Alkalinity of water - Big Chemical Encyclopedia (2024)

Anionic radical (OH-) primary contributor to alkalinity of water. [Pg.741]

Logarithmic scale for expressing acidity or alkalinity of water (7.0 to 0 indicates increasing acidity 7.0 to 14 indicates increasing alkalinity). Measured by means of a glass electrode/reference electrode pair immersed in the water sample under test. The potential difference depends upon the pH which is then displayed on a pH meter (high input impedance, millivoltmeter). [Pg.749]

The acidity and alkalinity of water solutions and, therefore, differences in their acidity or alkalinity, can be quantified and assigned numerical values. One way of doing this is to express the concentration of hydrogen ions in solutions on a numerical scale. Such a scale is provided by the widely accepted pH scale, in which the strength or weakness of acid or alkaline... [Pg.249]

As will be shown later, the saturation pH may conveniently be expressed in terms of total alkalinity and other parameters. The alkalinity of water is defined as its capacity to neutralize any acid added to it. When an acid represented by is added to a hydroxide represented by OH , the acid will be neutralized according to the reaction + OIE HOH. Thus, the hydroxide is an alkaline substance. When the acid is added to a carbonate, the acid is also neutralized according to the reaction 2H + C03 H2CO3. Carbonate is therefore also an alkaline substance. By writing a similar reaction, the bicarbonate ion will also be shown to be an alkaline substance. [Pg.535]

The alkalinity of water has been defined as its capacity to react with any acid added to it. Thus, if any hydrogen ion is present, this must be subtracted to reflect the overall alkaline capacity of the water. Letting represent the total alkalinity. [Pg.536]

Many substances, both naturally occurring and synthetic, display colors that depend on the pH of the solutions in which they are dissolved. Some of these substances, which have been used for centuries to indicate the acidity or alkalinity of water, are still employed as acid/base indicators. [Pg.369]

The alkalinity of water is measured as the residual sodium carbonate (RSC) value,... [Pg.278]

Alkalinity of waters is mainly due to salts of strong bases and salts of weak acids. Alkalinity of many surface waters is primarily a function of hydroxide, carbonate and bicarbonate concentrations. Bicarbonate is the major contributor to alkalinity and it... [Pg.197]

Hydrochloric acid, HCl, which is completely dissociated into H+faqland Cl (aq), is a product of the reaction (6), and hence chlorination is a process which reduces the total alkalinity of water. From these equilibrium constants, we can calculate the... [Pg.243]

USE As indicator (0,1% in 60% alcohol) for alkalinity of water, urea, nitrite, etc. pH 6.8 red 8.0 yellow. Also used for preparing neutral-red paper. As biological stain (study Of the Golgi apparatus in cells). [Pg.1025]

Bowman, D.R., T.C. Tso, and J.R Chaplin Leaf characteristics of four flue-cured varieties according to stalk position, in. Starch, cellulose, lignin, wax, crude ash, and alkalinity of water soluble ash Tob. Sci. 17 (1973) 8-9. [Pg.1277]

The concentration of hydrogen ions is expressed in pH units, defined as the negative decadic logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions although they are in fact hydroxonium ions H3O . The pH value determines the degree of acidity or alkalinity of water and its solutions (Fig. 4.3). [Pg.332]

Base is a substance that accepts protons, that is, indicate the alkalinity of water. A strong base ionizes in solution and yields OH ions. Sodium and potassium hydroxides are examples of strong inorganic bases ... [Pg.9]

Floodwater pH in wetlands is usually regulated by the photosynthetic activity of periphyton communities and submerged macrophytes. Depending on the alkalinity of water, the pH values can increase to about 9 during the day and decrease to near neutral levels during the night. These diel changes are directly linked to the absence or presence of carbon dioxide. The possible sources of carbon dioxide in floodwater are as follows ... [Pg.96]

OH" forms H O, increases in CO " content and its excess precipitates. As a result, the change in COj7HCO" ratio is insignificant, and pH almost does not change. This buffer of ground waters operates in carbonate rocks where it maintains sufficiently high alkalinity of waters with pH of 9.3-11.3. [Pg.105]

Water level and degree of brackishness, oxygen level, temperature Acidity or alkalinity of water, oxidation-reduction potential, time Presence and type of microbes, rate of land subsidence... [Pg.60]

See other pages where Alkalinity of water is mentioned:[Pg.629]   [Pg.308]   [Pg.157]   [Pg.529]   [Pg.504]   [Pg.1103]   [Pg.120]   [Pg.261]   [Pg.62]   [Pg.267]   [Pg.115]   [Pg.631]   [Pg.631]   [Pg.231]   [Pg.254]   [Pg.278]   [Pg.281]   [Pg.281]   [Pg.297]   [Pg.297]   [Pg.1142]   [Pg.143]   [Pg.249]   [Pg.629]   [Pg.420]   [Pg.9]   
Alkalinity of water - Big Chemical Encyclopedia (2024)


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