OFFICIAL NOTICES 4JYJ QUAD-CITY TIMES QUAD-CITY AREA Friday, May 6, 1994 Club gets first executive director FOR THE RECORD INVITATION TO BIO Block Hawk College win accept bids unH 10:00 w. on Friday, May 27, 1994 for the following: PRINTMG OF FALL 1994 SCHEDULE Bids must be delivered to the Purchasing Agent, 6600 34th Avenue. Moline, 61265. A Pre-okt meeting win be held at 10:00 a.m. on May 20, 1994.
Please quote all prices F.O.B. Campus, as Indicated In the specifications. Submit oU bids In sealed envelopes which should be plainly marked "Bid 28-84." The College reserves the right to occept or relect onv or all bids ond to waive Wormontles or technicalities In any bid In the best Interest of the College. ROBERT C. SMITH Purchasing Agent James Farbcr of Davenport has been appointed the first executive director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Valley.
He has 19 years of experience in ANN LOGAN 15825.00; LOIS BJENLEft 6176.00; SHIRLEY GRIGGS 6876.00; ALICE CORDTS 30687.00; LOIS M. SPETH 12678.05: SHIRLEY JEAN SCHAFMTT 738.00; AVIS WILLER 38629.03; KRISTIN SCHWIEN BtTKKY ANDERSON 11670.00; MELAME A NEWMAN 180.00; HELEN PETERS 180.00; JUJE A RICE 11820.00; CELIA A KLAUER 17900.00; VALERIE KLOBES 1680.05; WILLIAM DONAHUE 46580.09; WLUAM MOORE 1250.00; JLL A MCMEL 40681.04; JULIE A JASPER 1561.00; ME A JEFFRIES 35991.03; POLLY A VOELUGER 32691.03; HELEN THUNE 16912.00; MELISSA SHALTERS 1162.00; JULIE I MOTT 4092.00; JU-L1A A MENABER 6372.00; COLLEEN MURPHY 2980300; MILDRED NOLL 1423.02; JOLENE WWT-TEMORE 25773.03; WILLIAM SHERWOOD 29523.01; DALE TERRY 4053.00; VALERIE ANN MORENO 33.00; WILLIAM GALLIN 39703.03; WILLIAM THOMAS SHEDO 41100; HELEN SABOL 4104.00; MELANIE LEA HULLINGER 104.00; ALLISON RAE COLLINS 324.00; KELLY ANDERSON 104.00; COL-LEEN HERMIS TON-LOWE 1014.00; WILLIAM FREESE 4825.00; HELEN HARKINS 55.00; JUL A GROENENBCOM 5715.00; ALLISON A BEEL6 605.00; WILMA SMITH 37525.03; HELEN GEARING 33066.03; JULIE A EXSTRAND 41736.04; KELLI EKSTRAND 1366.00; MALETTA FAYE FISHER 30687.04; WILLIAM BUENNIG JR. 13697.04; ELLEN MAIN 26857.03; HELEN PAUL 36877.00; JULIE CHAMP 34768.00; RALPH KERSHAW 2088.00; WILMA CAVANAUGH 8388.00; SALLY A MARSHALL 35949.03; WALDA A ASSAD! 26199.00; JAMES 6 FOLEY 21230.00; TIMOTHY ERICKSON 9400.00; JAMES VOGEL 40080.00; TIMOTHY JOSEPH MOONEY 28361.02; JAMES RIEDESEL 31303.03; JAMIE LOGAN 65.00; JAMES HEBRANK 4825.00; TIMOTHY SYMONDS-LAFLEUR 7056.00; JAMES WEIBEL 40846.00; JAMES ANDERSON 34346.06; TAMMY A MURPHY 31797.00; JAMES A DEREUS 32617.03; JAMES ANDERSON 35867.03; SAMMY HALEY 18399.02; JAMES MCCARTNEY 32529.03; JAMES FOX 39429.06; KENNETH SCOOELLER 49750.00; ANNA DUDGEON 400.00; LINDA MANDERS 4590.00; JANE I KRUMWIED6 42540.00; NANCY MARK 7740.00; ANNETTE MCCARTHY 42900.00; WANDA MCCARTNEY 39330.00; KENNETH DUANE SITLER 5670.00; NANCY SUNDAY 330.00; KENNETH BUCHMEYER 9100.06; CYNTHIA A BROCKMAN 27691.03; WINSTON MKEL 1410, n-i. iAi.K:-r 1 CTciiiADT jjvuLt nn I MurtA 11 About the record The Quad-City Times publishes all marriage licenses and divorce decrees filed In Scott and Rock Island counties without exception. AH felony, aggravated misdemeanor, and drunken driving arrests in the Quad-Cities and court dispositions are published.
The Times also publishes, without exception, all real estate deeds and contracts and building permits of $50,000 value and above. To submit club notices for the Bulletin Board, send them at least two weeks In advance of the event date to Bulletin Board, Quad-City Times, P.O. Box 3828, Davenport, Iowa, 52808. No phone-ins please. Items for Let's Salute and In Service columns should be sent to Let's SaluteIn Service, Newsroom, Quad-City Times, P.O.
Box 3828, Davenport, Iowa, 52808. human services in the Quad-City area. He helped create the area's first Boys and will open in June at 3rd Island County Council on Addictions and has been a family counselor for the Rock Island County Youth Service Bureau and for Family Resources Inc. He has a bachelor's degree in business administration from Bradley University, Peoria. He has filled various statewide capacities for the Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association, the State Board of Education and the Prevention Resource Center.
He is a member of the In From the ColdQuad-City Steering Committee, a fund-raising organization for the homeless, and of the Com-prchenHOsive Youth Service Network of Mercer and Rock Island Counties. Avenue, Moline. "amer Frances VanHooreweghe of Moline is the president of the board. Farber is a former prevention program supervisor for the Rock Births PROBATE NO. 59650 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SCOTT COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD C.
8ETZENDERFER, Deceased To All Persons Interested In the Estate of Rlchord Betzenderfer, Deceased, who died on or about AprH 12, 1994: You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of April, 1994, the Last WW and Testament of Rlchord C. Betzenderfer, deceased, bearing date of the 13th day ot Morch, 1992, was odmltted to probate In the above named court and that Edword H. Daniel was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the wHI must be brought in the district court ot sold county within the later to occur ot four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the wM whose Identities ore reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever borred. Notice Is further given that aH persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims ogalnst the estate shoH file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for aHowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred.
