7-t: /::1 I) ;t; -;v;(J' G :k5!liltll!l;-l- I) ::::.7 "':7 til! :7 7-{ A r p /of'-\' 7 I) -~O)f~Jfl~pjf!JtJ!:!:: i!!lilii rn'Jftal.: 1'¥? !i!rHMRJ&1'1Zi:i:f:'lfl.: J: 0j§\J!t tr: 2000 4' 12 fl 21 s 1.:1tft v '· ~ s #ft-c·f~Jtlil'filJ Lt.:,


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (41)

• r ;!;.:'II!:JJ UHF(324MHz) 7 71' A r P / J O)®i!:J!.ll5!:!11t (;1;.:5!1\/ti~-T lJ :=. 7-;; 7 ~)


ai&t,&±{1:1!fl= ~ 6~11:~ 2000 '¥ 11Jl 22 1'11=1Tt~v ', I"JI'I Jilt~{~ffl~11'iiJ LJ::o

RAD-S-00/57 <ft~, ";!;.:'li!:JJ UHF 7 71' A r P/O)Jil!:ll![l=f'¥5-l;J--~1'"

• Iif.l:V/7 o r- o /O)®iil5t (;k:fl!i~-::z /7'v -;;-l;!--W)

Ii'.J: V/ 7 o r o /O)®iJil!:l=~-t 6Ji)I:J!tkli!l&t,&±{'f:1!f·l= ~ 6~11:'3:-tfv ', 2000 '¥HI 17 R ~ fJ {~

ffl R fra H-NM:: 0

• fJ :/- 1'7 ;;- o '7-i!liJi'Ui!.liJJPil!!'/tll![O)®ijj',t (KEKB 'II!:IJJl\tJI! D2)

fJ :/- 1''7 ;;- o '7 -i!liil'!JilliJJP.iilE/tNM®illl!:l=~-t 6Ji)I:J!tai&t,&cl:{'f:1'i·l= ~ 6~11:H'fv ', 2001 '¥ 3 fJ 22 1'1 ~ fJ 1~J!llm~aH-ll!Dt::o


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (42)

2.2 *lmf(lt]~~OOil

2.2.1 IIJ...~Ii < $!R:I:it

*"Pil'!'7P G'IWJ...Iffltl:llUH·!::: L -c, 1!1:*0) 7 4 lv Jv{ v ~fctf;b 0 -c, J'tlll1J~:!ll:J'ti1Jlti:H (OSL ifjj!:Jt llt) O)'l*ffl;iJ~~lH2'tL-cv'0, ::_O)t:.ii;, 0.5, 12 GeV l!l>'rT-:IJQJB!~. 2.5 GeV 'IIH·:IJQ)3!~0)if1li!J<;ItJ;Mifjj!

~"Z', OSL ifjj!::l;llf!::: 7 4 ;vA/{-;; ~a-, ttif\i1ij{I)Jf L t:., !j\\'1:: KEK ij\'f~O)~:I;f.;v~- 'Pt'E-T~"Z', cp 1"1-Tifjj!:I:H 0) Jffiiil'!' ;iJ!ftl; "f L -c L ~ ? r",Jm ~, y ~ifjj!:l:lJt;IJl illi "';f. !v ~- 'P t'E -T 0) ~1l!l' :a:~ It 0 .~:a: ~lli Lt:.,

2.2.2 1i!r:M$!R'E.::.? 1J ::..-?'y;;r. 7 kO)lJUtlm~ ~tltftY.7.7kO)~lltim~ i!'F"f'il'!';iJ,GfibtL-c~t:.'f-:::.:7 ~ ~f~.A7AO)J!J1JTtf~l:l:, 10 jj 1::~~ .A 7 A 0)]\tl,tf;t :a:%7 L, 3 tit{~ l'llcilbt:. 0 NORM3 ;IJ~JEJ'\;Icf*{IJJ:a:ill\l~il Ltc, 4-§JO)~J! t:J:, /,_ r-· 7 "'7tJ\'J&O)~J!;()• G:; 7 r- 7 "'7 0)£;1f>:ID!:HO) J!ii'l L :a:o3"tr~ ;z. 7 A O)~f*O)f!i=tJ\'~Hr ? :k ;\!lA~ t.t t 0) !::: t.t 0 t:., ::_ 0) tc ii; , £;1f>:ID!:llt~ h- F 7 :.: 7 0) ID!:H a- ll'F"P il'!' 'P I:: it 7 2' -tL 4-"P il'!' lli 'Wll• G l:l:lWI13 ~.A 7 A H~71J L ""Cf*{IJJ 2:-tt (113 ~.A 7 A l:l:i':""C, jW~ .A 7 A l:l:-$:a:t1Jtf 2:-ttt:.), ~'('o­

"f'lcbtc 0 ""ClW ~.A 7 A O)tiJ{'j:ot;t!!)t{ :a:tfi()l'£1¥J IZ:fi ? ::_ !::: !::: L tc, lW ~.A 7 A "Z' db 0 NORM3 C'l:l:, (1) o-;/J;L--flii:tJl.1,\i\!~ (STATION) IU-olt0~:if-~~13Hl!.ll:2:-tt, 1RJ1,\i\!Jl!t0){'\'~Jll.l'!l.H~~2'it0!:::!::: tic, J'<':if-1,\i\!Jl!t!::: 'i':9<:l'lii:tJl.1,\i\!il!t!::: O)fi,,C'ii'[J'l:€0) 7 7 .-(;Vipi~:a:~m L, ~:if-0) ~JB!{t • ~~IJI3{t Hl110 !::: !::: t 1::, (2) 'i':9<:1'iii:tJl.1,\i\!i!!t :a:~lil3 .:::·!::: tc:5jj!flj LB. v' lc)i:tf;IJ~PJIJI3f,t J: ? 1::~ :ill:{t • JL*{t :a:!§ V) J: V) - ~ 0)~

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:a:~J'll.T 0 ::_!::: -c:, ill''iff'E!::: tl:€M.:·r'l::a:~ii;tc, ( 4) -~ti'Jt.t ::z ~ t::""'" -:7 m11'1-~::to r- ::z lv~O)'!*ffl-T 0 •-c:. ~*O)~mtt:a:ili'E-t"0-~-c:.iit*•.lL:a:ilf'M-T0tcii;l::t~~~74~ l:l:ft::511'icl\tLtc, 2' Glcl:l:, (5)GPS~Jl!tH!JAL. 'f-:::.:7 ~ ~f~O){li:~·rlt*:a:l&t\iloL, ij{IJJ:f:f'-:7 !:::&~M-:a:!:::ti::W•-t0::_!:::L,&~O)f574:tJ~•:iG.M:li7-;;~~~~-J:f~~0)~00e

m~lc;fl(ffl"Z'~ 0 J:? ICJ\ltH Ltc, J'll.i'E, ~.A 7 A;iJ1;1f>:;flii.I¥Jt.tJ!I!i(liHI'lfril L -c b~.*, J:fWJft'Jf,t{Jf!:'iflc J: 0 ~ -\'"'Y 1- ?t' 7 ~ HiHtli.CO)W

ll:$i:l:f!!!li;;-c !)• 2: < (0.5%£.( "f), ~J:fi:::;k ~ f,t/F~il-t.t < tiJW L ""Cv' 0o lW~ .A 7 AO)t'i:l'JI3~f{iffilc00 L -cl:l:, :RW!Icbtc 0 !iiJ{'\'~J:fWlilf''ifO);f.j'j *a-m~ L tcJ: "Z'if? 'f'Jf"Z'v' 0,

16::-"*tl'!;- rJJQJB!~~mO)'f-:=?' ~ ~~,.J. 1.&JM;fjj!, Vol.26 No.3 (2000)11 16::-"*tl'i;- rJJQJ!lH!~}i'ijilllc:J<Ht0'f-:::.:7 1J ~fJ. W--Tflil!i~#.:iii 2001 <¥ 1 Jl 1i!r:Mf:i'E.::. ~- (SARM) f::fMl"9 ~lilf~ilJJ~

1. lWJJii;ltl;M M'f- :::: ?-' - 0) ID!:H II'F"Pil'!';IJ> G,m,m L -ciD~:HilllJEHf0 -c ~ td~rJJii'f-:::. ?'- (A2000) ;iJIJEJ& Ltc, ::_ O)~Jlii'f-:::. ?' --c: l:l:, 1\ltiit ~(llj\';iJ• G Jtl~lii§ll!i\~ml!Jl(§IJ!IIIc :to v '-c ii&JJ'£ 1..- tc if•{t~jj;iili{t :a:jljl L)jji li;;i':(<ji:O);J•Jlii{t a­!§ 0-~"Z', fk!JIIi§jl!i\O)'f- ~ "'--;V{tlc J: VJ ;!Jl.;flii.MC-~ilf-'ift'E :a: ~'ill /i) 0 ::_ !:::lc:lfi:~;()~Jl!t;li>ht:.o 'f­~ _,_-;v:a:tli€,m-t07.-?-' /{.A 5-1 ~fcl:l: PCl/{.A H:ttffl L. ~7--:7 5-1 ~IZ:I:l:i\ltH~(Ilj\';iJ>G~ #~:a:jli1) VJ lli -c tc, ::_ O)tc ii;, ij\'fl::: CPU~ ADC(7'T o Y-7' 4 ~ ?-' lv~~~) O)§JJ!I\~~:a:, 4-1& £•l!l!lc f,t ··:>tc!::: ~ fc:k~ f,t~J! :a:-tti"lcl!JA -t 0 ::_ !::: ;IJIPJIJI3!::: f,t 0 tc, ;l'; t:., ~m~IJI31c00 L -c t, 1!1:*7J'Grll lOOmA mV!E1~-~5-:a:-tll<-1--t"0-~"Z'. 1!-'f-:=:$-'-0);/J.AJr- Ftli€~~tll1Ll'li€~. ~

tc LAN JJ€~ :a: OJIJI3!::: T 0 tc ii; 0)#!\~5 b!ll:IJQ L tc, lWJJii'f-:= ?'- f:l:mRft:tti& LF'i'f'l:-T.J'iif±l~Hll.lj.


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (43)

-&:b-Itt~ 2 7 -y ;/ -tJv-'E"=- ?'-!: L- -c, ~f:Ev' < --:Jii'O) IRJ!iiGf;::J!ll:fi!I ~ h, 7 .-1-1v Fll>\IJ#uJifi:bh -cv, 0,

2. fJI:Sm! 'I' 1'!1: 'f #; t±l$ 0) 00 ~ :!JQl!l!$, .mm-&, P.Jrtt J't~ 0) ::k:m!ii!iil!ll: l' 1';1:, ..:c 0) l1!!illii:tk151. 1=>t c:. -c, tl1i x-* 1v~-, tl1i k*:li$ 0) /~­

.A t-:I*P.Jrtt,mt~>~1=.-t0, :.O)J::? t.~:/~-.A t-:tkP.Jrtt,mt:a:~Pi\'r.,:w.t±l$:a:fflv'-ciJIIJJE-t0-t0:. 1: fi,*~'J't'fk*O)~-&fi, 'l!i;J~Uii:fJJ'\:O)Mt±l$:a: ffJ v 't±lfJJl!,J!!! :a: I :Ro-t 0:::. !: l'"Jfltll';J.l, 0 ~~, 'l't'E-Ti*0)~-&1;::1-;t!IZ,"f G '6 ~J)}C'I';ttJ:v ', fJU ;t l:f, lb.< ffJ v' G h0 'l't'E"fariJIIIffl/~Jv.Am/Mt±l$ 1';1:, He-3 ~ :a::W.t±lAAti*!: L- -c J;tiJilllNill:lfl';J.l, 0 ~~' -'(:0){1j"%0) ft i?J:iJOJPiffl,, l'i.!f'.v ''6 0) l' b~" ~?P80)~-~-l'~~,~+~/8fi·O)~-l'~~I:-*T0'1't'E'f·~·WI:~~~h~

"', * t~, ~~~9J't1t.~: <P·I'E-T-if-~~.) -?Tii, :::. O)J;tfJU~~If :a: :tum t..- n '0ii&.Jil'~" 'il', ..:c O)Pi\'r., :Si!!flll31'i'6"' !:i!!< ~+"~? Pf'J>I~ '6&~, ::nGO)t\1i•:li$~/~-.A t-:tk<Ptt-rl=~-tM-¥t'E

:a:iJl(i\l' ~-It 0 t~ !0 1;::, Mt±l!i!\\. :a:!ltii4i f: L- -c:W.I±l$1"l i*:a: ,J,m!ii::T 0 -'¥-1HI ffJ v' Gh0, :::. 0) J:: ? t.~:Pi\'r.,~:li; :a: '6 0/~- .A 1- :tk'l't'E-T,mtli, ;;t>::IJQi!lHi!HIIIr'<Il' 'b KEK ~~ii[I*Jjjl!;ffili{*)Jli]ill :a: l'i C:. !0!: L- -cJm!0 Gh 0, :. h G :a:~J&; f;::iJIIJJET u~ !0 f:l-;t, J't"f.!: Fifi:!~H: 'l!i;r.fffl:S:a:fi? 'lltl~Ul'im! 'l't'E "fMI±l$:a: ffJ v' 0 O)iJ\:111<.!:: ~ ;t Gh0 iJI, 'l't'E-Ti*:li~JE~;Ii ;/?.l:>ct-9 0tm!Jt~i!!ff;R: UJ: It hltt.~:Gt.~:v'rR~l!li'b~v\ if.'ff:-'E"=-?'!! ;/f~.A7Al'l'iiJIIJJE"Aii>~< ::q Hliil'O)~Jii'J!li;''b::k:~v',

~@,-'E-=:)7!);/f~.A-TA""t.'O)EffJ:a:~~!::L-c, m~O)'Pt'E-T~~~~if~M-L,m%:a:a

r.ffJl:S L llt~il:: :a:a~UJH- Fl'!li!Ji'P ~-It 0:::. !::ill "Jflllt.~:ilfrll!Ulll$i$:a:l!ll:ilt Li?\i'P Lt~, :::. 0)!\)1 ~i$0)1±ltJi1l%fi, SARM l'i!OCW'Cl'~ 0 J:: ') 1:~:(£ NORM~ .A 7 A l'{l!!:JfJ ~h -clt'0aM~MI±l $1: Fif]~tJ:~J'\:!:: L t~, -ttJ::bi?, fJi:S'Iltr.f:a:@iim:tkl:l±ltJ L- SARM O)J!jjj!j} l':: 0){~ ~ :a:iltiJIUT 0 1Ji'tl'db0, :: O):fj:<\;1: J::hl'i, 300V fi.O)F~i'iJ'Il[J±I:)ct L -c lei!! 100%0)'/ltf,/f!?J;foill11f Ghtlt~ ~q:.- Fl'!li!Ji'P ~-It 0 ~-&I:J;t!l!)( L- -cii'8 1/4 0)'/l[J± -c'-9 Ji-, i*I!J :a: JfJ v '-cW!!~t:JIJ!:Ii$if.'ft'EI::lov' -c l'i, !18 lOmSv /h fi!3l (;;$::11,\HIII-c·•IJJ:a: ffJ v '-c ~Jjj(; L ') 0Jii<::k:.:li$) '*- -c'jijj!0 -c ~~FJ:.~t'EiJI 11f Gh -cv '0, ~tE'*- -c'l:, KEKB :!JQ)!![$0) t:"- A?'" ;/7",<2., !l(l!ft;fJli· DT 'Pti:-T~1'.1.Qll[;'J1I{')J, slf!: rN=W:~t::k:t\1il!I!<Pt'E-T~~ii[~O):!J~l!l!~i8li!J0)/~-;7, r :tk<Pti't-:\!.ll'll>\~ :a::rr-0 -c ~ t::_, ..:c O)J;t~ ·tti:J:jijj!0 -c A< , * t::_ <Pt'E-T~ill!3ln>jijj!0 -c::k:~ v '~-&-c' '6 OO:,mtf'£0) t\1i< '•:li$if.'ft'Eil'11f Gn -c<' 0, U> LfJ:iJI G, m~O)\lt~lfH>e:ffl-t 0 t~!01:, ~l±li*:fJI:a:::k:~ < I:~ fJ:v't~ !0{.Eh ,.:liJ!iiZ-c'O)iJIU JEf: li~JJ!JiliJI;!;; I? , Jli<{I!;iJIIJJEOJfltli*:lili 0.5mSv /h f~N 1:!: !::'''*---::> -c v' 0, (Jj>:lilf~l';t, ~til R&D &Hf0)1if!Jl)J Bt lt-c~fi ~ nt~)

