The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1952 lO A a Youth Captured In 'Thrill' Holdup Laugh Is on TB Germs Neutralized by Drug ST. LOUIS, Dec. 27 (AP). Tuberculosis germs start to laugh at a new anti-TB drug, but then find the joke is on them, a sci- cSf Queen Leads Kin In Square Dance 5Ul SANDRINGHAM, England.

Dec, 27 (AP) from the rpjiU( home at Sandringham today'. that Queen Elizabeth still knows her do-si-do. The 26-year-old Queen, smitten with the square-dance bug 1951 tour of Canada, putter-family" through the paces in th privacy of their Christmas holiday here at the royal estate. Only members of the royal family and a few selected guests attended. Conveyor on Truck Pulls Man to Death NEW YORK, Dec.

27 AP). A 66-year-old man was ground to death today in the conveyor apparatus of a city-owned ga'rbage truck. Police said Harry Reuber, who was not a member of the truck crew, attempted to dump rubbish into the truck while it was parked near his home. The whirling blades of the apparatus caught his arm and drew him in. The driver and two loaders who were collecting garbage nearby heard his shouts but were unable to shut off the mechanism in time.

0 6' r. fit v. 1 A- VACUUM CLEANER SERVICE l.f ui rnw the suction that eld iwttptr. It you or JM with r.iultt yow ewi ut nothing. No cloanor hop- Oon't lot dirt toy in your motor.

It louans its suction woto oloctricity and w.ars out oxpontivo ports. If you. iw cloanof is not picking up dirt in your motor is tho WE DO NOT TRY TO SELL OR REBUILT CLEANERS tur to gt an haiwst nswr to whthr your worthwhilo. Rmmbr, all rebuilt com front- thy thought, or woro told, that thir cianr repair. can point to many old motors fhat many n.w ons.

and Greasing Mofor $1.50 EACH With Repair Job Sold Separately. $2.00 Each NEW Your Cleaner is fully covered by Insurance whil in our hands. City Phono Suburban Phono MA 5-3037 0gontz2598 OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS TO 10 P.M. so you or vacuum is torn hem whin was beyond or superior to Cleaning RUSH Every day liver and Vacuum nt MMif SSfiwiiinitiriLiiiiiiif 1 mi ii.i.n aaiiim' arm in your neighborhood. Wo call, do estimato, no chargo.

No ardor too mall. Ono-year guarantee with all work and parts. 25 yoars Hi -V Cleaner business. benefit. They are (left to right) Eric Fishbein, of 3439 Ridge Kay Theiss, of 2531 N.

Napa Joan Boy er, of 3015 Colona Libby Palls, of 2543 N. 30th and Eddie Nussbaum, of 3347 W. Sergeant st. Youngsters enjoy the first outdoor skating; of the season last night at the old Robin Hood Dell pavilion, 33d and Huntingdon after the Park Commission took advantage of sub-freezing weather and flooded it for their I I til CDGEHILL PA. e-e ej I entist reported today.

The bugs become resistant to the drug, isoniazid, so it no longer can kill them. But the germs lose their ability to cause TB infection. They are disarmed in changing to meet the threat from the drug. This strange quirk in action of isoniazid was described to the American Association for the Advancement of Science by Dr. E.

Grunberg, of Hoffman-Laroche, Nutley, N.J. HOPEFUL SIGN This is what happens, at least, in test-tubes. Germs that become resistant to the drug don't cause TB infection when injected into guinea pigs or mice, he said. If this same kind of disarmament occurs in human TB, it is a hopeful sign in treatment of this stubborn disease. TB germs in humans are known to become resistant after a while to doses of isoniazid.

But if the germs can't cause more sickness, this resistance would not be very important. The stumbling block in drug treatment of TB has. been the fact that the wily germs become resistant to drugs. These resistant drugs still can cause infection. The drug works for a time, then the patient may get worse as the drug loses its punch.

WARMER WEATHER Weather prediction warmer and drier for the next few hundred years in the United States was made by Dr. Paul B. Sears, professor of conservation at Yale University in a report to the meetings. The evidence comes from pollens, like those that cause hay lever, found buried in layers in the Dr. Sears and colleagues dug ul fossilized pollens from trees from below the surface of dried-up lake beds in New Mexico and Mexico.