Doted this Slst day of April, 1994. EDWARD H.DANIEL Executor of Estate 606West44th Davenport, Iowa 52806 ROBERT H. GALLAGHER (319)355-5303 Attorney for Executor 1989 Spruce Hills Drive Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Date of second publication: 6th day ot May, 1994 Fair pageant entries are due June 13 COCKRELL 37211.03; JON A RIPSLINGER 40061.00; LONNY WILKINSON 40031.09; TOM CHANDLER 40061.00; LINDA HILL 9681.05; RONDA BIRD 38121.00; JANE SIEFERS 36072.03; LYNDA NANCY JONES 33422.03; DONNA A KITCHELL 3VIHO.OQ; NANCY A rLfcNKtM JV4J.0U; ANNfc JOCHUM 40803.03; LINDA MALONE 34873.01; DON July 22. It is open to ages 17-24. The areas of competition are talent, evening gown, interview and swimsuit.
For details, call 323-4 156. Entries for the Miss Valley Fair Pageant will be accepted through June 13. The pageant, a preliminary to the Miss Iowa competition, will be HEGGEN 401 13.00; DONNA CALDWELL 24793.03; LYNNE HENKHAUS 45134.00; CYNTHIA ANN BORN 6614.00; TOMA HAYES 104.00; HENRY BECKER 44254.06; LYNDA A KITZMANN 32754.09; JANtllb W.HIWHJI M44.W; HAW.T NUKN- BERG 5544.00: DONA SIEVERTSEN 9044.01- LINDA lllini Hospital, Silvia 1 BOWLES, Teresa and Gregory, Green Rock, boy, April 28. COLLINGS, Amy and Brian, Molina, boy, April 28. RAYGOZA, Maribel and Arturo, East Moline, girl, April 28.
Mercy Hospital, Davenport MADIGAN, Cally and Steve, Davenport, boy, April 28. St. Luke's Hospital, Davenport BOLES, Lori, Bettendorf, boy, April 28. BUNN, Jodi and Steven, Princeton, Iowa, boy, April 28. TURNER, Sandra and Daniel, Bettendorf, boy, April 28.
Trinity Medical Center East Campus, Moline HART, June and Jeffrey, Bettendorf, boy, April 28. NICHOLS, Sara-Louise, Matherville, boy, April 28. Elsewhere MATSON, Patricia and Sgt. 1st Class Michael, Des Moines, Iowa, formerly of Davenport, girt, Sunday. Grandparents include Jack and Eileen Matson, Davenport.
BULLETIN BOARD LAHANN 37074.00; ANNE FARRELL 15124.00; TANNA JONES 1355.00; GENE SOEHL 42065.03; NANCY HESTER 30615.00; CYNTHIA KLEINSCH-MIDT 16305.00; LENORE TURKELTAUB 27675.00; DONNA HARK SEN 30435.00; UNOA FLEISCHMAN 36355.03; DONNA 5HARP 3006.00; LYNNfc ANSON NANCY LAXTON 1916.07; DAN BREINICH 39557.03; SONYA SMITH 33237.03; JANE MEYER 36877.00; LINDA BAUSTIAN 33167.03: DONNA FURROW 2067.00; LINOA PEETERS 30687.00; RENEE WITT 2187.09; NANCY DEHNER 25217.00: LINDA THOMPSON 36877.00; JANET CORCORAN 39798.00; NANCY MATH 39458.03; JANE A REYES 40288.09: LINDA A MANNON 968.00; CANDICE REED 7338.00; NANCY A FELDMANN Reunions Davenport Police Retirees, Widow Widowers Association The association is having its semi-annual reunion noon to 4:30 p.m. May 21 at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1 1 1 1 W. 35th Davenport. Buffet luncheon and other activities. The event is sponsored by Local 2 of Davenport Police Association.
Wilton alumni banquet The 96th annual Wilton alumni banquet will be held May 21 at Wilton High School gymnasium. The 50-and 25- year classes will be honored. There also will be special seating for the 60-and 40-year classes. Tickets are $6 in advance or $6.50 at the door. 23138.00; DONNA WfcLI UHJV.UO; NANCY SCHROEDER 32439.03: JANE JEPSEN 36699.00; Clubs Twentieth Century Women's Club of Molina Spring luncheon, May 11, at The Abbey, Bettendorf.
Social hour at 11:30 a.m. Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Officers will be installed. Reservations: Lillian Byrnes, 762-7253. WidowWidowers The non-denominational social group will meet: Business meeting, 12:30 p.m.
May 14, Knights of Columbus, 420 23rd Rock Island. Buffet Is $7. Reservations: Marilyn McDaniel, 787-3856, or Jeanne Andeberg, 797-4559. 4 p.m. May 15 at Playcrafters Bam, 4950 35th Moline, for "I Hate Hamlet." Meet in lobby at 3:30 p.m.
For tickets, call 762-0330. 9 a.m. May 25 for breakfast at Stevens Parte, 7th Street and 13th Avenue, Moline. Bring table service, coffee, juice, fruit, rolls, donuts and a chair. Main dish will be Fire calls PENNY LOWE 179.03; DONNA MCCOLLAM 32929.03; LYNNE CARROLL 39809.00; LEON MCDEVITT LEON KRUSE 42084.03; GEORGE PITCHER JR 41887.03; GEORGIA CLAYTON 41709.03; MARIE A J6SKE BERYL FITZSIM-MONS LARRY GHJJS 29680.00; DOROTHY ANN FOUSE 1260.00; MAREN MOOMEY 31450.03: BARBARA RAY 29780.03; MARY DENGLER 5760.00; HERBERT WEBER 6400.00; NORMA CASSADY 6O0.00; CAROL UL VEST AD 34170.03; MARY J.