2.2.3 Nal ~ :..-7 v-~ f;:J:; ~)'fj~±:JliJIIj)E(}) EGS4 f;:J:; ~~iilli

±•~ml'ffl•~n~•-&, ~-~~;-?T~l'ffl•eoo:a:•~, ±•~~•••:a-~!00, aw ~:[k!: G -c l'i±.'l'l: Nai :a:~'*- ~·VJ:~ ~ l'i!ll:fi!I-t 0~i'!~, ±•Jiil:t-'t:a:~$1:;\h -ciJIIJJET 0:\!.l-& iJI;J.l,0, -'C:: l'8iiiJ~:tkl: J:: 0 Nai iJIIJ;\E0)5(1J$0)jl£{1:;:a: EGS4 :a: ffJ v '-c ~ ~ "" v~ 1- L, ±Ji~:fSl-i*;;fi

I:O)Ml±l51)J¢!: ~·-c'~~l±l!<;i.J¢0) ~ill! :a: iJ!l G il>l: L- t~,

RAD-D-2000/5 jtiE:Ill.~.L, iiiEfoli!, j)J{pj5'f=, "Nal ~;/'f"v-?'I:J::0i?.±i.ilil!!UJEO) EGS4 1: J:: 0 ~fiilli"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (44)

2.2.4 !&M*.i~:i:~Ff

-llll:loHt;~:.-7 vv r r~G \.,o:>'fo:>1ti:Mk*J o:>fkl$'3:: 71¥&VJ l;::~lJ[\.,m2!llii'31frr\.,tc:o ~tc,

1tfraQ:IEt.t !::' f;::%fr.tT 01-=: &'!, 1ti:Mk*'td~!lit1f t:'''T';to) S Jf>:!!Jlli r 1ti:Mk*i'~~~Uj( VJ 1& ? tc: &'! f;::-~ ~*IJ , :liH!Jlli"Practice of Radiation Work at KEK" o:>CJQ:Hilli '3::$1]{')' \., tc:o ~ tc:, r 1ti:Mk*~~o:>'¥iJ I ~-mlO!lli-J i-3Mf\.,ko

2.2.5 lftlM:Il X *.i~~~li!<7.>~t1~~

1ti:Mk*f!f"f:t / ?' -N ,\9l,MiliDl:C' <lb 0 1ti:Mk*1ti:Mflli l:l:, 1tl:l#k*"E-:::: ?'- • 1f-r::-{ ~ - ?' ·NJJili < tl'J11! ffl F / ~ - ?' tt !::' o:>~IE, lJELJI;::~ftffi\tt~~tt !::' f;:: f.lli--9 0 tc &'! f;::ID!:tll ~ htc:!if!iiDl:C'<Ib "5o ffi\tt~tll!::

\., -c 3 fl~ o:> 7 ff*I!Jl(, 2 fl~ o:> 'I' t'£ 'fff*I!Jl( ;l)l <lb VJ , 361: ~til !:: \., -c 'I' t'£ r361:~tll !:: X k*361: ~til Hiii ;t -c v' "5o ;4s:1¥iltl:l: X k*361:~tllo:>tl''lltEE 60kV, 120kV, 200kV I;:--::> v ''C, CdTe MHI:ll!lf!:: Ge tl<l:l:ll!lf '3:: ffl v '"( .:C*Jv=\'-7- A:,7 r Jv{i:IJ!IJ7i: \.,{±~ C O)j;\:~ {;:fi-e> fc:o

RAD-D-00 /06 iii<,!ffL iii:~< ;;f:, "ffi\Mflli Xk*361:~tll o:>t'l:jj!g!:: !1\ft'£­tf'I[EE 60, 120, 200kV o:>.:r:.*Jv=\'-7-A::7 rJviJ!IJ7i:-"

2.2.6 JlUlt&Mim<7.>lltiE

Ji'iJill:lt!llliZ '3::13 Mctlit:ilti!f!:~o:>l!!,,o,\i:;l), G, JJpJ11!1!1f!if!iiD!:;I)' G:lixl:l:l ~ htc1tl:lttt'£-l*fl, !f.\' I: r IJ 7 t/ A ;l)l)i!ij illtlit:Jlti;::J!l&f!!i' :to L -c" ''t'-' <::. 1:: Hi~t<--9 0 tc YJ, ;4s:tl!tri\l'ij)!(:lt!lfkl:lt!lr7k& VJaJillf<iJJ I ilk'!' o:>1ti:!Mt'E -l*flillilt i'IJ!tl7E L tc:" tl'JO!!! !KiliZfkl o:>ti!J T7.k 1l' G l:l:, tlitlft vr::!v J:. VJ ~~!iii v 'illllt o:> r IJ 7 t/ A ;l)lij< l:l:l ~ n tc: ;l)l, ;4s:tl!trJitij)!(:lt!lfkl o:> -llll:!KiliZ o:>:lt!l T 7!<& Vtl!trill'JaJ ill lilT J 117!< 'I' o:> r !! 7 ? .L, I!Jtilt l:l:, tlitlft7.ko:> vr::,v -c·<lb VJ , JaJilltlitlfti:J!l&W:a: :t3 J:.i! L -c v 't.t v':::. !:: '3::$~~, L tc:"

M!l~o:>~Ji:l;::!:: tt.t? ~!4lii't~o:>tl<\ltHr"'-c~ tc:o

1. //:7 P r P /~i!H\M!W VJ l:l:l \.,I/i;I:J:. 0~!41!!:: ~'i1t!lffltl'JO!!! 2. 1}--{ :7 P r P /~~o:>I:J:-::> VJ Itti;::J:. 0~~1::~*4ffl'lfl0!1! 3.l5!41i±:lt@'l'o:>1ti:Mil1Hi:o:>~¥fllli (t/t/A-137) 4. i5!4li±:lt@'l'o:>1ti:!MIJI5:1ll:o:>~ij1fllli ( r I) 7 t/ A)


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (45)

4 f~~~~ · Jl±.lOOiKt 4.1 ~~~NIT

i>:"P J~Hi 33 f'l' <7) ft>;!¥Ji:5t 1ff :3:-"lt ft f•Hrte o -'t <7) 'P l' t KEKB ll.!Jl!l! <7) X'J:I;fl7k r: il.!JT 0 :5t 1'Jfft,;!¥Ji n> ~ iP 0 teo X'J:I;fll)< 1;: 1:tH;1l7kn>1JI!:I:>n n' 0 n>, 1"1 t 7l< Hll!11! L- -c 1J!':Jfli" 0 te !0, 1J!':Jfl L-n' 0 ~Jil\t,t<7)H;1i7k <P "'-<7)f4l!~ijt. fil:l:L ~ ~ 1;:1ffl±l Ue~Jil\JZ f:i~A L- te ,:t ~ ~1;: J: 0 :.:<. 1- v-7-<7) l'l ill\' ;I: 'IJ ft. t:.' <7) 1- 7 7' Jvn>~1: Uete!l.l-c'-Jb0o £J,T1;:, :5t1fffkl$<7)-$'3:-ll'To

f(ilrJ, KEKB ":?"*:;~ J-.X'J:I;fl;>k<7):.:<. 1- v-7-7Jiiffi;J: 'IJ. ":7"*:;~ J-.n>A'ii\'1l~llP.\i"0'l!J:$:n>~1:L­

teo ::_ <7) C:. ~ <7) llfli\ljo/,]1;: ":> v 'C f::J:, V' ~l* :;! f-li!iJYEJfl X~~ ~#.lfijiJ-c' -Jb 0 :: C:. i.JlT""('1;:~JilJl l, c v' Q 0

4'-IEI1:t, :bl!lllltjJIJJ<7) :7- lJ ~ :?" 1FIJ-"'-<7) 7-1 /1:<7) 7. 1- v-7- f;: ~ ~!\ilo/.JW t:. "'~i'l'Dtl\llo/JWii>t.'f;J: 0 eli 'te <7) l'' -'t <7)*.ll}l)tf;: 0" 'c 01ff'3:-:ff 0 teo ~ ~itil\~:tsl-f:ti1M'I-IJ&l/J<7.A::7 I- Jv:3:-iJ!rJ7f: L-td\i'i*, 11j. ~;!'Lte:.:<. A::? I- ;Vf:tf(frjiJ!rjtf: L-te" :?" * v 1-

~YEJfl :o:~~ ~WniJ<7) 7.A::7 1- Jv t:. :kl!<£ J: < -'life L-teo "'~:f,L:ti\~:tsl-1:--:> v '-c 1:i, 'litJ't Xffli!)tfi1.: J: 'IJ

~·:5tfi'3:-:ff0~M*,Cu~~-1:Mi±l~:.tL~o ;!:~. m*x•§!fi~KJ:'IJ~¥-<7)i"JYE'3:-:ff0~ M*. 11j. ~;f'L~§!fi;~?' -~1:t, CuO <7);~ ?' -~1;: 1!1£-'lifc L-teo ::n;!: ""('<7) KEKB ":7"* v 1- X'J:!;p 7~l:il.!Ji"001'Jf<7)*;!i*J: fJ, X'J:I;fl7k<PI;:1:t, ":?"*:;~ J-.<7):::L{ ;vt:. L-c1JI!Jfl L-cv'0 Cuii>MflrtL--cv' 0 ;:: t:. nlllJl ~ i.J>IU.t. 0 c :to fJ , ;:: ;f'Li.JI, i'i!tft:ilo/.J <7) %-c'tt»!il: L- te b <7) l' 1:i ft. v 'iJ> t:. ,lj!!,;b;f'L 0 o

7. }- v-7-l:iilH~24mm, ii'ii~ 39mm, ;i--;v7.7'~v7.~<7)f9fo'j-c', :Yf-jJIJj<J)-1)-~- l-1ill?tl.:fkl 1JI!J<7).) ::t~-"-il'ii!ilYE~n-cv':Oo :91-iJIJJ<l)-1)-~- H:1:t. ll't1H8 2mm <7)/\;(ll-7f:r.9111'il'-Ji:>li'c:l0 'IJ, 7. J-. v-7-fkliJIJJ<l).) Y ~ ""'*oo1:m-§.<7):1lftfl'lilo/.Jnl-!T~- 1- <7) /\<7){li:fill;:~ fJ J::6l0 te:ti\~l'NJ\l'f L- -c" 'teo

;l:'f\ "'-@.:llft;fi!lilo/.Jn>{t)jl'f Ue.) Y ~ ""'111l0HIJ 'IJ I& 'IJ, :lil:J'CX•?tfil;: J: :0 ffii:5t1'Jf (iJ!rJtf:i!liiiD: 6 x 8mm, iiitm lmm r.lllll'il' 63l/K) :3:-:ffv', ~~·<7))t;ffi:l;!\~{i:iJ!rJ7f: L-teo -'f:<J)M*, "'~i'ftf!'lllo/J:bl{t~ U::$0 'C' Cu, C ;(Jl rlllillltl'?t:ffii" :0 ;:: t:. nl$JIR ~ ;!'Lteo ~ ~ 1:, "'~:ilftfl'lljo/J<l)Ji-:3:-Jil~ I& 'IJ, 'Ml:J't X .)tjff, m* X .IEifi?t1ffHt0 teM*· ~*'H:t Cu <7)~ft:ilo/.J, C <J)~ij-llo/JC'-Jb :0;:: t:. n>llJl ~ il>l.:ft.0 teo

4.1.3 KEKB -q?";J<. •;.r 1-}t;!IJ}j(#fl±\!lt!J(]):$3-jff

"::f';J<. y 1- X'J:I;fJJ~<J) ~ ~ /IJ&i6{~rj<7) 7. 1- v-7-l.:~~<l)Ailo/.Jnl~lf;J: -:o -c v '~o 30:$-c' 9 ij)ijf<J)~:jSJ-1;: 01t, -c:lll:J't x•?tfi~l.: J: 'IJ :5t11f :a:rr -:o ~0 .) :;~ ~""' 11. ~1/.li <7)!Jfl., 'X\':tl\<7)1fjj!\ilo/.J<7)fm. :o: ~~ ~w

81J<7)l\B<Jl. ~J;. !Wff<J)~{I::llo/J:bl$~.-c'~teo H;1l7kHlllll!tL--cv':OX'i*P7l<7-1 /C'-Jb:Q:bl, :k~v"6<7)n'~

,1, ~ "' t <7) ;~: l'~•!/ill<7)Ji'l.ilo/.Jn>r!I:A L- -c :to I?. !EWlil'J ft. 7. r- v--:r- <7)/5ti"f>nt,e.w t:. .\!!.:l:>n:o 0


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (46)

7 P --e /"t-l:l:, A 7/ v Al\Wh '/ y/ YO)cp l::iEJ:tfi10 40mm O)$::fl~J;!I!!bJZ,/vt~-~~tRIIiiJIJv:>te

tPf)l![l:, 7l<ii1EI:: J: 0 -n~t.R.Iji:iJI IE! VJ IRE:I:Hil\?;ll-9 -5 fUJ.Ji-IUt 0 -n' -5" h 7 Y / :~lf!<JiJUL ~~t.R.Iji:~Ufi

l::f!lr@,O)f>j'lflj&JiJI0 v '-c :!0 VJ , •!JB't X>IJi<:5HJrli.i, *!!*X >1Ji<IE!J' J: VJ :$ttJTHr0 teo -f O){Fj!f!f':, ifJ\:jSJ-O)±p)(;:$tl;l: Cu20 "C<b-5 :_!:: iJif!)j Gil'l::ft0feo

:He, ~~f_R.Iji:cp 1 ;,js:O)~~tl>:~lii 1:: iEl:tf 1 mm l'l\0),\1\-!:: Ji!i-§,O)f>j'lflj&Jili#;JI, ~ h, '!itJ't X>!JR0t!T, :¥'Jt* xaiE!tJT0tJTI::J:V):$ttJT~ft0ko '!itJ'tXa0tJT~O)lJij:$ttJTI::J:V),*~·O):$t~~-~-mLk!:::.

