Dissolution of magnesium was studied using an electrochemical flow cell combined with online analytics. The method has high sensitivity and congruency between electrochemical polarization experiments and magnesium concentrations detected downstream via inductively coupled plasma – mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The method used allowed quantification of magnesium dissolution during anodic and cathodic polarization and also without external currents, i.e. determination of dissolution rate at open circuit, which is not accessible by electrochemical techniques. The relationship between the applied current, and dissolved magnesium measured is presented and discussed in the broader context of past and recent works studying magnesium corrosion. The development of a surface film during anodic dissolution is described on the basis of an inventory of currents measured and applied.
There exists a high demand for increased usage of magnesium (Mg) as a structural material in a range of technological applications where weight reduction is beneficial, such as transportation and portable electronics. Corrosion resistance of Mg and its alloys continues to be a major barrier to industrial uptake of Mg as a structural material. The dissolution characteristics of Mg therefore remain an important research topic, particularly in the present period where there are conflicting perspectives in the literature on the mechanisms of Mg dissolution in aqueous electrolytes.1–12
In regards to the conflicting perspectives, they are nominally centered on the proposed theory of unipositive Mg (Mg+), for which Petty et al.1 is the only paper to claim evidence for its existence. Interestingly, the evidence presented by Petty was descriptive with no experimental data, which was not atypical of the era. To date, no compounds containing Mg+ have been isolated under atmospheric conditions, nor has any spectroscopic data ever been presented confirming even the transient appearance of such a species. This is important to note, because theories based on the existence of Mg+ have been proposed in more recent years in the field of corrosion research, with no reasonable proof of its existence,2–4,13–15 in spite of several historical papers providing alternative explanations to a Mg+ theory.16–19 Of relevance to Mg corrosion studies, the Mg+ theory is purported to account for the so-called 'negative difference effect' (NDE), which is the phenomenon by which the amount of hydrogen evolved from a Mg electrode increases as the electrode potential is polarized anodically, to more noble potentials. According to the Mg+ theory, superfluous hydrogen arises from a chemical reaction of Mg+ with water at some unknown distance away from the metal surface. However, several alternate explanations of the NDE exist, with one plausible explanation for the NDE being the notion that the cathodic reaction is catalyzed by Mg dissolution as outlined recently,10 which is consistent with the classic works noting enhanced 'reducing ability',16 and has also elegantly been shown by SVET measurements most recently.20
Given that recent results of multiple independent groups using a variety of analytical methods have provided evidence that discredit the unipositive Mg theory,9–12,20–25 the work herein was deemed as timely to contribute to the field by providing a first reporting of online analysis of dissolution using inductively coupled plasma – mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and to take a more comprehensive view of the anodic dissolution of Mg by being open to a dissolution description that is not confined by that of the Mg+ theory.
The ICP-MS method was recently shown to be effective for the determination of dissolution of Cu in real time, along with the accurate determination of the valence of the dissolving metal.26 The work herein is analogous to the study by Światowska,11 which employed the atomic emission spectroelectrochemical (AESEC) method to directly measure metal dissolution rates. Both methods determine the elemental composition of the electrolyte as a function of time downstream from an electrochemical flow cell. Ogle and coworkers developed the AESEC approach and showed it to be highly effective in various applications.24,27,28 The AESEC study by Światowska revealed excellent agreement for dissolution of Mg as Mg2+.11 Herein we report the dissolution of Mg using combined polarization and ICP-MS during anodic and cathodic polarization and also without external currents (open circuit). In the present work, the applied signals are galvanostatic, which is an important distinction from the work of Światowska who used potential control.11 A more recent study by Leboiul et al. describes the combined use of the AESEC method and a novel hydrogen collection system,24 termed time resolved volumetry, TRV. That work also unequivocally precludes the unipositive Mg+ mechanism. It was shown24 that Mg dissolution via Mg2+ corresponds with applied current, but that there also exists an independent and persistent cathodic hydrogen evolution during Mg dissolution accounting for the so-called 'negative difference effect'. A model of the NDE was discussed in terms of a surface film model whereby a portion of Mg2+ was incorporated into a surface film instead of being detected downstream; whilst it was also demonstrated that the amount of hydrogen evolved was not a unique function of the applied (potential controlled) polarization.24