VANCURA 630.00; DOROTHY STEVERSON 30060.00; MARILYN PETERS 5040.00; BARBARA A WILSON 39220.03; MARY ASH 400.00; BARBARA BROWN 240.00; BARBARA GAMB 1320.00; CAROL I NICK ELL 220.00; BARBARA TAYLOR 330.00; CAROLYN A WEBBER 130.00; TERYL A KAUTZ 39631.00; DARLENE NOLAN 31481.03; LORRACE CARLSON 31221.03; BARBARA FREESE 31091.00; NARDCA BUCKNER 32691.03; CORINNE BEVERUN 33871.00; LARRY LORIO 38451.03; CAROL JOHNSON 30791.00; MARY KIELKOPF 40331.00; CAROLYN KOOS 72.00; SARAH SMITH 8232.00; CAROL BEDFORD 32412.02; KAREN NAGY 33122.03; KAREN FORDYCE 28412.00; LORETTA A BES WICK 732.00; KAREN FRKX 12162.04; TERRI A TOPPLER 38592.03; MARH.YN SCHREIBER 182.00; MARY GRAAP 16032.03: DOROTHY ZOOK OFFICIAL NOTICES PROBATE NO. 59628 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SCOTT COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF LOISCAWIEZELL, Deceased To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Lois Ca-wlezel aka Mary Lots Cawlezell, Deceased, who died on or about March 29, 1994: You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of April, 1994, the Lost WHI and Testament of Lois Cawlezell, deceased, bearing dote of the 12th day of July, 1993, was odmltted to probate In the above named court ond that Joseph J. Cawlezell was op-pointed executor of the estate. Any action to set oslae the win must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of tour months from the date of the second publication ot this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to OH heirs of the decedent and devisees under the wlH whose Identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice Is further given that aH persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, ond creditors having claims against the estate shaH file them with the clerk of the obove named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, ond unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the dote of maHing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a clolm It thereafter forever borred.
Dated this 11th day of July, 1994. JOSEPH J. CAWIEZELL Executor ot Estate 2108 Winding HIHRd. JEFFCOOK Nagle, Cook Doughty Attorney for Executor 126 Klrkwood Blvd. Date of second publication: 6th day of May, 1994 Notice of Hearing on Proposed Plant, Specifications ond Proposed Contract for the Elmore Ave.
Paving Project from E. 39th St. to E. 53rd St. Notice Is hereby given that at 4:30 P.M, on Monday, May 16, 1994, at the Council Chambers, City Hal, In the City ot Davenport, Iowa, there wW be conducted a hearing on the proposed plans, specifications ond form of contract which the City Council has caused to be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Davenport, Iowa, and on the cost and necessity of constructing the above protect in the City of Davenport, Iowa.
At sold hearing any Interested person may file written oblection or comments with respect to the proposed plans, specifications, form ot contract or cost of ond necessity tor such Improvements and may be heard orally with respect. Jockle E. Ragsdole Deputy City Clerk OFFICIAL NOTICES 15633.00; MARILYN GRABLE 38703.03; CARYL HARING 37823.03; MARILYN LUEBBE 7513.02; CAROL ROTH 39883.00; MARILYN A CHER. DAVENPORT Wednesday 6:37 p.m., Mile Marker 290 on 1-80, hazardous material. 7:29 p.m., 916 W.
6th trash. 8:30 p.m., 736 Federal investigate. Thursday 8:23 a.m., 1218 Brady structure. 4:53 p.m., 1 799 W. 6th trash.
EAST MOUNE Wednesday 10:53 a.m., 7th St. and 34th hazardous materials. Thursday 6:47 p.m., 4747 1 1th false alarm. ROCK ISLAND Wednesday 7:51 a.m., 805 19th false alarm. 10:51 a.m., 12th St.
and 13th illegal bum. 1 1:28 a.m., 805 19th false alarm. 7:45 p.m., 2400 17th false alarm. 8:29 p.m., 30th St. and 46th false alarm.
Thursday 9:36 a.m., 767 30th false alarm. 2:25 p.m., 2910 6th illegal bum. DISPOSITIONS Gary Welch, 50, of 425 W. 17th Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Judgment was deferred and he was placed on one year of probation.
He was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation and pay court costs. He was accused of driving while intoxicated Nov. 26 In the 1700 block on Scott Street In Davenport. James E. Stock, 41, of 1108 Brown Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (third offense), driving while barred, and possession of marijuana.
On the drunken driving charge, he received a five-year sentence, to be served at the Davenport Work Release Center. His driver's license was revoked for six years. He was ordered to pay a $750 fine and court costs. On the driving while barred charge, he received a two-year sentence, to be served consecutive to the sentence on the drunken driving charge. He also was ordered to pay a $1 ,000 fine and court costs.
On the marijuana charge, he was sentenced to 90 days in jail, with credit for time served. He also was ordered to pay court costs and attorney fees. A charge of failure to wear a seat belt was dismissed. He was accused of driving while Intoxicated Dec. 3 in the 1400 block on Brown Street in Davenport.
Pamela K. Cooksey, 43. of 1710 N. Ripley Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while Intoxicated. She received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation.
She was ordered to perform 200 hours of community service in lieu of a $500 fine, surcharge, court costs and $220 in attorney fees. She also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. Charges of improper headlights, driving without a valid registration and three counts of driving under suspension were dismissed. She was accused of driving while intoxicated Dec. 22 in Davenport.
Christopher L. Harper, 28, of 2030 N. Harrison Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while Intoxicated. He received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation. He was ordered to perform 190 hours of community service in lieu of a $500 fine, surcharge, court costs and $225 in attorney fees.
He also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. He was accused of driving while Intoxicated Jan. 8 at East Kimberty Road and Forest Road in Davenport. Robert A. Harris, 23, of 135 36th Moline, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
He received a 120-day sentence with all but 21 days suspended and credit for inpatient substance abuse treatment. He was placed on one year of probation. He was ordered to pay a $750 fine, surcharge and court costs. Charges of first-degree kidnapping and willful injury were dismissed because the events took place in another jurisdiction. He was accused of forcing his wife into a car from their Moline home and driving her to Iowa where the vehicle swerved off Interstate 74 and burned.
Charles R. Manchester, 34, of 1220 Farnam Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (second offense) and driving under suspension. On the drunken driving charge, he received a 240-day sentence with all but seven days suspended and credit for inpatient substance treatment. He received a 120-day suspended sentence on the driving under suspension charge. He was placed on one year of probation.
He was ordered to pay a $750 fine on the drunken driving charge, a $250 fine on the driving under suspension charge, court costs, surcharge and $247.50 in attorney fees. His drivers license was revoked for six years. He was accused of driving while intoxicated Jan. 9 in the 2800 block on West 49th Street In Davenport. Brian Parkin, 36, of LeClaire, Iowa," has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
Judgment was deferred and he was placed on one year of probation. He was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. He also was ordered to pay court costs and a $1 5 fine on a charge of improper use of lanes. He was accused of driving while intoxicated Dec. 1 8 in LeClaire.