0, Fe !:: Cu il'"'ft -5 i111!N-c-0~ L '"CV' -5 ::. !:: iJIJit~tl ~ hteo ilJ!:*'l+ffiL~ !& VJ , il$ L < 51 tiT L tdli!>l':, ifJ\:jSJ-O)i:)J)(;:$tl:l:, Fe!:: Cu l:<b VJ, Fe l:l::±l:: Fe304 O){Fj!fJ!,;fPf)l![l:l'H'£ L, Cu ill Fe304 O);j;;b VJ I::Nw L '"Cv'-5 :_!:: iJIIlfl Gil,l::ft0feo

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KEKB HER IJ /;f, LER I) /:7"0)-e7.;: :7 ATx/!'-$0"CI;l:, -e7.;: :7 A_l::l:::&:flliJl'~,\ldJIJJ€1'f ~n-n'-5" :_o)j)'[l:$tl:l:i'%1.<P7ki::D'f.JJ€JJ€M!llL'"Cv'-5ill, :l!itili, HER I} /:7"0)-e7 :0::7 A !:::\'i}:)IJl,O)J3'€i\' 11~0li' G l%:!iil7l<i.!f\hil')(j M. ~ ht::" 4-i& r 7 :f;vO) !Jl(~!:: tt -5 nJiJ~'t't b "5 ;t G h -5 t:: !b, i'%t'fl7l<~h0)

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~3<\JJnli/{\J)j( 't·I!&J'tlti, ICP #:J't:5!J'tltl:: J: VJ !jj;f)J' ~it0 teftili51?:, HER ili\*471< I::M '-c Ni iJio$ < ~l±l ~ht::o Ni l:l::&:l/.ll,Jl'~O)::J;,-;v-;§-:iil: (Fe-Ni-Co) 'l-'1::, &VJJ€ii'll'il:$t0);< /'~!:: L'"Cfll':ffl ~h'"Cv'-5 ill, Fe lett---o: '"C o$il;lei'61'? L -n '0 .:_ !:: iP G, Ni 7 /' ~illi'6Jt l±l Lll<iKI!n:a:-:'t t. t:: 0) 'Z'I:l:ft v 'il'!:: ,f,!!,;b ;(l,{)o

4.1.6 1\-::1- t:'i::J; 7.>!lo!l.~llll'Y .A-T l.Cl.l~A

/F'll'~J'w 0)~~7!1J11!!:: ;'(- :=~- F 1:: J: -5 ~J'o'llfl11! /A 7 A O)i/'¥-]..1:: 0v ''"C i;J:Ilf±f'!til' G tt11flili ~ilt!b '"C {5 te iJI, /F'1l'lli!i;,l1 0)~~7!1@ 1:0 v ''"(l;l:, 'I'm L '"( v 'te01'::'"CI: 0 v ''"CO'GT L, lli!i;J'"']lffl!! /A 7 A 1::0 v''"CI:l:;'-:=~- f"O)Jfljt, *lli!i:n"n~O)~,t;f-J', ~~ft~ili7'GTL, fJI.:l'EF"~Il!lft<W!IiiJL'"Cv'-5" :i:'"CO)lli!i; ,fbl:0v''"Ciiill1JO);,-:=~- Fill'%~ftlt-c~~i¥Jftlli!i:J'nO)ffJl!i'll!'fl!!ili"C'f5 -5 J: 51::ft VJ, lli!i:J'o0)~7{;,

~~' fli':Jtl1lc~Hii-::. !::'IJifll'i*l: 1:'15 0 J: 5 l:tt 0 teo


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (47)

4.1. 7 .!Jilli~J!I!b'x:fi.O)-T-$1 ~-A-it

~~(J)~}d;:~ L- -c 'b 7'~?' -"~ 7.{t;'i'lli!Ml L, H~f;: J: 0~~7l:hm!{J';(J!iJjji(J)jJHI:I 'i-~11: Ltco :::n~

-<:fJ:, ~~:a:~lt.An0~f;: r~~7l:hl1!!1J';(J!iJliiJ (J)J!l~~~;:f'JfJ/.1\, JJ;:-1,, ~~IR?t, J'l.-1*i¥Jttli'J~~~;:"") it'cti~i±lffl;:jj[..AL--ct Git', -ttL'i'/{-{ /?f~f;:7y-{ ;vl.-cit'tcnt, Access2000 f;:J:07'~?'-"~ 7. 'i'it!Jt L-, /~;! ::z / J:iJ> G :'!'l':!tlic<: ~ 0 J: ? {;: Ltco tc t:. L-, :;<f;:Jm~~£).7\-(J) Ail> G (J)Ji!,Jli!{J\(J!iJj{;:~ L- -c IJ:, /~;; ::z /il' G (J)jj1[fl€(J).A:1J IJ:il'f L- -c :lB G i', m ~ ffiJttJ~i±lff(J)i!fit 'tc} 'E' a- J! -c .A:iJT 0 ::: !:: {;: L­n' 0o ~ifl(J)~.A'i-7'~ ?' -"~ 7.{t:T 0 ::: !:: {;: J: I'J, -t (J)j~(J):$t!ij{, Jl!,Jll!f;:IUJT 0 'ifi:l9i7l!.Jll!iJI7. A~ ;;q;: iifttL 0 J: ? !Ut 0 teo


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (48)

5 1&M$JRf4!!f!-tz :..-11-ffBP-J v~- H:::-::> L '""C

1i!tM#lWf"f:t :.--:7---c:li, JXfiTlJ: ? tt1i!tMi!OO-f*&V1~$'ti::'f:OOi* r1iJtMi!~$t ::.-- :7-lfliP'l v;t-­r J :a:: /±I L- ev'9o

• RAD-A-lfl!l! !KllilGITl.r;t :<E, lfl!I!!KllilGJHf:'lf ITl 3'<:1-1(;, ¥~ ~ ~Jik!M**'te:'f:lfl!l!l:: OOill! L- e, 3:: f'f:'lf~lfl!I!IK llilGJi'f£'1f<li:> 0' 'ii1i!t!Mi!lfl!l!*7~' G /±Its nt::®ffii

• RAD-D-*H L- V'Jifiiil5tiTl1i!tMi!'te:'f:l:: OOill! L- e~\lt Ud;li:ll!:, t :.--:7 -7\-71' G ITlftxifilH:: J: 0 err-:> tdt~~ ITl Wfi!!L -'t ITlfi!lfiJtMi! I:: 00 ill! L- err 0 t:: ~lit 1:: 00 i!E -9 9 '!l'Jffil

• RAD-S-S ',ij\(!(J tti;!,)ITliJIUJI: :a::-1l; dJ t::1'!-:lif!i.r;ti::M 'err-:> t::fiJt!Mi!iJIIJ;<Ei::OOill!-9 9 'Jll'l

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (49)

Chapter 3

• m so !El a -*12f¥:!1o/JJ:!I!¥:~¥:vtr::k~'l;!!))jiJJI: rm.:r ~"-AJ-t-n:J: I) ~1:-t-0 K-X ~0) EGS4 ~ 0:::-"- v-~" /J

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(J!i>~;v 7- it:ilfl!E:!Wim-T e·- A~!i'O)r,li:9E)

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l!i!Jili:liJf Jt C ( 2) 1Wi m -T lf1J i»JG I:::~ 1jl!1 '3: lf ;t 0 7't XIJ :llH::: IJIJ T 0 1iJf Jt 1iJf 1'E {-'(;iii{* : J1i .iliiJ:I!: l'i: Jl~ liJFJI:)j-jg'l'f : &j);tfJ:I!:ll}ll, nl!IEH11j\ it!>$-' :='.illl::t-

£!Jili:,jjJf')'E C(2) "P~*011lfU!ti" ffl v 't::. I, U 7 7 A O))j-liJfii!IUiil!:: iltiJ:<EI::: IJIJi- .::'> r,J1:9Ell3fJ\: liJFJ\:{-'(;ii\{'l'f : ~k ;tti!i;-liJf'J'E)j-tfi'J'r : Jli.iliiJ:I!:lkJl~, ~!l!fiJ:I!:=, &j);tiJ:I!:~JII, nlfft.JERJ!L #t'ft­

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W.i!i Ji:


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (50)

1. m 21§00~ EGS lVf')'Ej'i; IH'f : 2000 if- 8 fJ 8 fl ~ 8 fJ 12 S $)JQ1"!- : 120 ojj

7' P '_/~'J''-{ / ;/ : KEK Proceedings 2000-20, December 2000,

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4.1 f®-B' liJf:9'l j;; ~1!1'C ~ 1o

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (51)

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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (52)

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o International Conference "Monte Carlo 2000" Scientific Committee member

• ;@jJilllfl!J'tf4"¥'lVFJtt Y ?'- x!l'!!&MJ'tMi.illlt*~tl£~111~ ~ ~~ ~

•***'¥!Jl\rtJ8iflVFJttY?'- !&!ft~;@jN~.IIllVFJtW~~~~~~~


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Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (53)

o International Advisory Committee of Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation, 2000

[ t9>j:;;tq<~ ~ l

o !i)(JM>fJillfiJ m tll(!i!llc 1tb 5li jj)(JM >YllfU m Jl>l;:~ m?'E 7·- ?T ""- A ~<~1~ ~ 5li · jj)(JH>fJill tt Vii w F~ ll!l5li ~ ~

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- -1 ~ ?T-* :;; r-- 'iE!!Jm~~ ¥J.5li~ ¥J. - lJ:J% Jill~

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- -1 ~ ?'-* :;; Hll'E!!m!~~ ¥l. 5li~ ¥l. - lJ:j'9'§ Jill~

[ iB{ F' 7¥1= l


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (54)

• International Conference "Monte Carlo 2000" Scientific Committee member


• s J!s:!Jl\'1'-/J!cf:ii; r!i)(M>YJ!iii!HffllliJ liJf'lell}r~~~ii; ~~

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• s J!s:!iJiMfl;Of:ii;

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- ~M'i!i!Ol~


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (55)

$tillZ:hfll!K IEJ!W:5t~

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'PH ~

iWiit!& ~~ #lV/i!:Jjj( J!: Sf: lib J;JH


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (56)

Chapter 4 Publication Lists

1 Publications in Periodical Journals (2000.1-2000.12)

1. Ban, S., Nakamura, H., Sato, T. and Shin, K., "Radioactivity induced in a 2.5-GeV Electron

Beam Dump", Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 93(2001}231-236.

2. Ban, S., Hirayama, H. and Namito, Y., "60-keV Gamma-Rays Streaming in a Two-Bend Duct",

J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Suppl.1(2000}675-678.

3. Goworek T., Suzuki T., Hamada E., Kondo K., Ito Y., "Pressure quenching of positronium in

solid biphenyl", Chemical Physics 255 (2000}347-351.

4. Hamada E., Ohshima N., Suzuki T., Kobayashi H., Kondo K., Kanazawa I., and Ito Y., "New

System for a pulsed slow-positron beam using a radioisotopes", Radiation Physics and Chemistry

58 (2000}771-775.

5. Harima, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Kurosawa, N. and Hirayama, H., "An Improved Approximation For­

mula of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for A Point Isotropic Source in Two-Layer Shield", J. Nucl.

Sci. Technol. Suppl. 1(2000}488-492.

6. Hayashida, Y., Ishikawa, S., Hayashi, K., Hirayama, H., Sakamoto, Y., Harima, Y., Nemoto, M.,

Sato, 0., and Tayama, R., "Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmis­

sion/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code (2} Calculation of Gamma-Ray Wall Transmission

and Reflection Data", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1{2000}621-625.

7. Hirayama, H., "Activities Concerning a Re-Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors in Japan",

J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000}479-483.

8. Iga, K., Ishibashi, K., Shigyo, N., Maehata, K., Matsufuji, N., Nakamoto, T., Numajiri, M.,

Meigo, S., akada, H. and Chiba, S., "Measurement of Gamma-Ray Production Double-Differential

Cross Sectionsfor 1.5GeV 1r+ Meson Incidence on Iron", J. Nucl. Sci. and Technol. Vol.37,


9. Inagaki T., Yoshimura Y., Kanda Y., Matsumoto Y. and Minami K., "Development of CeF3

crystal for high-energy electromagnetic ca!orimery", Nucl. Instr. and Methods A443(2000)126-


10. Ito, Y. and Suzuki, T., "An application of the coincidence Doppler spectroscopy for substances

of chemical interest", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58 (2000}743-747.

11. Kansy J., Suzuki T., Ogawa T., and Murakami M., "Study ofpoly(methylphenylsilylenemethylene}

by elastic thermalization lifetime analythis", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58 (2000}545-550.

12. Kino Y., Sekine T., Sato Y., Kudo H., Suekane F., Suzuki A., Ito Y. and Suzuki T., "Positron

annihilation in liquid scintillator for electron antineutrino detection", Journal of Nuclear and

Radiochemical Sciences 1 (2000}63-68.

13. Kurosawa, T., Nakao, N., Nakamura, T., Iwase, H., Sato, H., Uwamino, Y., and f*ckumura, A.,

"Neutron Yields from thick C, AI, Cu, and Pb targets bombarded by 400 MeV /nucleon Ar, Fe,


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (57)

Xe and 800 MeV /nucleon Si ions", Phys. Rev. C, 62 (2000) 44615. 14. Kurosawa, T., Nakao, N., Nakamura, T., Uwamino, Y., Shibata, T. and f*ckumura, A., "Mea­

surements of Thick Target Neutron Yields from 100 to 800 MeV /Nucleon Heavy Ions", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000)135-141.

15. Lee, H. S., Ban, S., Sato, T., Shin, K., Bak, J. S., Chung, C. W. and Choi, H. D., "Photoneutron Spectra from Thin Targets Bombarded with 2.0 GeV Electrons", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!., Suppl. 1(2000)207-211.

16. Miura, T., Baba, M., Ibaraki, M., Sanami, T., Win, Than, Hirasawa, Y. and Hirakawa, N., "Measurement of neutron inelastic scattering cross-section for the first level of 238 U in hundreds of keV range", Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 27, Issue 7(2000)625-637.

17. Miura, T., Takahara, S., Ishihama, S., Ohtsuka N. and Kunifuda, T., "Depth Profiles ofRadionu­clides Induced in Shielding Concrete of the 12 GeV Proton Accelerator Facility at KEK." J. Nucl. Sci. and Techno!. Supplement 1(2000)183-186.

18. Nakao, N. and Uwamino, Y., "Deep Penetration Calculation Compared with the Shielding Ex­periments at ISIS", J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Supp!. 1(2000)162-166.

19. Nakashima, H., Masumura, T., Tanaka, S., Sakamoto, Y., Takada, H., Tanaka, S., Nakane, Y., Meigo, S., Nakamura, T., Kurosawa, T., Hirayama, H., Nakao, N., Uwamino, Y., Imamura M., and Shin, K., "Analyses of Neutron and Gamma Ray Measurements in a Target Room of Several Tens Proton Facility", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000)192-196.

20. Nakashima, H., Masumura, T., Tanaka, S., Sakamoto, Y., Tanaka, S., Nakane, Y., Meigo, S., Nakamura, T., Kurosawa, T., Hirayama, H., Nakao, N., Uwamino, Y., Imamura M., and Shin, K., "Experimental Analyses on Radiation Streaming throgh a Labyrinth in a Proton Accelerator Facility of Several Tens MeV", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000)197-201.

21. Namito, Y., Ban, S., Hirayama, H., Nariyama, N., Nakashima, H., Nakane, Y. and Tanaka, S., "Systematic comparison of measurements and EGS4 regarding 20-40 keV photons", J. Nucl. Sci. and Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000)530-534.

22. Namito, Y., Hirayama, H., f*ckushi, M., Saitoh, H., Sakai, R., Fujisaki, T., "Labo class Using EGS4 for Undergraduate Students", Japanese J. of Med. Phys. 20 Sup.4(2000)274-277.

23. Namito, Y. and Hirayama, H., "EGS4 Simulation of K-X ray Emission Due to Electron Beam Incident", Japanese J. of Med. Phys. 20 Sup.4(2000)278-281.

24. Nemoto, M., Harima, Y., Hirayama, H., Sakamoto, Y., Hayashi, K., Hayashida, Y., Ishikawa, S., Sato, 0., and Tayama, R., "Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmis­sionjRefiection Data in the SKY SHINE Code (1) Calculation of Line beam Response Function for Gamma-Ray Skyshine Analysis", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000)616-620.

25. Nunomiya, T., Nako, N., Kim, E., Kurosawa, T., Taniguchi, S., Sasaki, M., Iwase, H., Nakamura, T., Uwamino, Y., Shibata, T., Ito, S., Perry, D. R., and Wright, P.,"Measurements of Neutron Attenuation through Iron and Concrete at ISIS", J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Suppl. 1(2000)158-161.

26. Ohtsuki, T., Ohno, K., Shiga, K., Kawazoe, Y., Maruyama, Y., Masumoto, K., "Systematic study of foreign-atom-doped fullerenes by using a nuclear recoil method and their MD simulation", J. Chem. Phys. 112(2000)2834-2842.