The presence of a surface film during anodic polarization is in agreement with recent TEM images from FIB derived surface sections that reveal a several hundred nm thick MgO/MgOH2 surface film formed upon anodically polarized pure Mg.29 Additionally, there is also unequivocal evidence of persistent cathodes on an anodically polarized Mg surface as detected by SVET.29 Whether the sites of local cathodic activity are regions of noble/impurity metal enrichment (noting that potentials at which Mg dissolves are well below the dissolution potentials of metals such as Fe, Cu, Ni, etc.) is yet to be determined. Nonetheless, persistent (and growing) cathodes have been spatially imaged during anodic Mg dissolution.25 During anodic dissolution of Mg, it is likely that sites of noble metal enrichment and a surface film both exist, the quantification of which needs to be determined in ongoing works.29 Undoubtedly however, cathodic current emanates from an anodically polarized Mg surface, and Mg displays enhanced catalytic activity during anodic polarization.25 Discussion of such phenomena are presented herein based on the results from a comprehensive range of galvanostatic polarization measurements coupled with ICP-MS.
Pure Mg (99.98%, 17 ppm Fe) was used in this work, and in all cases was ground to a 2500 grit finish. Galvanostatic polarization experiments were performed with a Scanning Flow Cell (SFC) coupled to an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer. This setup allows for simultaneous electrochemical measurements and analysis of the dissolved amount of Mg downstream. A schematic of the SFC and cell dimensions have been described by Klemm.24
A working electrode area of 0.21 mm2 was defined by a silicone seal at the scanning flow cell tip. A platinum wire (Alfa Aesar, 99.997%, 0.1 mm diameter) was used as a counter electrode in the inlet channel, while the Ag/AgCl/3M KCl reference electrode (Metrohm) was placed in the outlet channel at a distance of 1.5 mm from the working electrode.
The electrolyte used was 0.01 M NaCl solution at a flow rate of 166 μL min−1. The electrolyte was pumped through the cell tubing (380 μm inner diameter, 2 mm outer diameter) and over the working electrode prior to being introduced into the ICP-MS system (NexION 300X, Perkin Elmer), equipped with a cyclonic spray chamber and a Meinhard nebuliser. ICP-MS data was recorded for 25Mg using 45Sc as the internal standard. Electrochemical control was achieved using a Gamry Reference 600 potentiostat.
ICP-MS data revealing the Mg concentration downstream was recorded starting a short time before pressing the SFC upon the sample, and continued during the galvanostatic polarization experiment until the cell was lifted off. Anodic and cathodic polarization experiments were performed each time on a new sample location starting at the OCP. The potentials were converted to the SHE scale by adding 214 mV. Mean values and standard deviations of the dissolution current density were calculated for the last 5 min of each exposure step.
Cathodic polarization
The Mg dissolution measured during a series of galvanostatic polarization steps, primarily in the cathodic direction, is shown in Figure 1. The applied current density (the current flowing from the potentiostat), iapp, can be compared to the current density associated with the measured concentration of dissolved Mg2+ ions, idiss(Mg2+), during polarization. Equation 1 was used to convert dissolved Mg concentration, cMg (M), to a dissolution current density:
where z = 2 is the charge transfer number (assuming that magnesium dissolves to form divalent Mg (Mg2+)), F is the Faraday constant, Vf is the volume flow rate, and A is the working electrode area. The sample was initially held at the OCP for 15 min followed by a preconditioning anodic step of 237 μAcm−2 for 10 min. This preconditioning allowed for the realization of a cMg greater than the open circuit dissolution rate. Following the anodic step, the Mg dissolution rate at OCP was more stable. The second OCP measurement was followed by a sequence of applied cathodic current steps each of 10 min, with the cathodic current density increased by increments of 119 μAcm−2.