Robert G. Pintar, 45, of 7406 Voiquardsen Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation. He was ordered to pay a $500 fine, surcharge and court costs. He also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation.
He was accused of driving while intoxicated Dec. 5 at Pine Street and Northwest Boulevard in Davenport. Gina A. Santee, 30, of 3602 Carey Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Judgment was deferred and she was placed on one year of probation.
She was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation and pay court costs. She was accused of driving while intoxicated Dec. 8 In Eldridge, Iowa. Thomas K. Schoo, 29, of 409 E.
15th Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation. He was ordered to pay a $500 fine, surcharge and court costs. He also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. He was accused of driving while intoxicated Jan.
16 in the 3600 block on Fair Avenue in Davenport. Angelic S. Solbrig, 19, of 3402 Rockingham Road, Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Judgment was deferred and she was placed on one year of probation. She was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation and pay court costs.
She was accused of driving while intoxicated Jan. 9 in the 100 block on Main Street in Davenport. Andrew Thomas, 50, of 1315 E. 38th St. Apt.
6, Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation. He was ordered to pay a $750 fine, surcharge and court costs. He also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. A charge of improper lane usage was dismissed.
He was accused of dnving while intoxicated Dec. 31 in the 3200 block on Brady Street in Davenport. Marty A. White, 27, of 3813 Sunnyside Davenport, has pleaded guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He received a 120-day suspended sentence and one year of probation.
He was ordered to complete 160 hours of community service in lieu of a $500 fine, surcharge, court costs and $231 in attorney fees. He also was ordered to obtain a substance abuse evaluation. A charge of failure to obey a red light was dismissed, He was accused of driving while intoxicated Dec. 10 at 7th and Division streets in Davenport. NETSKY 39373.03; LARRY HUN5 3V45J.UU; MARIE A HERMIE 24553.03; KAROL MOORE 33973.00: GARNETT STORM 9984.00; KARN A THE DAVENPORT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1008 WEST KIMBERLY ROAD DAVENPORT, IOWA 52806 The Davenport Community School District ot PELLS 6804.00; BARBARA A rVERSON 32784.03; KA- RIN MILLER 4964.00; BARBARA HILL 39004.03; KAREN SCHAFFER 15124.00: BARBARA GUL- Scott and Muscatine Counties.
State ot Iowa, will re ceive written bids ot the Office of the Director of Management Support Services of sold School District ot the Operation Center, 1008 West Kimberty, Davenport, Iowa 52806, until 1:00 PM on May 16, INVITATION FOR BO The Cltv of Davenport, Iowa acting through Its Community and Economic Development Department win receive sealed bids for rehabilitation of various homes until 10:00 a.m. on June 3, 1994, ot the 1994 for the following: Installation at telephone ond data collie An bids received after the stipulated closing time office of the City Clerk, City HaH, 226 West Fourth tor the receipt of bids wis be returned to the bidder unopened. FAX bids will not be accepted. Street, Davenport, lowa 52801. ah aids snoH oe opened In the lorae, second floor conference room AH bidders must be an Equal OpportunltY Em- at 10:00 o.m.
on that date. plover. DENPFENMG 8734.00; MARIE A FRASER 234.00; CAROLYN ROCHELL BURRAGE-THOMAS 3884.04; LARRY SWANSON 43664.00; BARBARA GUENTHER 41154.09; MARY E. MC ALEER 37024.00; CAROL A GANTENBEIN 42084.03; MERLE DITTMER 7754.08; BARBARA JO REINIER 444.07; KARLA STEVENS 27535.05; DOROTHY PAGELS 39705.00; KAREN MANUEL 29685.03; CORINNE A RAMIREZ 3085.00; MERLE BYRAM 42065.03; DOROTHY A MARXEN 30435.00; TERRY DIRKS 6375.00; CAROLYN DRAPER 42685.00; CAROLYN DAY 38955.03; CAROL A BAXA 6465.00; MAR YLEE SINDT 3276.00; GARY AMMETER 33536.03: KAREN CHRISTIANSON 38826.03: JERRY BEHNWG 546.00; MARY SCHRCKER 38826.03; DERRY SPOTTEN 34546.03; KAREN HH.GERS 2016.00; CAROLYN M. BRUMFIELD 17586.00; KARLEN6 INSKEEP 876.00; HARRIET KIPLING 33047.03; MAR-LYN BKXNELL 30687.00; BARBARA A SHE 41527.00; MARY BAUMGARTNER 41887.03; DARLENE MISNER 9087.05; MARY MEANS 33747.03; KAREN A DEXTER 33437.03; MARY CAULFIELO The Owner reserves tne right to rnect any ana Bidding documents, which Include the odor esses of the houses to he rehabilitated, may be obtained from The Office of Neighborhood Redevelopment, PROBATE NO.
59632 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, ANO NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN ANO FOR SCOTT COUNTY all bids and to waive any InformaHty and Irregularity In me bidding. at the above address. Specific Questions regarding For further Information, contact Roger fisk. 319-386-3351. IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES WALTER FALL, Deceased To AH Persons Interested In the Estate ot James Walter Foil, Deceased, who died on or about Morch JUVENILE NO.
J8412C1 NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE JUVENILE COURT IN AND FOR SCOTT COUNTY IOWA the bidding, or qualification of bidders should be directed to the Rehob Supervisor by colling 319-326-7748. No collect colls accepted. The contractors shoH meet aH Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and other applicable regulations. By: City of Davenport Jackie Rogsdole Deputy City Clerk 17, 1994: 10337.07; CAROLYN HEDCHNGER 41887.03; CARRI NN THE INTEREST OF: AREMA LINDSE Child fro SAID: MELVIN LINDSEY you are nereov nonnea mot on tne izm aoy ot You ore herebv notified that there Is now on file April, 1994, the Last Win and Testoment of Jomes Walter Fall, deceased, bearing date of the 4th day of January, 1990, was odmltted to probate In the above named court and that Jeffrey M. Fofl was PUBLIC NOTICE OF STORM WATER DISCHARGE SAWYER 26857.03; CARMEN WALSH 39957.00; MARY LAFRENZ 13948.00; BARBARA WESTER-FIELD 9718.03; KAREN VANOERW8.T 24228.03; CAROL BALDRY 39078.03; KAREN GADDEY 9618.06; CAROL ELLINGSWORTH 8438.04; KAREN OTT 208.00; CAROLYN WOLTERS 7668.00; KARW HANSON 36069.03; CAROL KENNEDY 32439.03; In the Office of the Clerk of the Juvenile Court In me Scott County Court House, Davenport, Iowa, Petition filed at the direction of the Juvenile Court alleging that sold child Is a child In need of assistance as beflned In Sections 232.2 (6) (b) ond (c-2) of the Code appointed executor of the estate.