27. Orion, I., Rosenfeld, A. B., Dilmanian, F. A., Telang, F., Ren1, B. and Namito, Y., "Monte Carlo simulation of dose distribution from a synchrotron-produced microplanar beam array using the EGS4 code system", Phys. Med. Biol. 45(2000)2497-2508.


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (58)

28. Park, H., Bhang, H., Youn, M., Hashimoto, 0., Maeda, K., Sato, Y., Takahashi, T., Aoki, K., Kim, Y. D., Noumi, H., Ornata, K., Outa, H., Sekimoto, M., Shibata, T., Hasegawa, T., Hotchi, H., Ohta, Y., Ajimura, S., and T.Kishimoto, T., "Lifetime Measurements of Medium-Heavy L Hypernuclei", Pyhs. Rev. C61(2000}05440-1-05440-11.

29. Sakamoto, Y., Suzuki, T., Sato, 0. and Hirayama, H., "Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for a Point Isotropic Source in the Single Layer Shield by Using BERMUDA Code", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno/. Suppl. 1(2000}484-487.

30. Sasaki, M., Nakao, M., Shibata, T., Nakao, N., and Nakamura, T., "Feasibility Studies of the Self­TOF Detector for High-Energy Neutron Measurements in Shielding Experiments", Nucl. Instrm. Methods A446(2000}545.

31. Sasaki, M., Nakao, N., Nunomiya, T., Nakao, M., and Nakamura, T. and Shibata, T., "Develop­ment of Self-TOF Neutron Detector and its Application to Shielding Experiments at HIMAC", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000}794-797.

32. Sato, T., Shin, K., Yuasa, R., Ban, S., Lee, H. S., and Kim, G. N., "Experimental Setup for Measurements of high Energy Photoneutron Spectra from Thick Targerts", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno/. Suppl. 1(2000}202-206.

33. Suzuki T., Kondo K., Ito Y., Hamada E., and Ito Y., "Radiation effect on positronium formation in low temperature polyethylenes", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 58 (2000} 485-489.

34. Tayama, R., Hirayama, H., Sakamoto, Y., Harima, Y., Hayashida, Y., Nemoto, M., Ishikawa, S., Sato, 0., and Hyashi, K., "Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmis­sion/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code to Typical BWR Turbine Skyshine", J. Nucl. Sci. Techno!. Suppl. 1(2000}626-630.


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2 Publication in Japanese (2000.1-2000.12)

1. SJZ-W-1 ~~, "'lltlil!77 .A 7- F-t ~7 77 1v o \HjJ ::r- F EGS4 c -t: O);fljffl", RADIOISOTOPES, 49(2000)204-216.

2. SJZ-W-1 ~~' "ODCE/NEA rJJuim~, 7 -'/ '/ 1- :lO J; Vl!lttt!ifiiil9:0)J!lh~J m 5 §IWP~*4i:'il-'\ 13 ;;t}Jj( -=r n¥'4i:'w, 42(2ooo) 1140-1141.

3. ;p!Jli: S:z, "JJuim~ c h:!<M~'ill'l11!", IJ1( -T~lilf~ Vol.45(2000) 11-20. 4.1Jt.ii'f J[, "¥'~lilfo/Ef::::lOftQP.!<M~~I±l~O)fljffl I (Si-PIN 7;t- Hf-1 ;t-- F'8:Jllv't:::#MII'll'l'lit:l't

X ~:5HJT~~)", JJi( -T~liJf~ Vol.45(2000)53-60. 5.1Jt.ii'f J[, "¥'~lilfo/Ef::::lOfHih:!<M~~I±l~O)fljffl II (ft\:::r.*'v:¥-fJJil!jiGf;:;jOft .Q PMT O)jt\;/' '/ ::7 ~ 7 ? ~ Ffl:;& V 63Ni f;: J; Q r.t; ,lii,JJi(~im'Pf'E-T~:III:O)lJIU/:1:)", JJi( -Tm&~ Vol.45(2000)61-68.

6. t#;;t '¥~~, "1JUim~1ifiiil9:f::::lOft 6h:!<M~ft:~'ill'l11!", IJ1(-Tm&~ Vol.45(2000)21-34. 7. ;t#;;t '¥~~, "JlQJm~f;: J; 6 nc, 13 N~if&f[:;ff~if;\~O)D[jj'€1J'Jjj(;c .:CO));tffl", !Jli:-Tm&~ Vol.45(2000)35-


8. ;t#;;t '¥~~' "ii!£5C~O)~jW;f:il\[l:5J'.jffO)f:::ll'JO)J't:II\:-T. liif'llt:l5'L-Th:!<ttf[:;;t"~7-1 ~:5J'~ft. ~l±lfi.<O)Il!J

~", JJi( 'f~lilfo/E Vol.45(2000)39-52.

9.~- *-,~·~·~·::r.*N:¥---TJJQR~WT±.&V•T*O)h:f<M~,JJi(-TM&o/E Vol.45(2000)115-124.

10. cpft!', f,!\,r., "rl\\::r.*;t--:¥-/' F o ~JJQJm~!ifiijjltf;:;jOf:t 6i!lh~~~", !Jli:-TM&~ Vol.45(2000)69-114.

11. f£-"*'il-, "JJPM~·!jtO)-t-.:::7!! ~~", h:!<M~ Vol.26 No.3(2000) 11.

12. f£-" *·1;1!!;-, "~J!ItJ:M<M~", f!l-¥o~oo m 2816 ~ (2ooo "P 9 JJ 8 13 ). 13. ~H~i1L f£-"*·iji;-, *fiH, Wi'.ii'fo/E, 1';,111,:)'{;51,, "3 r7fl:;7 1-!! ?A/~7'v·-70)~J't!l<'i'i"lf::

--:>v'c", UTNL-R R389(2000)12. 14. ~IE f,!\.F&L "IEJ!\Ii.J,G-:o< f'£, Jl:liffl'-"O)Jll!ll!J", IJ1(-Ttl\lilf~ Vol.45(2000)1-10. 15. ~IE f.!\.\!!,, "JI:liro:H JCO il.iclll$$:", h:!<M~1:4klliJfo/E 35(2000)103-113. 16. ~IE f.!\,\!!,, "JI:liro:H JCO J1.iclll$$:", 13 ;;t4kll11!¥'4i:'w 55(2000)579-586.

3 Book

1. Masumoto, K., "Photon Activation Analysis" in "Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry(EAC): Instrumentation and Application", Ed. by R.A. Meyer, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2000).

2. Masumoto, K., "Ch. 3.3, Fullerenes Radiolabelled on the carbon cage" in "Nuclear and Radio­chemical Approach to Fullerene Science", Ed. by T. Braun, Kluwer academic publishers b.v. (2000).


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (60)

4 Presentation at Conference etc.(2000.4-2001.3)

4.1 International Conference

1. Int. Topical Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry - V (MARC V),

April 9-14, 2000, Kailua-Kona, Hawai, USA

• Masumoto, K., Ohtsuki, T., Ito, Y., and Shikano, K., "Rapid Separation and Detection of

Carbon-11 Using a Flow Extraction Method and its Application to Activation Analysis"

2. International Workshop on Neutron Field Spectrometry in Science, Technology and Radiation Protection, Pisa, Italy, 4-8 June, 2000

• Nakao, N., Kurosawa, T., Nakamura, T., and Uwamino, Y., "Developement of a Quasi­

monoenergetic Neutron Field and Measurements of the Response Function of an Organic Liquid Scintillator the neutron energy range from 66 to 206 MeV"

• Sasaki, M., Nakao, N., Nunomiya, T., f*ckumura, A., Nakamura, T., and Shibata, T., "De­velopment of Self-TOF Neutron Detectors and its Application to Concrete and Iron Shielding Experimentsn.

• Nunomiya, T., Nakao, N., Kim, E., Kurosawa, T., Taniguchi, S., Sasaki, M., Iwase, H., Nakamura, T., Uwamino, Y., Shibata, T., Ito, S., Wright, P., and Perry, D. R., "Deep

Penetration Experiment through Concrete and Iron for Shielding Benchmark with 800 MeV Proton Accelerator".

• Takada, M., Taniguchi, S., Nakamura, T., Nakao, N., Uwamino, Y., Shibata, T., and Fuji­

taka, K., "Characteristic of a Phoswich Detector to Measure Neutron Spectrum in a Mixed Field of Neutrons and Charged Particles".

• Miura Takako, Baba, M., Sanami, T., Yamazaki, T., Ibaraki, M., Hirasawa, Y., Hitoishi, T., Aoki, T., Yamadera, A., and Nakamura., T., "Development of Fast Neutron Profiling


3. 7th Europian Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC2000), Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Aus­tria, 26-30 June, 2000

• Nakao, N., Irie, Y., Uota, M., Shirakata, M., Mokhov, N., and Drozdhin, A., "Radiation and

Residual Dose Rate Induced by the Beam loss at Various Injection Energies".

• Shirakata, M., Irie, Y., Uota, M., Nakao, N., Drozdhin, A., and Mokhov, N., "Estimation on the Beam Halo Collection at the High Intensity Accelerator

4. lOth Symposium of the International Radiation Protection Association, 2000, Hiroshima(IRPA-


• Nakamura, H., Ban, S., Takahashi, K., Oogoe,T. and Enomoto, A., "Measurements ofX-rays

from the RF systems of the Electron-Linear Accelerator for KEKB".

• Toyoda, A., Eda, K., Ishihara, T., Masumoto, K., "Combined Use of an Activation Detector and an Imaging Analyzer for Measuring the Spatial-Distribution of Neutron Fluence in an

Accelerator Building",


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (61)

• Eda, K., Toyoda, A., Ishihara, T., Masumoto, K., "A Detailed Evaluation of Induced Ra­dioactivities and Radiation Exposure at Acclerator Facilities Using a Portable Ge-Detector".

• Numajiri, M., Oki, Y., Miura, T., Suzuki, T., Kondo, K., "Measurement of Induced Ra­dioactivities for the Evaluation of Internal Exposure at High Energy Accelerator Facilities".

• Shimada, A., Morimoto, Y., Iguchi, K., Okuno, K., Sasaki, S., Suzuki, T. and Kondo, K., "Development of Tritium Monitor Using Hollow Filament Polyimide Membrane"

• Oki Y., Endo A., Kanda Y., Kondo K. "Particle Size of Radioactive Aerosols Generated during Machine Operation in High-Energy Proton Accelerators"

• Endo A., Oki Y., Kanda Y., Kondo K., "Characterization of 11C, 13N and 15 0 produced in Air through Nuclear Spallation Reactions by High Energy Protons"

5. Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF5), Paris, France, July 17-21, 2000.

• Hirayama, H., Ban, S. and Namito, Y., "Current Status of a Low Energy Photon Transport Benchmark"

• Nakano, H., Tayama, R., Tsukiyama, T., Handa, H., Hayashi, K., Shin, S., Hirayama, H., Nakashima, H., Masukawa, F., Sasamoto, N., Yamada, K. and Abe, T., "Development of DUCT-III Code for Duct Streaming Calculation up to 3GeV"

• Hirayama, H., "Inter-comparison of the Medium-Energy Neutron Attenuation in Iron and Concrete (3)"

• Yoshizawa, N., Sakamoto, Y., Iwai, S. and Hirayama, H., "Benchmark Calculation with Simple Phantom for Neutron Dosimetry"

• Nakao, N., Shibata, T., Nunomiya, T., Nakamura, T., Kim, E., Kurosawa, T., Taniguchi, S., Sasaki, M., Iwase, H., Uwamino, Y., Ito, S., Wright, P., and Perry, D. R., "Deep Penetration Experiment at ISIS".

• Nakamura, T., Sato, H., Iwase, H., Kurosawa, T., Nakao, N., Uwamino, Y., and f*cku­mura, A., "Neutron Production from Thin and Thick Targets by High Energy Heavy Ion Bombardment".

6. 12th International Conference on Positronium Annihilation(ICPA12), August 7-11, 2000, The University of Bundeswehr Munchen, Munchen, Germany

• Uchiyama, H., Hamada, E., Takahashi, T., Sato, K., Takahashi, Y., Kanazawa, I., Oshima, N., Suzuki, T., Yoshida, T. and Takeuchi, S., "The structure for stable icosahedral phase in Mg-Zn-Y studied by positron annihilation"

• Debowska, M., Piglowski, J., Suzuki, T., Rudzinska-Girulska, J., and Chen, Z.Q., "PA/P(n­BA-co-MMA) blend studied by positron annihilation and other methods"

• Chen, Z.Q., Suzuki, T., Uedono, A., Tanigawa, S. and Ito, Y., "Temperature and irradiation effect on positroniumu formation in polycarbonate"

7. The 8th Asia-Pacific Phys. Conf., (Aug. 7-10) Taipei

• Kasani, M., Sato, K., Miyamoto, T., Baba, A., Horiuchi, R., Takasugi, K., Sasaki, S., Lu, M., Vikhrev, V.V., "Effect of Cathode Elecrode in Plasma Forcus Discharge"


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8. Second International Workshop on EGS, Aug. 8-12, 2000, KEK Tsukuba

• Ban, S., Namito,Y., Hirayama, H., Terunuma, N., Urakawa, J., Sato, T., Yuasa, R., Shin,

K., Lee, H. S. and Bak, J. S., "Measurements of Photoneutron Spectra from Thick Ph Target

Bombarded by 1.2 and 2.0 GeV Electrons"

• Namito, Y. and Hirayama, H., "Improvements of Low Energy Photon Transport for EGS5",

• Yacout, A. M., Dunn, W. L., Nelson, W. R., Lui, P., Bielajew, A. F., Hirayama, H. and

Namito, Y., "Status of the Object-oriented EGS Inteface Project"

• Tawara, H., Sasaki, S., Saito, K. and Shibamura, E., "Monte Carlo Method for Determin­

ing Absolute Scintillation-Photon Yields and Energy Resolution of Scintillators for Gamma


9. The 20th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2000, Portoroz,


• Tawara, H., Doke, T., Hayashi, T., Kyan, A., Nagaoka, S., Nakano, T., Takahashi, S.,

Terasawa, K., and Yoshihira, E., "LET distributions obtained by CR-39 plates onboard the

space shuttle missions STS-84, 89 and 91 and the dose equivalent estimation by a combination

of their distributions and TLD-data"

10. 32nd Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation (32SPA), September 18-22,2000, Jarnoltowek,


• Hamada, E., Ohshima, N., Suzuki, T., Kobayashi, H., Kondo, K., Kanazawa, I., and Ito, Y.,

"Application of pulsed slow positron beam to polymer"

• Goworek, T., Suzuki, T., Hamada, E., Kondo, K. and Ito, Y., "Influence of pressure on o-Ps

characteristic in biphenyl"

• Debowska, M., Rudzinska-Girulska, J., Suzuki, T. and Piglowski, J., "Polyamid/acrylic rub­

ber blends studied by positron annihilation and other methods"

• Suzuki, T., Kondo, K., Hamada, E., and Ito, Y., "Radiation effects on positronium forma­


11. 5th Internatinal Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Pontresina, Switzerland, Sept.3-8,

41-44, 2000

• Takamiya, K., Akamine, M., Shibata, S., Shinohara, A., Shibata, T., Ito, Y., Imamura, M.,

Uwamino, Y., Nogawa, N., Baba, M., Iwasaki, S., Matsuyama, S., "Measurement of the

excitation function for 63 Cu(n,p) 63 Ni at En < 6.5MeV"

• Shinohara, A., Miura, T., Yokoyama, A., Takamiya, K., Kaneko, T., Muroyama, T., Saito,

T., Hamajima, Y., Muramatsu, H., Kojima, S., Baba, H. and Furukawa, M., "Pion Transfer

Processes of Pionic Atoms in the Gas and Liquid Phases"

12. MC2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle

Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal.