From Figure 1 it is evident that cathodic polarization led to decreasing rates of Mg dissolution (idiss(Mg2+)). The application of cathodic polarization did not completely suppress idiss(Mg2+) until appreciable cathodic currents were applied; in this case total suppression of idiss(Mg2+) was not observed until the applied current density was ∼ −470 μA/cm2. The data presented in Figure 1 gives the raw data for one test run, however the test has been successfully reproduced several times.
Anodic polarization
Anodic dissolution results are reported in Figure 2. As was done during the cathodic dissolution experiment, the sample was initially held at the open circuit for 20 min followed by a preconditioning anodic step of 237 μAcm−2 for 10 min. The second open circuit measurement was followed by a sequence of applied anodic current steps, the duration of each step being 10 min and the increment between each step being 119 μA/cm2.
Figure 2 has several salient features, each of which merit description. First, there was some 'noise' in the collected signal, the origin of which was attributed to hydrogen gas bubbles by Światowska.11 Second, as iapp increased, the magnitude of idiss(Mg2+) approached the magnitude of iapp. This similarity of iapp and idiss(Mg2+) at higher anodic currents is also consistent with the data presented by Światowska.11 This is reinforced by presentation of a snapshot of raw data collected during an independent duplicate test on various locations upon an Mg sample, as seen in Figure 3. The third important feature is that idiss(Mg2+) was higher than the applied current density at small galvanostatic signals, indicating that the cathodic reaction was not reduced to zero during the (anodic) galvanostatic pulse, as is discussed further below.
In regards to further elaboration, we emphasize the setup used in this present study did not permit simultaneous hydrogen collection, and therefore the discussion is based not solely upon the results collected, but augmented by aspects from the literature and a hypothesis driven discussion that remains the focus of ongoing work.
Anodic Mg dissolution
The working electrode potential was measured during the galvanostatic polarization, which allows for the representation of the data in the form of log i – E curves. Figure 4 depicts the applied current density (iapp) and the dissolution current density (idiss(Mg2+)) as a function of potential. We note that the potential values were measured, i.e. the potential was not the independent controlled variable, as was the case in a previous study performed under galvanostatic conditions.10 As expected, the log of the Mg dissolution rate increased linearly with increasing potential, showing the form of typical anodic metal dissolution behavior. The nominal Tafel slope is ∼300 mV/dec, however the plotted E values in Figure 4 were not corrected for ohmic potential (IR) drop and so the actual (anodic) Tafel slope is less than this value. Uncompensated IR drop is expected to be present during polarization due to the resistance associated with hydrogen bubble evolution at the electrode surface. This aspect is addressed further below. Significant IR drops were also evident in other works.10
Besides using a different Mg ion measurement method, one key difference of this work compared to the study by Światowska11 is that the dissolution was studied under current (galvanostatic) control. Galvanostatic control allows for the determination of more data points closer to the open circuit potential, which are difficult to access by potentiostatic polarization owing to the non-polarisable nature of Mg dissolution.
Hydrogen evolution rate
The kinetics of hydrogen evolution (HE) can be evaluated based on the applied current (iapp) and measured Mg2+ dissolution current (idiss(Mg2+)). Assuming that magnesium dissolution to form Mg2+ and hydrogen evolution (from the reduction of water) were the only reactions taking place on the working electrode surface, and that all of the Mg2+ ions were transported to the ICP-MS system (100% detection efficiency), the HE current density, iHE, can be determined from the difference of the applied current density, iapp, and idiss(Mg2+).
Included in Figure 4 is the rate of HE hydrogen evolution calculated from Eqn. 2. Because idiss(Mg2+) decreased with increasing applied cathodic current, the rate of hydrogen evolution increased, which is to be expected because it is the primary cathodic reaction. The apparent Tafel slope is about 329 mV/dec. The persistence of Mg dissolution at cathodic potentials was also previously observed,11 however the data presented herein were collected under galvanostatic conditions allowing for direct comparisons on a current basis, as discussed further below.