Any action to set aside the wlH must be brought in the district court' of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing ot MARLENE DOROTHY ALLtRS 1055V.0; I.AKUL or iowo. (Me petition on rue.) You are herebv further notified mat the Court Dougco Vending plans to submit a Notice of Intent to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to be covered under NPDES General Permit Number 2, "Storm Water Discharge Associated With Industrial Activity for Construction The Storm Water dlschorge will be from Garner Farms First Addition in the City of Davenport, located In the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 78 North, Range 3 East of the 5th PM. In Scott County, Iowa. has set the hearing on sold Petition for the 9th dov LYN A LEMM 36699.00; MARY A WHINE 33569.03; CAROL MONNARD 21669.00; MARY FUNK this notice to aH heirs of the decedent and devisees under the wlH whose Identities ore reasonably bf June, 1994, at 3:30 P.M. In the Court Room of the Court House In Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, at which time you ore directed to be present.
ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons Indebted you ore runner notified ot vour right to Counsel. Storm Water wHI be discharged from two point vou desire, but are unable to employ Counsel, such Counsel shaH be appointed by the Court, Section 232.89(1) of the Code of Iowa. to the estate ore requested to moke Immediate payment to the undersigned, ond creditors having claims ogalnst the estate shaH file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as pro Drunken driving ARRESTS Richard Baker, 29, of 601 Wilkes Davenport, was arrested May 1 In Davenport on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (third offense) and three counts of driving under suspension. He is accused of driving while intoxicated in the 1100 block on North Division Street In Davenport.
Nickolaus Sluz, 29, of 3716 22nd Moline, was arrested April 29 in Davenport on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and speeding. He is accused of driving while intoxicated in the 800 block on East Locust Street In Davenport. Richard A. Schmitz, 29, of 320 Cedar Davenport, was arrested April 29 in Scott County on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and driving under suspension. He Is accused of driving while Intoxicated at West 3rd and Warren streets in Davenport.
Diana M. Braet, 31 of 627 18th East Moline, was arrested April 29 In Scott County on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and driving with an open container of alcohol. She is accused of driving while intoxicated on Interstate 80 in Scott County. Richard M. Tallon, 32, of Davenport, was arrested April 13 in Scott County on a charge of operating a motor vehicle white Intoxicated.
He is accused of driving while intoxicated on U.S. 61 In Davenport. Stacy A. West, 18, of Park View, Iowa, was charged May 3 In Scott County with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and speeding. She is accused of driving while Intoxicated Aug.
21 in Scott County. Minh Van Ngo, 22, of 1626 Marquette Davenport, was arrested May 2 in Scott vided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, ond sources, being existing storm sewers attached to the municipal storm sewer system of the City of Davenport, and maintained by said City of Davenport. These two storm sewer point sources discharge Into Duck Creek In the City of Davenport. Comments may be submitted to the Storm Water Discharge Coordinator, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Environmental Protection Division, 900 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines, la.
MARY F. HAYMAN Juvenile Court Officer, HI Scott County Court House Davenport, iowa (319)326-8612 I certify under penalty of aeriurv ond pursuant to unless so filed by the later to occur of tour months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred. pe lows of the State of Iowa that the preceding Is true ond correct. xuiv-wm. ine public may review the notice of Signed and doted this 22nd of April, 1994.
MARY F. HAYMAN 32869.03; JASON DUGAN 1350.00; SUSAN JONES 5040.00; JASON SOUHRADA 2310.00; SUSAN SCOTT 180.00; SUSAN DAY 1600.00; SUSAN A BAKER 27741.00; ROSE MORRISSEY 32691.03; ELSIE RYAN 972.00; SUSAN WILLIAMS 2732.07; SUSAN GROVE 39883.00; SUSAN WOLTERS 40583.00; SUSAN JANSSEN 38823.03; JESSICA TANDESKI 385.00; SUSAN JOHNSON 30435.00; ROSE COOK 4825.00; SUSAN RAMM 33195.03; SUSANNE STARK 37055.00; BESS WELLNER 30347.03; ROSS A MEIER 28607.04; SUSAN A NELSON 35697.03; SUSAN VAN SCOY 39809.00; ROSANNE STARK 6379.00; SUSAN FOXX 39.00; ANTONIA BRIBRHESCO RUTH URMIE RUTH A ANGELL KATHRYN A BENISCH BETTY COMER 33170.03; KATHRYN WH.CKEN 30060.00; ANTHONY BRUS 100.00; KATHY RUSSELL 840.00; BETTY HOGUE 9720.00; BETTY JO-HANNSEN 400.00; PATRICK TROUP 8182.04; BETTY GRIFFIN 48842.06; KATHRYN HUFF 2432.00; BETTY WEGENER 28753.03; MATTHEW A PIERCE 4203.04; ANTHONY ADAMS 564.00; BETTY LANGE 33244.03; RUTH LYON 42065.03; BETTY PIETZONKA 24865.06; RUTH LEHMKUHL 33066.03; RITA HAGNER 32316.03; KATHRYN EDENS 33066.03; BETH CLEMENSEN 40777.02; KATHY WEISS 247.00; KATHY A LEE 968.00; KATHRYN SCHADEL 1698.00; PATRICK KELLY 838.00; BETTY LONG 54909.00; KATHRYN ANN CARNAHAN 26679.03; MAURI JOHNSON 30810.00; LAURA MARTI 5040.00; DOUGLAS W. WARD 972.00; PAUL FLYNN 43674.06; DOUGLAS ROBERTS 3744.00; LAURA BRAGG 2394.00: LAURA Intent from 8:00 am to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the above address after It has been received by the department. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1994. JEFFREY M.