• Sato, T. , Shin, K., Ban, S., Gabriel, T. A., Fu, C. Y. and Lee, H. S., "PICA3, An Updated

code of Photo-Nuclear Cascade Evaporation Code PICA95, and its Benchmark Experiments"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (63)

• Hirayama, H., "Application of Monte Carlo Code to a Study of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors, Skyshine and Duct Streaming"

• Namito, Y. and Hirayama, H., "Comparison of EGS4 and Measurements Regarding K-X ray

and Bremsstrahlung Photons"

• Bielajew, A. F., Hirayama, H., Namito, Y. and Nelson, W. R., "The Status of "The Physics of EGS5" project"

13. Pulsed Power Meeting ,Oct. 26-27, Korea

• Kasani, M., Sato, K., Miyamoto, T., Baba, A., Horiuchi, R., Takasugi, K., Sasaki, S., Lu,

M., Vikhrev, V.V., "Cathode Effects in plasma Focus Discharge"

4.2 Other

1. l'ff 1 IElfJI:If$ll:lilltil!rJt :;: 7-, 2000 1f 6 Jl 2 a, "f'Eilllll~'J~I~L Sii:IBi"f'Eilt / ?<'-

• * rtiCf, "CR-39 :iO .l V TLD-MOS 7'-7' 0)*£1.-&itl.: .l6 "i"Eil1iltM$ll~¥{iffiO)Jt;\7;."

2. m 37 IEll!!I"f:l.::iOrt 0 ~m5G*liJf"f\;~*""' 2ooo ;:p 1 JJ 3 a -5 a

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• #>l;;j;;;fQ~iL -E)Jj(:l!l.;;-:, :i!liB:l'i:5L, "JlO.i!l!im:Mfii!Jtfg~pjs:H'Ifl.::iOit 6$ll.!itHflffi (1)"

• ll1B:l'i:5L, riiBfn Iii, -'E')Jj(Jl,;;-:, #>l;;j;;fn~, "JlO.i!l!imMii!Jtf!rfpji:H'Ifl.::iO It 6 a.!it~'l'{iffi (2)"

3. !'ff41El71tfffl::"f:J1:CJil:~/;,f{y7A · 2ooo~-H71tJTJitfri:JM~ilil""' 2ooo"PsJJ 30 a-9JJ 1 a, fll;~ }yt

• ·~fltll:, 7$1BfiE~, "fl::"f:~J't~ NOdt:a:.- Ill v '0 :k'<\~I'JIIli':!J ~Jk Villilil'Hili:JJ ~ O)JJI!:W,:IJ!Ufl:~ ~ 7-A"

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• :i¥-ljfj"i\;, &~*111;-, *rtiCf, mtt•ifl:, "i!iliJ± Xenon l.::iOft 0 V/7 v-V a YJ't"

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• #it-, m!jfj:lil:, 7$1B1i£~, )ftjfjfi!!'X~~. "ilili::r:*;v=\"-IW;CfJJoi!J!$0) !-Y*;vr'<JI.::'tnt-t6 1iltfrtti::r: 7 c '/ Jv (III)"

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• Chen, Z.Q., Suzuki, T., Uedono, A., Tanigawa, S. and Ito, Y., "Free volume in polycarbon-ate studied by positron annihilation: Temperature and irradiation effect on positroniumu



Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (64)

• ~:;j;:f>tiiJII, :i!I!iif>t?X!i!~, /j{IE*1'f, llifi;Jl;fl, {')!-§~~, "i!li;~.Ytl1lli!,X Fv7"7-Niliil~iJIIJJEI~

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1. a;<t>:JJl(-1-n"¥'~, 2ooo&Ff)c(J):*:~, 2ooo&F9fl 15 a-17 a, 1!'~:*:"¥:

• llJl'F1$-!i!~, ifliiEs.l., t~t1t1a:lt, f'J!-~0*c, **i'F:1L *llfti-F~, 1l11fiflt!=, iltri:ll!:@::fl-, 'ffm Ji;~, 4';<$:~;!\, ?B!iLJEft~\ "1.5GeV l!li;.Y/\!Ptl:::{'["'j]!j!V\!!tJ.:?'-?'v ril'G1":PX:-t-04't'l:-i'-7-A. 7 r Jv (/) i.ll.IJ JE"

• -=:il!l.t:-, rlll11fi-fii!l, 11~/'lt:K, OOK-l'IEf*, "ifli::r::t-M¥-1!!1;-Y:!JQJ!l!~~J!!II::::JQit .:;)ijji'J:l'Ptt T (/) i.ll.IJ JE"

• IB111fi 'E ~JL tJ>(;<t>:'f:K, SJZ ill ~:K, ~-1-~-, "A\i:iJiltf,t,jj!{/~ 1::: J: 9 ff /? '**~~ilt~ (/);r, ii"

• ti\1T1ot:it, **i'F:fl-, 1:i:.:*:;f~L 1l11fit>t=, IB!iLJEP#, 4';<$:~;!\, "ifli::r::t-Jv'\"-'P·t'!:.Y~tl:l 1::: ~T 9 m1Tilil'Fo9i't(J) llil'Fdl:51f!!fll~(/) lnJ J:"

8. a ;<t>:~R'F~m 55 @.liFiJz:*:~, m1~:*:¥= 2ooo >F 9 JJ 22 a -25 a

• {}t• :it, "C6o 4' --c'(J)i!ll;~-i'-ti1lilih '** r:·::; 7"7 -$/il(J)/J.ili{Jl(Yftt"

9. a ;<t>:51*fr11::"¥'~m 49 >F~ 2ooo >F 9 JJ 26-28 a llrrJJJ.J :*:"¥'

•M~~_t:-,~1EE:K, ill;<$:~~,~qX-M, ~T-±, ~il!JE:K, "~r97ABfitl9


10. :@:1'!il:*:¥:JJl( -Y:JP~I!ff<fiJTW~~<iJF')'e~ r[!ll;~ .Y ~::··-A (J)IDJj)(;!:: Jlll.I$"-(J)r.;',;ffl J , 2000 iF 11 Jl 1-2 a , :@::*:JJl(.Y:JP

• {')!-·~~, ~:;j;:-ilflk "*'~ r o.:::.7AIDPX:I:::::ct-90~:!i!>H051!:i::.I!Ut7.Mil:(J)~f*"

11. m 70 @J Thesday Evening Seminar, 2000 iF 10 Jl 17 a, '¥'EilrJil~$!11'il~lL %l:ilJ<'¥'Eilt / ?'-

• {£< 1!1i.Y, "~Iii<!:: ~/'T:fJ !vPli+~Hlld;.if:b-tttc Y/7" v-ya /t~ti:\~(J)i[\'ffi~'l'iiffi- Nai(Tl) (/)ifl'l)(t1Jt:7\';)0$!:: :5j-f!!f~-"

12. a *'¥'Eii1":~'F~m 14 :;~;::~, 2ooo >F 10 JJ 19 a -2o a, fli\&J!ll;ftlliff-1-:*:'F

• 7l<t£ ~'f, J:tlifi<I l'lt:fliL 4'• %, iil:Jil 1Cf'\:, 11< :fl'i-1-, 1* ~~, JE:;j;: ilH, ~~~~ Ji;JIIL "CR-39 ;JQ J: V TLD-MOS 7-?' (J)*J'lif-tti:::J:: 0 STS-95 (J)"f'EIJ.fij(!M'**~'l'iiffi"

13. SJZ-PX: 12 >Fii±1f:i!tllll~>FiJz:*:~ (m 41 @J±1f:i!t<iJFi~t~) 2ooo >F 11 JJ 11 e~-18 e~

• SJZ ill~ :K, "./D( !Pt '**~ 1":~ ~I& t!!cfifiilllt (/) ::ct r.t ( y / ;J< -;.: 7 A)"

14. Seminar on Accelerator Safety, November 16-17, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta, India

• T. Shibata, "Radiation Safety for the KEK-JAERI High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Com­plex"

15. 1999 Symposium on Nuclear Data, November 18-19, 1999, JAERI, Tokai, Japan


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (65)

• Meigo, S., Takada, H., Shigyo, N., Iga, K., Iwamoto, Y., Kitsuki, H., Ishibashi, K., Maehata, K., Arima, H., Nakamoto, T., Numajiri, M., "Measurements of Neutron Spectra Produced from a Thick Tungsten Target Bombarded with 1.1 and 2.3 GeV jc Protons and 1!'+ Mesons"

• Iwamoto, Y., Iga, K., Kitsuki, H., Tenzou, H., Ishimoto, S., Shigyo, N., Maehata, K., Ishibashi, K., Nakamoto, T., Numajiri, M., Meigo, S., Takada, H., "Measurement of Neutron­production Double- differential Cross Sections for High-energy Pion-incident Reaction"

16. Jil:'llfl:k"f'm\-T:IP~~mW~~lilf~4l< r1J)(!lHiJU: m;: crm~7o-:f c Lt::!lo/Jttlilf~O)*'ffllllmJ ,2ooo ;:p 12 Jl 25-26 s' Jil::km\ -TiP

• ~JiiwL ;H¥'%j'jL ~;f;ill!oiJII, "7.k<=j:q:::;t:Ht 0 Jt':/ r o::::: r7 .b.O)>IfJi)lO)/Jiil.ltilXtH1"

17. '¥''Si'!1it!JElitiJ!1Jt ~ 7--, 2001 "¥ 1 Jl 30 s ' "f''Si'lm~lJ:~IiJl' %til!l"f''Si'·t ~ :7-

• ~ f'H, ""JZ!tb • f.f{:B-~;fJI!:I:llt (TLD • CR-39) O)j\iJ.J;i.-;'l-:b-ttl::: J: 0'¥''Si'1iJ1M;fJ!!litiJ!U"

18. r;fj)(frj-;fJI!~J±I~c f:O)J;tfflJ (15JEI), 2001 "¥ 1 Jl 31-2 Jl 2 S, KEK

•~k*~ili, ~-BM,~KWili, ~~~~,·~····~~~' "•x*N~-~t'E-T-1::: MT .Q NE213 ;ff#!tm:i*~~'T v-:7 0));1,;:'1l'~'M11J!iJ/E b~il!li~~"O)~ffl"

• ~ f'G-T, ~11!( {~\\'It, :lkt£ ~-T, iE* ~'f. ~~~~ %Jill, 'J';;"t $11;-, "CR-39(TNF-1) 0) 0.25-15MeV .J!R~tt'r~J±II'il\it"

• -~~~. ~"'*~-, ~f'G-T, ~ii'SHE, Kli'!J;Jt5L, "3 r7ii::;t~r/'A~~7-v-:70)JB;Jt!l<f·r1"

• ~iii~. ~rG-T, M#~i!L {tcM*iJl;-, "3<\i*Xe l::::l01t0~~7v-~" ~;Jt'fiM10)1J!IJIE"

19. m 3JEJffl~,fjj!:lilJtiJ!1Jt ~ -r-, 2oo1-¥ 3 JJ 1 s, "f''Si'!mJB'ljj:~liJl, %til!('f'Si'·t ~:7-

• ~mer, ""f''Si';li)(M,fJJ!I::: J: 0 :7 -7· y r- 7 7 ;f; ~7-~" ~~= 01t 'c"

20. m 2JEI r!1i(jJE;fj)(frt~~J lilf~4l<. 2001 '¥ 3 Jl 15-16 S, KEK

• i'BmlEPfi\ .:=.ii!i::t-, #ill€-, ~*ill!~JII, ili:Jiili<l!iJ:ll~, "ll!Jrl')JQ)!l!il~ ~::··-.b. 7-1 ~;l[r*J 0)~\j ;fj)( !It llli"

• *'Tit::kifiili, :Rii'!JmJ<:, •m~, .:=.ii!i::t-, JJIJJifi;Jt::tll~, 1:1~i'ltJ<:, ~**c, "•x *;v~-~ -T:IJQ.J!R~t:··-A 7-1 ~t::::lOit 0 ~-;v F:1 ~7 IJ- 1-- ~0) 36Cl ill'l/E"

• :1:~~5L, ii~fPit, 1:1m\:l:z, #J~Jt;:fp~, Mf!l1illJ.,\!!., "SF -tT-1 7 o r- o ~!J(!ji!JtO);Ii)(!ltii::;:l:~¥

1iHi c 1*!4\:"

•ttfll~lt. -~~~,1:1m\Rz,"*~•.•~••· ·•-r~~7oro~••••O);Ii)(ilt { 1::; :I;~ 1iHi c '* !41!"

• .=.ii!i::t-, •&~A, 1'1~i'ltJ<:, *••-, oom~•. ·•~*N~-•a•i*~O)riJ'T~ A ?lit"

• ~J;Ii!IDJ\~, 'FJ&Ji!iJ!!Ff, IJC'Et'l\l, li'!J~!I[~-T, ~IJ!rli<l!=. ~M;f;'IJl;--·, ~*li<l!ili!l, ili:Jiili<l!iJ:Jl~,

"~")U'f,-0-THII!~fflv't;: r IJ 7- r7 .b.O)/B!~I:::-:>v'c (2)"

21. S Jt;:m\-Tf.l'¥'4l<, 2001 "Pl'"¥4l<, 2001 "¥ 3 Jl 27 S -29 S, ii\':ii.iU~:k'J':

• Sato, T., Yuasa, R., Shin, K., Ban, S. and Lee, H. S., "Target Thickness Dependence of 90° Direction Photo-Neutron Yields for 2GeV Electrons"

• Ban, S., Nakamura, H., Sato, T. and Shin, K., "Radioactivity Produced in Thick Targets by 0.1 - 10 GeV Electrons"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (66)

• Maetaki, S., Sato, T., Shin, K. S. and Lee, H. S., "Measurements of90° Direction Low-Energy Photo-Neutron Yields for 2GeV Electrons"

• Kurosawa, N., Harima, Y., Hirayama, H., Nemoto, M., Sakamoto, Y., Sasamoto, N., Ma­

sukawa, H., Nakashima, H., Hayashi, K., Tayama, R. and Abe, T., "Validity of 4 Parameter

Skyshine Dose Approximation Formula"

• Shigyo, N., Iwamoto, Y., Ishimoto, S., Satoh, D., Kawasaki, Y., Takayama, Y., Tenzou, H., Ishibashi, K., Nakamoto, T., Numajiri, M. and Meigo, S., "Neutron-Production Double­

differential Cross Sections in Most Forward Directions for 800 MeV Proton Incident"

• Aoki, T., Baba, M., Miura, T., Kawata, N., Sanami, T., Hiroshi, T., Hagiwara, M.,

Nakashima, H. and Tanaka, S., "Measurements of Elastic Scattering Cross Section for 75

MeV Neutrons"

• Hiroshi, T., Baba, M., Hirasawa, M., Miura, T., Aoki, T., Kawata, N., Sanami, T., Tanaka,

S., Nakashima, H. and Meigo, S, "Measurements of Double Differential (n,xZ) Cross Section

of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Aluminum for 75 MeV Nuutrons"

• Miura, T., Baba, M., Kawata, N., Hiroishi, T., Sanami, T., Aoki, T. and Hagiwara, M.,

"Development of High-Performance Neutron Spectrometer using Position Sensitive Photo­


22. 20011f-JII'Wlffi 48 1EJJ;tjjj!JmJ:!I!~4lt¥:*i~ll'~~. 20011f- 3 Jl 28 s -31 s' IJillil:k~

• -fll<fG'f, {;tr:l!!(~'ltll;, :7kt'£~l1H, lE;;i;:iH-"f, ~~~~JH!IL ;J,:it*lz;-, "'*'i'H:'f(::)(t-j-;o CR-39(TD­

l,TNF-1) O)~J3t~i;ifilt"

• :ikt'£ ~'f, .Hi'lfkl 1'5tW, :ttJII Jc{-t, 1JI< tli'f, 1£;;1;: i!!'f, ~~~~ ~ftiL ":'lt!l!ilf1t~f!l'i

f~itil:a+ :a: ffl" 't:. '¥Eii:lil<l!t>ill!Ji1lri!IIJ/t0) m1 ~ ( r )" • flfifi~, -fll<fG'f, {;ir:k;;j;:·~-, ~;ft.')l:i!!, "Jl'IJI±mf*Xenon(:::!31t-'5://'Tv-:/"' /J\';'f~

i!IIJ!l:" • {;lr:k ;;1;:11{-, -fll<tG'f'-, ~ifi~, ~t·t.9l:i!!, '8 ib7'tJJ.&, "AA'i#.\t:/ /7' v- :9 O)'iit:J't51)J$ ~ 51fiU~"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (67)

5 Reports etc. (2000.4-2001.3)

5.1 KEK Proceedings

1. Sasaki, S., Shibata, T., Takahashi, H.and Nakazawa, M. edited, "Radiation Detectors and Their

Uses", Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Radaition Detectors and Their Uses", 1-3 February,

2000, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, KEK Proceedings 2000-14(2000). 2. Miura, T edited, "Proceedings of the First Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity", March

30-31, 2000, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, KEK Proceedings 2000-13(2000).