The curve for iHE indicates that the rate of HE decreased continuously in the region of anodic polarization. The kinetics shown in Figure 4 are of the form expected for a typical mixed potential corrosion system with anodic reaction rate increasing exponentially and cathodic reaction rate decreasing exponentially as the potential increases. However, this is not a typical corroding system. Mg dissolution exhibits the negative difference effect, and previous investigations have shown that the rate of HE increases with increasing anodic potential,2,10 in apparent contradiction to the calculated rate of HE shown in Figure 4. In fact, it is now appreciated that the assumption used to produce Figure 4, i.e. that no additional hydrogen gas is formed, is not accurate based on the more definitive works in,24,25 with Williams clearly observing persistent hydrogen evolved as a cathodic process. None the less, we present Figure 4 as we have, in order to build the subsequent discussion from simple principles. Despite the trend shown by the iHE line in Figure 4, significant hydrogen bubbles were observed (visually, again noting that hydrogen could not be quantified by the setup here) to evolve on the sample surface at the highest applied currents, indicating an increase of the HE rate for high anodic polarization. Data for the highest anodic current tested are shown in Figure 5, which reveals the signal collected. The average idiss(Mg2+) measured during this period was 2390 μAcm−2, whilst the iapp was 2256 μAcm−2. However, large and somewhat periodic fluctuations in idiss(Mg2+) are evident with instantaneous values both higher and lower than iapp. Such fluctuations could likely be caused by the effects of hydrogen bubbles that evolved from the surface affecting the transport of dissolved Mg ions to the ICP system, or indicative of instability and the jumping between two surface conditions.
In general, the measured potential during polarization was more stable than idiss(Mg2+) at every applied current density, but the fluctuations in both the potential and idiss(Mg2+) were greatest at the highest applied current densities. The fluctuations in potential were also affected by varying ohmic resistance associated with the evolution of the gas bubbles. However, there was no strong correlation between the potential and current noise. It should be noted that idiss(Mg2+) was calculated from the ICP data, and was not directly responsible for any ohmic potential drop. Nonetheless, hydrogen bubbles would be expected to influence both idiss(Mg2+) and measured potential.
As described above, the calculated (ideal) curve for iHE in Figure 4, which is based on Equation 2, is not an accurate representation of the real rate of HE, which continued and even increased with high anodic polarization. We recall the setup used in this study did not permit simultaneous collection of hydrogen gas. Data from a previous study in which the rate of hydrogen evolution was measured using a conventional electrochemical cell, however which did not allow for measurement of idiss(Mg2+),10 is therefore used as a proxy herein. The use of these data (from)10 requires the assumption that the relationship between HE (*iH2) and iapp is the same in both systems despite differing cell geometry. Nonetheless, the previous data can be fitted to extract the following empirical relationship:
where *iH2 is the current density calculated from the rate of HE as a function of iapp for pure Mg in the anodic region. This expression is shown in Figure 6 along with the values of iMgtot and iapp, although here on a linear scale. The rate of HE increased with potential even though the difference between idiss(Mg2+) and iapp decreased.
The total rate of Mg oxidation, iMgtot, must therefore be represented by the total cathodic current generated, which is the sum of the current flowing through the potentiostat to the distant counter electrode, iapp, and the current consumed by the local hydrogen evolution on the anode, iH2:
A line for iMgtot is shown in Figure 6 assuming that iH2 = *iH2. This total rate of Mg oxidation was not reflected by the current measured by ICP, idiss(Mg2+), because some of the oxidization current is hypothesized to have been used in the formation of insoluble product, i.e. either a surface film or some other insoluble oxidized species.24 Assuming that the insoluble product is all surface film, the current going to film formation would be the difference between iMgtot and idiss(Mg2+). Therefore,
Figure 6 also shows a line for iMg,film. It is important to reiterate that iH2 in Equations 4 and 5 was assumed to be *iH2, which is the fit from previous data, and not the value given by Eqn. 2, which was described to be inaccurate. It is possible to integrate iMgfilm to determine a nominal film thickness as shown in Figure 7. The thickness will depend on the film composition and is given in Figure 7 for the cases of MgO or MgOH2. Very recent work from Taheri29 indicated that a surface film of ∼400 nm was formed following anodic polarization of pure Mg at −1.0 VSCE (∼ −0.75VSHE). Similarly, the film thickness calculated from the work of Lebouil24 is approximately 2000 nm. Such values are consistent with those given in Figure 7, but this is obviously an important avenue of future work, which is being pursued.