FALL Executor of Estate 1655 14th Street Bettendorf, IA 52722 ROBERT H. GALLAGHER (319)355-5303 Attorney for Executor 1989 Spruce Hills Drive Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Date of second publication: 6th day of May, 1994 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING LEASING OF PUBLIC PROPERTY BEFORE THE DAVENPORT LEVEE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION Notice Is hereby given that at 8:00 a.m., prevailing mme, on Wednesday, May 11, 1994 In the second moor conference room at City HoH In the Cltv of TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DAVENPORT COMMU Davenport, Iowa, there win be conducted a public hearing on the lease with the Quad City Sports Center Association by the Davenport Levee Improvement Commission. NITY SCHOOL DISTRICT: IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 279.35 OF THE CODE OF IOWA, 1987, WE LIST BELOW ANNUAL SALARIES TO PERSONNEL REGULARLY EMPLOYED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SERVICES PERFORMED BY THEM DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1993: The proposed term is fifteen (15) years commencing June 1, 1994 for property situated at the southwest corner of Gaines Street and W. River Drive, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, that Is legally described as follows: BRENNAN 8794.02; BRUCE POGUE 585.00; PAULA VANCfc 1296.00; PAULA BURNETT 35697.03; nttlfJAC ri irAlifUUAOC Vuladvi. ,1 inirirk, if County on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and speeding.
He is accused of driving while intoxicated on U.S. CURRIER 39.00; DAVID BURKE 110.00; BEVERLY or in own uuuiuy. Douglas F. Cole, 18, of 1904 W. 1st Davenport, was arrested May 3 in Davenport on charges of operating a motor vehicle while PROBATE NO.
59654 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SCOTT COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF MARIE W. KELLING, To All Persons Interested In the Estate of Morie W. Kelllng, Deceased, who died on or about April 2, 1994: You are hereby notified that on the 22nd day ot April, 1994, the Last Will and Testament ot Marie W. Kelllng, deceased, bearing date of the 27th day of January, 1977, was admitted to probate In the above named court and that Waltraud H. Martens was appointed executor of the estate.
Any action to set aside the win must be brought In the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the wlH whose Identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice Is further given that all persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims ogalnst the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed bv the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing ot this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 25th day of April, 1994. WALTRAUD H. MARTENS Executor of Estate 2214 West 36th St.
Davenport, IA 52806 THOMAS O. UNDBURG Stanley, Londe Hunter Attorney for Executor 900 Firstar Center 201 West 2nd St. Davenport, Iowa 52801 Date of second publication: 6th day ot May, 1994 brtnyir-fitari rerklAftft rlmirtr, anrf dnvinn without a valid driver's license. He is accused of driving while intoxicated in the 4900 block nn rirannn Avnnin in nnvmnmt Donald J. Norton, 25, of Winchester, was arrested May 2 in Moline on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving Wa infl.
nl nMknl kJu Part ot the Northwest Fractional Quarter ot Section 35, Township 78 North, Range 3 East of the 5th P.M., Cltv of Davenport, being more particulorly described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the Southerly right-of-way tine of Gaines Street; thence S.00 degrees along said westerly right-of-way line at a distance of 261.77 feet being 25.00 feet Northerly of the centeriine mainline track of the Davenport, Rock Island and Northwestern Railway Company, thence S.89 degrees 25 22 W. along a line parallel with and 25.00 feet Northerly of the centeriine mainline track tract of sold Railway Company a distance of 727.06 feet to the Intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of Warren Street extended Southerly; thence N.00 degrees 25'50 E. along said easterly line a distance of 262.40 feet to the Intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line of sold River Drive; thence N.89 degrees 28 15" E. along said Southerly right of way line a distance of 725.37 feet to the Point ot Beginning, containing 4.37 ocres, more or less. Copies of the proposed documents are on file and available tor public Inspection with the City Clerk ot the City of Davenport.
At said hearing, any interested person may file written comment for or ogalnst the leasing with respect to entering Into this proposed agreement ond may be heord orally with respect thereto. Jockle E. Ragsdole Deputy City Clerk JO ANNE EDWARDS 30060.03; L. KENT NAAE 44969.06; GRACE SIBLE TRACY ARBOGAST 6770.02; DIANA LONGENECKER 180.00; DIANE KYSER 120.00; DIANE STENSRUD 35900.03; TRACY KLOBES 2211.08; CHARLES SANDERS 40321.00; JEAN A WITHYC0M8E 32691.03; CHARLES DENNEY 3841.00; CHARLES SHARP 35041.09; FRANCES ROBNETT 39182.03; JEAN BOOTH 42262.03; DIANA HINRICHS 12942.00; TRACY A CAVES 30613.00; FRANCES CAROL CLEETON 43463.00; GRACE WRIGHT 27853.00; CLAUDIA BLISS 1944.00; FRANCES CARSON 40405.00; JEAN MOELLER 28875.03; DIANE SHAFFER 9195.05; CHARLES SCOTT 35875.03; JOAN WINFIELD 39705.00; JUANITA CARRHJ.0 33066.03; FRANK SCHLUE 5586.00; UNA ENGLUND 30276.03; FRANCES FOSTROM 416.00; OPAL HANDLEN 36576.06; JEAN GILES 40827.00; FRANCES A FIEDLER 30687.00; STANLEY SIMPSON 30418.08; CHARLES A KITCHELL 35678.00; TRACY GRAHAM 4178.08; EVA LAMBRECHT 24928.03; STACY FAUST 48.00; JOAN I MCSHANE 24528.03; CHARLES GRAY JR 39828.00; JOAN KEEL 40258.00; STANCH. PRATHER 819.06; GRANT AUSTILL 4809.00; CLARICE WELLENDORF 23139.00; JOANN MAY-FIELD 15009.00; CHARLES WILLIAMS 33569.03; JOAN HABERK AMP 42409.03; CHARLES KENDALL WILSON REBECCA ANDRESEN-SPEER 42980.09; DEBRA KWIMEL 27681.00; ROBERTA A SHADENSACK 10574.00; DEBORAH RENEE MEEHAN 1144.00; REBECCA TEBRAKE 31155.00; ROBERTA MAJORS 31885.00; DEBRA BANTA 5037.00; ROBERT HIGAREDA 32869.03; DEBORAH ALEJO 36699.00: CECIL WELLER MICHAEL MAN-TERNACH 380.00: VCKI A GRAY 317B0.06; RICHARD alcohol level of .1 0 or more and improper lane usage.
He Is accused of driving while mtoxicaiea tne zouu diock on i jra Avenue, MnlinA. neiu m. noanguez, 10, oi ooru c. narcxx Drive, Bettendorf, was arrested April 30 in Bettendorf on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. She Is accused of driving while Intoxicated in the 2900 block on Devil's Glen Road in Bettendorf.