The layers form a record of changes; in vegetation and climate dating back for a thousand years. ACT-AS BAROMETER In New Mexico, the pollens showed a gradual change from predominant- ly spruce to pine forests, he said. Spruce grows best in cool, moist climate, and pine trees in warm, dry weather. Below the layers of spruce pollens were pollens from oak, fir and alder trees, which also like cool Weather. The pollens are a barometer pointing to warmer, drier climate in coming years for this country and the northern hemisphere, he said.

Dr. Asbell Gets Hospital Post I Dr; Nathan Asbell, Camden physician and surgeon, yesterday was appointed acting medical director of the Camden County Hospitals at Lakeland by Freeholder Joseph M. Sandone, director of institutions. Asbell. married and the father of two children, lives at 1226 Empire Camden.

He succeeds Dr. William C. Williams, of Haddon Heights, who died Wednesday. Dr. Williams had been medical director at Lake-1 land since 1942.

Asbell has served as physician at the Camden county jail for the last three years. He was graduated from the University of London and took a post-graduate course in surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He is a former teacher of anatomy at Hannemann Medical College, an assistant surgeon at St. Joseph's Hospital and a member of the staff of the Skin and Cancer Hospital. During the Second World War he served as a lieutenant in the Coast Guard.

Ihipmeht wrweo An 18-year-old high school junior nho told detectives he held up the Delphi Hotel at 1722 Arch st. at 7 P. M. yesterday, because he wanted to see "what it felt like," was arrested after a three-block chase that ended in front of the Fox Theater, 16th and Market sts. Detective John Murray said the suspect, Paul Brewer, of Green st.

i near 18th. who told him he was a student at Roman Catholic High School for Boys, Broad and Vine was seized by Motor Bandit Patrolmen Albert Baxter and William Maloney in front of the theater, where some 50 patrons were standing in line waiting to buy tickets. Murray said a holdup man entered the Arch st. hotel, pointed a gun at the desk clerk. Blanche Bonds, 28, of 2007 South and demanded money.

Miss Bonds gave the bandit a change purse containing $7.60 and he fled to the street. Miss Bonds ran after him, shouting for help. Her screams attracted Robert Caldwell, 22. of 1918 Arch who gave chase. At 17th and Market sts.

Caldwell met the policemen, who joined the pursuit. At 16th and Market sts. they collared the suspect. He was taken to the 20th and But-tonwood sts. police station and held on charges of holdup and robbery.

Murray said he carried a toy gun. France Bans Watchtower PARIS. Dec. 27 AP). The French Governments official journal said today the Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses magazine, has been banned from France and all French territories.

LCMAX 22sSfr OPEIMOIh 10 P. M. AntpU Frem Parking in Oar Yore? Otr of he largest stocks i U. S. AXMINSTER BR0ADL00MS 9x128.3x10.6 $39" TWIST 9x12 9x10.6 9x13.6 9x15 75.00 92.50 102.50 9x18 12x12 2x15 12x18 12x21 15x18 122.50 110.00 136.00 162.00 196.00 210.00 AMERICAN ORIENTALS 9x12 9x10.6 heavy 147.50 Large Sizes in Stock 27" QUALITY CARPETS AM Crxio Fiaisked FKX $2.50 At inil.

Jason- an 4 Orfeane, 3M North 1 Sonars Eaat of Knutnctoa Ave- Phils. Opes t'ti. A.M. I P.M. Tm ist A.

M. T. M. 1953 BRAND NEW 3-Pc. Sewing Set 1 TOO LA it CHB1STMA5 You save on this late arrival! Handsome Sofa Bed, beautifully upholstered in choice and super-cushioned with Foam Rubber over Inner-springs, seats 3.

sleeps 2. 9 12 IMPORTED DESIGN mr I. i SUPER-CUSHIONING 11 Crash Ends. Flight Of Stolen Auto Police chased an allegedly stolen car for nearly three miles through West Philadelphia streets early yesterday, fired five shots at it and finally caught up with it when the car crashed into a parked automobile at 48th and Sansom sts. The driver gave his name as William Mathews, 29, of Logan ave.

near Mt. Carmel North Hills. Patrolmen Joseph Rago and Joseph Rafferty saw the car passing Lancaster ave. and 40th st. They had been notified it had been stolen from in front of the Penn Sheraton Hotel, 39th and Chestnut sts.