3. Hirayama, H., Namito, Y. and Ban, S. edited, "Proceedings of the Second International Workshop

on EGS", August 8- 12, 2000, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, KEK Proceedings 2000-20(2000).

5.2 KEK Internal ·

1. Hirayama, H. and Namito, Y., "Implementation of a General Treatment of Photoelectric-related

Phenomena for Compounds or Mixtures in EGS4", KEK Internal 2000-3 (2000).

2. Namito, Y. and Hirayama, H., "LSCAT: Low-Energy Photon-Scattering Expansion for the EGS4

Code (Inclusion of Electron Impact Ionization)", KEK Internal 2000-4 (2000).

3 . .\jZfti;)C jjljjifrJ't:k~fl, t$1E{iEJ;;:, "fi:':"J!:'ti::'E'Jl!'Jll!¥&i!r", KEK Interna/2000- g(2000).

4. Hirayama, H., "Lecture Note on Photon Interactions and Cross Secttions", KEK Internal2000-10 (2000).

5. 't'!:f,1iil.\.fl,, 1'¥3%'-, ¥11J~J;;:, ~IE®.Ii!L !l!fr:l{~--, P9if~-, ";kJ!llf(Jl))'r'f~ ;::.7v7llfriil!:l.:f'¥? ;li)(JM>YJ!'ti:c'E:Mm", KEK Internal 2000-11 (2000).

6. {ir.k ;;t:•[j-, tiR!1lJ.fP&, "'P·t-l:'i'-'l"r.ll+liJf'9elii!liil!:l.::t-Ht 0 !2<"¥li!HR!l! r:··-A 7 ~ /'O)J§'tll: ~..:Chi.:{'¥ ? ;li)(JM>YJ!'l<c'E:Mm", KEK-Internal 2000-12(2000).

7. {ir:k;;t:•JJ'l;-, J IllS~\¥-~ ~:!!!, ";f;!im\fif~WI.:~;b.:;,;li)(JM>YJ!'ti:c'E:~'tm", KEK Internal2000-13 (2000).

8. 'JZfti;:Jt, jjljjifrJ't:k~~' ";'(-:=~- f"I.:J;.:;,~cl'o'ill'Jli!~;;<.7A", KEK Internal2000-14 (2000).

9. 10. Ban, S., Ebihara, H., Eda, K., Hirayama, H., Hozumi, K., Iijima, K., Ishihara, T., Itoh, Y.,

Kuramochi, N., Masumoto, K., Miura, T., Nagai, R., Nakao, N., Nakamura, H., Namito, Y., Numajiri, M., Oki, Y., Sanami, T., Sasaki, S., Suzuki, T., Takahara, S., Takahashi, K., Tawara,

H., Toyoda, A., Toyoshima, N. and Shibata, T., "li:!O!>tffJl!1>ifJll!¥&i!r-1999'¥it- (in Japanese)", KEK Internal 2000-15(2001).

11. fir:IJ;!{fR:I'&, IJ;!{J"Jr1=, ¥w~J;;:, ttJi'Jm*~' iJ-JII.fP~~, "iR>Yi!!Juiili~!i!tJ--!ItlliiO)fl!':JflW.:l':l.:f'¥? ;li)(!N

>Yl!'ti:c'E:Mm", KEK-Internal-16 (2001).

12. Kossov, M. V., "Manual for the CHIPS event generator", KEK Internal 2000-17 (2001).

13. YillKIEflA\ /IN:!-, .::::iflj;k-, !M';;;t:~~Jil, ili~~?Jz~~. "~.:r..tJv~-1JUJili%lflii!llfltl.::}llt.:;, Ji'Jiffl;fli<~Ml!

:li!J'I'iiffiJ:O)i\lffl,~M -;li)(J'Itti.:r. 7 P :/;vO);Ii)(J!;tlltl/litiJ{IJJEI.:--::>v''"C-", KEK Internal2000-1g (2001).

14. Hirayama, H. and Namito, Y., " Lecture Notes of Radiation Transport Calculation by Monte

Carlo Method", KEK Internal 2000-20 (2001).


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (68)

6 Internal Reports of Radiation Science Center (2000.4-2001.3)

6.1 RAD-D

RAD-D 2000/1

RAD-D 2000/2

RAD-D 2000/3 RAD-D 2000 I 4

RAD-D 2000/5

RAD-D 2000/6 RAD-D 2000/7 RAD-D 2000/8 RAD-D 2000/9 RAD-D 2000/10

RAD-D 2000/11

.\f J1r, "~-&l-ilt OOi -c: 0) I:I:L/\ tfJ:!Il "t' 0) ~JM"IDI!Ji!li"

.\]ZJlr, "i'i:'i::r.;f;vqi-JJQi!I!~Ji!iJill ±~ 'P 0) 14C 1k V 4°K

'PH' "TLD /~-;/ :/0) 241 Am f::_ J:.::;, J!Mt'T A r" {iii:, li!!ff!, f:/r:-" :;t;, "Jffiilt:BI! X ,f,!J!~1Jt'iil!I:O)t'Eii13 i:: !1\'ft'E -tf'lltEE 60, 120, 200kV "t'O)::r.*;vqi-?--":7 J--;viJIIJYE-" ~liE, iiiE, i!ll.F, "137Cs tl:if4l!±tj0) Nal V/7' v-?' iJil)ytO) EGS4 f::_ J: .::5 Jl¥{Jllj" {iii:, f:/r:i!ll, ")ilFl'·~rf::.xt-9.::5 CR-39(TD-1, TNF-1) O)~i±JJ\!\\tlUt!l\ii:" i!ll.F', :*:~, :fi1~, "'Pt'Er v A ;/J r7 / ?' -O)~'Iitmf::. J: N~lil{'F" .\fllr, ":*:ruJJQi!l!~li!!l~ f::.:tHt.::;, F::i:X>Hffl::. --::>v '-c" .\fllr, "~11-HOOiY!~f::_ ~ t::.""' -c ~~liT-"~ Mr!lt,f,!J!'ti::i:IJ!JimO)IDI!Ji!li" _=:_llfi, ~t/11,, :fil~, "Jil:;IJ r7 /?'-$-Mffi7kllk7?-l::d':1i'FO) MT*'Pr~'Tr7Ag;tf::_~~.::SMMO)~•ttM~'

-=:.llti, ".:::._,_- r ~ / t:"-A7.-1 /!lil;li!!ilJll!iltJi!iJill±~lkVtlflT*'P

0) 1tr !ltllli til! It IJ!Ij Jl: 1\li * ¥111'5 ~"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (69)

6.2 RAD-S

RAD-S 2000/1 RAD-S 2000/2

RAD-S 2000/3

RAD-S 2000/4

RAD-S 2000/5

RAD-S 2000/6

RAD-S 2000/7

RAD-S 2000/8

RAD-S 2000/9

RAD-S 2000/10

RAD-S 2000/11

RAD-S 2000/12

RAD-S 2000/13

RAD-S 2000/14

RAD-S 2000/15

RAD-S 2000/16 RAD-S 2000/17

RAD-S 2000/18

RAD-S 2000/19 RAD-S 2000/20

RAD-S 2000/21 RAD-S 2000/22

"" jj!jl , oo m Ill , " :l't II!( tlli flffllli'f-~;~--" -1 " r!!Jjj!jl, OOJf>flll, '1'~1~, xK ":l'CIJ!(tlfiJ...Ma;f-1;1--"-1" ;Wiijj!jl, "'lit-Til!i\'11!:-T .AM~!fltjj'EiJ!IJ:<Effl TLD /' v :/iJ!IJ:<E*Il!f:" i3:1Bt, illt?, "KEKB J.,.lfj-a;ft::.t-Ht 0 BT-AR Jj'E-l'/- AR {JI!ll:'O)

;fjj! :!11: $iltU JE" fi!ii./ib, OOJf>flll, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in P4 Line"

fi!ii./ib, OOJf>flll, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in NML Line"

fi!J./ib, ::kK '1'~~, "'ProH~ 1 ~!!tt§[iJtU:<EM:ll!:"

fi!J./ib, OOJf>flll, it/ib, "'Pfi-T · ~'Pfi-T~~'¥:.1iJ<M;fjj!iltU:<EM!f:" fi!ii.lib, '~'~~, it lib, ".fiJ<M:l'tT -1:; r-7"~~!if!i~ !tWl.fiJ<M ;fjj! iltU :<E *11 :ll!:" fi!ii./ib, '1'~~, it lib, ".fiJ<MfU~:¥4iltiJJEtlli, R1 tlfi, .liJ<Mft;ilo/J JJo I tlli :<E:I!Jl.fiJ< M ;fjj! IJ!U :<E*Il :ll!:" 13:1Bt, "il'Il {~~JJO Jill ~iJiil tlltlli'l fili~iltU JE~tl!t (Dl 0) l!l!~aif-1;1--"-1' " fi!ii./ib, 15 ~, "7"-7. ?' - t:"-A ?f';/ 7"'¥: fo$ll: Iii\' -I}--"-{ " 'PH, rp ~~, "KEKB-BT ttfLI::tfilO) TLD t:: J: 9 .fJfJ;fjj!:!l" 'PH, "ATF J!!iJ!ll:O) TLD /' v :/1:: J: 0ffl-~ro9;fjj!:!II:O)iJtUJE" 'PH, "KEKB-BT Ji!Li:::ll'B 0) 7 4 ;vA/' v :/ t:: J: 0 ~ro9;fjj!:!ii;O)iJtiJJE" 'PH, "AR ~~~'¥:ffi J::: 0) ~FdJ;fjj!:!l$iltU JE 13:1Bt, "illi\ 'P·r'E-T~J'jlitlfif!lliJJl( ~m a;f-1;1--"-1', 'PH, rp~~' ;jl:;/i!,, "KEKB-BT itlll::Jl'ilO) TLD t:: J: 9f!l-~ro9,f;lil:!ii;O) iltU:<E (5 JJ :51)" 'PH, "ATF J!!iJ!ll:O) TLD /' v :/t:: J: 0ffl-~Fo9,f;lil:!II:O)iJtUJE" J3:1Bt, "il'Ilf~'I'J~Iflili!l!~aifi"Jill-l;l--"-1"

fi!J./ib, itt Ill, ::kK "'PFoH~ 1 ~~'¥:iJt1JJEtli:ll!:"

fi!ii./ib, OOJf>flll, '1'~~, ".fiJ<MftT -1;; J--7"~~!if!i~ JE :I!Jl.fiJ< itt ;fjj! /JliJ JE 1$ *"

RAD-S 2000/23 fi!J./ib, OOJf>flll, ;jl:;/i!,, "'Pfi-T · ~'P·r1-T~~'¥:.fiJ<lft,f;lll iJtiJJEtli:ll!:"

RAD-S 2000/24 fi!ii./ib, Itt Ill, :11:./ib, ::k~, "1i51M·riil>tr4ii!IJ:<EW, R1 W, .liJ<!ttft;ilo/J JJOitlli :<E:I!Jl.fiJ<M;fjj!IJlU:<E*Il!f:"

RAD-S 2000/25 fi!ii./ib, 'I'~~, ;jl:;/i!,, "'Prdl-T~ 1 ~~;l[iftiJJEtli!f:" RAD-S 2000/26 i3:1Bt, "KEKB 7'' 7 r v.Y 7 r '¥:-1;1--"-1' RAD-S 2000/27 'PN, "ATF l!!iJ!ll:O) TLD /' v :/t:: J: 9ffl-~FdJ;fjj!:!ii;O)if!IJJE" RAD-S 2000/28 fi!J./ib, OOJf>flll, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in NML Line"

RAD-S 2000/29 *' rp~~, "S'fLIBtiJ'I:,f;lilll'Bi!ii'9@,\U'l;~ 7'' 7 r ~rnik!J!:!i!:O)/J!IJJE" RAD-S-2000/30 'PH, "ATF i!l!~t4-J1~0)~ffii~FdJ;fjj!:!II:$0)/JlUJE"

RAD-S 2000/31 'PH, "KEKB-BT itlll::l\'BO) TLD t:: J: 0ffl-~Fo9,f;lil:ii;O)IJ!IJ:.E (6 JJ :51)" RAD-S-2000/32 'PH, "KEKB i!I!Jiiiiio$ll:il'!:iie 0)* rni?:<:rdl,f;lil:!ll:$iQIJJE" RAD-S 2000/33 fi!ii./ib, OOJf>flll, ::k~, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in NML Line"

RAD-S 2000/34 fi!ii./ib, OOJf>flll, ::k~, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in P4 Line"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (70)

RAD-S-2000/35 RAD-S-2000/36 RAD-S 2000/37

RAD-S 2000/38 RAD-S 2000/39 RAD-S 2000/40 RAD-S 2000/41

RAD-S 2000/42

RAD-S 2000/42-2 RAD-S 2000/43 RAD-S 2000/44 RAD-S 2000/45 RAD-S 2000/46

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RAD-S 2000/51 RAD-S 2000/52 RAD-S 2000/53 RAD-S 2000/54 RAD-S 2000/55 · RAD-S 2000/56 RAD-S 2000/57 RAD-S 2000/58 RAD-S 2000/59 RAD-S 2000/60 RAD-S 2000/61 RAD-S 2000/62 RAD-S 2000/63 RAD-S 2000/64 RAD-S-2000/65 RAD-S 2000/66 RAD-S 2000/67 RAD-S 2000/68 RAD-S 2000/69

'PH, "AR J!l!i!iif~ll:JE[~IJ)*lHf~llll~lit:!il:~iltU/:E" 9=' H' "KEKB J!l!i!iifi' 11:: i.OC1& IJ)* iHf ~lllli!Jl!:li~iJtiJ /:E" 'PH, 'i='~li!, "KEKB-BT :li!JJ:j'flliJ) TLD I~J: 01J~~r.lli!Jl!:!il:IJ)iJt1J/:E (7 fl ~)" hP.!iiJ, 1.ii~, Ji\: III, "9=' •ti'f · X\" 9=' f'E'f~~1l:>PJ1!tti!Jl!ilt1J /:Eff.i'i!ill:" Mi. !iiJ , ~ t !iiJ , * lii1 , " 9=' roH $II 1 ~ ~ 1i> IJtiJ /:E !ill:" Mi. /il,' "pj(!}1 J't 7 -{ ~ " ~ 7~~:hllll\lttJ~7J<iJtiJ /:Eff.i'i *" OOJf.fiii, 'P~Iil, IIIill, "Pl1!11J't7 -1 ~ "~7~~:hll\IDt /:E Wl PJ1!11 ** iltU /:Eff.i'i !ill:" mJ. !iiJ, Ji\: 133, ~tlil;, *K "PJ1!ttf'Ei1il:f4iltU /:Etlli, RI tlli, PJ1!1111::;~