Chris A. Sammon, 43, of 2009 Harrison Davenport, was arrested April 30 in Scott County on charges of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and driving on the wrong side of a highway. He is accused of driving while intoxicated in the 700 block on West Locust Street in Davenport. Silvestre Casas, 24, of Slvis, was arrested April 30 in East Moline on charges of ririuirwi i irvtor tha infli itw-a anri rinuinn uhilo REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic subsidiaries of the Firstar Bank Davenport, N.A. of Davenport In the State of Iowa, at the close of business on March 31, 1994, published In response to call mode bv Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161.
Charter Number 22198 Comptroller of the Currency Midwestern District. Dollar Amounts In Thousands ASSETS Cash and balances due from depository Institutions: Noninterest-bearlng balances and currency and coin 13,538 Securities: Held-to-maturlty securities 50,158 securities 605 Loans ond lease financing receivables: vieika jv.w; UAVU UUO 39631.00; BEVERLY SCHOCKER 8891.08; DAVID THEDE 7882.03; KEVIN DIGHTON 38703.03; BEVERLY EWERT 93.00; ORVH.LE THOMPSON 39883.00; DAVID JESSEN 28345.03; BEVERLY ZARNDT 29625.00; BEVERLY BRACE 4825.00; BEVERLY SCHRADER 33066.03; BEVERLY HEIDGERKEN 26.00; LAVINNA CANN 7567.04; DAVID WESSEL 46948.06; BEVERLY I DIPPLE 308.09; EDWIN WOOTEN 41887.03; MAX A THOMPSON 18335.00; ROXANNE DANKERT 24278.09; FAYE A SHUMCK 33661.09; JAYN6 VINER 5162.06; KAY A PHILLIPS 39883.00; BRYAN A HOULIHAN 7715.00; AMY REA 55.00; AL YS JO NELSON 33066.03; KAY HOYT 41588.00; WAYNE GRANN6MAN 40578.00; JOYCE A LEE 32869.03; HAZEL PCHT 10229.00; DEAN SCHANTZ 41930.15; DIANE SIMMONS 30921.16; CHARLES AGAN 38367.13; IRA DUNS WORTH 48467.18; REBECCA SCHMIDT 23140.16; RUBY I MCCULLOUGH 37175.11; D6BRA A DAWSON 187.18; REBECCA DANNER 3037.10: ROBIN PENDERGAST 3058.14; RICHARD DICKER SON 9900.18; CECELIA LEE 1423.19; MICH-ELE WILEY-ECKELS 83.10; MICHAEL RKXETTS 623.10; MICHAEL JULSON 7625.16; RICHARD DEAN LINDBOM 56.16; JACK LEABO 46059.13; THERESA WALLACE 2280.19; THERESA A DURRAH 8718.11; ROGER BEGHTOL 47860.10; ETHEL BRAUN 7212.15; SCHERRY HARLENE HAINES 387.12; EDITH KOEHN 12202.10; SHIRLEY A KROEGER 7695.16; SHIRLEY ANN ROTHWEH.ER 6746. 16; JOANN VAN-FOSSEN 10417.12; MOLLY A SHERIDAN 89B0.18; MILDRED FORD 230.18; BELINDA MORLEY 201.12; MELISSA BUCK 251.10; WILLIAM MCGLAUTHEN 20301.12; WILLIAM A MILLER 28771.16; JULIE A MCFARLAND 37425.18; MELISSA PARR 1625.18; COLLEEN A RYAN 9796.19: WILLIAM FRAJMAN 38896.15; MILDRED J. NH.ES 6746.16; RYLAN BE- JAMES LBGH JAMES A CAPARULA 31174.15; JAMES A ONEHX 27188.16; LYNN MOSER 8250.19; JANET LOPER KAUL 49361.15; DONNA GOYETTE 14963.13; RONDA JENNINGS KENNETH ADOMATIR 623.10; AGNES TROUP 24184.11; NANCY SOEDT 64.13; JANET LEVETZOW WX1 CEHRECKE CYNTHIA YNN DAHL 8867.10; BANKS SWAN 5317.14; LEONARD BRODY; KAREN A KILBURG 11470.12; 5V-'V GARY HAMMOND RINDLB 693.17; MARK MEI-NfcRT 24184.12; GARY A BLINKINSOP 40865.19; CHRS schareS 6115.10; MARILYN ANDERSON 1005.12; CYRUS ROBINSON 50745.15; MARY BRFCK 42335 10-MARY MEEHAN' 42766.12; MYRW JtBStS 35746.17- MARY A. GUY 6746.16; rxWOTHYP KNCKREHM 10417.12; MARY WARNER 10417 LnPITTMAN "47 BARBARA KORBELK 7618.12; BARBARA WALKER 8708.19; BARBARA A SUSAN WASHBURN 32590.10; SUSAN FIELDS WMi MITZU HARRIS 36241.12; CATHY SCHEVERS 10 95.19; LOUIS BE-HFNSKY 40374.10; LAURA PEEL 8926 16- KEVINW HODSON 24108.16; JOYCE JACKSON 32077.15; WAYNE HAINS 437.10: DIANA JIMENEZ 3410 27-DIANE JACKSON 38822.20: FRANCES ANN HU.S-ING 1854.21; BRADLEY OATE5 324I6.
HEAtI A MNISCH 858.23: CHARLES HAMMONDS 879.20; DEBORAH KAY WHFELER 5471.22; DFBO-RAH LYNN LYONS 9751.27; DEBRA STEVENSON MCHAELP WH.EY 40375.20: MICHAEL FARLEY 37816 25- JUCH A JANSEN 12215.24; THERESE ANN SUZUKI 41841 5fS tSZtZ "i THERESA HANSifl 21799.25; JEFFREY BE1IAN 31752.27; JOHN YORK 22363.20-JOHN RETZL 25854.24; SHIRLEY SHOLLENBERGER 14030.20; SHIRLEY WADSWORTH 24291.20; ALICE MASLANKA 39166.20; ELIZA WILLIAMS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE suspended. He is accused of driving while intoxicated in the 1500 block on 2nd Street, Loons and leases, net of unearned Income 137,445 LESS: AHowonce for loan and lease ..2,403 East Moline. David C. Rose, 27, of 1021 21st Rock Island, was arrested April 30 In Rock Island on a charge of driving under the influence. He Is accused of driving while inlnvirfltofl in the 900 Nark hntwrnn 1 1st 135,042 Loans and leases, net of uneorned Income, allowance, and reserve Premises ond fixed assets (Including capitalized leases) .3,423 .82 98 and 22nd Avenues, Rock Island.