They said the car belonged to Sidney Kane, of Providence, R. who had lent it to Otis Richardson, who was staying at the hotel. Mathews was taken to Osteopathic Hospital but refused treatment for cuts. Mrs. Eisenhower 'Confined by Cold 1 NEW YORK, Dec.

27 (AP). Mrs. 1 Dwight D. Eisenhower was confined to bed with a cold today. Dr.

Howard Snyder, a friend and physician of the -President-elect, said Mrs. Eisenhower's condition was not serious and that she would be out of bed tomorrow. The 1953 laquiror edition of Information Pleas Almanac if now available. It's bigger and better than ever. Send $1 to Box 8225.

Phila. 1, Pa. for yours. limited Quantify He Carrying Chares en oar 3-piymtnt plan Sail csi I yjtot 1 it I I I All 3 Tf $1.25 WEEKLY 1 ROUND BOBBIN TQ SELL AT SOFA BED, WEEKLY Made to Sell for $99 ORIENTAL RUGS Authentic oriental designs, somlss firs? quality rugs woven through to th make this our best rug valuel Location of; 1 CONSHOHOCKEN 6-2332 Darroit 29. Michioon (trXmr si-si.

"S.Hfc.-1 zzr Robbers Haul For Cash Loot Theft of a safe containing $200 in cash and a stack of insurance policies and stocks and bonds from the home of a Bridgeport dentist, vacationing with his family in Florida, was reported yesterday by Chief John Boyle, of the Upper Merion township police. The burglary was at the home of Dr. Samuel Weiss, at Valley Forge and Henderson on the outskirts of Bridgeport. Dr. Weiss, his wife and their son Missing Persons Man Seeking Real Parents By WILLIAM C.

ROWAN IVEN in adoption early in child- Kjf hood, James A. Madison, of Providence, R. has appealed to the Missing Persons Bureau of the Philadelphia Police Department to help him find his father and mother. According to what he learned about himself, Madison was taken from a Melrose, orphanage by foster parents whom he later thought were his own father and mother, and he probably would never have known otherwise had not the foster parents divulged how he happened to be under their care. He was then 12.

and practically since has been searching for his parents. He was recently told, he said, that his father was working in Philadelphia as a stevedore, but has been unable to obtain any informa tion regarding his mother. Joseph Misiaczek. of Central Falls R. is seeking his mother from whom he became separated 38 years I ago when his father took him back to Poland, his native country.

Misia- Polish Army in the Second World War and returned to the United States in 1947 as a repatriate, believes his mother is now married to a construction contractor who lived on Norris st. above 6th. He said his father died in Poland. ITH two children dependent Edith Shearer, of Quakertown, requested search for her divorced husband, Ellsworth S. Shearer, who, she stated, promised a specified monthly payment for the maintenance of the children.

He is supposed to have gone to Cheyenne, Wyo. Expressing concern over his welfare, Mrs. Nette B. Lewis, of Cincinnati, pleaded for word of James H. Laney, a son by a previous mar riage.

Named as heir of an estate bequeathed by an uncle of Lancaster, inquiry is being directed for Kenneth Butt, who was a resident of this city two years ago. At the request of the Pennsylvania State police, the bureau is co-operating in a search for Theodore Malaski, of Greenville, unheard of since last June when he left home to join his mother in Cleveland, where she was visiting relatives. The bureau was also asked to as sist in locating John H. Donerly, an employe of a utility company in New Brunswick, N. missing since December 12.

About a week before he disappeared Donerly was injured in a fall down a flight of stairs while on duty. I BEHALF of an aunt in her native country, an effort is being made to trace the whereabouts of Mrs. Erika Augusta Brown, who emi grated from Hamburg, Germany, in 1940, and lived temporarily in Ocean City, N. before moving here. It was reported that Mrs.

Brown had been seen in the neighborhood of 17th and Clearfield sts. Mrs. Lina Stempel, who left Sin-gen-Hohentweil, Germany, in 1924 with her father, who is believed to have since died, was inquired for by Luise Berg, a niece, of Mulheim, Germany. Gustave Leist, of Hersfeld, Germany, is eager, to learn the address of descendants of an uncle. Wilhem Ossman, who established a clothing factory after coming from Germany in 1912 Hugo Guerning and his wife.