JJOitlli /:E:Wl pj( !11 kJl! iJtlJ /:E *, WJ./il;, llltl'fll, Ji\: III, ;k:K "NML ;fiJf!l:hll\IDtt!t~1i> (211'i'i) ~~~-{!iil:" Mi. Iii;, 1ik ~, lit III, "9=' f'E'f · X\" 'Pf'E'f~~1i>Pl1!tt**iltU/:Eff.i'i!ill:" BJJ.Iill, ~tlill, ;r.;~, "'ProH$11 1 ~~1l:\:iJtlJ/:Eff.i'i!ill:" BJJ./il;, tk~, Ji\:III, "'ProH$11 1 ~~1i>iltU/:Eff.i'i!ill:" BJJ_/il;, 'P~Iil, ~tlil;, "PJ1!11J't7-{ ~ "~7~~:hll\IDt /:E:Wl pj( !11 kJl! iJtiJ JE j\j!f *, BJJ. Iii; , "nJ1 !11 J't 7 -1 ~ " ~ 7 ~ IW<:hll\1\lt tJ~ 7!< iltU /:Ej\j!i !ill:" BJft. Iii;, 1ik ~, ;k:Jii1, "Pl1!ttt'Elill:Ni!tU I:Et!li, RI tJii, PJ1!}1fi::;~JJO ::Ctlli /:E Wl pj( !11 kJl! iJtlJ /:E j\j!f *, BJJ.Iil;, OO!f.f 133, ;k:Jii1, "*itiW!i'iltU/:Ej\j!i!ill: (NML /:E:WliltU/:E)" ;J,i>l'(1=), iifi!l!f, :1:1;$:, {'~", "KEKB lfliJ1f!IJ1l:>i'J,GIJ) ~ :::7 v o?J!I!ijiiiiJ) t::. liJ IJ) -{ ~ )7 ~ p :Y ;7 Jill! liD, 9=' ,If,, ";k5ffili' ~ :::7 v o7 tJI1 :li!JT " ~ ;f.Jv-{ ;t ~i1Jl( ~~~-{"

f;t lBt, "~ {~~JJD ilF: ~ifiiJ :r. ~ :/ ~ o?"Mf [l[kJJ!l'filmJ'll "Z' IJ) kJJ!:!il: ~iltU /:E" lJ!tp, "7 t /7. 1J ~ * ~ ;v[l[k;!l!lli'!J.Joi<!HI~IIllli±i ~~ 1'1' ? M!fl*liiliJI'J :iE" 'PH, "AR ~~~1l:\:J?il:J:IJ)~IJ,9**:!il:~iltU:.<E" 'PM, ";k·h~~A~~"WIJ)I\ltR!=W?~~~-1" lJ!tp, 'P~Iil, tk~, "7t/::l~~;t<~;vRU~7J<O)GeiJ!IJ/:E"

9=',1{',, ";k.h UHF o7 7-1 ~ "P ~&li!t1=1'!'?~~~-{" 'PH, "ATF il!l~-z'O) TLD r( v :/I= J; 0fJl~~r.llkJJ!:!il:IJ)iJ!IJJE:"

'PH, "KEKB-BT :li!ll:/f~O) TLD I=J: 7.JfJl~~ro9kJJ!:!il:O)iJ{IJ/:E (10 Yl:$1)" 'PH, "AR ~~t~~1l:\:fkJIJ)~flll**:!il:~iltUYE" <PH, "AR ~t~~tJiiiJ)WJ'!I!IR~mJ'll -z'O)~ro91!Jl!:li~iJtiJ/:E" 'PH, "KEKB-BT :li!ll:lf~O) TLD I=J: ofJ!Jf~r.lli!Jl!:li!:IJ)iJ{IJ)E (11 J'l:$1)" 1¥ iii, "AR-PF ~ttlli fkllf:l'iilHLI!Jl!:!il: ~ IJ) iJIU :iE" 1-tli!t' {t~ ;f;, (£<, "KEKB 7 7 o7 H ~ 7 ;j{ ~ Hi'fiJ)kJj!-l;~iJIIJ/:E"

'PH, {¥,iii, ;k:Jii1, ~Jliii, "KEKB J!l!i!ii~ TffiJ)~iiif~lllli!Jl!:!il:~ilt'Ji:E:" Mi.lil;, 00Jf.f133, ~tlil;, "Dose Rate at Duct Surface in NML Line" ;J,*f, f,;J:f\lii, 1'1", "A!tt~O)-{ ~)l~o v71fliJ1f!IJ~7 Hf~1*;tiJ)Jiii!!ID"

'PH, "KEKB-BT J:i!ll:/f~IJ) TLD I= J; 0fJl~~r.llkJJ!:liiJ)iJIIJJE: (12 J'l:$1)" <PH, "ATF il!l~-z'IJ) TLD /' v :/I= J; 7.:> ;ft:i~~r.lli!Jl!-I;O)il{U/:E"


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RAD-S 2000/98 RAD-S 2000/99 RAD-S 2000/100 RAD-S 2000/101 RAD-S 2000/102 RAD-S 2000/103 RAD-S 2000/104 RAD-S 2000/105 RAD-S 2000/106 RAD-S 2000/107 RAD-S 2000/108 RAD-S 2000/109 RAD-S 2000/110 RAD-S 2000/111

&F.~~.*~· "7t~~V-*-~~9V-~~-A~-~~· <PH. • r v 7.~ ~ v ~:7'-c'1tffl lJ::~&O):IJJ<!ft"il~(;:--:>v'c" 'PH. "KEKB l!I!~~Tf&O)~i!ij~:i!;$ 'PH. "KEK-BT l!I!~Wll:Wi:j&O)~i!iJ~t!fiiJIU:<i:" 9'H. "KEKB-BT tt!ll:J'f~O) TLD {;:J:: .:SfJ!Ji:~F.Ilftll?-*'fiO)iJ{IJJE (1 jj 5!)" 'i'H, "AR ilJ~t~~~~ O)~fl,9~t'fiiJIUJE" 9':t1. "AR ilJ~!.!ti~~J:O)~r.ll~t'fiiJIUJE" 9'H. "ATF J1!f!il-c'O) TLD /~ v Y'(;: J:: .:SfJ!Ji:~F.Il~:i!:O)iJIIJJE" 9'H. W.!i. ~tfll. '&\~. "AR O)J!I!i!iii~Tf&O)*i!iJ~t'fiiJ\IJJE" 't'H. "AR ilJ~~~~O)'t'f'lriJIUJE" 'PH. "*5!ll!t D :::.7 v 9 0) RFQ O)~i!iJ~F.Il~t$iJIUJE" 9'H. "ATF J1!f!il-c'O) TLD /~ v Y'i;: J:: .:Sfl'JJ~F"9~:!i!:O)iJltlJE" "'l!li. i1'1Jtfi. OOH'fiE. ~i'Ji<. "EP2 KO ::c V 7~-~-1" ~l!li. i1'1Jtfi. OOJffiE. ~19<. "EP2 P1 ::cl) 7~-~~, ~l!li, il'litfi. OO!ff IE, ~19<, "EP2 !::"-A 7 -1 ~~i!ii~:!i!:!fiiJlilJE" ~l!li. il'litfi. OOH'f!E. ~19<. "EP2 !::"-A 7~ ~JE.l\ll7. ~ 7" ~l!li. il'litfi. ~t,ll!,, ~tii. "EP2 KO ::cl) 7~-~~ (A 7~ ~l!l!·i'i')" ~l!li. il'litfi.~t&.~m. ~~~~~-*-~~oo~:!i!:¥ar ~l!li. ~m. "-7-f/v r7.7-vs ~~r"9~t¥iJI1Jfi:" ~l!li. i1'1Jtfi. IJJ£$. *~· "EP2 KO ::c D 7~-~~ (J!I!~,iia;f)" il'litfi. Jl'tiE. *~· "*~ ~ ~-7-*-;v~rdl~t¥iJIU:<i:" "'l!li.~~. ·=-=-riJ/7~~-7-f/vr~~*•IE· 1l.!ifJ!. lf!-11ii:. 9'~~. Jl'tiE .. "EP2 7-1 ~*i!ii~:i:!fiiJiiJJE" ~l!li. OOiffiE. "EP2 KO ::cl) 7~-~~,

~l!li. OOH'fiE. "EP2 !:'-A 7-1' ~~i!ii~:!i!:$iJiiJfi:" 1l.!iffl. lf!-11ii:. '1'~~. Jl'tiE. "EP1 7 ~ ~· ~l!li. rJlttfll. ":::.:- r IJ / !::''-A7-1' ~~i!ii~t$iJIUJEa\liJ!i';" 1l.!ltll. il'litfi. 9'~~. ~t,ll!,. *~· IEill. "=-=- r D / 7~ ~

"'l!li. riiitiii. "-7-f/v r7.7-Vs ~~F.!l~:!i!:$/J!tlJE" 1l.!ltll. :kK ·~t~ ~~-7-*-;v~~~ ~r.ll~:liiliUIE" ~illi. ;iiitfj, "!J-f/v r7.7-Vs ~~00~:/i$/J!IJJE" i1'1Jtfi. 9'~~. ~tii. •JI[~ ~ ~-7-*-,v~OO~t'fiiJiiJfi:• ..,m. oom IE. '1' ~~. ·~t~ ~ ~ -7 -*-/v~F.Il~:!i!:'fiiJiiJfi:a\liJii':" ~illi. 1l.!ifJ!. ~t,ll!,, :k~. ".:::.:- r I)/ t:'-A7~ ~7.::; 7" ~l!li. 1l.!io!l. ~t,ll!,, :kK "EP1 !::''-A 7-1 ~JE.l\ll7. ~ 7" 1l.!iffl. :k~. "EP1-B !::'-A 7-1 ~*i!ii~:!i!:!fiiJ{iJJE~Jii':" ~illi.1l.!lfJ!. ~t,ll!,,:k~. ".::::-rV/~-A7-1'~~00~a•a!EMJii':" ~illi. 1J.!j;fl, ~t&, :k~. "EP1 !::''-A7-1' ~fi:.l\ll7. ~ 7" "'l!li. ~t&. "EP2 !::'-A 7 ~ ~~i!ii~:li$1Jli]fi:" "'illi. ~t,ll!,, "EP2 KO ::c V 7~-~~· "'l!li. ~t,ll!,, "Jit~ ~ ~-7-*-Jv EP2 1::'-A 7-1' ~JE.Illl7. ';: 7" ~l!li. tk~. IitlE. ~19<. •.:::.:- r IJ / 7~ ~5'-f/v ~--~~*lf!IJJE"


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RAD-S 2000/112 -=:iiiL t!cill, IitlE, "~-!fv l>AT-Y3 /~llll~:!ii.¥1lli.UJ!:" RAD-S 2000/113 fl.!ifjf, t!ci-LJ, "EP2 1::"-A 7-1 /£(jjj~:li$lJI.I)Jl:" RAD-S 2000/114 fl.!ifjf, tkill, "EP1 1::'--A 7-1 :-.-£(ffi~:lii.¥1lli.UJI:" RAD-S 2000/115 "'ill!- IitlE, :kw, "~-lf'v l>AT-Y3 /~F.Il~:li$lli.UJI:" RAD-S 2000/116 -='-IIIL IitlE, :kK "~-lf'v l>AT-Y3 :-.-~r.,~:!i$iJl1JJl:" RAD-S 2000/117 "'!ilL IJilitlii, :!li':IE, iiiE, IitlE, :ki;¥, "~-!fy l>AT-Y3 /

~llll~:!ii.¥1lli.U Jl:" RAD-S 2000/118 -='-/ilL fl.!ifjf, ~t/11,, :kw, "::::"'--I> lJ / 1::''-A 7-1 :-.-£(jjj~:li$lJI.I)Jl:~51!:" RAD-S 2000/119 fl.!ifjf, ;fi~, "EP2 1::"-A 7-1 /£(jjj~:li$lJI.iJJl:" RAD-S 2000/120 fl.!ifl(, IitlE, "EP1-B 1::''-A 7-1 /;i!Cjjj~:!ll;$lli.UJI:~51!:" RAD-S 2000/121 fl.!ifjf, t)(i-LJ, 9"~~, IitlE, "EP2 1::''-A 7-1 /;i!Cjjj,fJJ!:li$iJII)Jl:" RAD-S 2000/122 fl.!{, t!cill, 9"~~, IitlE, "EP1 I::"-A7-1 /;i\(jjj,fJJ!:li$iJliJJl:" RAD-S 2000/123 fl.!ifl(, il'litlii, 9"~~, :kw, "~-If y I> A 'T- Y 3 /~llll~:!i$lli.UJI:" RAD-S 2000/124 fl.!iffi, IJilitlii, 'i'~~, :kK ":::: c>- 1- I) / 1::"-A 7-1 /Jl:Wj A :': 7" RAD-S 2000/125{, IJilitlii, 9"~1~, :kw, "EP1 1::''-A 7-1 :-.-Jl:WJA :': 7" RAD-S 2000/126 fl.!ifjf, IJilitlii, 9"~~, "Jilt::/J? :-.-~-;t;-;v~r.,kll!:li$iliUJl:" RAD-S 2000/127 fl.!iffi, IJilitlii, t!ci-LJ, 00!1-fiE, :kK ;fi~, "~t::/J rJ/~-;t;-;v

~ r.ll "*-;: i.¥1 mu Jt" RAD-S 2000/128 -='-iiiL l!ll'l'lll, "EP2 1::"-A 7-1 /;i!Cjjj,fJJ!:li$iJliJJl:" RAD-S 2000/129 -='-ill!- i!!tilll, ":::: "'"- !> lJ / !::''-A 7-1 :-.-£( ffi,fJI!:li$iJli)Jl:~*" RAD-52000/130 -='-ill!- i!lt$, "Jilt::/J7:-.-~-;t;-;vEP2e'-A7-1/Jl:WlA:':7" RAD-S 2000/131 IJilitlij, :kw, ;fi~, "Jilt::/J? /~-;t;-;v~fllltll!:li¥i!IUJI:" RAD-S 2000/132 IJilitlij, ;q"gic, :kK "~t::/J? /~-;t;-;v~F.Il~:li$ll{IJJI:"

RAD-S 2000/133 -=:/ilL l!!t$, "~-!fv l>A'T-Y3 :-.-~r.llkll!:!i¥iliUJl:" RAD-S 2000/134 fl.!{, i!lt$, 1i"¥~, :ki;¥, "EP2 1::'-A 7-1 /;i\(ffi,fjj!:li$i!IUJI:" RAD-S 2000/135 l'iliffl, IJilitlii, 'P~I~, ":::: "'-- 1- lJ / 1::"-A 7-1 /JEJtilA :': 7" RAD-S 2000/136 fl.!{, IJilitlii, t!cill, 9"~~, "EP1 t:''-A7-1 /Jl:WJA ~ 7" RAD-S 2000/137 fl.!iffl, tic ill, "EP1-B t:''-A 7-1 /;i!Cjjj**:li$iJ!IJJl:" RAD-S 2000/138 fl.!iffi, i!ftilll, ;fi/~, :kw, "EP1 1::"-A 7-1 :-.-£(jjj**:!ll;$iJ(I)JE" RAD-S 2000/139 IJilitlij, 9"~~, 00!1-f IE, "EP2 t:"-A 7-1 :-.-;i!Cffi~:li$iJ!UJl:~51!:" RAD-S 2000/140 jW;tlij, 00!1-fiE, 9"~~, "EP2 1::'-A 7-1 /Jl:JtijA :': 7" RAD-S 2000/141 l'iliffl, IJiliJjj(_ 'P~~' :kK ~Ri, "~t::/J? /~-;t;-Jv?i':F•,**:li$iJIIJJE" RAD-S 2000/142 -=:/ilL 9"~~, "~ -lf' v 1- A'T-y 3 /~flll**:li¥iliUJl:" RAD-S 2000/143 l'iliffl, 00!1-fiE, "~t::/J? / ~ -;t;-M~~;j[~F.Il~:li$iJIIJJE" RAD-S 2000/144 -='-/ilL ~t/11,, "~-If y 1- AT-y 3 /~F.Il**:li$iJli)JE" RAD-S 2000/145 IJili)Jj(, ~tS,, 1i"1~, "::::"'"-I> lJ /7-1 :-.-~r.,X*:!i$lli.UJI:~51!:" RAD-S 2000/146 jW;Jjj(, ~t£1;, ::Pi~, "::::"'"-I> lJ /m2~~.fill)i!iJill-!f--~-1" RAD-S 2000/147 "'iiiL 1i"i~, "::::"'"-I> lJ / t:''-A7-1 /;i!Cllii~:li!:¥il!UJE~51!:" RAD-S 2000/148 -='-illi, ;fi~, "~-!fv l>AT-Y3 /~fl,,**:li$i!IUJ!:" RAD-S 2000/149 jW;Jjj(, 00!1-fiE, 'I'~~, ::Pi~, :kK ~Ri, "::::"'"-I> lJ /7-1/