II Dispositions SCOTT COUNTY A charge of second-degree theft against TyreH T. Carr, 18, of 1614 Famam Davenport, has been dismissed pending further Investigation. He was accused ot participating In stealing property valued at about $4,750 from a Davenport residence on Oct. 15 Deborah A. Harper, 33, of 926 E.
15th Davenport, has pleaded guilty to going armed with a knife, possession of a controlled substance and carrying weapons. Judgment was deferred and she was placed on one year of probation. She was ordered to complete the Quad-City Area Labor-Management course. She also was ordered to pay attorney fees and court costs. She was accused of carrying a loaded shotgun and kitchen knife Dec.
11 to a residence In the 500 block on 29th Street in Bettendorf. She also was accused of possessing marijuana in her purse. Craig M. Hayden, 20, of 1916 Washington Davenport, has pleaded guilty to an amended charge of possession of marijuana, He received a 180-day suspended sentence. He was ordered to pay a $500 fine, court costs, surcharge and $220 in attorney fees.
A charge ot failure to wear a seat belt was dismissed. He was accused of possessing four quarter-ounce bags of marijuana Jan. 23 during a traffic stop at Kimberty Road and Northwest Boulevard in Davenport. A charge of second-degree robbery against Jamet C. Miles, 34, of 602 W.
3rd Davenport, has been dismissed pending further investigation. He was accused of robbing a man of hts wallet Dec. f- while the victim was breaking up a fight at Mavenport tavern. Other real estate Intangible assets Other assets Total assets 2,264 ,..205,210 Mary V. Lane, 33, of 1850 23rd Rock lelanH uiaa Arraetcwi Anril 3ft in RnHtf Iclarvi LIABILITIES on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under the Influence of alcohol ASHBACHER 41681.00; MICHAEL THOMAS 36951.00; MICHAEL ORFITELLI 1 161.00; RICHARD BECK 42.00; MICHAEL SCANNELL 40883.03; RICHARD A ANDERSON 39453.00; VICKI BEDEIAN 9673.04; CECELIA BETH ATER 1575.00; MICHAEL GOAD 1935.00; RICHARD TOOHILL 39705.00; RICHARD HEDEEN 38807.03; RICHARD ARMSTRONG 41887.03; RICHARD STAHL 43217.00; RICHARD BOOTH 41887.03; MICHAEL MONEY 28137.09; BECKY BEAVERS 3228.05: MICHAEL DANNER 33838.07; RICHARD A HOFFMANN 31248.02; LU-CINOA LAZZARI 39919.00; RICKY SHARP 33299.03; VICKI COPPINGER 34179.03; JUDY A SEITZ 33976.03; EDDIE HORTON 32067.00; GREGORY KERN 1951.00; EVER LEE AMBROZI 33391.03; DEE PHrRSEL 622.00; SUE A VISAGE 39883.00; GWEN A KORN 25113.03; SUE FERRELL 39564.03; SUELLYN SHERIDAN 30385.03; THFRESA ANN MILLER 165.00; THERESA SCHELN 165.00: THERESA STE1.K 42336.09; FRED A STROOTBFCK 40877.00; SUE ANN GARVIN 5.W.00; SUE A MARCH 40517.03; GLENNDA CURRENC6 32798.03; STEPHEN KNOCHE 36978.00; CHERYL BRIDGEWATER 32439.03; ELEANOR ABERNATHY 79.06; JEFFREY SHAWN HART JEFFREY ALLEN BOLL 2.00; JEFFERY HERMISTON 29863.03; JEFFREY MANDERS 41476.01; JEFFREY ASHC.RAFT 976.00; JEFFREY DONALD NEGUS 4207.00; PEGGY LO-RENZ PEGGY DBBERN 130.00; INGE MET-CALF 40761.00; PEGGY A WHITE 375.00; EUGENIA LANTAU ROGER A SCHANTZ 40006.00; MFGAN BECKER ROGER FUERSTEN-BERG 54909.00; ROGER HARRINGTON 45619.00; ROGER KEESTER 54909.00; JOHN KOSGARO 36580.00; ETHEL KOZMA 1250.00; JOHN MCGRATH 39631.00; JOHN LEE 45943.00; JOHN PEACOCK 30613.00; ETHEL REYNOLDS 17784.00; JOHN KVAPTL 29625.00; JOHN MILLER 41887.03; JOHN WARD 42587.03; JOHN A THOMPSON 32617.03; JOHN NAGY 32869.03; JOHN TRITT 38629.03; ANH THU QUOC CAO 279.00; SHIRLEY ARP 11620.05; EMILY FERCE 540.00; SHIRLEY A IWEN 13101.00; REITA MATTIS 1911.00; EX BAUSWELL 2982.00; PHILLIP HUND 33972.03; 41.CE A RYAN 24613.03; KRISTEN NAAE ifeVOO; SHIRLEY A WESTON 624.00; ALICE VaVHN 19985.00: SHKLEY A BERGER 22985.00; KRISTE ..157,258 Deposits: domestic offices interest 32,206 125,052 witn a Dtooo aiconoi level oi or more, improper lane usage and failure to wear a properly adjusted fastened seat belt.
She is Federal funds purchased 15,678 15,997 1,036 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities Total liabilities EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock. .3,000 .3,000 accused of driving while intoxicated In the 1400 block on 20th Street, Rock Island. Cindy Madden, 35, of Walcott, Iowa, was arrested April 29 In Scott County on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while Intoxicated. She Is accused of driving while Intoxicated in Walcott. James D.
Ziffrfn, 62, of 23 Thornwood Court, Moline, was arrested April 26 in Moline on a charge of driving under trie influence of alcohol. He is accused of driving while Intoxicated in the 3900 block on 3Ph Avenue, Moiir where his vehicle was invl ved in an accktont. Undivided profits and capital 9,241 Total equity 15,241 Total liabilities, nmlted-llte preferred stock, ond equity 205,210 Michael Miner, Financial Officer, ot the above-named bonk do hereby declaire that this Report ot Condition Is true ond correct to the best ot my knowledge and belief. MICHAEL D. MILLER, Flnonclol Officer April 27, 1994 We, me undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this statement of resources ond Nobilities.
We declare that It has been examinee; kus, ond to the best at our knowledge and Deuel hot been prepare, In conformance with the Instruction! Ind Is true and correct..