Paula formerly of Wurzburg. Germany, are being sought by Mrs. Juliaine Hirsch. a niece, of Barmen, Germany, who became separated from all rela tives in her homeland during the war. Away Safe of Only $200 left for Miami a few days before Christmas.

i Boyle said the house had been ran sacked thoroughly but only the safe was taken. The thieves passed up fur coats, jewelry and a valuable collec tion of guns, Boyle said. The dial of the safe was found in the garage at the rear of the house. Bovle said the burglars had attempt ed to open the vault but, failing, had hauled it off in an automobile. The burglary was discovered by two hunters, Fred Strunack, of 1d02 DeKalb Bridgeport, and Ralph Fink, of 4th West Conshohocken.

Passing through a field to the rear of the Weiss house, Strunack noticed that the back door was open. He knew Dr. Weiss was in Florida. The hunters notified police. Boyle telephoned Dr.

Weiss. Pickets Demand Clemency for Spies WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (AP). Pickets, shivering in near freezing weather, began what they called "a clemency vigil" outside the White House tonight, demanding that the President save Ethel and Julius Rosenburg. convicted atomic spies, from the electric chair.

The Rosenbergs are scheduled to die the week of Jan. 11 in New York's Sing Sing death house, where they have been imprisoned since shortly after they were convicted on March 29. 1951, of conspiring to transmit atomic secrets to the Soviet Union, Repeated appeals to the courts, including two to the Supreme Court, have been rejected. Only Presidential action can save them from death now. Family Food Bill Ti PrP Ar -2 it? ai NEW YORK, Dec.

27 (UP) The family food bill today is two and a half times as much as it was just before the Second World War, the National Industrial Conference Board said. In the latest chart in its series of weekly "Road Maps of Industry," the board said the biggest blow to the housewives' budgets was meat with price tags almost triple those before the war. The chart noted that among important items in diet, cereals and baked goods showed the most moderate rise in price since 1939. They now sell at twice the pre-war price, the board said. Applications for Mabel Bundick.

30. 312 Christian and Orover Richard. 36, 325 FUzwater it. Billye Pitt. 23.

Austin, and Albert Bryan. 29. 212a Locust it. Frances Justice. 19.

2120 FUzwater and Clarence Hall. 23. 2126 Filzwater t. Marie Luciani, 30. 2335 S.

Carlisle and Leo Aubrey. 23. 3545 Krnsingiou ave. bra nil Peters. 26.

1929 N. 7th and Henry Ecret. 34, 509 S. Broad st. Jane Donahue.

29. 708 DeKalb and Edmund Baldastarre. 33. 1614 St. Durothy Eckcrrt, 22, 3109 Oaul and Charles Klein.

22, 3O30 Chatham st. Ce.sira Cattanro. 56. 426 E. Oirard and Elbert Broer.

65, 426 E. Girard ave. Lillian Kanetl. 19. 3008 Euclid and Paul 20.

3216 W. York at Ruth Orimn. 1104 S. 27th and Jamre Alexander, 22. 2724 Grays Ferry ave.

Kathryn Murphy. 21. 1659 N. Edgewood and Anthonv Gros.e. 21, 6141 Master st.

Eleanor Mlod ikowslci. 26. 123 Pemberton and Georae Bevis. 30. 729 N.

50th st. Nancy Crouthers. 20. 2941 N. 22d and Ross Joseph, 25.

Lisbon, O. Barbara Richardson, 23. 1616 N. 13th and Fred Greene. 31.

1163 S. Cleveland ave. Phyllis Isreal. 20. 5206 Berks and Morris Pearson.

33. 6044 Baltimore ave. Lillian Thomas. 23, 1859 N. VanPelt and James Wideman.

2. 2219 N. Ltxr st. Elizabeth Williams. 42.

2206 W. Norris stand Andrew Fisher. 46. 2206 W. Norris st.

Maryanne Bradley. 19, 2H58 N. Taney and James Miron. 20, 2534 Brown st. Jessie Dunn.

18. 3431 N. Lee and Thomas Kelly. 18. 560 '2 E.

Godfrey aye. Jane Weart. 21. 2708 Kirkbridc and Joseph Flynn. 24, 2767 Kirkbride st.

Martha Euerle. ZZ. 2858 N. Taylor ana Matrin Morgan. 23.

