Aspiring Educator Pathway / Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

  • Through collaborative teaching and personalized classroom instruction, the Aspiring Educator Pathway Program offers a new, innovative model with student success as its core focus. The program moves from a single teacher in a classroom to a team of teachers who offer significant experience and diversity to ensure rich classroom learning, a positive school environment, and individualized support to guide every student as they find their Pathway of Purpose.

  • Building on the current Future Educator Pathway, the Aspiring Educator Pathway adopts a model inspired by medical residency programs to elevate the teaching profession and create ongoing learning opportunities and advancement pathways for all CCSD teachers. The program provides multiple on-ramps and personalized pathways for aspiring teachers to gain significant classroom experience while receiving support from excellent, current CCSD teachers. By supporting educators throughout all stages of their careers, the program aims to proactively address common challenges facing teachers today, such as student debt and burn out, while improving teacher retention and job satisfaction.

  • The Aspiring Educator Pathway reimagines the teaching learning environment to allow for more hands-on classroom practice early in a teacher’s career. Traditionally, student teaching typically doesn’t begin until year four of a teacher’s educational journey, resulting in an average of 750 hours of classroom experience. This new program will result in 4,000+ hours of classroom experience and supervised instruction, as well as higher education coursework to enhance teaching and learning practices. Like a medical residency, increasing responsibilities, practice, and feedback measured over a period of years will prepare new teachers for the complex world of leading a classroom.

  • There are a variety of entry points into the Aspiring Educator Pathway for new and more experienced teachers as well as other professionals who are looking to enter the teaching profession. The program will build upon the current Future Educator Pathway and offer teacher licensure by Cherry Creek Schools in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Education and various higher education institutions.

  • The purpose of a medical residency program or other types of residency training programs is to provide purpose-driven, hands-on learning experiences combined with relevant and specific academic instruction to prepare participants to be successful in their chosen career path. Successful residency programs also offer a high degree of mentoring, which is a key element of the Aspiring Educator Pathway. The “see, do, teach” model has proven to be successful in medical residency programs and will allow Cherry Creek Schools to reimagine the teacher learning environment and set a new standard for excellence in education.

  • One of the fundamental elements of the Aspiring Educator Pathway is the collaborative teaching model. The team-teaching model has been shown to provide a greater level of support for newer teachers, provide a more personalized learning experience for students, and ensure a more cohesive learning environment when a teacher is absent. The program will bring together teams of four or more teachers across every phase of the program—apprentice teachers to mentor teachers—who, together, will collaborate and co-lead classrooms.

  • One of the most unique and innovative features of the Aspiring Educator Pathway is that CCSD will engage in partnerships with higher education institutions – including HBCUs and Hispanic-Serving Institutions - with the goal of creating a teaching force that mirrors the demographics of our students.

  • The Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program (SB23-87) offers an alternative route to teacher licensure by creating a teacher degree apprenticeship program. It requires many of the same elements of current teacher licensure programs such as obtainment of a bachelor’s degree, training programs approved by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), and structured on-the-job training. The bill allows CDE to issue a Teacher Apprenticeship Authorization to an apprentice who is employed by a school district or other type of school who is actively registered in an apprenticeship program and actively enrolled in an affiliated bachelor’s degree program from an accredited higher education institution. It is run collaboratively with U.S. Department of Labor and the State Apprenticeship Agency and utilizes apprentice mentor teachers and teacher apprenticeship program sponsors.

  • As outlined by SB23-87 and the Colorado Department of Education, accreditation for the program would come from a partnering higher education institution while licensure for teachers would come from the Cherry Creek School District.

  • The Aspiring Educator Pathway will begin with a phased-in approach across six schools. Future phases could include implementing the program across all grade levels or teams at one or multiple schools as well as continuously recruiting to build out every stage of the program.

  • Aspiring Educator Pathway / Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


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    Essential questions are overarching or topical questions that guide the lesson plan. In terms of lesson planning, these questions promote conceptual thinking and add coherence to a lesson.

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    The NEA Aspiring Educators Core Values—Educator Quality, Community Engagement, Political Action, and Social Justice—direct Aspiring Educators activities.

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    How we define 'Aspiring Teachers' Are often referred to as “candidates” Are enrolled in a teacher preparation program (TPP) Are working toward a initial license/certification.

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    What is the biggest challenge in teaching? This question will give the interviewer a good idea of where your frustrations lie and what, if anything, you will need to make up for. Think of something you can work toward making better and that you feel would be a challenge for all teachers.

    What are the 5 basic criteria for good essential questions? ›

    What Makes an Essential Question Effective?
    • It passes the “so what” test.
    • It focuses on matters of importance.
    • It is posed within the context of important content.
    • It is written so students can understand them (kid-friendly)
    • It can be answered, but may not have an obvious correct or simple answer.

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    Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world. These principles guide our work and define our mission: Equal Opportunity.

    What are your aspirations values and beliefs as an educator? ›

    Teachers accept and treat learners as unique human beings. Teachers respect the rights of learners and react to them humanely and fairly. Teachers try to understand the learners' starting point, thoughts and opinions. Teachers considerately handle matters linked to the learner's personality and privacy.

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    The stated goal of NEA's work is encapsulated in its tagline: "building great public schools for every child."

    What makes you unique as an educator? ›

    Inspiration: Being a role model who inspires your students to pursue their goals, think critically, and develop a lifelong love for learning distinguishes you as a memorable and influential teacher.

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    “First of all, the impact of teachers on the lives of students inspired me. The best reason to be a teacher was that I wanted to have a positive, inspiring impact on children's lives. I achieved this by being kind, caring, empathic, passionate, and funny.

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    Important soft skills for teachers include time management skills, leadership skills, having a strong work ethic, problem solving abilities, high emotional intelligence, and possessing the knowledge and adaptability needed to employ a variety of teaching modes and methods.

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    Here Are a Just a Few Difficult Teaching Interview Questions and Answers
    • Describe your philosophy of discipline.
    • What types of manipulatives do you use? ...
    • How do you handle classroom discipline?
    • In what ways do you help special needs students?
    • What are your thoughts on team-teaching?
    • Do you have any questions for us?

    What are the four essential questions of teaching? ›

    Popularized by Rick DuFour, the four critical questions of a PLC include:
    • What do we want all students to know and be able to do?
    • How will we know if they learn it?
    • How will we respond when some students do not learn?
    • How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient?

    What are the 7 characteristics of essential questions? ›

    According to McTighe and Wiggins, essential questions have seven characteristics:
    • They are open ended,
    • Thought provoking,
    • Require higher order thinking,
    • Point toward big transferable ideas,
    • Raise additional questions,
    • Require justification and.
    • Recur over time.
    Nov 7, 2015

    What are good educational questions to ask? ›

    Let's teach for mastery – not for scores
    • Which subjects do you think are going to be useful for your future?
    • What do like and what do you dislike about homework assignments?
    • Do you think homework assignments are necessary for effective learning?
    • Do students need to be tested?
    • What can you do to learn more effectively?


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