An interesting revelation from the present work that has not been uniquely appreciated previously, is the implication of the data revealing that idiss(Mg2+) ≈ iapp at higher values of iapp. This is in itself an important outcome, which has been determined independently herein. An implication of this, is that according to Equation 5, it is seen that iMgfilm ≈ iH2, which is observed in Figure 6. It would not necessarily be expected that the current associated with film formation is equal to the rate of the local cathodic reaction as it is reasonable to assume that the electrons used for HE might come from oxidation anywhere on the electrode surface. This observation that essentially all of the current associated with local hydrogen evolution was used for film formation with high efficiency suggests that the electrolyte near the dissolving Mg electrode reached saturation quickly. Every hydroxide ion released by water reduction combined with Mg2+ ions to form insoluble product. This is more remarkable given that the electrolyte was flowed past the working electrode surface. In view of the relationship between iMgfilm and iH2, along with anodic (ia) and cathodic (ic) currents on anodically polarized Mg (noting that a true cathodic current, ic, exists and is measurable on Mg),25 the observation described above is in agreement with independent SVET work of Williams25 who revealed a corresponding and related increase in ic with ia for a fixed applied current (iapp).
In addition, Mg2+ generally hydrolyses very weakly, causing the pH to increase during Mg dissolution due to the effects of the cathodic reaction. This was shown visually by Kirkland, who used an indicator in the electrolyte to reveal pH increasing at the dissolving anode.9 Mg will hydrolyse and Mg(OH)2 will precipitate if the pH tends toward alkaline, and therefore the OH− generated by local hydrogen evolution (aspects of which are elaborated in)30 is critical in forming film.
Future work will contribute to a holistic understanding of the dissolution by studies in buffer solutions that may prohibit the formation (and hence, breakdown) of any protective layers. In particular, when coupled with the findings from recent complementary data,24 SVET,12,20,25 and detailed surface sensitive electron microscopy,29,31,32 the physical origins of the NDE are being elucidated. Enhanced catalytic behavior of Mg is in operation during anodic dissolution of Mg,11 whilst it can be affirmed that there is no requirement for assuming that Mg+ is required, nor does Mg+ play a role based on the data described herein.
The combined electrochemical testing and ICP-MS analysis of Mg2+ performed on Mg in 0.01M NaCl was able to reveal the relationship between iapplied and idiss(Mg2+). Using galvanostatic polarization, the work herein was seen to be complementary to the study of Swiatkowska11 and Lebouil24 who employed potential control along with downstream spectroelectrochemical analysis; whilst revealing an Mg dissolution stoichiometry of Mg2+. Galvanostatically controlled conditions allowed supplementary insights and information in the vicinity of the OCP.
There was evidence for persistent dissolution of Mg at low cathodic overpotentials, which diminished with increasing cathodic polarization.
The anodic dissolution (idiss(Mg2+)) was accounted for by the applied current (iapplied), but hydrogen evolution during anodic polarization was observed.
Although the work herein did not measure hydrogen evolution, using the hydrogen measured previously in similar conditions,10 along with the visual observation of hydrogen evolved at high anodic currents, resulted in the conclusion that some Mg2+ was involved in film formation. A hypothesis for the sequence of events accounting for all the associated currents during anodic dissolution of Mg was presented.
NB Acknowledges the Australian Research Council DP Scheme. Thanks to Alejandro Samaniego for technical assistance and experimental assistance provided by Andrea Mingers.