~ flll,fJJ!:li!:$ili1J Jl:~ *" RAD-S 2000/150 'PH, 9"~~, "KEK-BT ±!!Ll::$0) TLD 1;::J: 0fJ('lf~F.IJ,fJJ!:liO)jJ{tlJl:

(2, 3 fl:$1)"


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RAD-S 2000/165 RAD-S 2000/166 RAD-S 2000/167 RAD-S 2000/168 RAD-S 2000/169 RAD-S 2000/170 RAD-S 2000/171 RAD-S 2000/172 RAD-S 2000/173 RAD-S 2000/174 RAD-S 2000/175 RAD-S 2000/176 RAD-S 2000/177 RAD-S 2000/178 RAD-S 2000/179 RAD-S 2000/180 RAD-S 2000/181 RAD-S 2000/182 RAD-S 2000/183 RAD-S 2000/184 RAD-S-2000/185 RAD-S-2000/186 RAD-S-2000/187 RAD-S-2000/188 RAD-S-2000/189 RAD-S-2000/190 RAD-S-2000/191

Ji\; III, ~t !iiJ, :kK "YE:WliiJ<:Jlt,jjj<IJ{IJ ;E;\;i'i *" tkW-1, -1'11~, "PS ;?i}JPJ*lm~:tll7k'I'G'J 3H 11/!Wl" Ji\; III, "1)F7k 'I' iiJ<:J}t·ti!I*IWII!iJ~IJ;E;\;j'i *" ll&!iiJ, Ji\; III, :kK "YE:WliiJ<:Jlt,fjj!IJ\U ;E;\;i'i Jll:'' fJ: W-1, Ji\; III, ;#I~, "iiJ<:fi;H't!I*IW~:l11i!l*l~ 2, 3, 4 fJr/llrMVl'iJ ill ~-"-1" Ji\; III, ~t,li!,, :k~, "k:WliiJ<:fl;tkll!i~U:<*"

Ji\; III, :kK "k:WliiJ<:MililliltUk:*i'i*"" ll&!iiJ, II III, :I: III, li't III, -1'11~, :k~, "YEWJiiJ<:!}tMJ!IJ\U ;E;\;i'i *" ~t!iiJ, -1'11~, "JEWJ}ij(Jl;t,fj)!IJ\IJ;E;\;j'i*" OOIHIIL rp111~, ~t/11;_ "iiJ<:Mti!I*IW~:J11i!l*l 2, 3, 41*/fWJiiJill~-"-1" 'I'~!L ~t,ll!,, 111~, "k:WliiJ<:MMl!lllU:<E;\;i'i*" IIIII, ~t,ll!,, ;p·/~, :k~, "YEW!iiJ<:Jlt,f',j{IJ\IJ;E;\;i'i*" Ji\; III, -1'11~, :k~, "k:WliiJ<:fl;tMl!i!lU:<E*i'i*" 11&/ih, p~, HJ, *f1, rn*, '1'1~~, ~t!iiJ, "1JF7J<iJl1J:<Eilili*" 11& lib, 'I'~~~, ~tlib, "JEWliiJ<:Mffll<i!liJ;Ef,lf *" 'I'~~~, ~tlib, "YEWliiJ<:Mkli!i!liJ :<E*Ii *" 'I'~~, ~tlib, "k:WlJ.&!f;tili!liJ!U k:*i'i 511:" '1'~~, ~tlib, "k:WJ!iJ(J}tMJ!iJlU:<E;\;i'i5!/:" 11& lib , 'P ~~ , ~ t lib , 11 I~ , " :<E Wl iiJ<: !It Ml! IJUJ :<E ~:li *" ll&lib, F'~, **' '1'~~, ;Jtlib, "1Jp7J<ilt1J;E*i'f*" 11& Jfb, ~III, 'I'~~, ~t lib, "k:WJ}ij(!}tkjj!/J{Ij 71!*11 *" ll&lib, ?~, rtf*, *11, rp1~~' ~tlib, "1JJEJJ<iltlj:<f:;f,li5!/:" 11& ,li!,' 'I'~~~' ~t .111,' ":<f:WJJij(flt,fjj!IJ\1) :<E*i'i *" 11& lib' 'i" ~~' ~t lib' ":<f:WJJij(Jl;tffjj{IJllj ;E;\;i'i *" ll&lib,?~, rn*, ~M, 'I'., ~t&, ~F7k.:<EM~ 11&&, '1'~~, ~t&, ":<f:WliiJ<:MMJ!IJliJ:<f:M*" 11& ,111,, 'I'~~, ~t & , ":<EWliiJ<:!ItMJ!IJ\IJ :<EM*" ll&&,tkW-1, 'I'., "'I'M+~1··~~7f:M5!1:" 11&&, tkW-1, ~t&, "'I'~"H~ 1 --~~~IJ:<f:M*" 11&&, ~t&, ;pfi, "'1'00+~1··~-:<EM*" 11&&, tkW-1, ~t/ih, "'l'roh'-~ 1 ••~iJliJ/E;\;i'i*" 11&&, ~tlih, ~JJ:!li, "'l'rnH·~ 1 ••~mu!Et:i'i*" e!X&, f:kW-1, '1'~~, "'l'f1ll+~ 1 -·~1Jt1Jfi::M*" 11& & , f;k W-1 , :k K "'I' IIIH-~ 1 -·~ il!IJ :<Et:li 511:" 11&&, ~t&, :k~, "'1'·~1'1- · ~'1'·~1+ •. 1!fr!~1.&MMJ!i){lj}E;f,lf*" 11&&, Ji\; III, -1'11~, "'1'·~17- · ~'l't'E+•M~iiJ<:MMJ!i!liJ/EM*" 11& !iiJ, fJ: 01, 'I'~~, "'1'·11: + · ~'I' i•t=r•M~iiJ<:MMl!iltU !EM 511:" ll&,li!,, -1'11~, ~t&, ~Ji!li, "'l'·tH· · ~'l'·ti+•M~iiJ<:Jl;t,jjj<iJ{IJ/E*If*" i!Jj,l11,, OO!ffiii' rpiiJ~, ~J'l!li, "'l'·t'l:-7- . 11\''l'ti+•··~Jij(Jltkli!IJ\IJ/Eilili*" iiJj & , rp 111~, ~J'l!li, "'1'·11:+ · ~ 'l'·t't+•M1\l:iiJ<:J}t,yj!IJliJ ;E;\;i'i *" iiJJ.&, -fJ:W-1, -1'11~, "'l'·ti+ · i''\1'1'·t't+•··~iiJ<:IMMJ!IJ\1J:<f:ilili*"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (74)

RAD-S-2000 1192 fiR /iib, l~l'IB, JEt~, kl#, "NML fljffl 1iiliilltt!!MIOC1iililll!' (2 II"&) -1,1--.r-::-1 illi:ll!:" RAD-S-20001193 k!W, "'iil'Jll!IRIJJxi*J!JniW;IIH-:{'¥- 'J fkll'!Jifl!(lllH'I'flffi" RAD-S-20001194 f!fJC ;Jt/iib, "P18 *X'l:l;fl7!<5i')l:l!!:'-:W 'J 3H illrtiJ!IJIE" RAD-s-2ooo 1195 1;1;:"' *' !ffi nL 1:1 ~~, JEt~, "m~E< x'lli.:Y.ill!<!ffi!lt1iiliillt-1f -.r-::-1, RAD-S-2000 I 196 fiR lfiJ- J.LJilii, f)( W-1' 0010 IE ' "$JL/E< ;!;:~.:Y.iii!<Jffi!lt1Jiiiillt-1f-.r-::--{, RAD-S-20001197 Wi/iib, ;Jt/iib, :;!;:]#, ~.1\,ii, "NML ;flj)fj1Jiiiil\t~jti(1Jiii1'& (211'i\') -1,1--.r-::-1 i!li:l!!:" RAD-S-20001198 ;Jt/iib, ;!;:K "PS8 *l{';t;p7)<cp0) 3H ill13t" RAD-S-20001199 {;!;:-"*, 'fl~IW,, ~Jli!i, "X'l'l'·~1ti't:''-A7-1 / (CN-2-3) f''::.-7°7-~7?'-"

i\ltll!U-: W 'J :t.<:Fo9klll:lil:'ll/R1Jftilli *" RAD-S-20001200 ~iJilii, "EP1 f./ *;vrf'J 14C ill13tilliJ7EkiliJ!l:" RAD-S-20001201 {'¥-, 't'fi!,, ";i;:~;IJ)fj DTL 'E-'f';v~~lfliJO)j!fifiiAiJ--1}--.r-::--{"

6.3 RAD-A

RAD-A 200011 c=.iilL "J!!1q!iif¥ ll::m\'0) 1J ? / ?' -;t;-;v A !±I 'l'l'Jll!7JI:i.;" RAD-A 200012 {t<, i!J<p, {;1;:/E<, "KEKB, AR, BT, Linac]i)!:JttiiiJ<tfJll!!Ri)IIGi*J"'-0)

)IE!Jl',t~1'i- (ill'Pi"f-~) 0)1J.t,A VJ H.!l" RAD-A 200013 'Fill, "·q"*'¥ftil '~'Jll!~IJJxi±IA VJ '~Jll!~jl)JO)-l'ffi~~'-:--:Jv'c"


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (75)

6.4 CHEM-A

{J\(li!Ji'lfBf!IJi, CHEM-A-00/1 JJO)ffi%1f CHEM-A-00/2 JJDJ!!!%1f

CHEM-A-00/3 JJol!!!%1f CHEM-A-00/4 If'F CHEM-A-00/5 JJDJ!!!%1f

CHEM-A-00/6 JJol!!!%1f CHEM-A-00/7 JJol!!!%1f CHEM-A-00/8 JJol!!!%1f CHEM-A-00/9 JJol!!!~

CHEM-A-00/10 JJol!!!~ CHEM-A-00/11 JJol!!!~ CHEM-A-00/12 JJOJ!!!~

CHEM-A-00/13 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/14 JJol!!!~ CHEM-A-00/15 JJOJ!!!~

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CHEM-A-00/18 *~li}f

CHEM-A-00/19 *~li}f

CHEM-A-00/20 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/21 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/22 JJol!!!~

CHEM-A-00/23 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/24 JJOJ!!!%1f CHEM-A-00/25 JJol!!!~

CHEM-A-00/26 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/27 M<!M~ CHEM-A-00/28 #im CHEM-A-00/29 oJt: 11'1 jflj Jll CHEM-A-00/30 JJol!!!~

CHEM-A-00/31 # 11'1 jflj jjj

CHEM-A-00/32 JJol!!!~

CHEM-A-00/33 JJol!!!~

~~Mt!l~·**7~~5-a.~0~0fi KEKB ";:l;f v f-~'i;P7J<:Ii!!iill!'J~rJJ.R~7"1*J~~~*'L:l*ilo/JW~ ~00fi KEKB "< ;:i .:f v f- ~-7]<7- f- v--Ti*Jilif:hf!lf1lilo/J~0fi o~MnM~~ffl;<~~~-•~••~0. 7.R9'<-~0~0fi KEKB f- ~;f;vi*J~ifiil (D7-E) ~:iJ7"7-~-t!l7-7-7.R~7"1*J Jt•ilo/J~~00:fif KEKB ~-JkcpO)%;YrJ:ff7-0):$tfi it:&(?--;<-~~;<-) cp~/fl'l!iilo/J:lG:m~0fi

~~~-7J<cp~~~:&Jili,&~~~-~0fi ll<<P f;:~W?-9 0 it7k~3tit-l'i1JiJJlW!' ~iJl'J~ ~t~~~Jm~'l!l:/ii.2-1:1:$ p ::I ~cpj~W/7k~0:f)f KEKB '<:?';f v ~--~-ll<:fifl±lilo/J~:$1:f)f t7"5A~-7]<~:~*h0~~:&!1Ji,.~-~00)0fi Mi\lllt7f<li1'7l<1f-"'7 :Of';fjF7J<J:f~l\!>'A ;t~. ~~ .:t~~0fi ~~-o-p~-~~~ilo/J~:7G:m~~0:fif KEKB*~n~m~:77~-"'f-o~~~~~~~&~w~ ;iJ 7" f- ~Jt·ilo/J&~~~ffl*li>t*3J-~~00fi JJol!!!~:li!!i~-c' til v' Gh-'5 ::1 * :7 5 -~7"7 ?-7- v :7 t-1~ ±~0~0fi

Belle Csl ~-tilT~ P ~7-,.-7''J*Jiliil:ft·i-0~f'\~0~ 0fi KEKB $t~~~~7- :c. v~ ::J 7 :iJ ~ ~5 ZDLM i*Jl'l!ill<~ ~j;j~0~0fi

ili!Jli!!Jil.mJ'ill:fJ -"'JkcfCI) Ga. As Cl):$t:fif il'llili!!Jil/!J'11'il1;1:!'7-7]<cp~ Ga. As ~0fi KEK-B l'l!i7J<7~ ~~;! V '/"-7 ~ Jv5·-I:Jt.-t0:Jf<f!ldsilo/Jj{ ~~7}0fi

ili!Jli!!Jilm!i!2.1J-"' 7k cp ~ Ga. As ~5-}fi KEK-B J!l;~7- :c.~;<- til 7 P -t ~·1T·-i*JJt·ilo/J~0fi KEK-B J!l;~7-:c ~;<-til 7 P -t ~'lt-~ltJU<J§~I:Jt.T0 ilo/JWO):$tfi ili!Jli!!Jil.m~:fi-"'7l<cf~ Ga. As ~5-HJf i!lUil!!l!tF cp f;: ·~ L- t: lll!:IJEll< ii>tf-1- <P ~ :&JIJi :lG:m ~ 0 fi I{'Ft ~ 37 -113~l'W/1fi*J I:?)!W;'-9 0i'51~~~00:fif ili!Jli!!Jil.mllll:fJ-"'ll<<P~ Ga. As ~0:fif KEKB ~-7k*7 o-7--{ v7-i*J~J!ijif~&~:iJ;<-Jt•ilo/J~0fi ili!Jli!!Jii./P'111l1.1J 7-JkcpCI) Ga. As ~:)}fi KEKB t7 ~ v :7 7-'7- :c.~ ;<·-~'i;Pll<I:M:ff-t 0:&JIJiH)jj(;0CI) 0fi D2'1!l:~~-c'~~L-t:7k~7k~±~~0~0fi


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (76)

6.5 CHEM-W

CHEM-W-00/1 1;J~7)<Jlitft'i'l.:-:'l;;~;h6 '/-?'//(J)5'ftfr(J)t::_llWJ!l lJ -/7 v7'/i;O)~lf1

CHEM-W-00/2 1fjjlt lJ /{l:;1'f!jo/J(J) jj 7- !7 P--<' J-. !!" 7 7 5'rtfrl.::l0 f) 6 5'ttfr~1'1'(J)~lf1


Activity Report of Radiation Sci nc - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.