4018 Per in st. Anna May Pommer. 19, 5076 Olenloch and Webster Cligerman. 21, Baltimore, Md. Marie Mahetta, 18.

2816 Salmon and Joseph Spills. 25. 2374 Margaret st. Elsie Butler. 41.

3011 W. Oxford and Robert Wells. 50. 1633 French st. Florence Miazga.

24. 3285 Chatham and Nicholas Pietropaol. 26. 2525 Somerset st. Marie Catherine Stra't.

22. 251 Roxborough and Robert Ruch. 24. 251 Roxborounh ave. Daphne Tucker.

21. 6103 Vine and Perry Robinson. 20. 636 N. 4 5th St.

Betty Ford. 17. 3579 Indian Queen Lane, and Islie Johnson. 19. 3106-B Abbottsford ave.

OIK, a Yancy. 21. 2101 W. Diamond and Wendell Richardson, 26. 2101 W.

Diamond st. Freeman. 18. 1508 N. 20th and Calvin Maddox.

20. 1543 N. 30th at. Lois Stetler. 21.

538 E. Parker and Ross Young. 26. Oriffan. Ga.

Shirley Roats. 19. 2810 N. 3d and Joseph Rieder. 25.

2859 N. 5th St. Bernice Taylor. 21. 1601 N.

12th and Alexander Johnson. 24. 2438 Clifford at. Mary Musser. 18.

2927 Weikel and Ernest DeSantls. 26. 2619 8. 13th at. Florence Balno, 20.

5648 Beaumont and Ann McBride. 21. 2644 Belgrade at. and 1117 WUccyuU, 23. 2520 1.

Latuia art. Parade Shifts PTC Routes PTC announced yesterday that it would reroute trolleys and busses from Market and Broad in the area covered by the Mummers' parade next Thursday. Market st. Routes 17 and 36 will operate east on Chestnut st. and west on Walnut st.

As on Sundays, Routes 21 and 32 will be combined, operating on 17th and 18th and Route 18 will not operate. Bus Routes A and XB will operate on the Parkway to 15th to Spruce then west on Spruce st. to 16th to the Parkway. Route (City Line Division) busses will turn off Broad st. at Master traveling to 15th south to Oregon east to Broad st.

and over regular route. Northbound busses will leave Broad st. at Oregon go east to 13th north to Master west to Broad st. and then over regular route. Route (Somerville Division) busses will operate on 15th and 13th instead of Broad between Master and Pine sts.

In the afternoon, when the clubs march on 2d Route 5 southbound cars will turn off 2d st. at Fairmount, traveling west on Fairmount ave. to 4th to Ritner st. Northbound cars will operate from 4th and Ritner via Ritner 5th and Berks st. to Front st.

then over regular route. Leader Collapses, Flown 0 Hospital William M. Leader, president of Branch 1, Hosiery Workers Union (APL), was flown back from Miami. late Friday after collapsing on the beach there and he is undergoing a series of examinations at Temple University Hospital, it was disclosed yesterday. Doctors indicated that Leader, who is 55, was suffering from an infection which followed the extraction of several teeth just before he went to Florida early last week with his wife.

It was the couple's first vacation in two years. Leader was given emergency treatment after collapsing, then was placed aboard a plane for the flight to this city. Lewis' Brother Boosted WEST FRANKFORT. 111., Dec. 27 UP).

John L. Lewis brother Howard has been named a vice president of Old Ben Coal it was announced today. Lewis formerly was underground superintendent of the firm, which has five mines in Southern Illinois. MarYiage Licenses Rosalie Wolovits. 22.

2543 N. Newkirk and Stuart Kaplan. 24 5810 Willows ave. Dorothy Bastianelli. 26.

Bethlenem, and reler wainmeier. zi. Detroit. Mich. Aril Perper.

22. Miami Beach, and Peter Cocnrac. Z7. pottstown. pa.

Margaret Fiannery. 45. 4626 Hazel and Anthony DiGiulio. 40. 5731 Pearl st.

Margaret Rita Ovington. 25. 2540 E. Indiana and John Berkley, 27. 1711 Riltenhouse square.

Alberta Valentine. 22. 2247 N. 2 2d and William Miller. 22.

2217 N. Woodstock st. Charlotte Goldsmith. 20. 2507 N.

29th and Theodore Safian. 22, 4310 Wyalusing ave. Esther Bender. 37. 1833 E.

Atlantic and Alexander Dent. 31. 1838 E. Atlantic st. Gwendnlvn Allen.

22. 4331 Fleming and Richard Peyton. 24. 3749 N. Grata st.

Jane Jasionowski, 28. 3231 Salmon and Stanley Grzyminski. 35. Comly St Academy Rds. Susanna Footman.

22. 1903 N. Darien and Edward Taylor. 26. 1822 N.

11th st. Svlvia Riley. 22. 62 E. and Charlrs Retd.

26. 1940 N. Caimc si. Earleen Christopher. 22.

5209 Kershaw st and cl*tlord Chester. 25. 5209 Kershaw St. Anna Malatesta. 22.

5121 Harlan and ftaipn zi, nerwyn. Irene Sacwright. 22. 800 W. Tioga and Berttjold Maekelbu-g.

Z7. 9201 Bustleton aye. Doris Holden. 21. 6427 Windsor and John 23.

6447 Dicks ave. Lillian Glbbs. 22. 2421 N. Warnock stand Clarence Williford.

21. 2046 N. Mervine st. Mary Gray, 42. 5223 Addison and George Mcuevm.

ozz: Addison st. Carolyn Cipparone. 18. 2545 S. Sartain at.

and rhomas Cnlrico. 19. 2832 S. Camac st Mary Laird. 25.

3518 N. 6th and James Met orrlstin. 25. Moorestown. w.

J. Theresa Scarllng. 26. 6719 Linmore and Vincent Cifone. 23.

6141 Haverford ave. Willie Lee Bronson. 16; 2407 W. Turner and George Sharkey. 22.

1414 N. 27th at. Rita D'Adamo. 21. 1830 Hoffman and Nicholas Guida.

zz. Z140 B. Woodstock at. Evelyn Glassey. 18.

1649 Germantown ave and William Kuchera. 20. 3931 N. 8th st. Roseanne Penot.

19. 2623 8. Robinson ana utvia sicciufxey. zii K13H un and st. Letty Sortino.

31. 610 Wadsworth and rniiip Arcnooia. zti. oiu wadsworth st. Violet Foster.

18 7244 SRybrook and nen wimDeriy. zu. p4 t.nest.nut at. Gwendolyn Fields. 20.

2237 W. Oxford at and Kelly Childs. 20. 613 Hutton st. Diris Kirpach.

23. 159 W. Fern and Wal'ace Stack. 24. Taunton.

Mass Edith Chnrlesworth. 18. 2529 N. Jessuo ana Bruce prendcrgast. zi.

5L'49 Knox at. Fdna Simmons, 24. 1627 W. Lehigh ave. and Edwin Hall.

22. 2005 W. Berks st. Doroth Edwards. 19.

1300 8 58th and Glenn Shallis. 20. 5115 Willow ave. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN Hyman. France a.

George. Kalinowski. Edward vs. Mafalda. McGinn.

Mary A. vs. James J. Bunts. Theresa vs.

Gottlieb. Ermel. Florence by her guardian, Wilmt Sine v. Raymond Lxrvla. Dorothy Beicn Llord.


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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? ›

Founded on June 1, 1829, The Philadelphia Inquirer is the third-longest continuously operating daily newspaper in the nation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

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Founded on June 1, 1829, The Philadelphia Inquirer is the third-longest continuously operating daily newspaper in the nation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

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The stunning, 36,500 square foot workspace at 100 S. Independence Mall West honors the Inquirer's enduring legacy as Philadelphia's newspaper of record, while also marking its status as a leader in modern media.

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The Philadelphia Foundation

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The Philadelphia Inquirer | Founded 1829, Pulitzer Prize, Pennsylvania | Britannica.

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Inquirer Holdings Incorporated (also known as the Inquirer Group of Companies) is a mass media conglomerate based in Makati, Philippines with the Philippine Daily Inquirer as its flagship brand. The company is majority-owned by Pinnacle Printers Corporation, the holding investment arm of the Rufino-Prieto matriarch.

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Owned by the non-profit Lenfest Institute since 2014, the newspaper reaches more than 13.3 million people a month across its print editions,, e-Editions, apps, newsletters, and live events.

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The Inquirer (stylized as TheINQUIRER) was a British technology tabloid website founded by Mike Magee after his departure from The Register (of which he was one of the founding members) in 2001. In 2006 the site was acquired by Dutch publisher Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeverijen (VNU).

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Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.